Queries :: How To Filter One Field With 2 Combo Boxes
Jan 31, 2014
I have 2 unbound combo box's on a form 1 called cboclient1 and the another called cboclient2. would like to be able to filter field name client name twice by cboclient1 and cboclient2 here my sql from my query
WHERE (((Assets.Client)=Forms![report gen]!cboclient1)) Or (((Forms![report gen]!Cboclient1) Is Null));
This works perfectly for cboclient1 problem comes when I try and add cboclient2
I have tried
WHERE (((Assets.Client)=Forms![report gen]!cboclient1)) Or (((Forms![report gen]!Cboclient1) Is Null))AND(((Assets.Client)=Forms![report gen]!cboclient2)) Or (((Forms![report gen]!Cboclient2) Is Null));[/
I have a form where I am trying to use 4 combo boxes(nomenclature,BPN,vendor, and reference) to filter a list box containing part numbers. The way I have it set up right now is in the listbox it is searching for each field and then in the criteria section i have [Forms]![myform]![respectedFieldsCombo].
This works when selections are made from the combo boxes but when one is blank (not being used to filter) then I assume it passes null for that value and the listbox doesn't return anything. I have tried to make it so the listbox ignores null values but im still having this problem.
For example: If i only have a selection for the vendor combo box then i want the list box to show all respective part numbers for that vendor, where nomenclature or any of the other fields are irrelevant. I also want to be able to stack these filters upon every new combo box selection.
I want to add to every row a combobox with a list of towns depending on the value in the field Country ID.how do I filter the comboboxes individually based on a value in another field on the same row?
I want to create a cascading combo box - so far so simple, but in all the tutorials I can find the options in the second combo box are exclusive to the first e.g. combo box 1 selects "state", combo box 2 then displays "city". Each city can only be in one state.
In my scenario each city is in several different states - and so far I'm failing to come up with any sort of strategy as to how to deal with this. I tried giving each state a "yes/no" formatted field in the "city" table, figuring if I could use the first combo box to point access to the right field in the "city" table I could filter those records by "WHERE [fieldnominatedbycombobox1] =True" - but I don't know how to make a one combo box determine which field a subsequent combo box filters by.
Im kinda new to Access and only been using the "Access 2003 for Dummies" for learning and making small databases. So far I can find out how to do the things I want, but recently got stuck with a combo box feature. What im trying to do is select entries in my combo box so that it will filter the table and show all its contents based on that filter. Im not sure how to link the combo boxes the right way and it seems some VB coding is needed which I dont normally use. If anyone has any idea how to do it, tell me how! Thanks. BTW im using Access 97.
I thought I was in the home stretch of my project, everything worked great when I was messing with 200 records. Now that I'm messing with 2000+ records, things are very slow. So a search form redesign!
I have a form (frmSearch) that has a subform (frmSubSearch) embedded in it. The frmSubSearch is a datasheet only that is just pulling its info from a query (qrySearch). qrySearch has about 8 columns of data in it.
On the main form I have a combo box that is feeding its list from the qrySearch using a SELECT DISTINCT statement. So a user selects an item in the combo box and my After_Update fires. This sets a filter on frmSubSearch. I have three of these combo boxes that can add to the filter and they work great so far.
But I want to have the combo boxes filter themselves based on whats left on frmSubSearch. So if a user selects something in the 2nd combo box, the sub form filters and updates, but then I want the other two combo boxes to only have valid selections, and not something selectable that would wind up giving me a blank sub form result.
I have tried using .Requery in various ways, but its not working. I have also been looking into the idea of Cascading Comboboxes, but these don't seem to quite fit what I'm trying to do.
I'm trying to build an database for aircraft operators. I've got the basic tables structure and relationships but I'm stuck on building an search form to filter records by user input.I've got following controls on my form (unbound):
1. AircraftType (combo box) from tblAircrafts 2. CompanyName (combo box) from tblListOfAircraftsOperators 3. TeailNumber (text box) from tblAircraftOperators 4. AirportNameSearch (combo box) from tblAirports 5. PassengersNumber (text box) from tblAircraftOperators 6. ManufactureYear (text box) from tblAircraftOperators 7. SourceSearch (combo box) from tblInfoSource 8. CountrySearch (combo box) from tblCountry 9. CategorySearch (combo box) from tblAircraftCategory 10. EamilToOperator (text box) from tblAircraftOperators 11. InteriorPhoto (Bound object frame) from tblAircraftOperators 12. ExteriorPhot (bound object frame) from AircraftOperators
I need to enable users to search for aircrafts based on those criteria. As I mentioned I'm new to Access and I don't have any advanced coding skills. I have a query build to perform the search and this is the code I've managed to write so far:
Attached I have a database that I've been working on which has a form called "frmCriteriaSearch". It is based off of the qryCriteriaListBoxUpdate query. I am trying to get the listbox in the second tab of the results section to work. It queries fine for the checkboxes, but I cannot get the comboboxes to affect the query (unless a checkbox has already been selected)
I have a form with two combo boxes. The first box lists switch names from a query, and the second lists switchports from another query. The switchport query lists all the switchports for whatever switch is selected in the Switch Name combo box, and all the settings for that port (one column per setting). I want each text box to display the corresponding data from the switchport query for the switch selected in the first combo box and the switchport selected in the second combo box.
