Queries :: Merging Info From 2 Tables

Nov 15, 2013

I am trying to update an existing table in Access with current information that I have imported into Access from excel into a separate table. I was able to use an unmatching query and append all records that were not already in the original table. But there are records in the update table that match the original table, and there in information in fields within that records have new information.I need to find the records that match in the two tables and update the missing data.I am able to create a query that displays the matching records but when I run it as an update query the information in not entered into the original table.

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Merging Info In One Field

Jan 15, 2008


I have a 1-many relationshiop:


is there a way to have a field in a query called "ALL PRODUCTS" separated by commas? I need this as text in a report, not as a list (not one below the previous one).

1 | MARY | garlic, onion, pumpkin
2 | GEORGE | onion, pumpkin

1 | 1 | garlic
1 | 2 | onion
1 | 3 | pumpkin
2 | 2 | onion
2 | 3 | pumpkin

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Queries :: Merging Multiple Tables And Extracting Duplicates To CSV File

Feb 27, 2014

We are a non-profit that does blind mailings for our membership drive. The company who we buy names and addresses from sends us a delimited file that has these fields as the headings


Once they send out the mailings, people then send in back a remit slip with a contribution that gets scanned through a program that creates a file that gives us these titles


The "ALT ID" and "ID" are the same in both tables.

I need to find a way to merge the tables and combine the fields that have the same ID # , and then have it create a csv file that reads like this (see below) for only the files of the people that responded so that I can import it into our membership software.

"Alt ID","Title","First Name","Middle Name","Last Name","Suffix","Address1","City","State","ZIP","ct y_code","Amount Paid","Run Date","Tender","Fund","Purpose","Solicitation","Me mbership Question","Member Type","Constituent Type","Segment"

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Queries :: Creating Query To Pull Info From Multiple Tables

May 7, 2013

I have DB used for inventory for many different categories. I have a table and form for the following: Location, Printers, Pc's and many more.

What i am trying to accomplish is to have a advanced search form that will display how many pc's and there makes and model from selecting the location name or Cost center from a combo box.

So an example would be I want to select MPP-WDF from the combo box click a button and it will return the number of PC and there makes of model's and some other information in a list of records.

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Help Merging Tables

Aug 24, 2007

Hi, I'm very new to access so sorry if this request seems a bit stupid.

I'm trying to get one csv file for a database of cars so I can upload it to my open-realty account.

In one table is the car ID and there are fields like Price, Extras, Mileage etc associated to that ID. (this is how I want everything to stay) I would like additional fields like Photo 1, photo 2, photo 3....photo 25 related to each car.

In the second table there are photos of the cars but each photo has its own unique ID but a field that relates to the ID of the car it is associated to.

How do I merge the two tables into one simpler version?

I've attached screen shots of the two tables.

Thanks for any help.

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Merging Tables

Jan 27, 2005

I need to merge a set of Access tables. I am creating a database which will hold a large amount of records (upto 250 000 in one table). I am importing the data from an excel spreadsheet. As each spreadsheet is limited to 65000 records I had to save the file in 4 different spreadheets. However in Access I need all these files saved in one table. Can anyone please help me?



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Merging Tables

Jun 14, 2006

Hello first post here, I need some help!Sorry not sure if this should go under queries or tables.Anyway I'm working with quite a large access db (64mb).I want to merge data from several tables into one table.Its a supermarket db (not a real one). Its got a customer and product tableIts also got a table called agg_c_special_sales_fact_1997with the fields customer_id and product_id this shows what customers bought what product.I want to merge the data from customer, product and agg_c_special_sales_fact_1997 into one big table. I want the merge to be permanent so I can see the which customer (and all their details) bought which product (all details) in one big table. I ve been trying to do this all day (im quite new to SQL) I copied the data in agg_c_special_sales_fact_1997 into a new table "new_sales_fact". I added a row called brand_name to that I want to copy from the product tableSo far I ve come up with this:SELECT product.brand_name INTO new_sales_fact FROM product, agg_c_special_sales_fact_1997WHERE product.product_id = agg_c_special_sales_fact_1997.product.id;unfortuantely access asks me enter a parameter value when I run the query.Could this becuase agg_c_special_sales_fact_1997 is huge, its got 86,000+records?Can anyone help? I'd be most greatful this has been driving me insane all day!!thanks in advance! P.S the database is the test database that comes with Mondrian......P.P.S I know its not good practice to have all data in one big table but for the purposes of what im doing it will simplfy things a lot!

