Queries :: How To Save Data On The Server

Sep 4, 2013

I have created several "pass through" queries in the last several years. However, Is it possible to run an SQL Procedure as a Pass Through Query. The procedure they want to run is set up to run a query, save the results to a server, and then run another query based on the saved data. I can get both queries to run as pass through queries, but I can't figure out how to save the data on the server. Is there a way to accomplish this? Can SQL procedures be run via Access?

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Queries :: Cannot Format Data From A Pass Through Query From SQL Server

Jan 10, 2014

I get a result set from a pt qry from a sql server 2008 in vba. Me.Total is an unbound field in the report foot( correct translation of german "Berichtsfu"??)

Private Sub Berichtsfu�_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)
SELECT SUM((DATEPART(hour, Calctime) * 60 + DATEPART(minute, Calctime)) * Price / 60) AS TtlPrice ...
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("qryPT_TtlPrice")
Me.Total = rs("TtlPrice ")

On the access report I can format me.Total as currency, decimal, integer whatever I want (unless it makes no sense exept currency) and it works.


SUM(((DATEPART(hour, Calctime) * 60 + DATEPART(minute, Calctime)) * Price/ 60)* (case when CompanyID=1 then 1.66 else 1 end)) AS TtlPrice

The detail should be multiplied with 1,66 when the record belongs to company 1, for all others ist remains the same. In the Management Studio the results of both looks similar, same in the debug window of VBA editor, but I cannot format the result or lets say, the formating is wrong for the second example.

Neither in VBA
Me.Total = format(rs("TtlPrice "), " 0.000,00") or
Me.Total = format(rs("TtlPrice "),"0.000,00")

nor in the report int the properties of the field I can avoid this result: in the debug window of access the result looks OK, for example 29555.670000 (don't know where all the 0 come from), which should read as 29.555,67. But on the report the result with formated curreny in field property (currency, 2 decimals) shows 29.555.670.000,00

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General :: Save A File To A Specific Folder On Server

Feb 23, 2013

We have a server that we use to run a Microsoft Access application. This application creates folders, subfolders and files on the server.Users are in 4 different offices. Each office has at least 3 computers. Some users also work from home.

Users creates file through word, or scanning a document or by saving an email on their local pc.My problem is that users need to be able to save a file to a specific folder on server.

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Queries On The Server?

Nov 26, 2007

Hi all, im using Access/Dreamweaver. Im decided to run the databse on queries this time - with no probs in ISS. As soon as i run it on the server i get this -

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e37'

The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query 'search'. Make sure it exists and that its name is spelled correctly.

/search.asp, line 168

The database is fine. We have a dedicated server also. Any ideas what i may need to do to set it up on the server? thx

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Export Data To SQL Server

Feb 12, 2007

I want to export my tables from an Access 2003 database to Sql Server (Version 8.0). Isn't there a built in function to do this? I tried import from Access to SQL Server in Sql Server. I tried export to SQL Server from Access in Access. Neither gave me errors but I couldn't find my tables either. When I tried the export in Access again, I got an error that the table already existed. When I began searching the Internet for how to do this, I found software for sale. Has anyone had experience with this?

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Move Queries From Mdb To SQL Server

Apr 21, 2007


I know how to move the tables from mdb to SQL Server.
But, how can I move all the queries from mdb file to SQL Server?

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Pushing Data From Access To Sql Server

Jun 12, 2007

I need to push data from an Access database which is getting really big really quickly to a Sql Server. The queries from the Access will still be used to query the data that will be moved to Sql Server. Can someone please suggest the best way to go about doing this.


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How To Get Data In Access Table From A Remote SQL Server

Jun 10, 2007

Good evening,
my web site (in hosting) stores data in a SQL Server database.
Now, I've and import these data in an Access application and, of course, I've no direct access to SQL Server instance.
I thought about using Web Services. Does anybody know how to do, or has an alternate way?

