Queries :: How To Make Subdatasheet To Look Like Default One

Jul 2, 2015

Linked field is shown both in Master and child tables, but not in the default subdatasheets made by when a relationship is made between a Master and Child Table.

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Can Make Default Value Of A Field

Oct 10, 2012

Can I make the default value of a field be something in another field in another table. I tried to enter into the default value the following but, it does not find the field.

[tablename].[fieldname] I also tried it [fieldname].[tablename].

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Make Part Of Default Value Bold?

May 26, 2006

Is there a way to make only part of the text in Default Value to be Bold or Italics? That would be cool so I dont half to make boxes throughout my paragraph for only bold text! :cool:

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Tables :: Make Default Value In One Field

Aug 13, 2013

I am doing a project for school. I would like to make the default value in one field (available or rented) to be "rented" if the value in a field in another table is null. Is there an "easy" way to do this?

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General :: How To Make Windows Default Navigation Work

Dec 17, 2013

How do I make the windows default navigation work to the following:-Next record that navigates to next, but does not create a new record when at EOF. New record that creates a new record.

I've tried turning off 'Allow additions' for the form, but that turns off the 'New Record' button, so that's not right Perhaps it's me but the default way in which the navigation buttons work is strange. I would have thought the next button would only go next and wouldn't do new.

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Shutter Bar - How To Make Default Closed Upon Database Open

Oct 26, 2012

Is there a way to make the shutter bar be closed on database open?

I already have an autoexec macro to take people to a main menu, but would like to ensure the shutter bar is closed for aesthetics and to keep people away from clicking on something.

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General :: Text Box On Form - How To Make Textbox Date Default To Previous Record

Nov 13, 2013

I'm having trouble with a Form and getting a text box entry box (Date entry) default to the date entered on the last record, which is linked to a table.

The only way I can get it to work is to type the date into the Text Box's Default property, for example, #11/13/13".

How to get the correct syntax or code into the Default property of the Text Box to make this work? I only want the entry to change versus the previous record/entry if the User changes / enters a new date.

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Print Subdatasheet

Nov 24, 2005


I would like to print a table including subdatasheets in Access. However, in Access 2002 it collapses them, and closes the table when I click on Print Preview. (In Access 2000 it works.)
Any ideas?

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Subdatasheet Question

Feb 7, 2005

I have a table for Inventory Items which lists the Item #, Description, Vendor, Pricing, Etc. I also have a table for Inventory Control which lists the quantites in inventory, what was sold and bought, etc. I want to create a subdata sheet in the Inventory Control table, so when you expand it only the information on that item comes up, but when I create the subdatasheet it brings up all the items. How do I create the subdata sheet so only the information I want is shown and not the whole table?

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Sum Of Column Of Subdatasheet

Apr 7, 2008

Dear folks,

I have a form, which in it's turn has a subform (datasheettype). Each work with different tables and are related to eachother. Unique key of motherform's table has several occurences in the subform's table.

Enfin, what I now want to do is have a textbox inside my main form displaying the total amount of values of one of the subform's columns. Please advice!

Thanks so much in advance!

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Applying A Parameter Query To Subdatasheet

May 11, 2007

I want to apply a parameter query to a subdatasheet.

I have a primary query that has a list of all the machines we service, this same query will count the number of service calls within a given date range that the user inputs.
(For the date criteria- Between [Enter Period Start Date] and [Enter Period End Date])

The resulting query datasheet is linked to a subdatasheet from another query that searches all the service calls and links it to the Machine ID.
So when I expand the subdatasheet it shows all the service calls for that machine, beyond the date range.

How can I make it so that the date range from the primary query applies to the subquery?

(without having to re-enter the date range everytime I expand the subdatasheet)

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Automatically Copy Data Into A Subdatasheet

May 9, 2006

Please forgive me if this has already been explained...but I've searched and searched and haven't found anything like it...

