Queries :: Linked Table Date Is Text

Jul 22, 2013

I'm trying to create a query that will convert the text fields that have dates in them to dates. I cannot change the table this is linked to, our group does not own it. I tried doing a cdate() on it, and it displays the test as a date. But then when I try to run a query based off of this one, to give me inbetween dates it returns all dates as if it is a text. I know my second query works, because I copy the table and changed the text to date fields and it works then.

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Queries :: Link Table To Represent Data - Format Text As Date

Nov 15, 2013

I have a link table that has a field that represents dates - but they are actually just text. It's a long story but the source is not going to change - so I have to try and deal with it. I need it to behave as a date - and am hoping to do this in a query. The data looks like this:


I have tried various things but it does not seem to totally do the trick - if I sort on it it still does not sort as one would expect from an actual date field. How do I do this?

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Forms :: Update Table From Text Box Already Linked To Another Table

Dec 13, 2013

I have a form that contains the following: Combobox, (Lists BadgeNum from tblPersonnel)

2 Textboxes (LastName, FirstName) populated via code from the combobox using info from the same tblPersonnel.
2 labels (one containing Date, another containing Time)
ToggleOnButton (Valueof 1)
ToggleOffButton (Value of 0)

This form is basically used as a cheap police timeclock. All Im trying to do is when a user chooses their name from the combobox, clicks ON or OFF and then save, is just write the much of the same info to a table. Specifically, BadgeNum, DateIn, TimeIn, DateOut, TimeOut.

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Tables :: Text Field On Linked Table

Nov 12, 2014

We have a database (Access 2007) with several linked tables to an MS-SQL 2008 instance. All the text fields that I have issue with are nvarchar(255) on MS-SQL. The odd thing it will not allow a full 255 characters to be entered into the field. It will fail to save unless the number of characters is about 238 or 239 characters (not sure of the exact number of characters). It shows the field as a text and field size of 255 in Access .

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Tables :: ODBC Linked Table Showing Only MAX Date

Jan 22, 2014

Using access 2007 (and tried 2003) I have a linked ODBC table which is using an ORACLE driver. If I query the table directly through ORACLE/SQL for a particular 'job number' I get the following results:

18598979 3 06-DEC-13 10:10
18598979 0 03-DEC-13 10:34
18598979 1 03-DEC-13 10:34
18598979 2 06-DEC-13 08:20

However when I link the table through access and view the same job number within the table (not even using a query) it displays the following:

18598979 3 06/12/2013 10:10:00
18598979 3 06/12/2013 10:10:00
18598979 3 06/12/2013 10:10:00
18598979 3 06/12/2013 10:10:00

As you can see it only displays the MAX date/time and associated data from the 4 available records, duplicating the record. I've checked the field formats and they all look fine. It does the same if I pull through the table on it's own or with other linked tables.

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Erron With Linked Table Query Using Date Field Criteria

Apr 29, 2008

Hello all

I am using Access as a front end (GUI) with a SQL 2005 database and have several linked tables. An user encountered an odd error that I cannot figure out.

He created a query that had criteria on a date. When he tries to run it the query will not do anything. If he closes out of the query and does any other operation he gets the "This Action will reset the current code in break mode." error and will have to close out access before he can do anything else.

I'm found some strange work-arounds but want to fix the problem the correct way. Attached are two examples - the first one causes the error the second one is the work-around that returns the desired results.

Any ideas?

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Forms :: Linked Table - Filter By SubForm Date Field

May 10, 2013

I have a form that is based on a linked table of students eligible to complete a online survey. Within that form, I have a sub form (based on another linked table) of students who have completed the form and at what date and time.

Only about 1 in 10 eligible students complete the form.

I'd like to filter by students who have completed the form, and sort by date submitted.

So I have the main form called "students" and the subform with the date submitted is called "New - BasicInfo subform" and they are linked by student ID. The date submitted field in the subform is formatted like "5/6/2013 3:07:32 PM".

