Queries :: Material Checked Out And Returned Products

Apr 8, 2013

Finally got my DB straight so I am not using calculated fields however can't figure out the best way to handle the Combo Box so I do not show closed records ( Item checked out and item returned).

Please see the attached table of materials checked out and materials returned. How to setup a query so that if an item has been returned and matches the item checked out, Both the original check-in and the matching return records are filtered and not displayed in the Combo Box.

Also, I am a little worried about partial returns as when an employee only returns half the amount.

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Queries :: Find Data Only For 3 Products

Apr 16, 2015

I have been trying to get this to work for days and I cant get it to work correctly. I have a query that I need to search only for the records that have 12,22 and 24 so in the fields criteria I have been trying

Total: Where
Criteria: In (12,22,24)

and it works BUT it only works for the first record it finds then it seems to skip and continue to search for all records after that.

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Queries :: Available Prices At Certain Date For All Products

Dec 6, 2013

As you know, the prices are, unfortunately, dynamic "objects".

So, I have a table for products:
ID_Product - Autonumber (PK)

and a table for prices
ID_ProductPrice - Autonumber (PK)
ID_Product - Number (FK on tblProducts
Price - Double
PriceDate - Date/Time

The problem: I have a certain date. I need to know the available prices at that date for all products.

I have a solution; but, for each product, I apply an external function that use two aggregate functions: DMax and Dlookup.

For my small tables, this isn't a problem but I like to know if it is a better way.

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Queries :: How To Get Only Yes Checked Box

Aug 13, 2013

I created a table (contains ID, Name, almost 20 yes/no checkboxes).

I need to create a query where i specify the ID and it returns the id, name and all the yes checkboxes.

What I got is all the check-boxes yes and no.

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Queries :: Finding Only The Clients That Has Only 4 Types Of Products?

Sep 14, 2014

find only some clients that has only 4 types of products, but no other type of products.

Just to put it in a much easier way to understand. If I have to find only the client that did buy only 1 or more from the 4 products. Fridge, tv, dvd player, mobile phone. But I'm not interested in the clients that also did buy for example, laptop, pc, video cameras, etc. So if the client has only one of the 4 products, I want to list them all, did they buy another type of product too, then not.

How could I create a query that will show me only those clients?

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Queries :: Make DSum For Products Coming In And Out?

Nov 9, 2014

I am trying to make a dsum for products coming in and coming out. find the example below

Products In
Apple 10
Mango 5

Products out
Apple 5

Now I want to show statement for sum as follows

Product. In. Out. Net in hand
Apple. 10. 5. 5
Mango. 5. 0. 5

But it is showing only

Product. In. Out. Net in hand
Apple. 10. 5. 5

what I understand is dsum cannot find the out field for mango as there is no field found for mango

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Queries :: Access 2010 - Return All Products Not Associated With A Variable

Apr 1, 2014

I use access 2010. I have a form that allows the user to assign products to operations. Each operation can produce multiple products and each product can be produced at multiple operations. I manage this many-to-many relationship through the use of a third table that stores primary keys for associated products / operations.


The query im trying to design will populate a listbox on the form that contains products which are available to be added to a given operation. In addition to the listbox there is also a combobox that allows the user to select the operation they want to add products to. As the user selects an operation, the query behind the listbox should return records for all products except the ones that have already been assigned to the operation selected in the combobox.

So far I've been able to make the listbox return all products always or return products that haven't been assigned to any operation at all, but I'm struggling to formulate the logic in my mind on how to show only products that have no association (through the tblOperationProducts table) with the operation selected in the forms combobox.

This is the query I have right now, it's not working:

Select tblProducts.ProductID
From tblProducts
SELECT tblProducts.ProductID
FROM tblOperation RIGHT JOIN (tblProducts RIGHT JOIN tblOperationProductMM ON tblProducts.ProductID = tblOperationProductMM.ProductIDMM) ON tblOperation.OperationID = tblOperationProductMM.OperationIDMM
WHERE (((tblOperation.OperationID)=[Forms]![frmOperationProducts]![cboOperation]));

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Queries :: Track Monthly Data For Several Thousand Products

Apr 17, 2014

I have a table that track monthly data for several thousand products.

The idea is to grab the first month and the first three months of sales for each product.

So I simply need to have a statement that scans through a predefined set of fields and seeks the first none zero value. This become the first month of sales (even if it is the 5th month of the year). It then needs to be able to grab the proceeding 2 months to create a sum of sales in the first 3 months. (however that would be for a second field, so presumably that is just a slightly more complex version of the same formula used to find the first month of sales).

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Queries :: Set Bit Field To Default Checked?

Jul 11, 2014

I have a query that simply pulls back each tenant from a tenant table. Each row has a bit field that I use for check box's. This check box is true or false depending on the balance they owe. I currently use it to print off late reports and people that have this field set to true have a check box that auto populates on my datasheet.

I copied the query but I want to change it a little. I want to be able to show all tenants, but I want the bit field to show on my datasheet defaulted to checked for everyone (even if the table shows false) so that I can print all tenants without having to check the fields that are false in my table.

