Queries :: How To Convert Text Case To Compare In Join Expression

Apr 2, 2013

Using Access 2010 and ODBC connections to pull data from 3 sources (SQL Server 2008, a customized Documentum application, and Windows AD accounts). Problem is user_login_name is sometimes recorded as lowercase, sometimes as propercase, and sometimes as uppercase depending on which table or source being used. For example, lowercase would be "abcd123", propercase would be "Abcd123", and uppercase would be "ABCD123". I thought I could just wrap each join comparison in the From stmt in the query(s) with the UCase() function, but Access doesn't like that.

How can I convert or cast the various user_login_names within the FROM join statement to be the same text case so joins will pull correct data?

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Convert Text To Proper Case

Oct 12, 2006

Hello all:

I have a database with the following fields: Last_name, First_name and Mid_name.

These fields are concatenated into a field called Full_name using this method: =[First_name]&" "&[Mid_name]&" "&[Last_name].

I wish to have the Full_name field convert the text in it to proper case.

Any ideas on how to go about it?

Thanking in advance,


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Convert A Text String To Integer - Check For Error In Expression Builder

Apr 24, 2013

I would like to convert a text string to integer.

Lots of posts say to use val, but it is not listed in access 2010

So I am trying,

Creating a field that is numeric then just referring to the string field.

This works good except where it finds actual text. It puts the value "#Type!" in there.

Would there be some kind of function to check for an error or check if the value is text.

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Queries :: JOIN Expression Not Supported

Dec 18, 2013

I am using vb.Net to connect to an access db. In access 2010 this query works fine, but in vb.Net, it errors with 'JOIN expression not supported'.

sql = "SELECT Boxes.Box, Boxes.CustRef, Boxes.Customer " &
"FROM (Requests INNER JOIN [Request Boxes] ON Requests.[Request no] = [Request Boxes].[Request no]) INNER JOIN Boxes ON [Request Boxes].Box = Boxes.Box" &
"WHERE (Requests.[Request no]) = '" & item & "' " &
"AND ((Boxes.Customer) = '" & customer2 & "'))"

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Queries :: Access 2010 / Join Expression Not Supported

Jul 1, 2015

I am trying to execute the query below with multiple left joins because of the data I am trying to get back. The weird thing is sometimes it work and then sometimes it gives me a join expression error. It seems that access strangely removes brackets around the ON clauses. However even when I put those brackets back in this query it isn't working. why this query isn't running or why the brackets disappear in Access 2010.

SELECT Patients.[First Name] & " " & Patients.[Surname] AS Fullname
, [Clinic Patient].[MYMOP ID]
, NZ(MYMOPs.[MYMOP Date], [Clinic Patient].[First Appointment]) AS [MYMOP1 Date]
, MYMOPs.Completed AS [MYMOP1 Completed]


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WHERE Clause On LEFT JOIN : Why Do I Get Join Expression Not Supported Message?

Nov 10, 2006

I've been toiling with the issue of WHERE clauses on the "Right" side of Left Joins. I'm aware that you need to use JOIN ON......AND.... rather than JOIN ON....WHERE.... if the WHERE relates to the Right Hand table.

I've even got an example in my DB where the above works, but now am struggling to use the same theory for other tables. Therefore, I went and created two Mickey Mouse tables to test the logic but am getting an error.

I have
Table 1 with one field called Field 1 - values A, B, C
Table 2 as follows

Field 1.....Field 2.......Field 3

I hoped to have a query that finds all records on Table 1 and records on Table 2 where Field 1 matches on the two tables and Field3 = XXX

My SQL is
SELECT Table1.Field1, Table2.Field1, Table2.Field2, Table2.Field3
FROM Table1 INNER JOIN Table2 ON Table1.Field1 = Table2.Field1
AND Table2.Field3="XXX";

but I get Join Expression not supported

What am I doing wrong?


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Convert To Proper Case

Apr 12, 2007

This is kind of a weird question. I downloaded and imported a table with cities and zip codes in it. All the city names are in upper case. I want to use the city names in that table as the row source for my City text box.

But in my database, I store city names in Proper Case, with just the first letter capitalized. So when I use the table as the row source, it pulls in the city name all in upper case

Is there a way, either within Access or not, to change the city names in that table to Proper Case?

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Convert To Proper Case

Mar 5, 2008


I hoping someone might know what expression I need to create to convert text in a field in an append query to proper case.

The reason for this is that I am receiving data in all uppercase and really need it to be in proper case, that is only the first character of each word in the field is capitalised.

A field name for instance is strProductDescription and I want the data to change from "FRIDGE FREEZER" to "Fridge Freezer" on appending the data to another table, hence a proper case function or expresssion.