I've tried adding this to me "filter" field in the STudents form properties:

Between [Students]![New - BasicInfo subform]![05/06/2013] AND [Students]![New - BasicInfo subform]![10/01/2013]

No luck, I get syntax error missing operator.

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Linked Excel File - Excel Date Field Translated To Text?

Mar 23, 2006

I have an excel file linked to a table in Access. Several fields are date data types in excel but are showing up as text fields in Access.

My real goal is to do a comparison between two tables, but only if the date of the one piece of data is newer than the other. I had planned on comparing the two date fields but even though I have formatted the date fields in my excel file to be "Date", when I look at the design view of my table it is showing up as "Text" and therefore I am unable to do this comparison.

I'm not sure if it's just something that I'm missing but maybe someone else knows an easy fix to this. I know this is probably a simple question, but I did search the forum and didn't find a thread that specifically dealt with this issue.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Linked Excel Table In MS Access Date Data Type Problem

Aug 29, 2005

I'm using MS access and Excel 2000. I have an Excel spreadsheet that contained 8 columns, the first column has all cell format as Number, the rest of the column is set as custom date format of 'dd/mm/yyyy'. When I create a linked table in MS Access, the data types does not matched my excel spreadsheet columns, the 'Number' data type is a double and I want a Long Integer in Access, and the custom date format become text datatype but I wanted a DateTime datatype. Is there any work around this? Seems like it is a common problem.

Your prompt response is greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

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Combo Box Based On Linked Table Needs To Pull Info For Sub-Form From Non Linked Table

Aug 31, 2007

I am trying to build a Form that will show an estimate (then eventually will be moved to a project if customer and employee aggree to price and project) in a Form F_Estimates is a M_Customers(Customer_ID) (Based on a Table) and thier info in a Subform. Also is the "projected costs" from parts out of the Parts(Part_ID) (Based on another Table) in a second Subform as a list that I need to calculate $$$ in
(Dang that still sounds evil and definately NOT understandable even after edit... so)

Here's some basic info


EstimatesandParts - Table
EstimatesandParts_ID : Autonumber
Estimate_ID : Number
Part_ID : Number

Parts - Table
Part_ID : Autonumber
PartNumber : Text (not a number due to some part#s have letters in them)
PartName : Text
Unit Price : Currency
Description : Text

Estimates - Table
Estimate_ID : Autonumber
InvoiceNumber : Text (again can have letters in it)
EstimateDate : Date/Time
EstimateTime : Date/Time
Employee_ID : Number
Customer_ID : Number
ProblemDescription : Memo

Customers - Table
Customer_ID : Autonumber
FirstName : Text
LastName : Text
CompanyName : Text
Address : Text
City : Text
Province_State : Text
Postal_ZIPCode : Text (CDN Postal codes are letter num letter...)

you can see the link table in the EstimatesandParts Table

Now I want to use that link to populate a subform in the F_Estimates form


SF_Customers - SubForm

(all boxes atm are text boxes on this form till I figure out the Parts section then will use same base for this so I can pick any customer in the database to be the customer for this estimate. Also will have ctrl button for making new customer with customer form and a refresh on Focus Gain bit of code)


SF_Parts - SubForm
Default View -Continuous Forms

(want it to be a list of parts that I can grab prices and descriptions from then in a bit of code to calculate a cost of parts)

Part_ID : Combo Box
Control Source - Part_ID
Row Source Type - Table/Query
Row Source - SELECT Parts.Part_ID, Parts.PartNumber, Parts.PartName, Parts.UnitPrice, Parts.Description FROM Parts ORDER BY Parts.Description;

(Pulls info from the table Parts for input into a list of parts to be used on that project)

PartName : Text Box
UnitPrice : Text Box

(here's where I run into problems due to the fact that the form is not based on the parts table but rather the link table EstimatesandParts so I can't propogate the info to the 2 other text boxes, ps I dont care if they cant be text boxes and have to be linked or some other type I'm not "set" just need to find out how to make it work )

(have tried a couple things to complete this task)

Me.txtPartName = Me.Part_ID.Column(2)
Me.txtUnitPrice = Me.Part_ID.Column(3)

(works AWSOME ... for ONE ROW then propogates the second selection to the first and second and third selection to first second and third and so on ...)

