Queries :: IIF Statement - Remove Character From String

Dec 3, 2013

I'm creating a string with an IIf statement and placing a comma between values. How do I delete the last comma at the end of the resultant string?

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Queries :: Remove A Character String Using SQL?

Apr 19, 2013

I have a weight field that I've been populating with the weight and the unit of measure. I want to seperate those into 2 different fields. I've created a new field called UnitofMeasure and now I need to go back and remove all the instances of 'oz' and 'lbs' from the first field.

Is this possible with SQL?

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Queries :: Remove ( - ) From Six Character Field

Jun 4, 2013

I have a field called "SC" with a value 13-251. I need to remove the "-" ending up with 13251. I tried using, as a starting point, Mid(String, Start, Length) with no success. I found this in another topic, and thought this might be close to what I was looking for. I sure did not know how to use it. When I selected the run command I got the following response:

Query must have at least one destination.

I tried a few different things like adding an extra field and different pointers but I doubt if I'm even standing in the batters box.

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Queries :: How To Remove A Digit From String

Jul 29, 2014

I have a field called PropertyID which stores a unique 13 digit number, the 10th digit is always a 3. I want to remove the 3 to leave a 12 digit number.

I've tried running an Update query using Replace([PropertyID],"3","",10,1) but no joy, what am I doing wrong?

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Queries :: Remove Part Of A String From Right To Left

May 28, 2015

I have a manual date format that looks something like:

02/16/2015 09:06:15 AM PST

I would like to truncate the text so that just the date is showing. For all that I have found, I can remove a string from the beginning? any tips on removing a string from the end?

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Queries :: Remove HTML And RTF Tags From String

Dec 5, 2013

I'm using Access 2010.

I'm trying to append some text to a field used for comments for a Team Member profile. I don't really want to create a comments table for multiple comments regarding changes to the profile.

Some comments already exist and I want to add some more information programmatically when the profile is updated using a batch update at the end of a reporting period.

I thought it'd be easy in a query,

New Comment:[EXISTING COMMENT] & "; Additional Comment" But I was getting HTML Tags when I tried to concatenate the strings. "<div><font color=black> EXISTING COMMENT HERE </font></div>" then a linefeed and <div> </div>; Additional Comment HERE.

I found a function to kill all the html tags but the visual linefeed and the " " tag won't go away.

I'd like to concatenate two pure text strings to get one pure text string to put back into the comments field which will just be text wrapped with no forced linefeeds.

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Need To Remove A Character

Jan 11, 2006

Hello, Tried a search but could'nt come up with an answer.

I have a number field with an amount.
The format will always change as far as the LEN is concerned.
I need to remove the decimal.
There will always be 2 numbers to the right of the decimal but the left will always change.


21543.11 Need 2154311
11.20 Need 1120

Thanks in advance! :)

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Queries :: Use Of String Expression As Field Definition And ARGUMENT In IIF Statement

Apr 25, 2014

I am developing a calender to display HOTEL room occupancy (past,present) and combine with future "outlook" dates and 1/0 values from active registrations that go beyond the present date.

I am working with MS ACCESS 2007. My problem is ONE SPECIFIC QUERY AND IIF STATEMENT. I want to concatenate some text (using &) along with numbers converted to text (using the CSTr function). I am using iif function and I want to use the full text string as a variable argument to be executed in the iif function. The result of the &concatenate is a text field like [p1] or [p2] or [p#] with numbers 1-31.

But, I do not want the final result as the argument. I want the query and iif to use the string expression written into the argument as the variable argument that can be calculated based on OTHER numbers that change everyday in the daily run of the calender.

The field in the statement [calc number] is a date conversion factor that changes everyday.

I want the iif statement to execute using the string as a variable argument. I am writing only within the QUERY to define the query object. I am not writing into any SQL module or code. My field definition and iif statement is below (calc number changes everyday)

CalDate18: iif(18 greater date();"[p" & [calc number] & "]";0

I do not have greater-than key on this international keyboard !