I tried to create an expression instead of using the bit field, but I no longer have the option to make that column into a "Check Box" under Lookup-Display Control.

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Removed And Returned Items Keep Showing Up In Queries & Reports

Feb 14, 2008

Good afternoon!
I have a database that tracks the withdraws and returns of shared tools.
The withdraw form has a check box on it that is checked to show removed when the item is ordered (this keeps that item from showing up in inventory searches). When the item is returned, that check box is unchecked, showing that the item can be withdrawn again.

When a person withdraws an item their supervisors name is also logged so that we know who to chase down when the item doesn't come back.

I have a query that is supposed to show what items are still outstanding based on a date range (I got the prompt for date range to work..yea me). However, the query shows every time that the item was borrowed.

I borrow a hammer and my supervisor is Bob. I return the hammer. It does not show as still withdrawn in my query.

The next I borrow the same hammer and again my supervisor is Bob. I return the hammer. It does not show as still withdrawn in my query.

The day after I borrow the same hammer and my supervisor is Joe. I return the hammer. It does not show as still withdrawn in my query.

Some other day I borrow the same hammer and my supervisor is Joe. I do not return the hammer. The two times I borrowed the hammer with my supervisor as Bob show up as well as the other time that I borrwed it with my supervisor as Joe shows up as well as the one that shows I still have it.
. One of the criteria in the query is essentially only show the items that have the check box checked (criteria=true). But that apparently does nothing, or (more than likely), I am doing something wrong.

This is the SQL:

SELECT tblOrder.OrderDate, tblOrder.Supervisor, tblEmployee.EmployeeFirst, tblEmployee.EmployeeLast, tblItemSpecifics.Description, tblItemSpecifics.Serial_Number
FROM (tblEmployee INNER JOIN tblOrder ON tblEmployee.GlobalID = tblOrder.GID) INNER JOIN (tblItemSpecifics INNER JOIN tblOrderInfo ON tblItemSpecifics.Serial_Number = tblOrderInfo.Serial_Number) ON tblOrder.OrderNumber = tblOrderInfo.Order_Number
GROUP BY tblItemSpecifics.Removed, tblOrder.OrderDate, tblOrder.Supervisor, tblEmployee.EmployeeFirst, tblEmployee.EmployeeLast, tblItemSpecifics.Description, tblItemSpecifics.Serial_Number
HAVING (((tblItemSpecifics.Removed)=True));

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Queries :: At Most One Record Can Be Returned By Subquery - Error 3354

Sep 1, 2013

At most one record can be returned by this subquery. (Error 3354)

This is my SQL:

SELECT Students.[Student ID], Students.[Student Name]
FROM Students
WHERE (((Students.[Student ID])=(SELECT [Student ID]
FROM [Student_Sports]
WHERE [Sporting Team] = [Forms]![SV_Teams]![txtTeam])));

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Queries :: How To Print A Label For Each Record Returned By Query

Dec 27, 2013

I have a query that returns several records, typically 1 to 5. I need to print a label for each record returned by the query. Printing a label is no problem, but how do I print sequentally for each record in the query?

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Queries :: Products Form - Listbox To Show Recent Inventory Transactions

Apr 3, 2014

I have a products form, we are a manufacturing company, with a listbox to show recent inventory transactions. This is based on a query which shows all transactions with the current part id, and that all works well and fine.

The problem is, I would like to limit this query to show only the last 10 transactions in the listbox and not make it editable, ie not enabled. I set the show only in query design view to 10 and it says in the sql statement select top 10, however, the listbox consistently shows all related records. What am I missing?

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Queries :: Counting Total Number Of Returned Results From Query?

Aug 11, 2015

I'm trying to run a line of code after doing a Query Search that reports back the total number of results pulled from the search. I've dug around and found some useful code, but nothing that gives the results I'm needing. Most everything gives me the total number from the query. I'm also using a Split Form.

The process goes: Enter numeric search in Text10 and hit the search button to run the following macro: [studentID]=[Forms]![Query1]![Text10]

It then gives me the requested information.I have a second text box (Text19) that needs to display the number of pulled results. I've written VBA that only gives me the total number searched for studentID or for the entire Query.

Can I simply add an additional line to the Macro?

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Queries :: 2 Checkboxes In A Form - Criteria To Be 00 Or 01 When Cost Checked

Nov 10, 2014

So I have 2 checkboxs in a form. Future cost and LRM cost.

When future cost is checked, I want the criteria in my make table query to be 00, when LRM cost checked, I want the criteria to be 01.

But the problem is when they are both checked I can't get 00 or 01 at the same time.

I have tried different ways but none of them seem to work because with IFF, can only return one value.

I have tried to put the 2 iff in criteria and the or criteria below it exceeds the max time.