(tried to make control source for the txtPartName to)


(Doesnt exist .. akkk, cant use ActiveForm either as it doesn't focus on the SubForm but the MainForm ... cry)

F_Estimates - Form


(all basic Text Boxes)


(Combo Boxes Select Customer and Employee from list of present ones of each)


(Both SubForms on the main form)

Now this is an Exerp from my entire Database I like to work on one small problem at a time and I have made this its own little database till I figure out the problem then I will bring the info I learn back into the rest of the database and go from there ...

Hope you can help I have a feeling I will need to make a recordset and go from there but I'm just not able to wrap my head around that for some reason

Thanks in advance for ANY and ALL help that I get from here

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Queries :: Dlookup Value From 1 Table With Date Ranges From Diff Table With A Single Date?

Mar 12, 2015

i have 2 tables.. 1 with bookings and 1 with a BonusPeriod range.

in the Bookings table there is a field called [ServiceDate]

in the bonus table i have a field called [Period] which is text i also have 2 dates, [StartDate] And [EndDate] i need to Dlookup the Bonus table to return the value of the period table based on where the [ServiceDate] falls.

i dont want to use VBA (i really need it to work within a query that inserts it's data into another table)

i've tried everything but had no joy

Expr1: DLookUp("[Period]","BonusPeriods","[ServiceDate]" Between "#[StartDate]#" And "#[EndDate]#")

Expr1: DLookUp("[Period]","BonusPeriods","[Staff_BookingsAndQuotes_Master].[ServiceDate]" Between "#[StartDate]#" And "#[EndDate]#")

Expr1: DLookUp("[Period]","BonusPeriods","(FormatDateTime([ServiceDate]),"yyyy-mm-dd") Between (FormatDateTime([BonusPeriods]![StartDate]),"yyyy-mm-dd") and (FormatDateTime([BonusPeriods]![EndDate],"yyyy-mm-dd"))))

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Queries :: Make Table Query To Linked BE

Jul 15, 2014

I have a make table query which creates the new table on the local front end.I have now split the DB, so need to know how I can get this query to make the table on the BE i.e. how do i link it.

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Queries :: Linked Tables - Query From Different Table In One Column

Apr 5, 2013

I have two tables,

Table A:
Year Type Count
1992 Walk 82
1992 Bike 43
1992 Vechicle 298
1992 Ship 3
1992 flight 3478
1993 Walk 47
1993 Bike 13
1993 Vechicle 638
1993 Ship 24
1993 flight 3111
1994 Walk 0
1994 Bike 8
1994 Vechicle 1298
1994 Ship 24
1994 flight 3234

Table B:
ID Type
T1 Walk
T2 Bike
T3 Vechicle
T4 Ship
T5 flight

The two table linked by the [type]

I need a query expression like: SlowWay: IIf([TableB].[ID]= 'T1' AND [TableB].[ID]= 'T2',[TableA].[Count])

FastWay: IIf([TableB].[ID]= 'T3' AND [TableB].[ID]= 'T4' AND [TableB].[ID]= 'T5',[TableA].[Count])

My expression keep gives me the error.

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Queries :: Querying Time Range On Linked Table Does Not Work?

May 8, 2013

I have a linked table in my access accdb file to a view on a SQL Server DB.

One of the columns is a date column, where only the time value is important, so it's stored in the default format, like 12-30-1899 12:00 AM.

In SQL Server, I can query records that fall between a certain time frame. It works in Access when written as an ADO query (that's another story), and it also works when I convert the view to a local access table.