When I use this in an update query, I get format conversion error. When I use the same definition in MAKE-TABLE query, it gives the resolved value "[p1]" for the value of [CalDate18] ......... that is not what I want.

I want the string to be taken literally and executed. Seems there may be a special character to precede the argument or WRAP the argument such as done in Excel. Example # "[p" & [calc number] & "]" #

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General :: How To Get Last Character Of The String In Query

Nov 5, 2012

How to get the last character of the string in query?

I have a table name PlateNo and I want to get the last character for registration purposes.

Ex. ZMD-123 - I want to get the number three(3) and if its possible every time the user types the last digit in criteria it will show all plate number ending in the entered number.

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Modules & VBA :: Invalid Character In Import String

Jun 16, 2015

I have a program that has been working for a year or so, it imports records form a text file created by a web site. Someone has entered a hex("1A", "A8" in a name field. It is shutting my program down. I tried a alphanumeric check to replace it and a length check to try and skip the record but the program thinks it is at the end of the file and quits reading records. Is there a way to get rid of characters like this in vba?

"5407 MUYF3I23 GIS..LE "

Here is what I have tried

If Len(strread) <> 591 Then
MsgBox "Invalid Record Read " & strread
GoTo Skip_Loop
End If
If AlphaNumeric(CStr(Trim(Mid(strread, 32, 11)))) Then
!HT_FName = CStr(Trim(Mid(strread, 32, 11)))

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Code To Find Particular Character In A String

Aug 29, 2014

I've got a string variable with a value that could be typically


The string needs to be split into its three parts, the pipe symbol being the separator. Then the middle numeric string must be converted back to a long.

I know i could do a loop which identifies each character in turn, but my question is:

Is there a VBA function that can pick out the position in the string of the "|" characters, so i dont need a loop ?

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General :: String Function To Detect First Alphabetical Character?

Jul 18, 2014

I have a string where alphabetical and numerical characters are mixed up. I need a string function where I can find the index of the first non-numerical character. I tried with the mid function but could not get it to work.

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Modules & VBA :: SQL Server - Conversion Failed When Converting Date And / Or Time From Character String

Feb 13, 2014

I have two table

1. dbo.period (OpeningDate, ClosingDate)
2. dbo.data (blah blah, doc_date)

I want to create a view as follows

Select doc_date from dbo.data
where doc_date> 'select OpeningDate from dbo.period'

both doc_date and opening date have the same format

but the error will still appear as follows:
"Conversion failed when converting date and / or time from character string."

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Remove Part Of A String

Feb 7, 2005

Hi folks,
I have a table with the words "Church of (whatever)" in one of the records. I am attempting to do an update query to remove the "Church of" part but leave the remaining part of the string. I am using a combination of Format and left but am not having any look. Any suggestion are much appreciated.

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Remove Comma From String In Query

Mar 8, 2006

I have this query:

INSERT INTO 1_2_06 ( Issue_ID, Assigned_To, ListType )
SELECT Issue_ID, Assigned_To, 'QPT'
WHERE QPTActions.Entry_Date<=DateValue('1/2/2006') And QPTActions.Close_Date>DateValue('1/2/2006');

The Assigned_To values are a Lastname, Firstname format as they come out of the first database. But I need the comma stripped before they get entered into the INSERT database. Is it possible to do this on the fly?

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Show Text Box In A Form Based On Character Within A String In Another Text Box

Dec 21, 2012

I have a form where I want a textbox [txtMaxOrdLimit] to be visible only if another text box on the same form [PaNumber] contains the letter D in the string. This is the code I have on the forms On Current property but I'm missing something because textbox [txtMaxOrdLimit] doesn't show on the form at all.

If Me.PaNumber = "*D" Then
Me.txtMaxOrdLimit.Visible = True
Me.txtMaxOrdLimit.Visible = False
End If

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Syntax Error In 'FROM' Statement For StrSQL String

Feb 7, 2006

Anybody see anything wrong the syntax for the below query. I'm trying set up this query
to pass a string to 'struser' for multiple users. I'm getting 'Syntax error in FROM
clause'. Thanks ! ! !