Any assistance would be most appreciated.


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Convert An Entire Table To Lower Case?

Sep 24, 2007

I need to convert an entire table to lower case..

The table happens to only have one column in it, so each record only has one field..

How do I convert the entire thing to lower case?

I can not just convert the display info to lower case, this table is used as a cross-reference data table and I need to physically convert all the data in the entire table to lower case.

Oh, and I need this to be a macro of some sort, since the data is re-imported on a regular basis, and will re-convert to upper case on the import.



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Queries :: Convert Text To Date

Jul 10, 2013

How do I convert '130330' to date in Access? I want to convert to 03/30/13?

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Queries :: How To Convert Text Fields To Numeric

Aug 16, 2014

I have an ms access Database(2013 version). There are about 10000 records. There are some columns with field property of "short text" but contains the values like that 0.4,7, 9.0 etc I would like to convert the "short text" into "double" without loosing information.

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Queries :: Join Two Databases Based On Common Text

May 31, 2013

I am trying to form a join between two separate databases. Database 1 has a column (Gene_Name2) that consists of common names of human genes. In this database there is only one name for each gene per field. The other Database 2 has a column (Gene_Name2) that has various names for the same gene in each field. Most genes have been given different names over time.

I want to join the databases into a separate query database so that all of the information in Database 1 is retained and only when the name in Database 1 matches one of the names in Database 2 does the row of information get tacked on to the query database. The problem is that in a normal query the text in both Gene_Name columns do not match and the query returns no matches. I have tried Instr and like criteria statements with no luck. The following is an example of what I have and what I need.

Database 1

Chrom Gene_Name1 Data

Database 2

Gene_Name2 Data

Joined Query
Chrom Gene_Name1 Data Gene_Name2 Data

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Text Box Expression Builder With Queries

Jan 9, 2012

I know how to do this in VB.NET ... I have a form with a combo box. I would like to create an "on change" event where it updates the text boxes on that same form depending on what's been selected in the combo box.

I don't know how to change the combo box's selected index so it defaults to the first item so there's no blanks/errors in my form.

So when the combobox contents is changed, I'd like a routine that updates all the text boxes kind of like this:

sub update()
TextBox = "SELECT * FROM Table_Name WHERE ID =" & Combobox.text
end sub

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Queries :: Convert Phone Number In Text Format And Remove Dashes Or Parenthesis

Aug 7, 2014

Is there a way to convert a phone number in text format into a number and remove any dashs or parenthesis. What function can I use ?

old format (951) 244-3011
new format 9512443011

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Queries :: Unable To Convert Text Into Date With Different System Language Settings In MS Access

Jun 6, 2013

I have a table in access database which contains a text field 'EDate' that stores Date value in format (12-Apr-2013). Now I want to run a sql query on that field. User will give an input date. The sql query needs to fetch me all the records from access database whose Edate is less than or equal to the user input date.

I am using DateValue function to convert my text filed Edate into date. My query is something like this:

select * from table_name where DateValue(EDate)<='user_input_date'

I am able to perform above task if the system language settings are 'English'. But if system language settings are different say Turkish, then the query fails.

I searched a lot on web and found that DateTime function compares test data with the system date time format and gives the result. Thus it fails with different language settings.

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Join Expression Not Supported

Mar 8, 2007

Anyone can help me with this problem

In the following code

Dim qMain As ADODB.Recordset
Set qMain = New ADODB.Recordset
qMain.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
qMain.CursorType = adOpenStatic

Dim strSql As String

strSql = "select MainTable!LotNo, MainTable!RollNo, FilmTest!RollNo, FilmTest!Av_56, FilmTest!Av_112,FilmTest!TestDate,FilmTest!TestTim e" + _
" from MainTable LEFT JOIN FilmTest ON (MainTable!RollNo = FilmTest!RollNo) "

qMain.Open (strSql)

When excuted, the error was Join expression not supported

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Type Mismatch In JOIN Expression

Aug 15, 2005

I don't quite understand this error message, and therefore cannot begin to fix it. One of my forms will not open except in design view because of a "Type Mismatch in JOIN expression" error. Can someone please tell me where to look to fix it? Thanks.

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Join Expression Not Supported Error

Feb 4, 2015

I have 5 different tables that are all linked with foreign keys. When I made my fifth table and linked it to my primary key like I had with the other tables I got the Join expression not supported error.

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Convert Expression Calculation Into Data Table?

Jan 1, 2006

Hello all, I'm quite new to Access. I've read many Access tutorials and site but I have yet to found the solution for my problem. So here it is (pardon my english):

Field AmountTotal is

I manually input AmountSubTotal, AmountSH and Discounts. I expected an automatic calculation for AmountTotal.