I have a form which contains a command button to open another form which is attached to a subdatasheet in Microsoft Access 2002. When I click on the button to open the sub form, I would like for it to automatically copy the contents of a text box on the original form to a text box on the sub form.

Any help you could offer would be appreciated.

- Taylor

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Subdatasheet Not Sufficient, Please Give Alternative

Dec 28, 2004

What I am doing, is I have various products with 5 basic fields. I then wanted to add an array of text fields to 2 of those original 5 basic fields. I attempted to do this with a subdatasheet, however, a subdatasheet is not record specific, is not directed to a specific field, and really does not do anything that I want.

Say that the basic field is ProductDescription. I want one column of fields to correlate to it, like below.
Is blue
Is large
Is heavy
Is strong

Each product will have a different amount of varying descriptor fields. Once understand how to incorporate this with my project, I then will need to understand how to add the subdatasheet to a report easily. Thanks for any help,

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If A Make-table Query Result Is Null, How To Have A Default Message Appear In Table ?

Jan 21, 2005

Hi everybody,

Beginner here needs help !

I'm building a make-table query for which if the result is null (no record correspond to the set of criterias), a default message like "there was no activity during the period" would appear in the table (not a message box...I need the message in the output table). The best I could think of is an IIF function but it doesn't seem to work... Is there any way to do this without using VBA?

Thanks in advance !

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2007 Upgrade - Change Subdatasheet Property??

May 30, 2007

We just upgraded to Office 2007 and are experiencing very slow access performance. This microsoft article addresses the problem:


It won't let me change Subdatasheet Name property to [NONE].

Even if I am able to change it, will this affect my table links. I have a lot of them.

I am just the part-time Access "programmer" here and am somewhat lost trying to figure this out. Does anyone have a simple explanation and solution? I would appreciate any help so much!!

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Forms :: Highlight Duplicates In Form And Subdatasheet

Mar 26, 2014

I have a form which has a subdatasheet attached to it. there could be 1000 records in the main form but only 10O records in the Subdatasheet that match the records in the main form , these are linked by a "product number" .

Is it possible for the row in the main form to be "red" where there is data in the Subdatasheet that is matched by the "product number".

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Modules & VBA :: Mainform Event - Hidden Column In Subform (Subdatasheet)?

Jul 22, 2014

In open Mainform event

Forms!Mainform.Form!SubForm!controlname.columnhidd en = false doesn't work. Ms Access can't find "subform"

On load and open events in subform doesn't work with columnhidden. (no reaction)

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Queries :: Is It Possible To Hide Default Value

Aug 26, 2014

can i calculate 3 fields

ex. total: [rate]*[dys] (working)
ex2. total: [rate]*[dys]-[late] (not working when one of the field(late) doesnt have value)what i want to happen is even if the late field doesnt have value i want it to still calculate

just like in excel =a1*b1-c1 (even if the c1 doesnt have value it still works properly but in access total: [rate]*[dys]-[late] (if the late doesnt have value, nothing shows up in total field, even though rate and dys have.what i did was i assigned the default value of late field properties to 0.but the 0 is just so annoying to see when i have to many data.can i calculate 3 fields in access just like excel even if one of the field doesnt have value? if my only option is to set the default value of late to 0 , is it posibble to hide the default value?

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Queries :: Set Bit Field To Default Checked?

Jul 11, 2014

I have a query that simply pulls back each tenant from a tenant table. Each row has a bit field that I use for check box's. This check box is true or false depending on the balance they owe. I currently use it to print off late reports and people that have this field set to true have a check box that auto populates on my datasheet.

I copied the query but I want to change it a little. I want to be able to show all tenants, but I want the bit field to show on my datasheet defaulted to checked for everyone (even if the table shows false) so that I can print all tenants without having to check the fields that are false in my table.

I tried to create an expression instead of using the bit field, but I no longer have the option to make that column into a "Check Box" under Lookup-Display Control.