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General :: Code Error When Load Data From Server

Jun 5, 2014

Im using ms access 2010 and this program compatible with previously ms access.the error show is type mismatch (error 13) on


Set rbs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT MSysObjects.Name" _
& " FROM MSysObjects WHERE MSysObjects.Type= 1 And MSysObjects.Flags=0" _
& " and MSysObjects.Name='" & n_tb & "'")

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Forms :: Error Occurred While Sending Data To OLE Server

May 12, 2013

I want to make a bar chart in form with X-axis: [WEEK], Y-axis: [TTL NO] and each bar separated by [FINAL CHECK] liked below which [WEEK] linked to filter in form to choose required period.However, error occurrs and 2 error message boxes as below.

1. The Microsoft Jet database engine does not recognize '[Forms].[Menu].[FM_WK]' as a valid field name or express.
2. An error occurred while sending data to the OLE server (the application used to create the object).

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Upgrade To SQL Server - Forms To Be Based On Queries Rather Than Filters?

Oct 18, 2005

I am in the process of upgrading Access b/e to SQL b/e using .mdb and linked table as the front end ( as given as the best solution in many of the posts).

I remember reading in this forum ( Comment made by Pat Hartman) that forms should be based on queries rather than using a filter criteria.

I have a continuous form with project records. The user can double click one of the records to view further details of the project on a separate form. The code I have used to open the form is as follows:

strdocname = "frmProjDetails"
strParm = ""
strLinkCriteria = "[WProjNo]=" & "'" & Me![ProjNo] & "'"

DoCmd.OpenForm strdocname, , , , acFormEdit, , strParm

Would this be a reduction in performance? Should the record source of the details form be changed to a query that has a where clause pointing to the selected record?

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Queries :: Converted Desktop Access Database To SQL Server

Dec 5, 2014

I have converted desktop Access database to SQL server. A medium sized app with 24 tables, 60 or so forms/subforms and about 120 queries. I created 2 split files, one containing the tables, and the other containing forms, queries, vba modules. I migrated the tables to SQL server using SSMA, and built an odbc connection for my front end. It works, except it is painfully slow. Its cos most of the recordsets that drive my front end are query based. And in many instances the queries are comprised of queries, not just tables.

Should i be creating my queries on the SQL server? Is that what people do when using Access front end with SQL server back end? Do away with Access queries? Or does the problem lie elsewhere? How do i network optimise my Access FE / SQL server BE?

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Form Will Not Save Data

Apr 12, 2006

I have a form that no longer saves data in some fields, but does save data in others. Nothing has changed, except that it no longer saves the new data which it did save at one time. I looked at the code behind the form, and the requery statement is still there.

Any suggestions?

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How To Save Data To A Second Table?

Feb 14, 2007

Hi Guys,
What i am trying to do is, i have two tables called Table1 and Table2.

I have created a form called Form1.
This Form1 has all the fields from Table1.

What i want to do is, as soon as a user fills in the details in Form1, obviuosly it saves those details in Table1, BUT i want it to save a couple of field values into Table2 as well.

How do i go about doing this??

In Table1 i can access the fields by "Me.[Fieldname]" (from the VB script), but how do i access Table2 OR how do i save data to Table2 from Form1.


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Forms Cannot Save The Data

Mar 2, 2005

I cannot save the data in the forms I have made. once I close the form, all the saved infomation is lost when I reopen the form. But somehow they reman stored in the table.
Any suggesstion on how to retain the records in the form too.

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Dialog Box To Save Data Changes?

Mar 11, 2005

Hi everyone,

I have a client I'm currently working for that has dumped Access on me. I'm not originally here for Access and am sort of learning as I go along (I'm here to setup, run, and maintain servers, etc.)

The problem is they have a large contact database in Access, and want the forms to pop up a dialog asking if data changes are okay before actually updating. I know that Access normally just does the change, but there is an issue with someone that doesn't understand computers at all making a mess of it (adding in one client 15 times, each with one different piece of information, erasing things in an attempt to search, etc, etc.)

