Queries :: Job Scheduling Database - Output Unique List Of Weeks

Sep 1, 2014

I'm writing a simple job scheduling database, so I've got resource availability (by week) and job list (by week). I've written a single-column query whose only output is a unique list of weeks with resources available, and another single-column query whose only output is a unique list of weeks with at least one job allocated.

How do I join these so that I can get a single-column list of weeks that have either (or both) of resources and jobs?

So Query1 returns:

while Query2 returns:

I want query3 to return:

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Queries :: Manifest - Query A List And Then Show Only Unique Values

Oct 1, 2013

One Manifest can have many line items. One line item can only have 1 designation. Each manifest may have many line item with same designations.

For example:
Manifest #0001
Line Item 1: N
Line Item 2: H
Line Item 3: U
Line Item 4: N
Line Item 5: P
Line Item 6: H

Table set-up
LineItemInformation [Line Item 1, Line Item 2, etc]

ManifestNumber [0001]

WasteCategory [H, N, U, etc]

I'd like to query the line items for each manifest so the end result has the manifest number (Manifest #0001) in a field and the designations (N, H, P, U) in fields on a report.

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Queries :: How To Reduce Down Data Set To Get A List Of All Unique Combinations Of Column

Jul 8, 2014

I am new to Access and am trying to reduce a dataset I am working with to make it managable for Excel. I have three columns which have three unique parameters and one column with numberical content.

Column A Column B Column C Column D
NJ Red Monday 10
NJ Red Tuesday 20
NJ Yellow Wednesday 30
NY Red Monday 35
NY Green Tuesday 40
NY Green Wednesday 60

I want to elimiate column C from the dataset, and sum column D for every unique combination of Column A & Column B. I have figured out how to reduce down the dataset to get a list of all unique combinations of Column A&B,what formula I can use in a query to sum column D on my table for every unique combination of column A&B. This is a simple SUMIF in excel, but my dataset is too large for excel.

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A Unique Problem With DoCmd.Output Into Excel

Jul 11, 2007


Would be glad if somebody could help me on this issue that been nagging a set a databases that we use.

The Access databases that we use are around 200 MB in size..
Its multiuser say maybe around 40-60 users.The database is split to enhance performance.

We use DoCmd.OutputTo ...statement to output the query into Excel sheet.

Example :

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "qryAllPrems", acFormatXLS, , False

The problem that we are facing is that the after the execution of the statment the query ( qryAllPrems) gets wiped out....i.e the entire sql in the query gets wiped out clean ..

It's driving us crazy as to what could be the cause of the problem...and I would appreciate it if somebody could help us..in this regard.

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Scheduling Database

Jun 1, 2006

Hi all, I'm just starting on a new project to create a scheduling database for a small company (about 20 people). What i aim to do is to edit calander entries (Month view) and view calander entries hopefully using a control that looks as much like Outlook as possible again this would hopefully show what these 20 people are doing over the month.

My question is: Can you use outlook to do this, or would you have to use a control and does anyone know what/how to use this control.

Any help will be greatly appreciated!


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Employee Scheduling Database

Feb 24, 2008

Dear Access Expert.

I would like to create a Scheduling database for employees. The database would include:

- list all of the employees
-tabs to look at schedule for this week, 1 week from now, 2weeks from now, 3 weeks from now, long term (1-2 months), etc
-small comment section within each day for the guys to enter some comments...e.g. dentist at 10, holidays, etc

There has to be something like this already out there that I can modify and work with. Is there anything like this already in the NorthWind Database that comes with Access? What about some free examples Access developers made?

What about Outlook? Can I modify Outlook and use VBA somehow to accomplish this? Outlook is basically on an account basis so I don't know if I could tailor it to my 30+ employee database.

Thank you very much for your input.

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Tables :: Scheduling Table With Exceptions In Database

Apr 9, 2014

I have a normal schedule table in my database that stores the open/close hours for each business unit location.

