Now, I have a form that has a 'Thicknesstxtfield' that when calculated in the form its value is 0.072 in this case . Based on the range this value falls into, I want to get the correspondant 'Factor' which in this case would be '0.98'. Guess what, ACCESS is telling me that it cannot find the value '0.072' in the table and gives me an error. Any ideas on this?
Notice that all the fields except "ID" are 'Doubles' with 4 decimal places, and I find the values using the 'DLookUp' function. I know that's where the error is because all the other ranges work fine.
I'm a bit new to SQL, and have what is probably a rather simple question:
I have a query, which i want to pick up a figure from a table.
SELECT * FROM Feb_Closed WHERE Time_to_Close>'6' AND Team_Owner='Comp& Ben';
This give me a load of rows with Time to close between 6 and 9 but nothing else. The problem it is not counting everything over 9 ie i think that it is just looking at 1 digit in the table and so ignoring 10, 11, 12, 13... etc etc.
I created a database. exported some Excel data into Access tables, created a number of lookups, default values etc. and created a pretty simple query.
My problem is that after importing and tweaking the data, when I add new records, my queries do not pick them up! I have tried:
1. saving, closing, opening and re-running the queries. 2. putting an Nz expression for each field in the query as I read that null values may cause a problem. 3. wrote the query again, field by field to see if all records were received. 4. Exported the table back to Excel and imported to a new Access table in my database
Is it possible to use a value of a table row in a "Like" statement of a query ? Below is query code that I want to modify to accomplish what I need. I want to search the "BudgetIn (Description) table for records that are like "ExpensesIn (Accounts) - table. I thought that if I entered the value in the "EXpensesIn" (Accounts) table, surrounding by asterisks, would give me what I needed. Unfortunately, the query criteria placed quotes around the critrea and the query looked for text (i.e. "*[ExpensesIn]Accounts*") rather than the value in the table.
SELECT BudgetIn.Description, ExpensesIn.Expenses, BudgetIn.Previous_Budget, BudgetIn.Budget_Year, ExpensesIn.Accounts FROM BudgetIn LEFT JOIN ExpensesIn ON BudgetIn.Description = ExpensesIn.Accounts WHERE BudgetIn.Description Like *[ExpensesIn]Accounts*;
SQL stored procedure which is simple INSERT statement on a single table 'tblSOF'
Code: -- ================================================ -- Template generated from Template Explorer using: -- Create Procedure (New Menu).SQL -- -- Use the Specify Values for Template Parameters -- command (Ctrl-Shift-M) to fill in the parameter values below.
[Code] ....
I am stumped with the following error.
Error: Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure InsertINTO_tblSOF_sp, Line 80 Incorrect syntax near ')'.
Now, I know that something in the UPDATE statement does not match my select statement.What should my Update Statement be, in order to update all the columns in the joined tables?
I would like to have a table update query populate cells in a field, based on an IIf statement (below), but states that the IIf statement arguments still need to be enclosed in parentheses. I don't understand what the problem is, I have two sets of opening / closing parentheses.
I am having a problem to get my query to run properly. I have a huge IIf statement that doesn't seem to be working but I am not sure what is wrong with it. What it is supposed to do is return a good, actionable, or poor based on a specified weight and an actual weight. So what the query does is pull information from a table based on the specified weight and then using that information it should give back the correct rating in the last column.
I have a query with the following criteria in one of the fields:
>=DateAdd("m",-12,fom()) And <=DateAdd("m",1,fom())
fom is a function for first of the current month. I need this query to be specific to what month it is when its ran so i want to only have this criteria if the month is > = october. If it isnt October or greater, i want the criteria to reflect this.
>=DateAdd("m",-12,fom()) And <=fom()
Which also works by itself. But when i add it to an iif statement it always produces no results. Below is the iif statement.
Iif(month(date())>=10, >=DateAdd("m",-12,fom()) And <=DateAdd("m",1,fom()),>=DateAdd("m",-12,fom()) And <=fom())
I have also added the column name to each expression and it still doesnt produce any results.
I'm sort of new to Access, but over the past few months I've been able to develop an inventory database for my work which turned out quite nicely and does everything I need it to, except for one thing.
I want to also create invoices for my customers, and after looking at examples I understand that most people link the "order" with the invoice, so that there is one invoice per order. However, I need the ability to combine many orders into one invoice. That's where I'm stuck.
I don't know how to arrange my relationships and forms so that I can "pick" the orders I want on my invoice, and not at the time of the Order, but at some point after. Basically my orders will be established, but their allocation to invoices won't, until I come along and put them into their rightful bill.
Does anyone have any thoughts on this? I'm pretty stumped.
I have two tables in the first table there is an outline number and the second table there is a task id (both are text strings, i.e. outline number and task id would be something like
I want a query to return all the results in the first table that are not equal to the second table
I have tried the following but it returns all 54 records Code:SELECT DISTINCT RawData.TeamLeadNumber, RawData.Category, RawData.OutlineNumber, RawData.OutlineDescription, RawData.Start, RawData.Finish, RawData.Milestone, RawData.PercentComplete, RawData.DeliverableDesc, RawData.ReleasePeriod, RawData.OutlineNumber2, RawData.OutlineDescription2FROM RawData, SharePointDataWHERE (((RawData.OutlineNumber)<>SharePointData.TaskID));
I have tried changing the where clause to have it as Code:WHERE ((RawData.OutlineNumber)<SharePointData.TaskID) AND ((RawData.OutlineNumber)>SharePointData.TaskID);
but then no data is returned, and I know that of the 54 records 21 of them are the same so I should be seeing 33 records
Can anybody see what I'm doing wrong here. I have the following query
SELECT Contacts.Cust_FK, Contacts.ContactNr, Contacts.FirstLastName FROM Contacts WHERE (Forms.ComLogDetail.Cust_FK=Contacts.Cust_FK) ORDER BY Contacts.ContactNr;
The "Forms.ComLogDetail.Cust_FK" part should render the current record in the form ComLogDetail but its not. Any ideas?? I'm an amateur programmer so my apolgies if the solution is all too simple.
