Queries :: Join Two Tables For Further Manipulation

Feb 1, 2015

I have two tables: products and orders.I would like to query the products only with orders using the product code and/or model number and join up all product and order information for further manipulation.

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Queries :: Create Join Using LEFT String Manipulation

Apr 28, 2015

I think I know the answer but want to check. I've been asked to create a query, without querying a query first, but it's the only way I know.

I have two tables

Table1 will have data in a column that is 9 characters long

Table2 will have data in a column that is 6 characters long

Question: Can I create a Join from Table2 Field with the Left(Field,6) from Table1

I was thinking something like this. (but then I can't enter design mode)
Query1 - Test

FROM Table2 INNER JOIN Table1 ON Table2.ORDDETTYPE = Left(Table1.ORDERDET,6)

I presume the only way to do this is first query Table1 (and call Query2) and return the first 6 characters and the create another query (Query3 in this case) using Query2 field joined with Table2 field.


FROM Table1;



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Queries :: Join Data Between Two Tables?

Sep 3, 2014

I have two tables

first table : customer name,QUANTITY ,delivery date,product type

second table : customer name,QUANTITY ,delivery date,product type

i want to make query to sum the QUANTITY from the two tables and group by customer name and delivery date

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Queries :: Join Two Tables With Duplicates

Oct 19, 2013

I am trying to combine two peculiar tables in Microsoft Access and have been unable to do so even after doing a lot of brainstorming and searching on the internet.

The two tables are spend and export
| Country | Metal | Month | Spend |
| China | Iron | Jan | 100 |
| China | Iron | Feb | 200 |
| China | Iron | March | 300 |


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Queries :: Join Data Of Two Tables Using Query

May 3, 2015

I have two tables with name of accone and the second with the name of acctwo. These two tables are same according to number of columns and also same according to data types and also same according to the column names just the data are difference and also one column (attribute) with the name of ID is same in both tables. Their is a primary key relationship (one-to-one) between these two IDs. I need a query that can combine the data of both of them and can be updated using query. I mean that data of first table and second table must become under one same column not two columns one for first table and second one for second tabel.

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Queries :: Creating A Query With Self Join Tables

Feb 11, 2014

I have a table called MiscORders where all the orders are tracked. There is an ID, order number , other fields and ParentorderID fields in it. Whenever an order is modified they create a new order with ordernumber and have the previous order number as the parent. The next time it is amended or closed another order is created with the parent order attached. Here is some sample data

Order ID OrderNum Parent order id
1 MISC 2013-10
2 MISC 2013-10A MISC 2013-10
3 MISC 2013-10B MISC 2013-10

Now I am creating a query that shows the lifecycle of the order

MISC 2013-10 Issue and deadline date MISC 2013-10A issue and deadline date MISC 2013-10B issue and deadline date.I tried to create a query using self joins to the same table. SQL is attached

WHERE (((MISCORDER.OrderNum) Not Like '*A' And (MISCORDER.OrderNum) Not Like '*B' And (MISCORDER.OrderNum) Not Like '*C' And (MISCORDER.OrderNum) Not Like '*D') AND ((MISCORDER_1.OrderNum) Not Like '*B'));

How can I put a condition on the table to show only records with order num ending with A. It is not working if i use it in the where condition..

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Queries :: Join 2 Tables But Filter Records

Jul 20, 2015

I want a query that gives me something like this from 2 different tables:

table1 - AA, AC, DE
table2 - AA01, AA02, AA03, AC01, DE01, DE02

query -
column 1 - column 2
AA - AA01
------ AA02
------ AA03
AC - AC01
DE - DE01
------ DE02

Is that possible?

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Queries :: How To Join Tables With No Matching - Unique Fields

Jun 16, 2013

I am undertaking an analysis of corporate mobile phone data based on data from the phone provider. The base data consists of a number of monthly text files at transaction level for voice calls, data usage, billing/tariff information, international calls/transfers etc. I have set up VBA code to import the text file data into a number of Access tables.I would like to have a way of joining these tables but the only common field is the phone number (a text field with the groups of numbers separated by hyphens).

I confirmed that joining the tables on the phone number text field does not work.My idea was to create an additional table with just one row for each phone number and link that to the other tables by the ID in the new table. I was able to create this table [PhoneNumbers] (by creating a totals query of the phone numbers from the main call transactions table, I then dumped it into Excel and then imported it into a new Access table with an auto-generated ID column).My problem / challenge is how to get the ID column from my [PhoneNumbers] table to appear in each of the other tables so that I can join them effectively. In the Excel-world, I would have used a vlookup function.I even thought of performing this as an interim step in Excel but there are too many records / rows in some of my tables. It seems that the dlookup function is not what Im looking for and even if the IIF function is suitable, I cannot get the syntax to work for me.

