Queries :: IIf Formula With Text Field In Query Not Working?

Apr 23, 2014

I got a table salaries master I want to extract some info out of and calculate some values. The formula below doesn't work, I'm pretty sure it has to do with [pay period] being a text field. Is there no way to make it work?

'Gross monthly Salary: IIf([Salaries Master]![Pay Period] = "weekly";[Salaries Master]![Daily Wage]*5*52/12,IIf([Salaries Master]![Pay Period] = "monthly";[Salaries Master]![Daily Wage]*20))'

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Queries :: Access 2010 - Date Formula Not Working?

Apr 7, 2014

date formula that I was using in access 2007 doesn't seem to be working in 2010.

The formula that I had was

Between DateSerial(Year(Date())-IIf(Month(Date())<4,1,0),4,1)
And DateSerial(Year(Date())+IIf(Month(Date())>3,1,0),3 ,31).

The calculation allowed me to count holiday hours taken between 1st April and 31st March. The problem is that it was working up till 31st march but is not now showing holidays taken since 1st April.

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Forms :: Formula Not Working - Empty Field Returning

Jan 31, 2014

I have a date in "date to engineering" of 13/ 01/2010 but I am not getting a value in my field which should be 1479 my field is just always returning an empty field

=IIf(IsDate([date to engineering]),"",IIf(IsDate([date from engineering]),Now()-[date to engineering],[date from engineering]-[date to engineering]))

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Formula In Text Field

Dec 15, 2006

hi i have a text field in with this calculation

=([Total amount requested]+[text3])/[Initial valuation]

it displays a div/0 error which i want to remove, i know i need to put this calcualtion in an iif statement but whenever i try and make the formula it never works

=iif([Total amount requested]+[text3])/[Initial valuation],?,""

where the question mark is i am not sure what should go there, as i want the total to of the calculation there and if 0 hide 0 with the ""

this has been bugging me for a while now and i can just get my head around it, probably very simple for someone to answer


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Queries :: Iff Formula With Two Text Conditions

Jul 28, 2014

apply my situation / formula to others who had similar questions, but I get the #error output with no messages from access telling me what I did to cause this.

What I'm trying to do is create a formula that checks if two conditions are met, then applies an output. So I have a starting location [StartLocation] and [Stop2]...Both can be a small variety of locations.

Currently I have as follows:

Leg1: iif([StartLocation]="Location A" AND [Stop2]="Location B",500,0)

The formula would run longer in the end, going up to 10 stops, nesting the ifs and checking multiple locations for each stop.

Both my conditions are Text, and I want a number output depending on the location. Is it a simple error I'm looking past and missing? Or is what I'm trying not possible, I feel like it should be relatively easy. Access give me no trouble for save and running, but it outputs #error.

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Queries :: Update Query On Multivalued Field Not Working

Jun 27, 2014

Why update query isn't working when trying to update an multivalued field. In this table, there are 647 records and only 9 of which already have a value set in the "AssociatedProject" field. More than one AssociatedProject is associated with a vendor, so this field allows for multiple entries. I've looked at all the information on update queries and updating a multivalued field, but it will only update the existing 9 records. It does not recognize the remaining ones (they have no values yet).

Here's the SQL:

UPDATE Tbl_Vendor SET Tbl_Vendor.AssociatedProject.[Value] = 3
WHERE (((Tbl_Vendor.AssociatedProject.Value) Is Null));

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Queries :: Multi-field Query Not Working When Some Fields Are Null Value

May 22, 2013

Access 2010. I've had to learn it at work because our DBA was let go and I was the only one willing to give it a go. Read a book or two and picked up some stuff on the internet.

Here's my problem:
I have a simple table -Employee with 4 fields. FirstName, LastName, Office and JobTitle. I have form called Form1 that has 3 control fields cboJobTitle (a combo box that is populated by a query that finds all the unique values of that field in the Employee table), cboOffice (same as above) and txtName (a text box to allow user input) that are used as the criteria for a multi-field query triggered by a button at the bottom of the form. The idea being that you could do a search using this form to find all the employees in one office or all the accountants in one office, or any other combination.

The main search query has the following criteria for each field -
Like [forms]![Form1]![cboOffice] & "*"
Like [forms]![Form1]![cboJobTitle] & "*"
Like [forms]![Form1]![txtName] & "*"

It works great...until I enter a record where one of those fields may be null, such as if I leave the JobTitle blank.
If I have two employees in an office in one city and then do a search for all the employees in that office, it only returns one record and ignores the one that has the null value in the JobTitle field.