Dim strSQL As String
Dim struser As String
struser = "MIKE"
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set qdf = db.QueryDefs("qryUser")
strSQL = "SELECT Salable_Figures.Loan_Originator_Code," & _
"Salable_Figures.Loan_Originator_Name," & _
"Salable_Figures.Lastname_Sort," & _
"Salable_Figures.Team, Salable_Figures.Plan," & _
"Salable_Figures.Monthly_SCountOfLoan_Program_Code AS Monthly_SCount, " & _
"Salable_Figures.Monthly_SSumOfNote_Amount," & _
"Salable_Figures.Salable_Monthly_Goal," & _
"Salable_Figures.YTD_SCountOfLoan_Program_Code AS Yearly_SCount," & _
"Salable_Figures.YTD_SSumOfNote_Amount AS Yearly_SSumOfNote_Amount, " & _
"Salable_Figures.YTD_SSumOfNote_Amount AS Yearly_SSumOfNote_Amount," & _
"Salable_Figures.Yearly_Salable AS Yearly_Salable_Goal " & _
"FROM Salable_YTD_Figures INNER JOIN Salable_Figures" & _
"ON Salable_YTD_Figures.Loan_Originator_Code = Salable_Figures.Loan_Originator_Code " & _
"WHERE Salable_Figures.Loan_Originator_Code)=" & struser & _
' Apply the new SQL statement to the query
qdf.SQL = strSQL
' Open the query
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryUser"

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IIF Statement To Pull String From Memo Field

Sep 12, 2006

I have a 3rd party database where I have no control over how the data is entered. I've been given the task of creating a Crystal report that would need to gather data from two databases. The link between the two databases in my report would be on a quote number. In one database, the quote number is in it's own field. In the 3rd party database, the quote number is stored in a memo field along with other data.
Here's an example:

4000 C7875
9003267 T7761
4010 T7152A
TPCA #1756/2914

The data I'm after is
*No data from the 5th row since the data after the "T" isn't numerical

So far I'm thinking of using an IIF statement to check for the existance of a C or T, then if true, use a nested IIF statement within the first to check for numeric, if true, use the Mid function to pull out the quote number.

My first concern is this could become a complicated IIF statement and was wondering if there was another direction I should be looking in acheiving this.

My second concern is if I go with this method, some of the quote numbers have a space after them, some of them have no space after them, some may even have a "/" after them. How would I go about accomplishing this?

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AutoNumber Field And SQL String INSERT INTO Statement

Apr 4, 2008

In my statment below the ID is an autonumber. I placed it in the first part ofthe SQL string..but not where I have to variables referenced...

I have to add it to the SQL statement...Its not a varible although I can make it one by getting the largest number nad adding one...
Do I have to make it a non-autonumber and do it like I said above

Or is there another way to treat the autonumber (ID) in the SQL INSERT INTO statement...


Code:MySQL = "INSERT INTO dbo_data ("MySQL = MySQL & "ID,Name,Owners_Residence,Notice_Expiration,Notes,N otice_Number,Status,Notice_Date,Property_Address,N uisance_Type,Addition_Name,Range,Lot,Block,Zip_Cod e,Display_PID,Sec_tion,Township,Property_City,Prop erty_State,Property_Zip"MySQL = MySQL & ") values ("MySQL = MySQL & "'" & varName & "','" & varOwners_Residence & "','" & varNotice_Expiration & "','" & varNotes & "','" & varNotice_Number & "','" & varStatus & "','" & varNotice_Date & "','" & varProperty_Address & "','" & varNuisance_Type & "','" & varAddition_Name & "','" & varRange & "','" & varLot & "','" & varBlock & "','" & varProperty_Zip & "','" & varDisplay_PID & "','" & varSec_tion & "','" & varTownship & "','" & varProperty_City & "','" & varProperty_State & "','" & varZip_Code & "'"MySQL = MySQL & ");"

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Convert String To Date Problem In SQL Statement.

