I am trying to determine the best method for linking back to a form from Queries.I have a Form that has info filled out for customer service calls that come in. Among which is a case#. From the Log of information stored from these forms queries have been made to organize the info in different ways; all of which have the case#. What I am trying to do is that in looking at a the queries I want them to be able to click on a case number and be transferred to the appropriate form. This way they can update the form as the case progresses.I am trying to improve upon what was created by another.
I want to create a form with a Command button, when we click on the command button it needs to bring the Query from a particular mdb, the path for this mdb will vary so we should be able to provide the path info, after bringing the query it needs to be run, how do I do this by just clicking couple of Command buttons?
I have a query that retrieves one of its criteria from a form. I have referenced correctly the value on the form from the query, and it works, but what I wanted to do is a bit more complicated: when the form is closed, I want to launch the query with a "default value". I tried to do it in 2 different ways:
a) Defining an "IIf" at the query criteria: I would need a function that checks if the form from which I retrieve the values is open. b) Defining public variables with a default value, which would be changed from the form: I don't know where/when to initialize the value of the variable.
Query gets criteria from form when it's open. If form is closed, query uses default value.
Hi this advice was give to me however i am not sure how to develop the needed queries
"Yes, you should be able to do this in Excel. What I would do if I were doing it, is develop queries that fetch just John's data from each of the tables that contain it. Then I would export each query to the same Excel worksheet and assign a range name to each different portion of the data. This is so that I could import from Excel back to Access as easily as possible. Then send it to John via Email, or however. When it comes back, I would spend a bit of time vetting it and, if all was OK, then import each different range of cells into the appropriate table."
If you open the attached db and then run the frm 'frmEnterTimeSheets' you will be presented with a text box asking for a name. Type in Alldridge and click the add work time button. You will now be presented with a list box.
Now what I want to happen next is for the user to select one of the names and then be able to input some time against that user. However after you select the name you want to add times against, the time entry form has a clientID of 0 (there are only IDs of 4 and 8 as shown inthe list box).
I would like to see is the first and last name of the client (concatenated together).
What I'm looking to do is setup up an invoicing-type system. I want to create a form wherein there will be several list/combo boxes to select various parameter (ie. product id, accessories, materials etc). As well on this form I want to put a "submit" button that will open up a report which will have the information from the various inputs(such as a breakdown of costs and such). I think I can figure the button bit on my own, but I was wondering how I would go about utilizing the boxes. I tried using a parameter-type query but this opens a dialogue box when the form is opened which I don't want. I want the selections to be stored until the submit button is pressed.
Any suggestions on how I might be able to accomplish this?
I have a form where I want the user to be able to select different options and get appropriate results according to the selectin.
Now I have already created the query I am just wondering how to I connect the Form to the query so that when the user selects what he wants to see and the query will pop up.
Or is my idea wrong on how to use form to see results from a query ?
I'm stuck trying to figure out how to update a query I have already saved. Here's my situation, I have already created a query called "REPORT_STMT_Breakout" and I want to be able to change this query based upon some date variables on a form. I'm using this query to create a pivot table. I can create the basic query, but I cannot figure out how to modify the saved query to accommodate the variables. Any help would be appreciated.