I've been going all over the place trying to research the issue for hours and have had no luck finding a solution. Any help would be beyond appreciated. Thanks in advance for any help!


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How Do I Save The Data From A Calculation.

Apr 11, 2005

On my form I have calculated fields based on information from my sub forms. I have the calculations all working fine however I can seam to figure out how to save them in the table that my form is linked to as my control source is the calculation. Should I be using my calculations in an area other than the control source?

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How To Save The Subform Data?

Aug 28, 2005

Hi everybody, i am an U Student from Singapore.and i am a new MS ACCESS learner. So please kindly advice me a question about MS ACCESS.
I created one form called MonthlyTransaction. Inside this Form, i have another sub-form called Forecast. So my question is how do i save the MonthlyTransaction data into monthlyTransaction table and Forecast data into Forecast table? But the field name in Forecast table called MonthlyTransID is the value of MonthlyTransID in the MonthlyTransaction table.

Thanks very very much in advanced for yours help.

Wilmos Lee.

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Save Data Confirmation

Sep 11, 2005

I'm wondering if its possible to have a "would you like to save changes, yes/no" thing pop up after data has been added or changed to a form, or have the option to save when closing a form and if no is chosen then any data changed is not saved.

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New Occupancy Will Not Save Data

Apr 22, 2015

My NewOccupancy for will not save data. I enter in the data in the form and click it away. When I go back to the form it is not there and I have to enter data in all over again. This cycle repeats many time.

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Save Calculated Data

Apr 25, 2014

I need to make a calculated field show up on my table. My database is for technicians at work to log their hourly health checks. I have a field on form "Health Check" called "HC_ID" that I automatically bring over to the next form called "Channel_Scan_Form" with the control source property. I would like the data from this field to copy to the accompanying table called "ChannelScan_Table" from this "Channel_Scan_Form". I have tried to place the code in several different events on the property sheet but haven't had any luck bringing the data over to the table. I'm just starting to play with databases, plan on being here for a while and hopefully contributing in the future.

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Save Data In Table

Jun 6, 2013

I have in my Form.

Table 1: Vender Name, Number, contract, amount, quantity,and order number.
Table 2: Doc #, Date. Multiple Doc #'s and dates will be saved under one vendor name (hence the two tables).

What I need is a MACRO where once I save the Doc #and Date to a record, I need to be able to go back to that record and enter a new Doc # without saving over the one I originally did.

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Forms :: Access Form To Insert Data In Sql Server Table

Jan 21, 2015

how to create a form in access to insert/update/delete data from a table in sql server?

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General :: Pull Data From SQL Server Based Off Of Order Number?

May 27, 2015

I am looking into re-creating something I have created in Microsoft Excel into Microsoft Access.What I do in the Excel spreadsheet, is when I type in an order number, various fields in the spreadsheet are populated using vlookups and ODBC's.

I wish to re-create this in Access but not sure how. I have a basic form, with various fields such as, order number, part number, description, quantity.What I have in my mind is that I would like to be able to type in an order number, then the rest of the fields would be populated by a query to a SQL Server database.i can see a way to do this using VBA but would rather look for a more direct way if possible.

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Modules & VBA :: Update Data In A Bunch Of Tables Of SQL Server Database

Apr 25, 2014

I need to update data in a bunch of tables of a sql server database. The database has 300 tables which I have linked via odbc. I'm hoping there is a simple way, using vba, to loop through my linked sql server tables and determine which of them are views as opposed to tables.

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Access Field Types Change When Relinking Data From Sql Server?

Jan 25, 2014

We have been using an Access (Access 2013) program where we link the program to dataviews created in sql server.

Recently we had to re-link the data views because a change had been made to them. When we relinked the data we noticed that the field type for the field used as the primary key changed from "Short Text" to "Long Text". The programmer who created the dataview from sql server said that nothing was done at that end that would have caused the change

I know how to prevent the problem from recurring. We are changing the sql server spec from VARCHAR(8000) to CHAR(20).

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