I have a table with the following 5 fields. (Service Type), (Valve Name),(Size),(Rating),(Description).
I want to do two thing:
First: I want to select the required information from the first 4 fields using combo boxes and get the last field (description) based on the selected 4 fields. In other words, i want the record to be filtered using first 4 fields to give me the last field info.
Second: I want to store the filtered record (all 5 fields) in another table.
I have three boxes Type/Sub-Type/Item. They all filter down to the next one, the problem is, when I get to the 3rd box, it filters ONLY from the 2nd box and loses the filter from the 1st. What do I need to do to get it to maintain the filter from the first box and then ADD the filter from the second box when populating the 3rd box?
I have a database and a form that is based off of a simple table. The table has NO look ups and all of the formatting is text. The form is continuous and simply displays these fields. (Kind of like a company roster with name and department). I have two combo boxes at the top of this form in the header with the intent of filtering the form records by department and employee type (lets say A or B).
I have tried every way I know how to get these records to filter and they will not filter correctly. Utilizing methods I have used in multiple other databases, I set the two comboboxes to cascade based on a query in the recordsource. The vba I'm using in the after event of each combo is ....
Me.Filter = "[Brand] = '" & Me.cbobrand & "'" Me.FilterOn - True 'Brand is the "department" and the other identical code is for Personel_Type
This filters the records but independently. So, cbobox1 filters the records to show all Brand 1. When cbobox2 selection is made it shows all the Personel_Type of the selection however the first filter is already disregarded. (i.e. When cbobox2 selection is made, it contains both brands instead of the one I've just selected and filtered in cbobox1. )
Outside of making two queries to account for each possible filter, I have tried setting a filter on the filterON, I have tried a SQL based VBA code, I have tried making two forms and attempting to set the filter on open but either way, nothing keeps the first filter selected (or the FilterON, or both SQL filters, etc). The ONLY way I have found to get it to filter both is with the filter function in Access, which is not useful as my users will not have access to the menu bars.
I have this EXACT same setup in another database and it works fine with 3 cbo boxes with an after even to set a filter for the recordsource for all three.
I have a form and a subform with a master/child relationship set based on the primary key of each underlying table. All good there.Now, I want to use VBA to create a filter based on a set of inputs via combo boxes. But the filter must filter both the Parent and Child records.Example. "Show me only records where both only the Parent.Field1 = "string" and Child.Field = "string".I can do this in a QRY as follows:
SELECT Projects.[Project Number], Lessons.[Actions Resolved] FROM Projects INNER JOIN Lessons ON Projects.ProjectsRecordID = Lessons.ProjectsRecordID WHERE (((Projects.[Project Number])="AU-2102421") AND ((Lessons.[Actions Resolved])=True));
But, if I make this as a record source for the Parent Form, then the records in the Parent Form are repeated for each individual record in the Child form.
howdy all, ive never touched Access until 2 days ago so my experience is sorely lacking but here is my question:
i want to create a form with a combo box from which a selection is made (data in the combo box is simply a field list from the same table the query is searching, but my stumbling block is that i want to include the query in the same form as the combo box and have it dynamically updates based on the selection in the combo box.
however for the life of me i cant get the query to update based on the input (using [Forms]![Form]![Combo1] as the criteria in the query) i have set this criteria in the CustomerID field of the query (which is also the primary key of the table)
I have re-written this question as I think I managed to cause confusion!
(I really do need help!) My problem involves three tables. The first table is NAMES with an auto-number key field called NamesID.
The second table is a list of Dance Classes, called CLASSES again with an auto-number key field called ClassesID.
The third table is a list of MEMBERS in each dance class.
Obviously, the MEMBERS can belong to many CLASSES, and each of the CLASSES can consist of many MEMBERS.
My aim is to add a new record in MEMBERS by using a ComboBox containing records from the NAMES table.
On the form, I have a combo-box which shows me the list of CLASSES
(ComboClasses). I click on the class.
I then click on the NAMES combo-box, click on a name and want it to appear in the table of MEMBERS for the class shown in the CLASSES combo-box.
The problem
I am selecting the name using “ Select * From NAMES where Names.NamesID=[Forms]![FormName]![ComboNames] (supplied by supersubra) but how do I get the ClassesID into MEMBERS record.