In "Form view" I get the result of AmountTotal that I wanted. But the calculation result doesn't get recorded in my field data table AmountTotal. It just shows blank.

How do I record this automated results into my original table?

Thanks in advance!

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Forms :: Convert Excel Formula Into Expression Builder - Invalid Syntax

Mar 22, 2013

I am trying to convert an excel formula into the expression builder on my form.

the excel formula is this:
IF(AND(E4>=2.65,F4<1.85),"Poor",IF(AND(E4<2.65,F4< 1.85),"Unacceptable",IF(AND(E4>=2.65,F4>=1.85,F4<2 .65),"Generally",IF(AND(E4<2.65,E4>=1.85,F4<2.65,F 4>=1.85),"Poor",IF(AND(E4<1.85,F4<2.65,F4>=1.85)," Unacceptable",IF(AND(E4>=3.45,F4<3.45,F4>=2.65),"H igh",IF(AND(E4>=2.65,E4<3.45,F4<3.45,F4>=2.65),

[Code] ....

In the expression builder I put this:

= IF(AND( [Objective Total] >=2.65, [KSF Totals] <1.85),"Poor",IF(AND( [Objective Total] <2.65, [KSF Totals] <1.85),"Unacceptable",IF(AND( [Objective Total] >=2.65, [KSF Totals] >=1.85, [KSF Totals] <2.65),"Generally",IF(AND( [Objective Total] <2.65, [Objective Total] >=1.85, [KSF Totals] <2.65, [KSF Totals] >=1.85),"Poor",

[Code] ....

It gives me an error 'expression you entered contains invalid syntax, you may have entered a comma without a preceding value.'

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Changing Case In Text Fields

Sep 1, 2006


Is there a way of changing the case of text that has been entered in a table?

Want a form to display capitalised names, say, no matter how they were entered. Know that they can be displayed in all caps using >.


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Partial Text Compare Across Two Tables

Jul 20, 2007


I'm trying to compare partial text records across two tables.

The first table simply has a description, such as:
Bone Saw
Power Saw

The second table is a list of terms and a category, such as:
Term, Category
Hammer, 1
Saw, 2

I'm looking to build a query will compare the two and assign each description a category based on the partial match. It seems like this should be fairly easy to do, but I'm struggling to find anything to point down that path.

Any ideas?

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Compare Text To Table Data?

Dec 17, 2004

I'm willing to be this is simple, but I haven't been able to figure it out.

I have created a database with one table, tblUserData. I have one form called frmLogin.

tblUserData has two fields, Username, and Password.
frmLogin has two textboxes for user input, User and Pass, and has one control, cmdLogin.

What I am trying to do is - When a user types their username and password, and clicks on the control
button, the value of User.Value is compared to the Username field of the UserData table.
If a matching record is found, then Pass.value is compared to the Password field from the matching record.
If they match then the program proceeds.

Can anyone point me in the right direction please?

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Forms :: Compare 2 Text Fields?

Aug 27, 2013

Text fields name:


Trying to achieve:

on "After update" event for Confirm password a code needs to find if both Passoword and confirmpassword are having the exact character (Case sensitive).

Below code doesn't recognize the Case. It allows as long as both words are same:

Dim StrString1, strString2 As String
StrString1 = Password
srtString2 = ConfirmPassword


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Modules & VBA :: Text Control Source Using CASE

Feb 2, 2014

I have two queries called "Query_match_AND" and "Query_match_OR". I want to show the total number of records for either of these queries in a form called "form_candidates_result" depending upon the combo box value (either "AND" or "OR") in a form called "form_match".If I put



in the control source of [candidatecount] in "form_candidates_result", the value is shown in the form and it works fine.If I use the following code in either of the "on load" or "on open" events in "form_candidates_result"...


Select Case [Forms]![form_match]![ANDOR]

Case "AND"
Me.CandidateCount.ControlSource = DCount("*", "Query_matching_AND")
Case "OR"
Me.CandidateCount.ControlSource = DCount("*", "Query_matching_OR")
End Select

it doesn't work and I get



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Reports :: Replace Text Case Sensitive?

Mar 20, 2014

I'm trying to open a report and highlight certain text. So I have a textbox that takes the original field and replaces certain text (based on user input) in bold red. Here is my formula:

=Replace([Language],[txtKeyword],"<font color = ""red""><b>" & Upper([txtKeyword]) & "</b></font>")

It works fine, but the only problem is, I don't know how to make it case sensitive. So let's say the user input (txtKeyword) is "contract." If it's the beginning of a sentence, I want the C to remain capitalized, but if the C is not capitalized, I don't want it to show capitalized. Is there a way to do this without making the formula really long?

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