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Queries :: Update Date Field Stored In Table - Query Not Working

Dec 23, 2013

Why is this update query not working, I'm trying to update a date field stored in a table.

The new date is passed from a txtbox on a form to the update query!!!

SQL code

UPDATE TblDietPlantemp SET TblDietPlantemp.MealDate = [Forms]![FrmSwitchBoard]![txtCusDate];

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Queries :: Querying A Formula Based Field

Apr 8, 2013

I have a field in my query which returns results based on a formula that is a function of other fields. The results are: Pass and Fail. I want to make a query that returns only Fail rows. When I enter Fail as the criteria, a parameter box pops up requesting information be entered before continuing.

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Queries :: Changing A Text Field Into A Number Field Using A Query

Jul 31, 2014

I currently import data into a table and it it has a text field which looks like this: 12,345.67 GBP...I need to use a query to make this a number field so that I can sum it's contents. I've managed to remove the 'GBP' part but can't seem to get rid of the comma?

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Queries :: Use Formula In Access Query

Mar 14, 2013

How to apply the formula, IF (COUNTIF (O:O;O3)> 1; K3/SUMIF (O: O;O3; K: K), 1)from an Excel spreadsheet into an Access query.

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Can't Work On Formula Field Query

Nov 20, 2014

I am trying to make a query using fields from multiple tables. I used the Expression builder to create it and it is a formula field where multiple table fields are involved. But whenever i run the query Access asks for a parameter value in a modal dialogue for the value of the fields. Is it because the field names has Square brackets around it? But access puts that automatically. How to make it work properly?

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Queries :: Formula To Capture Filename In Query?

Jan 25, 2014

Need a formula which can capture filename for me. For example, I have a db saved at "C:DlocationofficeChina.accdb". Is there a way to capture "China" in a query?

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Using Query Formula Information To Create Another Formula In A Seperate Query

Nov 20, 2006

I have a query that calculates input information into a value that then needs to be compared to another query values and will be used to output a % change in a third query. Is there any way to make this happen? Thank you in advance!

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Number Fields In Text To Number Field, Formula For Fiscal Year

Nov 26, 2004

Date of Birth (DOB) field etc. in one program are text - how do I make another file with the same data into number fields for Date of Birth field etc? When I copy data to file that has number fields the 09252004 is changed to 9252004. Can I get reports with the correct Date of Birth in them by moving data from text file to number file?

There is data entered monthly in file and formula has been set up for January, February etc as ---quarter: Int(([month]-1)/3)+1. I would like formula for the fiscal year for April to be counted as month 1, May - month 2, June as month 3, July as month 4, August as month 5, Sept as month 6, October as month 7, Nov as month 8, Dec as month 9, Jan as month 10, Feb as month 11 and March as month 12.

Thank you

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Queries :: Pass A Formula Form A Query To Excel

Apr 5, 2013

Access 2003
Excel 2003

I have a routine that exports the results of a query to an Excel file. Is it possible to input the formula into the query so that the Excel values calculate?

This is the formula I am trying to pass to the "AZ" column of the Data tab


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Queries :: Turning Excel Formula To Criteria In A Query

Jan 7, 2015

=TEXT(TRIM(MID($A2,5,2) &" "&LEFT($A2,3)&" "&MID($A2,8,10)&" "&RIGHT($A2,2))+0,"dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss ")

Is it possible to replicate the above formula from Excel into criteria in an Access Query.

Assume the cell reference $A2 is a text field which has customized date info in it but is not a recognized date format.

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Queries :: Writing Formula In Query On Existing Fields

Apr 14, 2015

I have a table linked to SQL Server 2014. As SQL Server 2014 does not support calculated fields I created a query to use formulas. Now I want to write formulas on the existing fields ( TotalMarks ) of table Not to create new fields.

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Queries :: How To Add A Text Line To A Query Field

May 18, 2013

I have a combo box that gathers data based on a query. Is it possible to add a line of text to be displaed every time i pull down the box?

For example I have:


I would like to have:

Not In List (the added txt)

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Queries :: Calculated Field - Top 50 Queries Setting Not Working

Sep 24, 2013

I have a query which returns a calculated percent. I have ordered that in descending order, and now want to see the top 50. So (In Access 2010) I entered 50 into 'Return'. But it returns all of the records!

