Queries :: Link Back To Form From Queries

Aug 8, 2013

I am trying to determine the best method for linking back to a form from Queries.I have a Form that has info filled out for customer service calls that come in. Among which is a case#. From the Log of information stored from these forms queries have been made to organize the info in different ways; all of which have the case#. What I am trying to do is that in looking at a the queries I want them to be able to click on a case number and be transferred to the appropriate form. This way they can update the form as the case progresses.I am trying to improve upon what was created by another.

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Queries :: 2 Tables To Query To Form Then Back?

Oct 1, 2013

I have a database for contacts and inventory, and im having a issue with the contacts part of it.

I have 2 tables, 1 table is a list of contacts with their name, contact information and the facility they work at. The other table, carries all the information for the facility(the tables are in a one to many relationship with this)

I have a query that brings them together and displays them on a spreadsheet form. This worked when it was all one table, but with the 2 tables, you cant edit stuff in form and have it go back to the tables . what would be the best way to make it editable. I separated the forms out like this so that if a facilities name changed, it could be fixed easily throughout the database.

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Linking Back-end RWOP Queries

Feb 12, 2008


I know there are posts on forums all over the internet on this topic, but it is just one aspect in particular that I would like some simple advice on. I have worked through user-level security suggestions online and made a test back-end database that has a user and a group, named "Developer." All of the privelleges are activated for Developer. Developer is the only user who can access the data of "Table1." I've created an RWOP query that retrieves the data from Table1, Developer is the owner of this query. I've also created a front end and tried to create a link to Table1; which is denied, as I had hoped it would be. My question is this: How should I structure my front-end so that users can retrieve data from this query, but cannot obtain the data using a different front-end?

Thank you very much for any advice you can offer,


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Queries Locking The Back End Database?

Jul 23, 2012

I have created two DBs, one Back End, and one FrontEnd. My FrontEnd contains all the UIs/Forms, Linked Tables, and the queries fetching data from linked tables, and the Back End consists of all the Tables.

Now, in my Model, the BackEnd DB will be stored in a common drive and will be accessed by multiple users through same FrontEnd.

Now when I am trying to fire a query in FrontEnd (aka FE) DB, it is locking up the Back Up database. Even though I have set the RecordLock property to No Locks to query and the form.

how to remove the locking?

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Queries :: Why Query Comes Back As Invalid Syntax

Apr 2, 2013

why this query comes back as invalid syntax?I am attempting to find all records older than two quarters, Month of Contact actually displays the date as ##/##/####

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Link To Back-end In Access 2007

Oct 29, 2007

Hello people,

Before I ask my questio I want to let you know that I have searched the forums for an anwser but I just couldnt find it. Or the code didnt work.

What I want is pretty simple for the most of you guys....but not for me. lol

I have a front-end and a back-end.
I want to perform a check if the back-end is still in the same place.
When its not it should promt the user for the new location.

Who can help me please?

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Modules & VBA :: Link To Hidden Back End

Apr 1, 2014

I have a question that involves windows permissions as well as access links. I have a contacts database split into a front end and a back end. For security reasons I want to place the back end in a folder that is hidden from the users. In other words the users can access the front end as normal and run queries and reports but they are not able to navigate in Windows to the folder containing the back end or view its contents.

Is it necessary to use VBA to do this? If so what is the script? If not, how is it done.

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Queries :: Write Back To Access Memo Field

Jun 26, 2015

I am trying to update a memofield from a form.My file.. sign_midi.asp has this partial code.First I pick up the record I want to update.
And then present it in a form.
<td align="right" height=10 valign="top"><b>Beskrivning :</b></td>
<td align="left" height=10 valign="top" width=250><TEXTAREA WRAP="soft" name="M1" cols="65" rows="8"><% = rs("text")%>

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Queries :: Query Bringing Back Multiple Rows Not Just One?

Apr 10, 2014

I have the attached code in a query. It should be bringing back just one row for each record, however, if I have anything in any column other than Call_NUmber_int it brings back multiples if that record.

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Queries :: Pull Back 100 Random CustomerIDs On Set AttendDate

Jun 5, 2015

I have 3 fields:

CustomerID (Alpanumeric)
AttendDate (General Date)
Area (Alphanumeric)

Is is possible in a query to pull back 100 random CustomerID's on a set AttendDate. For example I have 1000's of Customers who attend each day, I want to do some Data Quality on 100 Random Customers.