The problem is some locations are timeshares and some have different business units every other week, every 2 Tuesday, the 1st and 3rd weeks of the month.

I figured I would make an exception table noting all of these somehow and after building a calendar/report plug in the exceptions.

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General :: Last 2 Weeks Of Records Missing From Database?

Mar 27, 2014

I've got a database used daily by 4 users. It's split into a frontend (10MB) with all the forms/queries/reports/vba and a backend that's just tables (170MB), and the users access the database from a network drive. All additions through the forms are logged to a text file, and at the end of the day, a report is run that prints the day's work to a PDF. The database / workflow has been stable for the last few years, with only minor edits to the code, and no programmatic changes in the last 3 months.

Today, after running a compact-and-repair, I realized that the database contained no entries added within the last 2 weeks. I checked my log files, and sure enough I see that all of my records were at some point added to the database. This is supported by the fact that I have PDFs for every day in the last 2 weeks that show exactly what was done (roughly 30 new records/day).

My first guess was that compact and repair had corrupted the database, and knocked out a chunk of records. Fortunately, I've got daily backups, so I started restoring to yesterday's database. At this point I found that the records were missing from there, and from every backup from the last 2 weeks. Now, it's possible that my backup solution (logMeIn backup) is hosed, but the the log files are getting properly restored by the backup, which leads me to believe the backup is working. So, somehow these records were never saved in the database, yet they magically appeared in my end-of-day reports?

I thought maybe I was getting stuck in some state where the database went read-only and the edits were getting stored in memory but never written to disk, but that doesn't make sense as we occasionally restart the database during the day for other reasons, and the end-of-day reports are always complete, which knocks that out. Having restored to a prior version of the DB, I attempted to make changes / add new records and they appear to be sticking, but I find my faith in Access rather shaken, all the more so because I haven't a clue what went wrong before.

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Queries :: How To Calculate Number Of Weeks Between Two Dates

Jun 25, 2013

My database includes two separate dates related to a vehicle purchase and default payments resulting in repossession. I need to find out how many weeks passed between those dates.

03/14/12 Date of automobile purchase
06/06/13 Date of last payment before default

How many weeks in between? And then I need to average all of those figures so my company can see the usual week-term time frame that our customers are defaulting and getting repossessed.

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List Box Data Output

Feb 21, 2006

I have a list box control on a form which is being populated by a query. It is showing bookings that are placed on three shifts (AM, PM, Night shifts)...the list box is working fine...

- what i'd like is that the output in the listbox is seperated by shift (maybe having a blank line when shift changes, or different text color for different shift, or different background colour for different shift? )

i'm not quite sure if this can be done...or maybe there's another way out ? any ideas?


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Queries :: Query Multiple Records Between (Weeks) Where No Record In Child Table?

Jul 1, 2014

I am trying to determine the best method for how to handle this query using Access 2013. I have a clients table that contains the following:

clientID fName lName admissionDate dischargeDate
1 John Doe 05/06/2014 06/27/2014
2 Jane Doe 04/24/2014 05/15/2014
3 Steven Smith 05/15/2014 NULL/Empty
4 Chris Davis 06/12/2014 NULL/Empty

Then there is a WeeklyProgressNotes table that is there for the person that is responsible for auditing the clients charts. It does not contain the actual weeklyprogressnotes, it only contains a Yes/No field and a date field for the date the weeklyprogressnote was completed. Like below:

noteID completed dateCompleted clientID
1 yes 05/08/2014 1
2 yes 05/14/2014 1
3 yes 04/25/2014 2

I am creating a form that the auditor can open to determine what weeks she needs to check for each client to see if they have their weeklyprogressnotes completed that week. The weeks run Mon - Sun and there will be no record in the WeeklyProgressNotes table if she has not yet checked and confirmed for that week. So the form would basically look like this:

fName lName week completed date clientID(hidden)
John Doe 5/19/14-5/25/14 Checkbox Null 1
John Doe 5/26/14-6/1/14 Checkbox Null 1
John Doe 6/2/14-6/8/14 Checkbox Null 1
John Doe 6/9/14-6/15/14 Checkbox Null 1
John Doe 6/16/14-6/22/14 Checkbox Null 1
John Doe 6/23/14-6/29/14 Checkbox Null 1
Jane Doe 4/28/14-5/4/14 Checkbox Null 2
and so on.......

