Queries :: How To Calculate Number Of Workdays In Access 2013

Aug 11, 2014

In the attached image I was trying to calculate number of working days(throughput) b/w item received_date and item_released date by using datadiff with "w" interval . but if I use "w" interval it brings value zero .but if I use "d" interval then it brings result with inclusive of Saturdays and Sundays.i don't need that.

How to calculate the number of working days exclusive of Saturdays and sundays.

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Modules & VBA :: Calculate Deadline With Workdays And Holidays

Mar 19, 2014

I am trying to get a module set-up that will add a number of workdays (no weekends, no holidays) to a date that is mentioned in a form and put the resulting deadline date in another field on the same form (date or remaining days to deadline would be even better).

Now it gets a little tricky, the module will need to select different amounts of workdays to be added to the date in the form depending on what status is selected (different statusses have different amounts of days).

I'll probably need:
List of holidays
List of days required per status
Start date (to which the days can be added).


Status = "DQ" which has 2 days to work with.
Start date in form = "21/03/2014".
Result = 25/03/2014 or preferably "2 days remaining".

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Access 2013 Report Data Showing Up As Number Rather Than Text

Aug 13, 2015

I have a people table; Ethnicity Table; Program Type Table; Attendance Table.

I enter the people into the people table then enter people into the attendance table with lookup for name from the people table and a lookup for program type from program type table and enter date attended. I then run a query on the attendance table to remove duplicates. I created a form from the attendance query there are 3 headers Program, Ethnicity, Name. but the program type comes up as the ID number and not the text name.

The Ethnicity did the same thing but when I added the Ethnicity from the people table to the ethnicity header it show up as the name and I hide the box with the number but when I add the program type from the program type table to the program header is changes the source of the report to the program type table and then nothing shows up. It did not do that when I added the ethnicity type from the ethnicity table to the ethnicity header.

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Queries :: Counting Days Between 2 Dates - Just Workdays

Oct 11, 2013

I have 2 dates that I need to count between. Easy enough just use the datediff right? Nope cause it won't count just the 5 workdays. I researched and found that the "w" in the function doesn't work the way I need it to. I found lots of code to make a module that will do it for me and they all include having a holiday table. Right now I don't need a holiday table I just want the simple dates in between.

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Queries :: How To Calculate Number Of Weeks Between Two Dates

Jun 25, 2013

My database includes two separate dates related to a vehicle purchase and default payments resulting in repossession. I need to find out how many weeks passed between those dates.

03/14/12 Date of automobile purchase
06/06/13 Date of last payment before default

How many weeks in between? And then I need to average all of those figures so my company can see the usual week-term time frame that our customers are defaulting and getting repossessed.

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Queries :: Calculate The Number Of Successful Backups Within A Window

Oct 16, 2014

I receive a report daily. From this report I need to calculate the number of successful backups within a window, and number of successful backups outside a window. The window is 7:00 a.m. The column contains date and time (10/15/2014 7:00 AM). Right now I have written the following query =Date() And > #7:00:00 AM#

I do not get any results even though there are 79 records that fit the criteria.

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Queries :: Extract Or Calculate Number Of Records In A Sequence

Jan 4, 2014

How to extract or calculate the number of records in a sequence - e.g. in a table/query ordered by ID and date, the number of consecutive records by date for a given ID that have a value >= 50 in a given field. Is there a way of doing this purely within a query, or would I have to resort to a VBA loop through a recordset and keep a count of the consecutive records that match that criteria?

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Queries :: Calculate Number Of Days Between Two Dates Using IIF Statement?

Nov 21, 2014

I'm trying to calculate the number of days between two dates using the iif statement

[LDW] "Last Day Worked"

DESCRIPTION: If ReturnedDate is null, then calculate the datediff "d" between LDW with Now(), if not, then calculate the datediff "d" between LDW with ReturnDate.

I tried this but it didn't work at all.

Days Absent: Iif(isnull([ReturnedDate],(DateDiff("d",[LDW],Now())),(DateDiff("d",[LDW],[ReturnedDate])))

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Queries :: Calculate Number Of Mountpoints Appeared In Table

Feb 15, 2015

I want to count number of mountpoints appear in the table.

As below sample table,
- Different mountpoints will appear, based on number of server using it. As you can see, the mountpoints will have repeating name based on number of server using it.
- The Count_Mountpoints will calculate number of total Mountpoints appear in the list.


I only managed to get number of TOTAL mountpoints.... but by individual's mountpoint total count...

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Queries :: Calculate Total Number Of Days Between Two Dates In A Query

Feb 18, 2015

Basically I have a report that shows any 'Issues' that wasnt closed within the KPI Target.

I have the report working, but I simply want to do a count of how many days the observations overran the 'Target Date of Closure'.

The report also shows observations that are not closed but passed their Target Date of Closure. These observations will not have a 'Actual Closure Date', but I would like to still have a count of how many days its overrun closure.