I am trying to pick out the ERAP no.s out of a whole string of data. ERAP no.s are like invoice no.s. Do I Append or Make table? How do i go about doing this? I want the ERAP no. in a row next to the the description field all next to its respective string of data too....
for an example..
See.. the part where the ERAP no. appears is inconsistant.. if not i could simply use excel and use text to columns. We have thousands of lines like this every week... There has to be a way to pick out just this detail and fill in the column next to the respective datastring...
Can someone please advice me on how i can go about doing this?
I have a table called "Cities" which has only two fields; City & Province.I have connected it in a relationship with another table as "Include ALL records from 'Cities' and only those records from 'tblInstallations' where the joined fields are equal."I have put an "AfterUpdate" event which works and everything.
It is working fine and updates the province correctly.The problem is that is putting another city from same province in the "City" field even though I picked up different name.
I'm fairly new to databases and have been attempting to build a multi-table database. It's not properly rationalised, but I wanted to test run it to ensure it was fit for purpose first.I've built my form, which is pushing data out to several tables, but I cannot seem to get the form to pick up previous records.
I have cleared the data out of the database and started testing it to check its usability.I entered in a full record, and flicked back and forth between the records, and everything was looking good.
Then I closed the form, and re-opened it and my record was no longer populating the form fields.I've literally changed nothing bar one field that was changed from number to text.
I have an UPDATE query that I would think to be adequately written as follows:
UPDATE (SELECT num FROM DataSrc ORDER BY group, zone) SET NUM = getnextcounter([num]);
The purpose of the query is to update the value in field [num], by incrementing it sequentially according to the ORDER BY sort order, using get nextcounter(), which simply adds 1 to a counter variable that is first set to 0 (before running the query).When I save the query and re-open it in design view, Access has changed it by adding an AS statement:
UPDATE (SELECT num FROM DataSrc ORDER BY group, zone, name, date, time, datasrc, id) AS [%$##@_Alias] SET NUM = getnextcounter([num]);
It does what I want, but I don't understand why the AS statement is being generated and put into the SQL statement
I thought the whole point of the ; sign at the end of a sql statement in access was so that you can run more than one query at a time? if this is the case, could you tell me why this doesn't work? Code: sqlStr = "UPDATE tabControlFeeType SET FeeAmount = " & txtFirst.Text & " WHERE KeyFeeType = 1;" & _ "UPDATE tabControlFeeType SET FeeAmount = " & txtSecond.Text & " WHERE KeyFeeType = 2;" & _ "UPDATE tabControlFeeType SET FeeAmount = " & txtThird.Text & " WHERE KeyFeeType = 3;" Dim comm As New OleDbCommand(sqlStr, conn) comm.ExecuteNonQuery() the query doesn't work if I put it straight into access either?
This statement returns a "date" each time the event occurs. I want to have a parameter between [Start Date] and [End Date] so I can pull events for a specified date range. I have tried this "Expr [EventDate]" Between [start date] And [end date] but it returns "null" results. I am using access 2010
EventDate: IIf([tblEventException].[EventID] Is Null,IIf(([qryEventCartesian].[PeriodTypeID] Is Null) Or ([qryEventCartesian].[PeriodFreq] Is Null) Or ([qryEventCartesian].[InstanceID] Is Null),[qryEventCartesian].[EventStart],DateAdd([qryEventCartesian].[PeriodTypeID],[qryEventCartesian].[InstanceID]*[qryEventCartesian].[PeriodFreq],[qryEventCartesian].[EventStart])),IIf([tblEventException].[IsCanned],Null,[tblEventException].[InstanceDate]))
I have a Form that is used to print a report and the report is based off of a query.I dont like the WHERE statement in the query. I want the user to enter the employer codes and not have to continue to press enter when they are done entering 5 employer codes.
Example: The want to send letters to 3 Employer codes but after they enter the 3rd employer code the query will continue asking for 21 more employer codes. How can I provide the user a way to not be asked for 21 more employer codes? The current code for the query is:
SELECT Format([Enter Letter Date],"mmmm dd"", ""yyyy") AS [Letter Date], dbo_partfile.prt_employer_code, dbo_employer.mis_description, UCase([kn_key_name]) AS UID, Trim([prt_last]) AS [LAST], Trim([prt_first]) AS [First], dbo_partfile.prt_middle, dbo_partfile.prt_addr1, dbo_partfile.prt_addr2, Trim([prt_city]) AS City, dbo_partfile.prt_state, dbo_partfile.prt_zip_code, Format([prt_zip_ext],"0000") AS Zip4, Format([Enter Term Date],"mmmm dd"", ""yyyy") AS [Term Date], IIf([prt_sex]="F","Ms.","Mr.") AS Title, dbo_partfile.prt_status, dbo_partfile.prt_local_nbr
I am trying to create an IFF statement in a query that if the field HRID is populated and the space category field equals the wrong space type than my results should be "Check Occup". I have tried several combinations but I still cannot get this to work.
=IIf([HRID]>"" And [SCat Text]="BRR_Restructuring" Or "Building_Common" Or "Floor_Common" Or "Vacant_Available","Check Occup")