Here's the current query SQL:
SELECT tblStmt_Tracking.Parent_Carrier_Name AS PARENT, '1. IND_Amount' as TYPE, IND_Amount AS TOTAL FROM tblStmt_Tracking INNER JOIN tblCheck_Log ON tblStmt_Tracking.Check_Assignment_ID = tblCheck_Log.Check_Assignment_ID
SELECT tblStmt_Tracking.Parent_Carrier_Name AS PARENT, '2. SBG_Amount' as TYPE, SBG_Amount AS TOTAL FROM tblStmt_Tracking INNER JOIN tblCheck_Log ON tblStmt_Tracking.Check_Assignment_ID = tblCheck_Log.Check_Assignment_ID
SELECT tblStmt_Tracking.Parent_Carrier_Name AS PARENT, '3. IND_Bonus_Amount' as TYPE, IND_Bonus_Amount AS TOTAL FROM tblStmt_Tracking INNER JOIN tblCheck_Log ON tblStmt_Tracking.Check_Assignment_ID = tblCheck_Log.Check_Assignment_ID
SELECT tblStmt_Tracking.Parent_Carrier_Name AS PARENT, '4. SBG_Bonus_Amount' as TYPE, SBG_Bonus_Amount AS TOTAL FROM tblStmt_Tracking INNER JOIN tblCheck_Log ON tblStmt_Tracking.Check_Assignment_ID = tblCheck_Log.Check_Assignment_ID
SELECT tblStmt_Tracking.Parent_Carrier_Name AS PARENT, '5. Licensing Fees' as TYPE, Licensing_Fees AS TOTAL FROM tblStmt_Tracking INNER JOIN tblCheck_Log ON tblStmt_Tracking.Check_Assignment_ID = tblCheck_Log.Check_Assignment_ID
SELECT tblStmt_Tracking.Parent_Carrier_Name AS PARENT, '6. IND Misc Expenses' as TYPE, IND_Misc_Expenses AS TOTAL FROM tblStmt_Tracking INNER JOIN tblCheck_Log ON tblStmt_Tracking.Check_Assignment_ID = tblCheck_Log.Check_Assignment_ID
SELECT tblStmt_Tracking.Parent_Carrier_Name AS PARENT, '7. SBG Misc Expenses' as TYPE, SBG_Misc_Expenses AS TOTAL FROM tblStmt_Tracking INNER JOIN tblCheck_Log ON tblStmt_Tracking.Check_Assignment_ID = tblCheck_Log.Check_Assignment_ID
SELECT tblStmt_Tracking.Parent_Carrier_Name AS PARENT, '8. Other Receivables' as TYPE, Other_Receivables AS TOTAL FROM tblStmt_Tracking INNER JOIN tblCheck_Log ON tblStmt_Tracking.Check_Assignment_ID = tblCheck_Log.Check_Assignment_ID
SELECT tblStmt_Tracking.Parent_Carrier_Name AS PARENT, '9. Unknown_Amount' as TYPE, Unknown_Amount AS TOTAL FROM tblStmt_Tracking INNER JOIN tblCheck_Log ON tblStmt_Tracking.Check_Assignment_ID = tblCheck_Log.Check_Assignment_ID
If its possible, can i have a querie that lets the user find a specific record, say based on flight number or flight date (for an airport) right from the switchboard?, I can do this within the main form, but ir returns the table view of the record, which i dont want, i would like the form view of it? This possible
Hi, I want to have some queries run during the database is closed, like the functiona with "Repair on Close". But I don't want to use a form with a VBA code doing it. Is there any other possibility to do it? :confused: Thanks in advance for answers.:)
This is probably more easier than my brain is allowing it to be. I have 2 queries
AccountsClosedToday_qry SELECT UCase(Users.UserName) AS Associate, Count(Information_tbl.IsActive) AS [Closed Today] FROM Information_tbl INNER JOIN Users ON Information_tbl.Associate = Users.UserID GROUP BY Users.UserName, Information_tbl.ClosedDate HAVING (((Count(Information_tbl.IsActive))=True) AND ((Information_tbl.ClosedDate)=Date()));
AccountsClosedTotal_qry SELECT UCase(Users.UserName) AS Associate, Count(Information_tbl.ClosedDate) AS [Total Closed] FROM Information_tbl INNER JOIN Users ON Information_tbl.Associate = Users.UserID GROUP BY Users.UserName, Information_tbl.IsActive HAVING (((Information_tbl.IsActive)=True)) ORDER BY Count(Information_tbl.ClosedDate) DESC;
I am wanting to get the results from 'Closed Today' and 'Total Closed' onto one form. I am thinking I may have to create a table and have this information either go through an append or an update query each time the database is loaded, I am sure there is a better way of this which is why I am posting here. Thanks.
:confused: G'day, can anyone tell me how to quickly create form based queries using the design view interface. I want my users to be able to specify the various criterias using drop down menus. :confused:
I have a report with the same subreport appearing twice. The two instances of this subreport have different queries.