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Merging Tables

Aug 14, 2007

Hello all

I'm not really an Access programmer, but I maintain a couple of databases for my own use (music collection etc.). I hope no-one minds me posting here :)

I've made a bit of a mistake. I had two copies of a database on different machines, and I entered new data into both of them.

Is there any way of merging two tables, discarding any records which are identical?

Many thanks in advance for any responses!



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Merging Tables?

Nov 14, 2007

Hi all :) I have 22 tables in my Access database, which is my catalogue data. I have it set up on dreamweaver. Now tho, i need a search engine going thro it, i have a script in access/dreamweaver that works. Only thing is, that the script only works thro one table. Now, is there some way to merge tables into one? Not just copy and paste, but all have the same specific name that i maybe able to link? (ie Name, description, code) Any ideas? A tutorial link would be great if anyone has come across a similar thing, thx!

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Merging Tables

Dec 10, 2006


I have a few tables with the same row and column headings but contain different data in their cells. Is there a query whereby I can basically merge everything to give me one view with everything in it?



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Merging Tables

Sep 25, 2007


I'm an access newbie and was wondering how to merge two tables. for example, i have:

col1 col2 col3


col1 col2 col3

They have the same column names, I just want to put the data from the first table in the second one. I don't care about duplicates for the moment, there is no primary key.


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Merging 2 Tables

Jan 9, 2005

i am required to merge 2 tables and to be able to present the data out in a report. the prob is i do not noe how. both the tables do not haf an unique field which means all entries in each field are repeated. the size of each table is different. is it a must for the 2 tables to be the same size?the fields for the 1st table are as follows:Country, Company Code, Company, Product Group, Material, Date, Actual Qty and Final Forecast. the fields for the other table are: Country, Company Code, Company, Product Group, Material, Date, Sales adjusted forecasted and final forecast. the "date" field from each table are different. the 1st table will show the actual qty of goods delivered while the latter will show the forecasted qty. i am required to be able to extract out the data for eg to show the actual qty delivered from jan to jul and the forecasted value from aug to dec.
pls help....

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Merging Two Tables And Totalling

Dec 13, 2006

Ok, I have a problem. I have two tables with different data pulled from two different areas, but that have the same type of information in them. I need them merged into one query or table so it can be exported into excel.

The problem is that one table has data only once (has a primary key, then things by building and grade). The other table has it's primary key, but then could have more then one building and grade combination (i.e. building 1050 grade 8 membership of 10 more then once becuase off another factor).

I need to merge this stuff by query of some kind into another query or table that totals all things with the same primary key, building and grade. So there is only one line for xxx-xxx building 1050 grade 8 with the grand total of membership for all.

How do I do that?

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Merging Multiple Tables?

Oct 26, 2007

I have data that splite by month, so january data separated from february data, an so on.
can i display those data on one table by using query?
if yes.how can i do that?


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Getting/merging Results From 2 Tables

Jan 25, 2008

I've got some tables I pulled off GeoNames.org that I need to extract data from. One table has everything I need except the counties listed in it. Instead of that, it gives a county code. The other table has the actual county names associated with those codes.In the main table, country and state are listed similar to "US" and "WA", representing U.S.A. and Washington state, with the city name ("Seattle") also displayed in a separate field. A county may be displayed as a county code of 003 or 101, or any such 3-digit number. The thing is, multiple counties can have the same county code, since each state's counties start their numbering over at 001, 003, 005, etc.In the county table, one column has the country, state, and county code in one field similar to US.WA.003, and the county name ("King County") in another field.What I need to do with this info is create a new table that will have only the country, state, county, and city names (omitting the text "County", if possible). So, my final result would be: US, WA, King, SeattleI just don't know how to pull the data from each table while merging the county information.The reason I haven't included the examples of the tables I'm using is because I'm hoping to be able to put together the query myself, with the help you all can provide me with. Alot of times, there are well-intentioned people who are kind enough to layout everything exactly as you need it to come up with finished results, and I'd just like to get the opportunity to take a shot at it myself first. If I can't get it from there, believe me, I'll be back for more help.Thanks in advance.

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Tables :: Merging Two Like Tables From Two Databases

Nov 4, 2013

I've currently come across the issue where an end user copied the database locally to their computer and has been using it for months and months. After fixing an issue in the database on the server and then finding that someone still had a database bug is how I figured this out. Anyway, what would be the best way for me to merge the table 1 from the database she was using to table 1 in the database on the server? Is there a way to export a table so I can then import the data? Like I said, the databases are identical other then the data.