At the moment, if I add a name that member appears in every class, or I have to manually insert the ClassID.
I've been asked to take a look at a database to look for areas which could be improved. It's not a database I've built myself so I've started by taking a 'walk-through' of the system to see how it works.
What I did notice amongst other things which confused me a little was that, on a specific form, called 'Tenders Sub Form' (tenders stands for builders), there are two combo boxes, each of which is used to enter the same kind of data back to the 'Tenders' table.
I've uploaded a screenshot for you to see. As we work down the 'Tenders Sub Form', we're asked to enter the 'CustomerID', which is simply the ID for the Customer and you'll see from the Relationships I've also uploaded, that this is the Primary Key in the 'CustomersMain' table. This is also an AutoNumber data type. Further down just under 'QuoteID', there is another combo box, which asks for the 'CustomerName'. This is using all the same data as the first combo box, only the first combo box is bound to column 1, the CustomerID and the second combo box is bound to column 2, the Customer Name.
If we then look in the 'Tenders' table - we can see that it's storing the Customer ID and CustomerName is there own fields.
My question really is, would there be a more efficient way to store both the CustomerID and CustomerName in the Tenders table, without the need to use two combo boxes and effectively enter the same data twice.
I'm sure that this was set up with the purpose of being able to see the Customer Name in the table rather than just the Customer ID.
I've uploaded
Relationships Tenders Sub Form - to see how the combo boxes look Tenders Table Properties
Here is what I have in my Query IIf([Forms]![Report Form]![Combo56]=0,1 or 3,[Forms]![Report Form]![Combo56])
in the combo box I have it setup like this Yes = 1 No = 3 All = 0
it is pulling for a SQL database and what I am looking to do is if they want them all select 1 and 3 but when I save the Query is changes it to this and doesn't work.
IIf([Forms]![Report Form]![Combo56]=0,([BigAssQuery MTD].[Calc_ID])=1 Or ([BigAssQuery MTD].[Calc_ID])=3,[Forms]![Report Form]![Combo56])
On my database, I have 2 forms. One is to enter data into a Master table, and the other is to specify search terms for a query, and I'm having a problem with the search form.
I've got 2 combo boxes, a tick box and some text boxes which I use to specify criteria for the query. All of the text boxes and the tick box work fine, however the combo boxes are giving me trouble.
I'm using the critera Like "*" & Form![SearchForm]![Combo/Text/Whatever1] & "*" for the text boxes and tick box and this worked fine. However, no matter what way I try to use this, it doesn't work for the combo box. I've tried manipulating the Like function as much as possible, with and without the wildcards, the & signs, everything.
What happens is that either they do not filter out results at all and don't affect the query, or they bring up a blank query if I leave the combo box blank.
TblValues is a table of stactic values where I have listed about nine field names with values under each that usually will not change. This way if there is a change to one of the fields later, I can just add it to the table.
Then there is tblLOC. Here I have similar field names that matches each field in tblValues where I can populate them in my form. I have several fields defined as combo boxes. In the properties for each field defined as a combo box, for row source type has Table/Query selected and for the row source I have the following code in the table, which is an example for the field named Profit Code in TblLOC.
SELECT tblValues.ID, tblValues.Pro1Code FROM tblValues WHERE (((tblValues.Pro1Code) Is Not Null));
Then I have my form where I have referenced my fields from the tblLOC. In the properties of each combo box, under the tab labeled DATA, the control source has the name of the the combo box field that is in tblLOC, in this case Profit Code.
Everything works fine. The user selects a value from the form and tblLOC is updated. I can create queries without criteria with no problem. However, in a query if I try to add any criteria, even as simple as using "like" to identify a value in a field of the table that has been populated by the combo box, I will get no results. However, if I use the same functionality in a column where a combo box is not used to populate the field, I get the results that I expect.
Here is an example of the SQL in the query that does not work for me that is applied against a field that is a combo box.
SELECT tblLettersOfCredit.[Profit Code] FROM tblLettersOfCredit WHERE (((tblLettersOfCredit.[Profit Code]) Like "Misc"));
If I use the same functionality with a field that is not populated by one of the combo boxes then everything works fine.