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Queries :: Alphanumeric String Manipulation - Move Data At The Left To Right

May 23, 2013

I have several thousands of lines of data which I wish to manipulate programmatically, if at all possible. I think that all of the possible permutations are summed-up by the following examples :

123 A text string
2-8 Another text string
A-C Another text string here
3-20 And some more text
3A-126B More text
Some text without any numbers or letters at the left

What I need to do is :

Move the alphanumeric data at the left to the right. So the data would end up looking like this :

A text string 123
Another text string 2-8
Another text string here A-C
And some more text 3-20
More text 3A-126B
Some text without any numbers or letters at the left

I suppose it hinges on identifying where the first space in from the left appears, cutting the string at that point, and

Is this possible, programmatically ?

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Create A JOIN Of Different Tables Called Join A Variable And List

Nov 16, 2013

And then called this join as a symbol or variable, and then have it use to select the items from these joined tables, can this be done in Access? Here is an example of a code that I created, but it has an error message saying the FROM syntax is incorrect.

SELECT firstJOIN.trainID, firstJOIN.trainName, firstJOIN.stationID, firstJOIN.stationName, firstJOIN.distance_miles, firstJOIN.time_mins
FROM (trains INNER JOIN ((station INNER JOIN lineStation ON station.stationID = lineStation.stationID)
INNER JOIN bookingLeg ON bookingLeg.startID = station.stationID or bookingLeg.endID = station.stationID )
ON trains.trainID = bookingLeg.tid) as firstJOIN

Can Access do something similar to this, in the FROM statement I joined 4 tables, because each unique fields are in each table and I have to joined them to get those fields. I called this join firstJOIN and in the SELECT statement, I list those columns in the table by calling it firstJOIN.trainID. Can Access do something like this, but syntax it differently?

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Join Tables SQL = Problem = My Tables Are Not Normalized

Dec 15, 2005

Okay - the other database is in the works and is going sloooow (the one that is being created with normalization).

Meanwhile, my other database that has no normalization I am having a problem running a query (now I know why its so important to have good structure).

To give you an idea on how bad this is...:o .....

3 tables - 94 fields to each table - each table has identicle fields, just different data. :eek:

Anyways, I have students in each table (each table is an Annual Report). I want to be able to run a simple query and combine all the students into one.

How would I achieve this?

Thank you!

And for all who are thinking about designing a database - READ READ READ and do some more reading on normalization!!!

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How To Join 3 Tables?

Feb 25, 2005


i have 3 tables -Recipes, Ingredients and Products.

Recipes table:
RecipeID -PK

Ingredients table:
IngredientID -PK
IngreRecipeID -Foreign key to Recipes table
IngreProductID -Foreign key to Products table

ProductID -PK

how do i join them into 1 recordset? :confused:

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Join Tables

Jul 11, 2005

HELP!!! :confused: I do have a 5 tables 4 tables do have a foreign key of the main table. I join the 4 tables with the main table but when I am editing the information I cannot edit it. and no error appears. so I am just wondering what happen with my joined tables? please help me!!!!Thank you in advance

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Join Tables

Apr 3, 2006

How do I join two tables. I have a table and a lookup table. My table has products on there that are listed as custom or basic. I have a look up table that has an ID for basic and Custom. In my table, i want it to read what the id is for each product instead of it reading "basic" or custom. Someone said that I need to join the two tables and do an update query, but I don't understand how to.

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To Join Tables Or Not To Join Tables

Mar 24, 2008

That is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
with VBA Programming and the outrageous errors,
Or to take up arms against a sea of Access troubles.

Sorry I was in the mood for Shakespeare.

A quick summary first:
In the attached file I have my Relationships. One main table, Workorders with various one-to-many relationships back to their respective tables. If you look at the attachment and see a field with 'wrk' that's my foreign key.

What I'm trying to do is this:
Where-ever there is a 'wrk' field I want to add in all the fields (minus the ID Primary Key) into the main Workorders Form.

Then on the form itself I should just be able to enter in the data that is required for the fields.

So here's what I'm thinking for the coding is to Join the various tables to thlet me know if I'm on track or not. I'll start with a small one, because if I can get that right, the rest should be simple.