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Queries :: Default Value Not Populating With VBA Code

Mar 11, 2014

Why the code is showing error.

Private Sub Ref_Click()
Me.Ref.DefaultValue = Date
End Sub

I want that when I click the Ref field in the form the date field in the form get populated with todays date

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Queries :: Combo Box Default - Locate Particular Record According To Predefined Value

Dec 10, 2013

I got a combo box with a few columns for locating query activity. However, how can I make use of it to locate a particular record according to predefined values, for instance in a loop, to locate records. The combo box got 3 columns, just want to know the syntax to define the combo box according to some values. I need to define only the first colmun or all 3 columns??

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Queries :: Default Value 0 In Query Extended Price Field

Mar 4, 2015

How to set a Default value "0" in Query Extended Price Calculated field ?

I have attached the screenshot with explanation, how to changes the formula.

I have used below following functions but there is no workout.

Extended Price: CCur([Qty]*[BPrice])
Extended Price: CCur(Nz([Qty]*[BPrice],0))
Extended Price: Nz([Qty]*[BPrice],0)
Extended Price: ([Qty]*[BPrice])
Extended Price: IIf(IsError(([Qty]*[BPrice])),0,([Qty]*[BPrice]))

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Queries :: Set Month Or Year Default As Per System Date

Oct 16, 2013

How can I set Month or Year default as per the system date. ie Only select records by Month (October) or Year (2013) as per system date?

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Can I Make These 2 Queries Become 1?

Aug 10, 2005

I have this query:

SELECT testScreen, Count(ID) AS testCount FROM SERPTestInput GROUP BY testScreen

It returns a count for each testScreen that appears in the table.

Then this query returns the same thing except it joins another table and adds the criteria that the status for the record must be successful.

SELECT testScreen, Count(testID) AS myCount FROM Results RIGHT JOIN SERPTestInput ON (SERPTestInput.ID=Results.testID AND Results.testStatus = 'Successful') GROUP BY testScreen

So both queries currently generate an 8 row table with the first column being the testScreen and the second being a count. I would like to somehow combine the two so I get a three column, 8 riow table. Column 1 would still be the testScreen, column 2 the total count for each testScreen and column 3 would be the successful count for each test screen.

In short, can the above two queries be combined into one?

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Queries :: Column From Other Table Displays Default Value Even With No Matching Record?

Apr 7, 2014

I have three tables: First, Second, and Third.The tables Second and Third each have a column with a default value of "X".I'm creating a query that selects fields from First table that JOIN with corresponding fields from Second and Third, so that all records from First are represented and only matching records from Second and Thirdare returned. I also select the "X" fields from Second and Third.

So I run the query: and the "X" column from Second only displays "X" for records that have a match in Second (since I mean for these fields to be quick indicators for if the record also appears in the other tables, this is my ideal result). However, the "X" column from Thirddisplays "X" for all rows, regardless of whether the record has a match in Third or not.

I can get more specific if need be, but I really can't tell why the one is displaying according to matching records but the other is always on. The JOINs are set correctly and the properties for the columns all check out.

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How To Make Dynamic Queries

Jun 19, 2006

I have several fields that have a drop down list. Say the Field is called "Age" and I have choices in the drop down menu as 1, 2, 3, and 4. How do I create a query that would accept input from the user to show 2 of the 4 or 1 of the 4 or all of the choices using one query that has checkboxes, and possibly using a form to do so. I have a form that has a list of all entries. Now I just need to make it able to filter based on user input.

Say I have checkboxes for 1, 2, 3, 4, and all choices. Can a list filter only what I check? Can I create a form that would have all the choices on it and just click a button that says "submit" and have it filter, or print the form. How do you get the checkboxes to filter when checked, but not when unchecked? Where does Access store the true/false, on/off, yes/no responces that come from the checkbox? Is there a variable that gets set to a 1 or a 0 based on the status of the box?

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