Is this because pct is a calculated field? How can I correct this? The SQL seems to be correct.


SELECT TOP 50 HeciFail1.POHECI, HeciFail1.POQTY, HeciFail1.FAILQTY, IIf(Nz([FAILQTY])>0,Round(100/([POQTY]/[FAILQTY]),0),0) AS PCT
FROM HeciFail1
ORDER BY IIf(Nz([FAILQTY])>0,Round(100/([POQTY]/[FAILQTY]),0),0) DESC;

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Queries :: Limit Query Results To Numeric Value Of Text Field?

Aug 18, 2014

I have a table that has several fields including CallID (autonumber) and SKU (text)

SKU can be anything up to 9 characters, sometimes numeric sometimes alphanumeric. For example: 24300, AA23145, G58d444, 24999, 89332,...

Based on the Count of CallID I can easily get the top20 calls on each SKU. This is the query I use for that:

SELECT TOP 20 Count(Calls.CallID) AS CountOfCallID, Calls.SKU
FROM Calls
HAVING ((Not (Calls.SKU) Is Null))
ORDER BY Count(Calls.CallID) DESC;

The problem is that now I have been asked to create two different lists. One that has the top 20 SKU that range from 24520 and 24599 and another one that does the res tof the SKUs.

Obviously my problem is that the SKU field is text, not numbers so I can't just limit the results in the query by using "Between 24520 and 24500" in the query criteria.

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Queries :: Form List Based On A Query Returns Original ID Value Not Field Text

Aug 14, 2014

I have a table x where the field value is selected via a combo box in a form that is populated from another table z.

When I look in x, it appears to have correctly stored the text from z, not the ID number.

I then built a Query, qX, which looks in x and grabs the fields I want. That query shows the text correctly in each selected field.

Now when I build a form, frmQx and use a List control, it displays some of the fields as ID values from the original table z, not the text values.

How can I get round this? I've searched and searched for an answer, sigh. Maybe I'm just not quite certain how to phrase the search.

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Queries :: Design A Query To Show Only Empty Field As TEXT Fields In Table

Mar 2, 2014

I am just querying a single table, no relationship involved with another table. As you can see form the attached jpeg, the ZIP field in some cases is empty. I would run a search using Is NULL but the field is NOT numerical. It's a long story but I had to make this field a TEXT field. Basically, what statement do I have to insert in the criteria field to just pull up the EMPTY ZIP fields?

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Contains Part Of Text Formula

Dec 12, 2005


My name is Amanda, and recently I’ve started using Access again for work. I haven’t touched the program in about five years, so I am rusty. In addition, it turns out that I am the only one in my department who’s ever even opened Access. I’ve tried hunting down a manual around here, and it seems to be an ever ending scavenger hunt. I also have not been able to find the answer to my question via web, FAQ, and experimentation, although, I feel it’s a fairly basic question.

So here it goes. I want to return all fields that contain part of a text. For example, I want all fields that contain the word “lux”, regardless of what else the field contains to be returned. So if a field contains “lux. cars” it will be returned in my query.

I’ve tried goggling “Microsoft Access” with “text formulas,” however, all I receive are excel formulas.

Thank you.

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Formula To Text Conv

Jan 3, 2007

I currently have the following formula as the control source for an Entitlement field:
=Round([Position1]/[Stk Ratio 2]*[Stk Ratio 1],2). Occasionally Stk Ratio 2 or Stk Ratio 1 is unknown and users enter 'TBC' but obviously this returns an 'Error!' where the formula sits as its not numeric.

How could I adapt this to pick up if Stk Ratio 1 or Stk Ratio 2 contains 'TBC', overide the formula to convert to text or just somehow show 'TBC' in the Entitlement field?

Thanks in advance.

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Queries :: Saving A Working Query

May 21, 2013

I have an simple Access 2001 database with one table in which I want to search multiple fields for entries which match upto four keywords using subqueries.I have entered the following sql code:

SELECT Components.[Component-type], Components.Value
FROM (SELECT Components.[Component-type], Components.Value
FROM (SELECT Components.[Component-type], Components.Value
FROM (SELECT Components.[Component-type], Components.Value
FROM Components


and then refuses to save it giving the error: "Invalid bracketing of name 'SELECT Components.[Component-type"If I remove the changes it will save ok. This is only a test query as I will want to add many more fields and it is my first use of sql code.

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