The criteria I have right now is:

IIf([Forms]![TPTC Analyzer]![P Future cost]=True And [forms]![TPTC Analyzer]![P LRM cost]=False,"00",
IIf([Forms]![TPTC Analyzer]![P Future cost]=False And [forms]![TPTC Analyzer]![P LRM cost]=True,"01"))

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Deleting Records That Have Been Checked Or Adding A Record After A Checked Record

Jul 20, 2005


I was wondering how to delete records that have been checked (through a checkbox) in a form...

Also, I want to add a record after the record that has been checked. I only want this ability to add records available if only one record is checked. Otherwise, if more than one record is checked, the "Add Record" button would be disabled.

Any help would be much appreciated.


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BIll Of Material Weight

Nov 25, 2005

What is the usual way to store the weight in a Bill of material database? Do you store the weight for each assembly and each component or only the weight of the smallest components (where the weight of each assembly is calculated by adding the weight of each component)?
The way my table is set up just now only the weight of the cast component and screws are recorded and no values are recorded for the assemblies, I just want to make sure that this set up is apropriate as I wouldn't like to redesign my table once the system is up and running.

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Finished Product Is Also A Raw Material

Feb 23, 2007

I'm new to Access (2002) and have been trying to learn by reading books, posts, forums and practicing with models. I've set up a database for inventory, primarily to track the cost of goods sold as raw material costs change from month to month. So far I have tables for raw materials, container sizes, suppliers, and finished products. But I have a problem - in some cases a finished product is also a raw material, so cannot appear in both tables. (Let's say we make cookies and we make ice cream, and we also make ice cream with cookies on top as a third/separate finished product!) Should cookies have two records ('CookieFinished' and 'CookieRM') and can they be linked together so cost is determined before it's part of another? Is there a better way? Thanks in advance!

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Assign A Barcode To A Material

Sep 21, 2006

Hi Guys,

I've tried searching the forum to no avail,
I have a table (tblBarcodes) that has two fields, Barcode & Material
The Barcode field is already populated with specific numbers, but what I need to do is when I enter a new material on my form it will assign it a barcode from the tblBarcode and then append the Material code to the that table against the relevant record.

Is this possible?
Thanks again

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Reports :: Sum Amount Of Material Used By Date

Feb 4, 2014

I'm trying to create a report for my organization that sums the amount of material used by date. For example, I have five separate locations in my organization that all consume the same material. It gets reported separately by location. I need to know the total material consumed each day. Then I need to sort that daily total from largest to smallest quantity used. I've tried to do it in a query, and also by summing/grouping in a report. I thought this would be fairly straight forward, but no success as yet.

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Displaying An Access Form In Printed Material Or Powerpoint

Oct 10, 2005

Maybe a strange question but what is the best way to display access forms in a PowerPoint presentation or in printed material. If i do a print screen and then tidy it up the resolution is not great.
Any ideas

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General :: Count Number Of Line Items For Material

Apr 27, 2014

I have a form that could have duplicate material descriptions , is it possible to have on that form a field that counts the number of line items for that material and when the material changes the new number will appear .

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Incoming / Outgoing Raw Material - How To Get Balance Stock Item Wise

Dec 31, 2013

I have created queries from Incoming Raw Material and Out Going Raw material Tables..Now how to get balance Stock of Item wise,

My Query Look as under
item wt In Coils Out Coils Wt Bala Stock
part A 100 kg 10 3 30 Kg 7
part A 100 kg 10 5 30 Kg 5

I want that Balance Stock shall be 2 Coils of Part A , How shall I get the same result.

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Top 5 Products Per Customer

Jan 22, 2008

Hi There,
I have created this query and i want to return the top 5 suppliers per LOB. It is returning something but it is not the top 5. I want to limit only to return the top 5. Pls. help and thanks. See attached file.

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Help: Attaching Several Products To One Customer

Aug 17, 2007

Hi, I'm not even sure how to describe my problem in the proper terms in order to look it up in any faq or tutorial.

I have one table, customers. Their name, number, etc.
Another table, products: Name, id, department, etc.
And the final table being orders. Customer bought product when, etc.

However, I'm only able to attach one product to each customer per order. I need to be able to attach any number of products, and I don't know how to go about doing that.

Also, when I create a form for entering all the data to these tables, the information doesn't stick. I create a form using the order table, enter the order and customer information, and have the products as a subform. The information will stick for each table, but they won't connect to each other.
If that makes any sense...

Any pointers would be great thanks, I don't even know where to start.

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Mark All Products From Subform

Dec 2, 2005

I have a form orders with a subform orderdetails where we can order more than one product. When the order is finished you save it with a save button where it will also automathically mark the products ordered as not available.
Now, this code works, the problem is that it only marks one product. how do you make it mark all the products that where ordered (in orderdetails - the subform)? :

DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70
'set values here!
Dim stAvai As String
Dim strSetProd As String

stAvai = "= " & Me.OrderDSubform.Form!ProductIdctrl.Value & " "
strSetProd = "UPDATE Products " & _
"SET Products.[Avail]= True " & _
"WHERE Products.[ProductId]" & stAvai & " ;"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSetProd

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