This is a formula I tried to piece together but obviously not correct as it's not returning anything;

IIf(IsNull([Issues]![Actual Closure Date]),DateDiff("d",[Issues]![Target Date of Closure],
Date()),DateDiff("d",[Issues]![Target Date of Closure],[Issues]![Actual Closure Date]))

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Queries :: Access 2013 Crashes When Printing Reports?

Dec 9, 2013

We have run into a problem with Access 2013 when trying to print reports. The program always crashes. Have updated printer driver for the HP LaserJet P2035.

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Queries :: Access 2013 - Filtering Report By Date?

Jan 14, 2014

Access version: 2013 / The user can click a button on the report that opens a form where they can select various filters. Once the user has selected the filters and clicks done, I have some VB code that fires which builds an SQL string with all of the filters selected. It then reopens the report with the new filter.

What I am running into issues with is one specific filter that the user can select. They can select a "from date" and "to date". Sometimes this filter returns what I want and sometimes it doesn't.

For example. I set 01/01/14 as the start date and end date as 15/01/14. <-- this works as desired.But if I put start date as 10/12/13 and end date 15/01/14 for example then it returns all previous records up to the specified end date. I.E dates such as 10/10/13 will show.

This is the VB code used to build the SQL for this filter:


newWhere = newWhere & "[FollowUpDate] > #" & Me.txtFromDateSelect & "# AND [FollowUpDate] < #" & Me.txtToDateSelect & "#" & " AND "

note: I have also tried using the between SQL syntax for querying the date to no avail and the same results.

This is the SQL that the above code creates:


[FollowUpDate] > #1/01/2014# AND [FollowUpDate] < #15/01/2014#

This only happens when I try select a start date prior to 12/12/13 (so the year is not the issue)

This happens both when I apply just the from date and to date filter and also when I mix it in with other filters. I.E Company name, product etc..

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Queries :: Create Stock Query In Access 2013

Nov 3, 2013

I have problem to create Stock query in Access 2013..I want to sum Purchasing numbers base ItemName in Purchasing table by query .. but i found error in summing?

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Queries :: Count Same And Differences / Calculate Percentage Of Number Of Same Over Total Amount

Jul 9, 2013

I am trying to count how many of the "same" and "differences", as well as calculate the percentages of the number of "same" over the total amount. To clarify, I work at a nursing home, and I need to calculate the number of people who were admitted to our facility and then to the hospital for the same diagnosis, and a different diagnosis. Then, out of the total number of people who were admitted to the hospital from our facility, I need to calculate how many of those people had the same diagnosis or a different diagnosis.

Also, I need to categorize these diagnosis by each type of diagnosis.

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Queries :: Making A Table From A Select Query In Access 2013

Jan 21, 2014

I have made a new access 2013 database. I have created a linked table that has imported a substantial amount of data from an external data source, (an Excel spreadsheet). So far no problem. I created a select query that plucked data from the original table mentioned. Again, no problem. Then I decided to create another table, using certain fields only from the select query. Microsoft's guide tells me to start with CREATE, then Table design. I am happy to use just 4 fields from my query, but what I keep ending up with is a table, that, when I double click on it gives me the following:

ID Field1 Field2 Click to add

It is presumably expecting me to enter an ID number and it will come up with some record, but I want a complete table that should show several hundred records.

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Queries :: Access 2013 Navigation Buttons - Criteria For Query Linked To Dropdown Box On Form

Apr 13, 2015

I'm working with a form in Access 2013 that uses the navigation buttons. I'm trying to have my criteria for a query link to a dropdown box on the form. I had no problems doing this in Access 2010 with normal forms, but I can't link the criteria, in the query to the Navigation buttons form box. I'm tried using


And various forms of the above... but i still can't see to tell the query to find the critiera at this location...

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Queries :: How To Insert A Prompt For Number In A Query To Calculate Against Another Field In Query

Jul 15, 2014

I have a field that is giving me the number of business days between a period of time and then I want to subtract that number - the person's PTO time to see the actual days they were available...when I simply type the number in (see below) it works great but I want to set up a prompt that will ask me how many PTO Days to calculate as it will be different for each person I am quering...is this possible?

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Queries :: Access Database To Calculate Income Tax

Jun 22, 2013

Access database to calculate income tax?

I'd like to be able to input the amount I invoice each month into a table and it would calculate Vat and Income tax due.

I'm sure its been done many times before however I cant find any examples.

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Calculation Workdays Between 3 Dates

Oct 10, 2006

I have a table with 3 columns

Order Date (f.e. 05/10/2006)
Due Date (f.e. 09/10/2006)
Ship Date (f.e. 10/10/2006)

I would like to calculate:

number of working days between order date and due date
number of working days between due date and ship date

Can someone help me with this one?:confused:

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Access 2013 - Hiding And Showing Access Window

Apr 6, 2015

I am trying to Hide or Show the Access Window by using two buttons on a Form. Running Access 2013 in Windows 7 64bit.