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Merging Tables With Unmatched Keys

Nov 12, 2007

Hi all, im hoping someone can help. This is the problem.

I have 3 tables that have tax payer information for 1 year broken up into 4 months, 1 table for each 4 month chunk. all 3 tables mostly have the same taxpayers, but each table has payers that are not in 1 or both of the other tables. each table has a 2 part primary key, the business number is the first part, and branch number for businesses with chains. the next 4 fields are each month of taxes paid. heres the design of each table.

ID 1ID2Data1 Data2 Data3

ID1ID2Data1 Data2 Data3
31Data1 Data2 Data3

is there an easy way to merge all of this data into 1 table easily. ive tried using make table or append queries, but it only addes the information where the IDs are in each table. this leaves out the ids that are in only 1 or 2 tables.

if you need me to clarify or explain anything else, please let me know. i can post screenies or the design, but obviously, not the data.

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Merging Tables And Retaining Data

Oct 19, 2004

Newbie here,
i have two tables with 3 fields in each (code, Description and amount)
what i need to do is join these two together to show data from both tables (some of the
data in fields one and two will be identical, but the third fields in both
tables will need separate entries for each table)
the primary key would be the first field (code) ysee, the original table has been updated
by a n other, some codes and descriptions changed for others so, i would like to end up with
feild one, all codes from both tables, field two,
all descriptions matched to codes from both tables,
field three numbers matching from first table, field
four numbers matching from second table.

is this a possibility?

please help...loosing hair!


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Merging Queries

Aug 25, 2005

I have frequented this board on several occasions, and have used it extensively to help me on my project. But I am at a situation that I cannot seem to find a proper solution for, and feel like I need to solicit some input from more experienced people.

Problem: What I want to do is create a form utilizing two queries that will not only display the shoes and comments, but as I tab from record to record (each record a different shoe), the form will also display the total minutes for the shoe. (frmShoes in the database shows what I ultimately want)

Background: I am creating a database to track my exercise routine and jogging times, along with other variables. I have three tables (I deleted all the other extraneous garbage to alleviate any potential for confusion):

Run Session ID pk
Shoes ID
-one-to-many w/tblLaps-
-one-to-one w/tblShoes-

Laps ID pk
Lap Number
Lap Time
Run Session ID fk

Shoe ID pk
Shoe Name

I want to use a form built off tblRunSession to enter a new day of running. On the form I would enter multiple laps, and minutes each lap was completed, along with the shoes (only one pair used per day) I wore that day. I accomplished the input utilizing tblLaps as a subform to tblRunSession.

I tried creating two queries: one (Query 1) from tblshoes, and the other (Query 2) from tblRunSession and tblLaps. I summed the individual lap times in Query 2 for each shoe. But when I try to create a third query based on Queries 1 and 2, it gets all messed up and confusing. I tried to use dlookup, but I quickly found that was beyond my knowledge level. I think some of the problem I’m experiencing (besides my limited brain capacity) is the fact that I am trying to use three tables to pull data from, and trying to make it all mesh. I’m sure it can be done, but I’m at a loss.

I attached what I have been working on in case anyone wants to look at it and set me straight. Thanks in advance for any suggestions or ideas anyone has to offer.

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Merging Excel File Into Multiple Tables?

Apr 18, 2005

I'm in the process of creating a database to track campaign contributions, and I'm kind of stuck.

I've created tables for the citizens, the candidates, and the contributions to the candidates. Now I'm trying to populate them with an Excel spreadsheet. The problem is I have no clue on how to split the Excel file so the appropriate parts go into each table.

The spreadsheet contains:
Name, address, etc. - This needs to go into the Citizens table
Names of candidates individuals contributed to - This needs to go into the candidates table.
Dollar amounts and dates of contributions - This needs to go into the contributions table.

Each citizen may have made multiple contributions to multiple candidates.

The easy way would be for everything to be in one table, but that would be a bad database design, right? Here's a shortened version of how my tables are designed:

Citizens: Name, contact info, etc. of citizens
Candidates: Name, party affiliation, etc. of candidates
Contributions: Candidate (fk is pk of Candidate table), Citizen (fk is pk of citizen table), contribution date, and contribution amount.

I appreciate the assistance, as I'm getting really frustrated.