But when I query it as a linked server, it will return everything is greater than 12-29-1899 11:59 pm, but when I try to search any date/time ranges on 12-30-1899 nothing is returned. This seems to be a bug in Access.

The reason I no longer use ADO, is that the results would not print. For some reason, when I go to print preview, Access would evaluate the query I'm passing through to SQL Server and throw a syntax error. I miss ADP.

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Queries :: Concatenate Field Data Into One Cell In Query According To Linked Table ID?

Mar 8, 2014

i need to Concatenate a fields data into one cell in a query according to linked table ID....

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Queries :: Find Date In Table 1 Closest To Another Date In Table 2?

Mar 17, 2015

I have a table, tblVisits, holding patient's pre and post surgery visits:


PatientID VisitDate
1 1/5/12
1 3/10/12
1 9/1/13
2 ...

And another table holding patient's surgeries (each patient will have only one surgery)

PatientID SurgeryDate
1 4/1/12
2 ...

I need to compare these two tables and create a variable that indicates which pre-surgery visit date (i.e., VisitDate < SurgeryDate) is closest to the surgery date. In the above example, it would return:

PatientID VisitDate ClosestToSurgery
1 1/5/12
1 3/10/12 Yes
1 9/1/13
2 ...

I've tried various MIN and MAX approaches and can't seem to get it right.

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Queries :: Text Conversion To Date

Aug 11, 2015

I am the junior of the ms access.

I try to convert the below text to date

(03/08/2015 19:42)
(31/07/2015 12:20)

return 3/8/2015 7:42:00 PM (should be 03Aug2015)
return 7/31/2015 12:20:00 PM (should be 31Jul2015)

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Queries :: Convert Text To Date

Jul 10, 2013

How do I convert '130330' to date in Access? I want to convert to 03/30/13?

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Changing Text In Queries Based On Date

Dec 9, 2006

Hiya All

Hope you can help me here

I need help with an update query that will change records for me based on the date

In the record I have a TEXT record called [GI1] that can have a multitude of data in it.
The data can be “EVA”, “CON 10/12/06”, “REQ 10/12/06”, “PAS 10/12/06”, or “B 10/12/06”, and finally “A 10/12/06”

What I need is a query will look at the Data that starts with “B” and change the letter to “A” if the date in the record has passed. {The Date can be any date in any year }

Many Thanks for Looking


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Queries :: Can't Evaluate Date In Text String

Apr 17, 2014

I'm working with a table of financial transactions. I need to know the date a record relating to cash received actually arrived in our bank, but the software doesn't allow the user to enter this, so I've asked them to enter it into a text reference field, e.g. 'Other Text XX 16/04/14', and then I've got a formula - CDate(Right(Trim([RefField]),8)) - which takes the date from this reference.

This works fine, but it's really important I don't miss any of these records due to the date not being entered, so what I'm trying to make is a formula which will give me the date from the ref field as in the formula above if there is one, but if that formula gives an error (so the date has been missed out or incorrectly entered) then I want to take the date from another field, called [DateAdded] as a failsafe.

I can't work out a formula that won't give me an error, i've tried loads. First I tried :


But that gives an error, and I think from looking at forums that Access evaluates both parts of an Iif function so it'll do that.

It seems like other people are saying that you need to use Nz, IsDate or IsNumeric or something along those lines instead of IsError to evaluate the field, but I can't get that to work as it's not a field, it's a portion of a text field.

This is my latest attempt:

Join Date: IIf(IsDate(Right(Trim([RefField]),8)),[DateAdded],[Calc Date]),

where [Calc Date] is an expression field with CDate(Right(Trim([RefField]),8)) in it, but there's the #Error again.

How can I use iif to pick either a date from a text string, or where that results in an error then another date field?

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Queries :: Unusual Date Format In Text File

Jan 5, 2015

Someone decided to be clever and send a text file with a stupid date format, is it possible to show off a little here and get a working date format, it's a text file I am working with: Dec 18 2014 01:12PM.