I have used code from the Internet as below but added the PtrSafe item to the Function Declaration as below:-

Option Compare Database
'Hide Access desktop screen and float Forms on pc desktop
Private Declare PtrSafe Function IsWindowVisible Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long

Dim dwReturn As Long
Const SW_HIDE = 0

[Code] ....

I then have two buttons on a form coded as below:-

Option Compare Database
Private Sub cmd_Hide_dbw_Click()
Call fSetAccessWindow("Minimize", False, False)
DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_Test", acNormal
End Sub

[Code] .....

I have attached a Test Database which demonstrates the problem I am experiencing.

Do the following sequence...............

Open the Test Database. DO NOT ENABLE CONTENT
The Access 'Ribbon'Test_Database.accdb is active and usable
Open frm_Test in Design View in order to inspect, all should be as shown above.
Now click the Enable Content warning
Switch frm_Test to Form View

Click button Hide dbw. Closes the Access Window
Click button Show dbw. Opens the Access Window...HOWEVER....

Attachment 20252The Access Ribbon is locked and usable !!!

I cannot find a way to re-activate the Ribbon

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Calculating Workdays... And Previous Threads

Nov 14, 2006


I've been trying very hard to get through the various instructions, code, modules, etc, on calculating workdays. I am having no luck in getting this done. As one who can write an Access database only to the point of a little VBA, using mostly queries and formulae to get by, I have difficulty with posted code from time to time.

For example, in a previous thread (actually, in several previous threads), code was posted with the instruction (essentially), "Here. Use this." To which someone replies, "Thanks, worked a charm." Or the like. As one who struggles and has limited responsibilities in this area (and little time to learn while on the job), posted code can be a blessing... but "Here. Use this." can be its attached curse. "HOW do I use it?" is the next question. Is it a module? Do I put it as code on the On Open event for a form? Is it an expression I build into a query? Sometimes, seeing the code is only the first step... and for one like me, can lead to a lot of trouble.

Also, many have been kind enough to post databases, which show the end result of much work. This is also greatly appreciated, believe me. But, again, once I start looking to HOW it was built... the investigation sometimes leads nowhere. Where do I look for code? Did I miss something? Why doesn't mine work like that?

So, for the question I have now, I have searched this and other forums. I have copied and pasted code that I thought should work. I have copied code into a module and tried to call up that module in a query. I have followed instructions as well as I could... but you can guess where this is headed. What I have is, in the simplest form, a table called Employees with the fields Name, StartDate and EndDate. I need to know how many workdays there are in the date range of StartDate to EndDate, including the dates in those fields.

If you have answered this question before, I apologize for not being able to figure this out. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Calculate Number Of Days

May 4, 2006

In a database, I have the following date fields that I use to track projects that start and stop.


Is there a way I can use a query to calculate the total days the project was worked on? For example if I enter 1/1/06 in START1, 1/10/06 in STOP1, 2/1/06 in START2 and 2/15/06 in STOP2, 3/1/06 in START3 and 3/30/06 in STOP3, I need to calculate the total days. I need it to work regardless if there are 3 start/stops, 2 or just one start/stop.

I really appreciate the help.


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Calculate Number Of Animals & Runs

May 4, 2006

I own a kennel and was wondering if there is a way to put in 2 different dates and get totals of animals during that time and totals of kennel runs?

Sorry, my reservation table includes Kind, New (y/n), Owner's Name, Pet's Name, Date In, Date out, Price, # of Units needed, and # of dogs. I need to put in dates ie: 5-10-06 to 5-25-06 and get a total of dogs and a total of units so we don't overbook. When I made this program I have little idea of how to do it and now years later I'm trying to tweak it. Thanks again

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Calculate Age Using Persons Identity Number

Apr 25, 2012

I am using 2010 and have a bound field called Policyholder ID number in a table called Policy Information. I would like to calculate how old a person is by using the identity number which is 13 digits (South African ID) and the format is as follows - 7009215069084. Using the first 6 digits this person was born on 21 Sept 1970 and is 42 years old ( Current year of 2012 minus year of birth of 1970 = 42)

How I can include a calculated field so once I type in the identity number the age of the person reflects in a field called Current Age.

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Summing In Access 2013 Web App

May 5, 2015

I have created a database that is hosted on our company sharepoint. The database contains subcontracts with resource information by geographic location and status. I have built queries and added them as reports to the web app but I need to figure out a way to sum totals on the queries. For example, one report lists all resources of a particular type by 4 different zones and 3 different status. I need to have the bottom row show the total resources.

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Access 2013 / Can't Share Access Over The Network

Jul 4, 2014

I have problem sharing an Access 2013 file from one cumputer and then change the data in the file on another computer, or i can change it but the change wont be made one both computers.

I'm working so i need my secretary to be able to change information or add, but i also need to get the change.

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