For instance boys and girls information. The only difference is the queries (one would have sex=M the other sex = F)
Is there any way of doing this without copying the subreport and giving it another name (this of course would allow me to assign different queries to each subreport).
In theory this would work, but I'm not sure how to implement it.
I have a table with several fields (10) and I would like to create a form that would allow a user to search by entering in as much information as they know. So, they may only know a date and a location, but not anything for the other 8 fields.
Is there a simple way to do this in Access? I'm having issues when the search field is left blank in the form.
I am driving a query through a form and everything works fine....except when the first letter of the field is the same..
So here is my criteria...Like [Forms]![frm_Delinquency By Tier]![Tier/Program] & "*"
I only want the results if the Tier/Program matches what I have selected. If I select B for example, it returns the results for B and anything else in that field that starts with B. I have a Business Tier/Program and so I get results for both B and Business.
My question is, how to set the criteria up so that I only get B when I select B and not anything that starts with that letter.
Is there anyway to enable a query that pulls up just the basic information from a table and then click on the primary key field to open up a form I have created that contains all the information in a table in a more user friendly form that I created.
The two images attached show the data sheet results of a simple query. I'd like to be able to click on the JT# for each record (i.e. 201400426838) in the data sheet (query result1.jpg) and have it automatically open the form as shown in (resulting form.jpg).
I have a form that is basically just a matrix/visual of a query. Is there a way to "toggle" between the use of queries/data?
i.e. have a drop down and select query, "SH-LS", "FPH-ENV" or "FPH-Asset" and it will show the corresponding data. The queries are all set up the same, just gathers/calculates different criteria.
I am trying to create a form where a user will enter in a value into a text field. Afterwards, when the user clicks "Enter", a query will run and will LOOK FOR THE VALUE THAT WAS ENTERED INTO THE TEXT FIELD. i.e. User enters their address into the field and clicks the enter button. Afterwards, a query will run like select * from customers where address = @address <== the value the user entered into the text field. This is where the mystery lies. How do you pass values?????
Hi,Not sure where to post this as it covers both queries, forms and partly tables.ISSUE:I need to add two records to a query with one record in a form. Is this possible?BACKGROUND:This is a database with TV programs and the times they are to be broadcast. Tables:One table. "table_programs" contains the information about each program (title, description, length etc.). The other table, "table_times" has the times for the programs (date, start_time etc.), where one program can be shown multiple times.Query:There is one query, "query_programtimes", that combines the above two tables + two calculation fields. One calculates the end time of a program by adding the start time (from the times table) and the length (from the programs table). The other calculates a file name, based on the weekday of the date field.Form:The form is based on the "table_programs" table, with the "query_programtimes" as the data source for a subform. There I enter a program and in the sub-form one or more times for it to be broadcast.So far so good. The form adds one record to the query for each time that a program is broadcast.Now what I'd like to do is to add another record in the query for each scheduled time. That is for entering a file that will be played when a program is finished. That is, it'll take its title from the file name that is calculated in the query and the scheduled programs end time as its start time.Alternatively, and perhaps even better, this data could be in its own query and then a third query can combine the two to get the full schedule.Is there any way to do this? That is, one entry in the form is supposed to update two queries at the same time.Hope I made myself clear... :)Thanks!
Wondering if anyone can help here? I am currently working on a form that needs to display data from 3 unique queries - a crosstab query and two standard queries (one has line by line data and another summary data) that do not have a common link.
What is the best way to do this? Would it be possible to display the results of each of these queries in a single form by creating 2 subforms from 2 of the queries and placing them in the form of the 3rd?
Any suggestions on how to combine the data from the 3 queries into the 1 form would be much appreciated!!!
Well im close to putting my DB into action, but I'd like to have a form that will show a list of queries and reports where they can be selected and emailed. I would like to be able to choose one or many files. I have created the email module and its working fine, I just thought I could make it a bit easier to send multipule reports with the click of a button. I just can't find a way to list all my queries/reports in a dropdown list. Can someone send me a suggestion on how to do this if posible.. Thanks in advance.