I am hoping that there's a simple solution for this, maybe syntax due to the use of a combo box or maybe a property that I need to set... So far I have been unsuccessful in finding the answer. If anyone has any ideas on this one, I would certainly appreciate it. Thanks :)
I have some code in which I enter a startdate and a enddate into textbox's and a combo box where I enter a client name when I run the code it will show all record's generated with in the date range and same client name set in the combo box "cboclient" what I would like to be able to do is have another combo box call cboclient2 which will allow me to enter another client name so then when the report opens it will show me with in the date range set in startdate and enddate and filter the client field by cboclient and cboclient2 so for e.g.
startdate 01/01/14
enddate 11/01/14
cboclient peter
cboclient2 steve
Run code show all record in date range and with client name peter and steve
Here's the code I have
Private Sub cmdPreview_Click() 'On Error GoTo Err_Handler 'Remove the single quote from start of this line once you have it working. Dim strReport As String Dim strDateField As String Dim strWhere As String Dim lngView As Long Const strcJetDate = "#mm/dd/yyyy#" 'Do NOT change it to match your local settings.
I am a basic/intermediate user of Access. I have been given a small assigment to update a field (the primary id field to be exact) in one of my tables based on the choice selected on my combo box on my form.
Tables: Survey_Answer (N/A, yes, no, Dev) with sur_ans_id being the primary id. (this is the table that I am using to populate or pull information in my combo box. sur_answer: The NA, yes, no and dev.
tblSurvey: has foreign key sur_ans_id.
Therefore, when the user selects yes, no etc. from the combo box , it is supposed to pull the id (1 or 2 or 3 or 4) based on the choice and update table Survey's sur_ans_id.
Currently when the choice is made, it duplicates values (even though i have for my row source for the combo box: SELECT DISTINCT sur_answer FROM Survey_Answer in the Survey_Answer Table.
My Main code to update I have put in On change under the combo box property is:
Public Sub DoSQL()
Set dbs = CurrentDb Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "UPDATE Survey " & _ "SET Survey.sur_ans_id = (SELECT Survey_Answer.sur_ans_id FROM Survey_Answer WHERE cbosur_answer.Column(0) = Survey_Answer.sur_answer)" & _ "WHERE Survey_Answer.sur_ans_id = Survey.sur_ans_id AND Survey.que_id = Question.que_id" DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL End Sub
However, this is not working: I know it has something to do with my BOUND COLUMN count property but that is mostly where I am stuck. I cannot update Survey.sur_ans_id properly. I understand the concept of BOUND COLUMN but i don't know how to apply it to my SQL statement.
I am sorry for the long narration but any help or guidance will be greatly appreciated.
I have a sub form that I enter date range in 2 text box's txtstartdate and txtenddate this is filtering field "date raised" and I have combo box call cboclient this is filtering field "client name" this code is behind a command button after hitting the command button it open's the report and it show's all records with in the date range and with client name enter in cboclient works great. problem is I have now added another cboclient2 to filter client name twice so now I enter a date range in txtstartdate and txtenddate put a client name in cboclient and a client name in cbocleint2 hit command button it open's the report but doesn't apply the date range to cboclient2 it just show's all records with that client name
Code: Private Sub cmdPreview_Click() 'On Error GoTo Err_Handler 'Remove the single quote from start of this line once you have it Dim strReport As String Dim strDateField As String Dim strWhere As String Dim lngView As Long
I am working on a database where law clerks input the tasks that they accomplish each day. They use a form called "TaskDetails" to input all of the information related to their daily tasks via combo boxes. The problem I have is: often times the clerks work on the same task more than once and I would like them to be able to continue tasks already in progress - using notes to indicate what particular portion they completed that day.
In order to do this I would like to have a combo box that is based on a query of all of the tasks the clerks have completed. When they select a Task Name from the combo box, I would like all other combo boxes on the page to auto-populate based on the selection.The query that my combo box is based on includes all relevant fields.
When I click on the "Task Name" combo box I am presented with all of the records related to tasks. The fields/columns are divisionofwork, subcategory, workassignedby. I have combo boxes for all of these fields on the same page, bound to the table of tasks. Ideally, a clerk makes a selection from the "Task Name" combo box, and the subsequent 3 combo boxes will reference their relevant column in this selection and auto-populate.
I am creating a query that should filter records of events based on multiple fields. The filters should work with any combination of field criteria, but only two of the four field are working properly, as follows:
1. a text box for searching with event name (free text) - this is working; 2. a combo box to filter events by country name - this is working; 3. a combo box to filter events by event's keyword (category) - this is NOT working; 4. a combo box to filter events by year - this is NOT working
If anybody could shine some light it would be much appreciated. I have 3 tables: Task table---*Task ID, Task(txt), Start(date/Time), finish(date/Time) Tasking table---*TaskingID, TaskID, EmployeeID employee table---*EmployeeID, Name(txt) The employee and task table are joined to the tasking table. This is so i can have a task which has many employees and an employee with many tasks. What i'm try to do is create a form which starts a task with a subform to add employees, but with combo box which filters employees with tasks which over-lap the task in focus(start and finish fields) but still showing employees which do not yet have any tasks. the start and finish fields are hh:nn dd/mm/yy. If anybody can help i would be very grateful