Not that is an exactly cut/paste so spaces are as they are here, ideally would like to get 18/12/14 13:12.

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Queries :: Running Total With Text And Date Field?

Jun 19, 2013

I have a table ("tbl_idq_all") with a text field for product codes ("scode"), a date field (dd/mm/yyyy) and a quantity field ("po_qty"). This table therefore holds future receipts of stock for products.

What I am having trouble doing is create a running total of [po_qty] based on [scode] and [Date].

A good example is stock code 10254. This has a quantity of 40,032 arriving 01/06/2013 and a quantity of 30,096 arriving 01/09/2013.

Therefore the running totals should read:

scode | Date | po_qty | RunningTotal
10254 | 01/06/2013 | 40032 | 40032
10254 | 01/09/2013 | 30096 | 70128

As you can see from the attached DB I have 70128 repeated twice in the RunningTotal column.

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Using Append Queries To Move Start Date Contained Within Text Box

Sep 25, 2015

I have a text box named "scheduled_start" on my "JobsF" form.

Now what I'm trying to do is use two append query's to move the start date contained within the text box.

*The first append query will be on the before update and put this date in the "notesT" in the "old_date" field.
*The second append query will be on the After update and put this date in the "notesT" in the "New_date" field.

I'm trying to track date changes and this part of the process isn't working. For a start I don't know how to run the query on an event. I can open the query using 'openquery' but I don't wish to open it. Re query is also an option but the query I made isn't listed when that's selected.

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Queries :: Filter Using Date Range But Show All Records If Text Box Null

Jan 13, 2014

I m trying to make form which filters my records and generates a report..here's where I am

Like "*" Or Between [Forms]![Form1]![Text6] And [Forms]![Form1]![Text8] & "*"

but this doesn't work I would like to show all records if textbox 6 is null and textbox8 is null this part of code works perfect but below but I'm struggling to get the between in with the code

Like "*" & [Forms]![Form1]![Text6] & "*"

the code is in report record source

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Queries :: Unable To Convert Text Into Date With Different System Language Settings In MS Access

Jun 6, 2013

I have a table in access database which contains a text field 'EDate' that stores Date value in format (12-Apr-2013). Now I want to run a sql query on that field. User will give an input date. The sql query needs to fetch me all the records from access database whose Edate is less than or equal to the user input date.

I am using DateValue function to convert my text filed Edate into date. My query is something like this:

select * from table_name where DateValue(EDate)<='user_input_date'

I am able to perform above task if the system language settings are 'English'. But if system language settings are different say Turkish, then the query fails.

I searched a lot on web and found that DateTime function compares test data with the system date time format and gives the result. Thus it fails with different language settings.

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Queries :: Converting CSV File Into Text Format - Export Records With Specific Series And Date

Jun 7, 2015

I have a CSV file and want to convert it in a text format with some filtered data and with some formatting. This is an everyday task for me. So I made a table and imported the data in to it by the command :

DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, "fo Import Specification", "fo", FileName:="C:UserswelcomeDesktopfo.csv", HasFieldNames:=True

Actually I have a column "SERIES", contains various series like "EQ", "BE", "DR", "BZ", "D1" and so on. And one more column with the dates having 4 / 5 current months dates and one next months date and one next to next month's date. And every date has got several thousand records.

now the issue is that : After importing these several thousand records, I want to export it but with a specific date and with a specific series.

The other thing is that, these dates change every month so if hard coded, the problem will occur the next month.

I use this code for export :

DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, "NewFnoSpec", "fnoquery", "C:UserswelcomeDesktopFO Output.txt", True

this code is working fine but when the month will change, the code won't work.

Can we have a date & series picker attached to this query, so it can export the records with the specified SERIES & DATE.

I tried putting a textbox on the form named TxtDate and in a Query ( Design mode ) under the date column, in criteria I have put [Forms]![Futures]![TxtDate] and after putting this line, the query becomes empty and no data is there.

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