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General :: How To Link One Front End With Many Back Ends

Mar 8, 2013

i have one front end access database and want to connect with more than one back end at time but both back ends have same table names

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Queries :: Joining 3 Tables - Using Key From One Table To Pull Back Records From Another

Jun 29, 2013

I've got a query that uses a key from one table to pull back records from another.

My question is...

On the table with the key there is another field that I want to use to pull back data from the same table from above.

A bit more info...

Table one holds colleagues details
Table two holds records

Within table one there are 2 different fields that hold different ID's for the same colleague, currently I run two different queries to pull all data - I want to know if I can simply run one query that will return every thing?

Schedule an import or export operation

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Queries :: Query Or Any Code That Can Pull Back End Table Stats?

Dec 27, 2013

I am trying to run some diagnostics on my database. I thought a good place to start would be to look at all of the tables, the number of records each table holds, and each table's size. I have been able to find plenty of code on the web that loops through each table and provides the aforementioned data points, but the code only looks at local tables. SInce the database is split, I have a ton of tables linked to the back end that I am unable to get stats on. Any query or any code that can pull back end table stats?

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Queries :: Access Brings Back No Data If Fields Are Blank

Jul 5, 2013

I have a query that I made for about five fields, where the criteria is

Like "*" & [Forms]![DATA SEARCH]![Box] & "*"

Where box is the name of the field that I am searching for.

However, some of the fields in my form are left blank, which makes this refuse to give any results when I try to query it with a form. The other problem that I have is that the fields are bland in different parts of the 1,000 some-odd row table, which was imported from MS Excel.

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Link Queries In Access 2002

Aug 29, 2006


Is it possible to link a query in access 2002? It gives me only tables in the menu. Thanks in advance.


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Queries :: Using Query To Link Tables

Mar 18, 2013

I am working on creating a query to base a form on. I've done it several times in this database, but today, for some reason I cannot figure out how to do it.how I did it before but it looks like the SQL statement got wonky:


SELECT tblEmpInfo.EmpInfoID, tblEmpInfo.EmpIDFK, tblEmpInfo.JobNumberFK, tblEmpInfo.EmpType AS Expr1, tblEmpInfo.CraftCode AS Expr2, tblJobs.JobSite
FROM tblJobs INNER JOIN tblEmpInfo ON tblJobs.JobNum = tblEmpInfo.JobNumberFK;

Basically I have a look up table and all I'm doing is making it so I don't see the Cert ID it just pops up with the description.

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Queries :: Convert String Back To Hyperlink In Access Query From SQL Table?

Nov 10, 2014

I am in the process of building a new database in SQL to replace my MS Access database. However, I will continue to use the Access forms, queries, and reports. The new tables will house much of the same data. In multiple tables I have hyperlinks that were created and added in the original Access tables. To import these hyperlinks into the new SQL tables I have converted them to 'Long Text' before exporting, thus changing them into strings.

For example:

Hyperlink - Email - Add Additional Mailbox to Outlook (2010) has been changed to:

Email - Add Additional Mailbox to Outlook (2010)#ServernameServerfolderDocumentationRea dy to GoOutlook TemplatesEmail - Add Additional Mailbox to Outlook (2010).oft#

The obvious issue that I am running into is that after the SQL database table has been linked to the Access database it still displays the entire string when I open the table. The form has a textbox and search button that is used as a search function. This runs a query that returns all "search results" for the desired information. Is there a way that the query can convert the string back into a hyperlink so that the query displays just Email - Add Additional Mailbox to Outlook (2010) as a hyperlink and not the entire string?

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Queries :: Cannot Edit Group By Query - Fields Reverting Back To Blank

Jun 8, 2013

I have a query where I group by EmpID, so duplicates do not show up. In this query I have two fields with no data. These fields are to be filled in after the query is run in a form. However, these fields are not editable due to the group by feature. I tried two unbound fields, which does allow me to type, but doesn't save the changes once I click out of the field. The field then reverts back to blank.

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Access 2010 / Extract Attachments To A Folder And Link Them Back To DB?

Mar 21, 2013

using Access 2010, I have reached the 2GB limit. It's not the data, it's the PDF files I scanned in for each customer that has stretched the db to its limits. The db is also currently split.