I have thought about creating an SQL statement to select all of the clients and then creating a function that determines their admission date within the specific week and their discharge date withing the specific week and then create a loop with another SQL statement with a BETWEEN clause for all the weeks and determine if there is an entry in the WeeklyProgressNotes table or not. If not then I would display out the above info. I'm not sure if there is an easier, less search intensive way of doing it. Maybe an SQL query that can cut done on some of the looping.

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How To Output Records Into List Box With 3 Coloum Headings

Apr 28, 2005

Hi every one. i want out put records into a list box with 3 column headings named as playerno, initials and name. The way i created the list box is by putting list value for the row source type and name the list box as lstPlayers. But unfortunately get all the the records Fields one after one not one row at a time. I be happy if some one tell how to fix this .Thanks

Private Sub cmdSelect_Click()

Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
cn.Open ("Provider=MicroSoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;User ID=Admin;Data Source=C:db.mdb")

rst.Open "select playerno, initials, name from players order by name, initials", cn

Do Until rst.EOF
lstPlayers.RowSource = lstPlayers.RowSource & ";" & _
rst("playerno") & ";" & rst("initials") & ";" & rst("name")

'TextBox = lstPlayers
'MsgBox (playerno)
End Sub

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Assign Query Output To Multi Select List Box

May 10, 2005

Morning - I have been searching a bit but to no avail. I have a query (qryTopTenList) set up in a database that selects the Top Ten "Classes" from a table with a key field of "insclass".

I have a multi select list box (LstInsClass) that allows end users to select multiple insurance classes. What I would like to do is set up a standard button that when clicked, will loop through all of the insclass in the query "qryTopTenList" and then select those same insurance classes in my multi select list box. So the end result is that 10 records in the List Box would be selected.

This is helpful b/c it prevents the need to go through the entire list box to select the top ten classes.

Thx in advance for any insight. I appreciate it.


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Queries :: Find A Way For Access To Find Unique Dates And Unique Names?

Aug 1, 2014

I have been working on a simple data base for some time now (beginner level) and am still trying to improve it. I would like to do something but before that I would like to have your opinion to know if it is even possible?I have a query QryMainReport:

Start Date/Time
End Date/Time

At the moment this is what the format of my report looks like (I removed other unnecessary fields):

12/06/2014 01:00--12/06/2014 03:00------John Smith
12/06/2014 04:00--12/06/2014 06:00------Jane Doe
13/06/2014 02:00--13/06/2014 05:00------John Smith
13/06/2014 08:00--13/06/2014 08:00------Jane Doe

I would like to do as a report. (Dates would always be from Sunday to Saturday). I am not sure it is possible to do that. I suppose first it would mean:I would have to do a query to separate the times from the dates?I would have to find a way for Access to find the unique dates and unique names?Does it mean I have to use cross tab queries?

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Relate List Of Colours To Unique Product Id

Jun 13, 2007


I want to select a product then be able to select a colour from a list that relates to it.

I want the colour lists to be different for every product. (clothes)

Whats the best way to do it?



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Help With My Database - Unique Id

Nov 12, 2004

Hello Everyone,

I've data already entered (access/tables) on two different computers, however for the clientid on one computer has a hypen (-) and on another - because of something they couldn't get the hypen to work - so they used the slash (/) my Q is: 1) can I search and convert these to one, 2) is it wise the have / or - in the id?