Apr 27, 2007

In the following statement i tried to send BeginningDate(textbox value) and

EndingDate(txtbox value) to the SQL stmnt but it gave an error saying "Type

Mismatch" even though i used CDate method. answer for this problem is greatly


"WHERE Project.tProjTitle='" + Trim(cboProjectTitle) + "' AND

Project.nProjId=Indicator.nProjId AND Indicator.tIndicatorName='" +

cboIndicator + "' AND Indicator.nIndicatorId=IndicatorData.nIndicatorId AND

Region.nRegionId=IndicatorData.nRegionId AND

Institute.nInstituteId=IndicatorData.nInstituteId AND" + _
"IndicatorData.indicDate Between '" + CDate(BeginningDate) +

"' AND '" + CDate(EndingDate) + "' " + _"GROUP BY

IndicatorData.nRegionId, " + Trim(Replace(cboRows, "_", ".")) + " "

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Modules & VBA :: Build New SQL Statement Incorporating String?

Aug 28, 2013

I am trying to build a new sql statement for a query using a string from items selected in a list box on a form. I have the string in place and keep getting syntax errors for the new sql statement. The code is below.

" FROM JG_tbl_LMEMP" & _
" Group by JG_tbl_LMEMP.DEPT_CODE" & _
" Where JG_tbl_LMEMP.DEPT_Code IN(" & strCriteria & ")"
qdf.SQL = strSQL

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Modules & VBA :: Inserting String Variable In SQL Statement

Dec 7, 2014

I am trying to write vba code to enter a form. A am using an SQL statement in vba to enter the form with it.

I want to include a string variable in the WHERE clause of the SQL statement. The string variable is introduced in the DIM statement before coming up to the SQL statement.

The following is the SQL statement. numrukarta is the string variable I want to introduce. I need to know the exact punctuation to be able to insert it into this statement.

StrSq1 = " SELECT Employees.NName, Employees.SSurname, WorkItems.IDcardNo, WorkItems.DDate, WorkItems.EntryTime, WorkItems.FinishTime, WorkItems.Roster" _
& " FROM Employees INNER JOIN WorkItems ON Employees.IDcardNo = WorkItems.IDcardNo" _
& " WHERE (((WorkItems.IDcardNo)= numrukarta) AND ((WorkItems.DDate)=Date()) AND ((WorkItems.FinishTime) Is Null);" AND (Not (WorkItems.Roster) Is Null))

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Queries :: Update Statement For A OUTER JOIN Select Statement

Feb 12, 2014

I have the following Select Statement:

SELECTTenant.ID, Tenant.[First Name], Tenant.[Last Name], Tenant.Address, Tenant.City, Tenant.State, Tenant.Zip, Tenant.[Home Phone], Tenant.[Cell Phone], Tenant.[Work Phone], Tenant.[Rented Unit],
Tenant.[Security Deposit], Tenant.[Move In], Tenant.[Move Out], Tenant.TenantID, Tenant.UnitID, Tenant.PropertyID, Tenant.OwnerID, Owner.Company, Owner.ID AS Expr1, Property.[Property Address],


Now, I know that something in the UPDATE statement does not match my select statement.What should my Update Statement be, in order to update all the columns in the joined tables?

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Queries :: Extract Text Between First And Second Character

Aug 30, 2013

i would like to make a query in ma access can extract text between first and second character "/" and when there are not "/" in field it returns null.now data in my table are like below


No option1 1 100 2 145/Mechanical/0800 3 120/electrical/1620 4 131/mechanical/0200/dw-001

Now I like to make a query can extract text between first and second character "/" like below: No option1 discipline


1 100 null 2 145/Mechanical/0800 Mechanical 3 120/electrical/1620 electrical 4 131/mechanical/0200/dw-001 mechanical

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Queries :: To Get Numbers With Specific Character

May 12, 2014

I just want to get like if i have criteria like ;


Then what i need that in table if i select excellent then in query it should display 5, same if select good then 4, then fair 3 and so on..

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Queries :: Need To Set StrConv With First Character Uppercase

Apr 20, 2014

Im linking to sql across ms access and I have all records uppercase.I need to set StrConv with first character uppercase and every other lowercase which is not problem.

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