I didn't realize Office had a 2GB limit; I assumed if you had a 64 bit computer and a NTFS partition, there would be no 2GB limit.

Using a template database in Access 2010, I need to extract the attachments to a folder and thus link them back to the database using hyperlinks. I can handle this task, but I'm not confident how to extract the attachments from each record (around 900) to a folder and have it do it automatically for all records. I can do it record by record, but that is not feasible with this many records.

how to extract all the attachments for each record, and have them saved in folders by their name or other ID, so I can link them back to the db via a hyperlink?

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Queries :: Qurey To Link With Target Date

Dec 24, 2014

I have to make a query using the following case, I have two tables, in the first table i have the materials and its received date and in my second table i have the month the target date for every month to receive the material. Now linking this two tables, i want to see the from the first table on every month hom many materails i received after the target date how to do this.

Table 1
Field1 Date
Field2 Month
Field3 Material
Field4 received_date

Table 2
Field1 Month
Field2 Target_date

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Link From A Table To Specific Query Or Queries

May 23, 2014

I am referencing a table output in excel and when I go into Access to see where the table is pulling data from I get stuck. I go into the table in design view but where the table is getting its data from. I need to know which queries it is getting its data.

Access 2003.

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Modules & VBA :: Export Data To Excel Then Link That Workbook Back To MS Access

Apr 17, 2014

I have a question about the best way to go about linking an excel workbook to an ms access table? I have researched hyperlinks and attachments and ole objects and I am not sure what is the best option. I believe hyperlinks will be best, because the attachments will bloat the database, but I am not sure how to go about doing that in vba? My process is such:

1)Users enter project information
2)Users enter the sample information for each project
3)The project and sample information is combined by a query
4)The user clicks a button to print forms, which runs the query and opens an excel workbook template.
5)The data is exported to a specific sheet in the workbook
6)Using vba in excel, the data is used to populate cells in different sheets depending on critera.

After all of this is accomplished, I need the user to SAVE AS the excel workbook and it needs to be "attached" to the ms access 'project' table. I am not sure what is the best way to link this back to the database. I would like to automate it with vba if possible.

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Queries :: Link External File To Existing Database?

Apr 30, 2013

Basically it's trying to take all the files in a given directory and add them into a existing database.

I have a database called Permit. the database has a field called "SEAL" and they will be creating an additional field "SCART" to hold the contents of the file that exist in the directory. Each image file, in directory, is named the same as a unique record in Permit.

Permit-SC might have unique record 532442
An image file would be name 532442.

If the image file matches a record in Permit the image should be added to permit in a field called "SCART". At this point I'm not certain if I want a link or the actual image included in the record. since there's a possibility of including the permit file on the website it might be cleaner to have it included.

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Queries :: Extract Day Of Week From A Date To Link To Data

Dec 8, 2014

I want to use the expression Date() in a query to get today's date and then format this to "ddd" to give me the day of the week.

I then want to link this "ddd" to data in my table that contains the three letter days of the week.

How do I make the day become "static" in order to be able to link.

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Queries :: QTREE - Link And Grab Information From 2 Tables

Mar 11, 2015

I have 2 tables, and each table having different information and i want to link those 2 and grab information from both tables.

From below tables, i want to map the Qtree and then grab the rest of the information. for e.g. qtree1 suppose the same as qtree1/a

Table 1
Qtree | Mountpoints | Hostname
qtree1 | MP1 | Host1
qtree1 | MP2 | Host1
qtree2 | MP2 | Host2

Qtree | InstallDate | Owner
qtree1/a | 1-JAn | Vic
qtree2/a | 2-Jan | Gab

Now, How can i map the Qtree since i cant use = as the qtree are different name.

I tried to use LIKE but no luck as well.

btw, in actual... qtree looks like


from above....

/dev or //amsdc1-s-12345.europe.xxx.com/ will appear in the other table to map the rest of information.

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Queries :: Link Table To Represent Data - Format Text As Date

Nov 15, 2013

I have a link table that has a field that represents dates - but they are actually just text. It's a long story but the source is not going to change - so I have to try and deal with it. I need it to behave as a date - and am hoping to do this in a query. The data looks like this:


I have tried various things but it does not seem to totally do the trick - if I sort on it it still does not sort as one would expect from an actual date field. How do I do this?

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