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No Unique Column In A Database

Sep 28, 2014

It may be that there is no unique column in a database. Then it will not be possible to create a Primary key based on a single column.In that situation a COMPOUND KEY has to be prepared by combining two or more columns.how this COMPOUND KEY is prepared.

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Queries :: Adding Value To Query Output

Dec 12, 2013

I have a field in a query that shows amount of hours a site is covered. This field name is Coverage hours and it changes depending on the number of work days in a month. This part is working correctly but some times additional hours may be requested by the customer.

I want to add a another field to this query that will prompt me if their were any additional covered hours. Then I would have the ability to enter a value and the shown output for this field would be the value entered plus the standard coverage hours in the other field.

I'm not sure how to set up the new field.

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Queries :: Change Output From Check Box To Y / N

Jan 30, 2015

I have created a query and one of the columns of the output displays a check box because this is the data type of the underlying table.

I would like the query to output either Y or N rather than displaying the checkbox.

How would I do this?

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Queries :: Modifying Query Output

Feb 13, 2014

I am trying to modify the output to only show discontinued items. While the query is in datasheet view, the text is read as "YES" or "NO" under discounted items. So, I tried entering "YES" in criteria while in design view, but keep getting an error message stating, "Data type mismatch in criteria expression".

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Queries :: Expression To Output Value As A Number?

Apr 17, 2014

I've created several expressions in a query to test for values in a field (one column for each value for use in a report).

The expressions output the value 1 where the test is true. I planned to sum them to establish how many times the value is true but this isn't working. I am only offered a Count and this returns the number of records. Other fields (numeric) are offering me a sum at the total line and are working as expected.

I assume the expressions are outputting the value one as text rather than as a number but I can't work out how to change this.

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Queries :: Sum 2 Expressions - Output With 3rd Expression

Apr 26, 2013

I'm trying to sum up 2 expressions.

1st. UsedAF: nz(DSum("AF_lengte+AF_zaagbreedte";"VRMUTSTAF";"VR ID = " & [VR].[VRID]);0)
2nd. UsedRES: nz(DSum("RES_lengte+RES_zaagbreedte";"VRRESSTAF";" VRID = " & [VR].[VRID]);0)

Now with a third expression I like to sum those 2 up.

3rd. Used: [UsedRES]+[UsedAF]

The thing I run into is when 1st has a value of 15 and 2nd a value of 0 the outcome of 3rd is 150 while it should be 15 ofcourse.

When I change the first 2 expressions to Sum (at Totals) the 3rd works properly. Yet the other 2 comes with wrong values.

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Multiple Queries Output To Be Displayed In The Form

Dec 15, 2004


I am trying view the query output's in different text on the form and I do not want to see them again in query window.How do I hide this.. comments

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Queries :: Incorporate A Date In Output To Statement

Jun 11, 2013

I have a database that enables the banking details for a small club to be generated as an Excel spreadsheet that is then emailed as an attachment to the treasurer. The event procedure below works fine but I have been unable to incorporate the banking date from a control called BankDate to end up with the Excel file being in the form DGC Banking dd-mm-yy - is this possible?

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "Export Banking", "Excel97-Excel2003Workbook(*.xls)", "DGC Banking.xls", True, "", 0, acExportQualityPrint

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Queries :: Multiple Records Appear In Output Of Query

Mar 4, 2015

i have got 2 tables i am trying query against. in table 1 i have a list of records which only appear once in the table under 1 field. in table 2 list of records which may have the same record appear under the same field numerous of times with different data in other fields on the table. i have created the reationship between both tables but i am getting multiple records appear in the output of the query where i only want the record to appear once in the output.

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Queries :: Get Output Of Query In A Parameter (VBA Variable)

Jul 1, 2015

How could i get output of a Query in a VBA variable ?? I'm trying as below butIi'm getting error:

Dim output As Integer
vari = DoCmd.OpenQuery("qryCompare", acViewNormal, acReadOnly)

Output of a query is a single MAX value.

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