SELECT Model.ComputerID, Make.ComputerID
FROM Computer
INNER JOIN wrkComputerID ON Model.ComputerID = Make.ComputerID;

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JOIN Three Tables

Dec 12, 2005


I've got three tables:

Id (PK) | Event_Name

Id (PK) | Delegate_Name

Id (PK) | Event_Id (FK) | Delegate_Id (FK)

I need to retrieve a recordset with the following information:

Booking Id | Event_Name | Delegate_Name

Can anyone see how to do a SELECT statement to do this?

ANy help would be great, thanks!

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JOIN 4 Tables!?

Dec 20, 2005


I have the following four tables:


Group_Id (PK) | Group_Name


SubGroup_Id (PK) | Group_Id (FK) | SubGroup_Name


ProductType_Id (PK) | SubGroup_Id (FK) | ProductType_Name


Product_Id (PK) | ProductType_Id (FK) | Product_Name

I need to select a single Product_Name (first one which appear alphabetically) from tblProducts given a Group_Id.

Is this possible? Presumably I need to join the tables in between?

If anyone can help with this it would be much appreciated, thanks...

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How Can I Join These Tables?

Jun 30, 2005

there must be a way to do this, but i haven't been able to figure it out yet...

table one has three fields i need to be concerned with, member_ID, range_start, and range_end. no part of any range spanning range_start through range_end will be duplicated.

table two has several fields i need, but the field of primary concern is a person_ID that will fall somewhere within a range designated in the first table.

how in the world can i join these tables, since none of the IDs in the second table are actually listed in the first, but fall in between values?

i need to get member_ID from table one, person_ID and several other fields from table two.

any ideas?

thanks for any help,

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Need Help In Sql How To Join 2 Tables Into 1

Oct 2, 2005


i have 2 tables, A and B
A table
StockDate Price
02/04/2001 1.12
04/05/2001 1.15
14/08/2002 1.14
18/09/2003 1.26
and so on 1.48
up to 2005

B Table
StockDate Price
02/04/2003 1.12
04/05/2003 1.15
14/08/2003 1.14
18/09/2004 1.26
and so on 1.48
up to 2005

i like to know how to write codes to join 2 tables into 1 table like
C Table
StockDate Price
02/04/2001 1.12
04/05/2001 1.15
14/08/2002 1.14
18/09/2003 1.26
02/04/2003 1.12 --> B Table
04/05/2003 1.15
14/08/2003 1.14
18/09/2004 1.26
and so on 1.48


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How Do You Join Two Tables?

Jan 30, 2007

how do you join two tables?

help plz. thank you!

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More Than One Join Between Two Tables?

Aug 22, 2014

What is the purpose or the advantage to doing more than one join between two tables? How many joins can you have between two tables?

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Data Manipulation

Oct 22, 2007

Is there anyway to strip all characters except numeric out of a value? For example: 999/777-5555. I want to strip the / and the hyphen. The characters can vary so is there anyway to recognize just numeric?

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Tick Box Manipulation

Mar 17, 2008

This is probably very simple but still beyond me.

I have a table that stores text in a number of different languages. Each entry has a unique ID number. Each language version of the same text shares the ID number.
I have a column of tick boxes that show where this text is used.
1.0 English_text_record_1 tickcol1=y tickcol2=n tickcol3=y
1.0 French_text_record_1 tickcol1=y tickcol2=n tickcol3=y
1.0 Spanish_text_record_1 tickcol1=y tickcol2=n tickcol3=y
2.0 English_text_record_1 tickcol1=y tickcol2=y tickcol3=y
2.0 French_text_record_1 tickcol1=y tickcol2=y tickcol3=y
2.0 Spanish_text_record_1 tickcol1=y tickcol2=y tickcol3=y

I am trying to set the tick boxes so that, if I tick one in an ID range, all the rest tick on as well. ie if I tick record 1.0 English tick_col_2, then the French and spanish will be ticked as well.
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


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Data Manipulation

Dec 28, 2004

How can two cells be used to calculate any data within a row or column?
For ex. to calculate balance in a database?

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ADO Using An Sql Statement To Join Tables

Sep 5, 2005

Hi there

I am hoping someone can give me a few pointers on how to get started on what I am trying to achieve....

I have 2 tables that form a 1 - to - many relationship.

I have designed a form that I wish to show fields from both tables.

Using ADO I would like to be able to open the form and be able to see my desired fields in the same form.

Can anyone provide any ideas on where I can get started.

Thanks for your help!!

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2 Tables, No Relationship, Need To Join

Dec 20, 2004

First time user!!!

I work for the school dist. and we have 2 tables for 2 different groups.
I need to pull data from them both and create a new Query.
Table 1:
Name, address, phone

Table 2:
Name, address, phone

(No similarities in ether database, and we'd like to NOT export data)

I'm hoping it's an easy fix that I've overlooked.

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