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Merging Multiple Tables With Auto-Numbering

Aug 3, 2007

I have 5 copies of a database that 5 users enter data into (including Pre, Post and Follow-Up information). These users send me their database quarterly and I am suppose to merge the data into one database from which to run reports, etc.

The problem comes in with the auto-numbering. Each "Pre" table has an ID that is auto-numbered. This auto-number is also stored when a corresponding "Post" (or follow-up form) is entered so that we can be sure the pre-, post- and follow-up are all linked to the same individual. When I merge the data, they are reassigned ID numbers in the Pre (while the Post still has the original Pre ID number) so now I've lost the link as to one individual's pre, post and follow-up form.

I realize now that the database shouldn't have been built this way, but is there any way to work around this. I've even tried exporting all of the rows for each of the 5 users into Excel and then importing them into Access in a new table (just so I could have the ease of running queries) but I seem to be getting errors doing that as well.

Any ideas?

Jen B. :)

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Merging Multiple Tables With Auto-Numbering

Aug 3, 2007

I have 5 copies of a database that 5 users enter data into (including Pre, Post and Follow-Up information). These users send me their database quarterly and I am suppose to merge the data into one database from which to run reports, etc.

The problem comes in with the auto-numbering. Each "Pre" table has an ID that is auto-numbered. This auto-number is also stored when a corresponding "Post" (or follow-up form) is entered so that we can be sure the pre-, post- and follow-up are all linked to the same individual. When I merge the data, they are reassigned ID numbers in the Pre (while the Post still has the original Pre ID number) so now I've lost the link as to one individual's pre, post and follow-up form.

I realize now that the database shouldn't have been built this way, but is there any way to work around this. I've even tried exporting all of the rows for each of the 5 users into Excel and then importing them into Access in a new table (just so I could have the ease of running queries) but I seem to be getting errors doing that as well.

Any ideas?

Jen B.:)

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Merging Data From Multiple Tables Into One Via A Form

Nov 2, 2004

Hi all, I'm not an Access programmer by trade, but unfortunately got handed a project that nobody else wanted.

I have a small database taking shape which will track the auditing of paperwork/files. Each file has a unique ID associated with it, in this case, an account number. Audits will take place by selecting the job area (department), then the type of file (Line, Loan, Increase). This will be used to sort which type of audit questions are asked.

I have the following tables created:

tblQuestions: ID, Question, Product question applies to, Function question applies to, Comment field, and result field.
tblTeamMember: MemberID, TeamMember, Manager, PrimaryFunction
tblAuditResult: AuditID, MemberID, AccountNumber, Question, Result, Comment, Date of Audit
tblProduct: List of product types (line, loan, increase)
tblFunction: list of job functions

Currently a form is displayed so the manager can select the job function, then the file type. This will display:

frmAuditCreate - this form contains the fields: txtAccount, cmbManager, cmbTeamMember, txtAuditDate
Sub form on frmAuditCreate - frmQuestionSub - this form contains the fields: Question, Comment, Result

The frmQuestionSub is built off a query which uses the function and product values to determine which questions to filter and display.

Now, once the user is done flipping through each question in the sub form and input the data into the comment and result field associated with that question, I need that information along with the information on the frmAuditCreate to be stored in the table tblAuditResult. This is the problem I'm having difficulty with. I can't find a way to copy the question, comment, and result and insert it into the same record as the rest of the data.

Unfortunatlly I can't strip the database down enough to meet the 100k or less attachment limit.

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Merging 70 Individual Dbs Into One - Without Creating 70 Queries!!!!

Apr 8, 2008

Hi all - new here - hope to get some help :)

Situation: I have a bunch of individual databases (approx 70) - each holding one table called "Meter" with some GPS reads and additional information about the GPS point.

Am looking for solution to create one big database file holding all GPS reads.

One idea i have is linking all tables into a new database and run a create table query and then an append query.

Is there a way to somehow have the one append query run automatically on all existing linked tables (remember approx 70 tables so i really want to avoid of creating 70 append queries ;) )

To make it more complicated: data sets in the original individual databases could be modified or new data could be added. From what I know linked tables are updated but is there a way of keeping the my big, newly created (appended) database up2date automatically as well?

Hope it all makes sense?
Thanks a lot in advance
Regards from Ireland

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Queries :: Merging Records Into One Record?

Apr 9, 2015

My database was working fine before there was an update to my external data source.

This was my original Append Query

INSERT INTO RLCR4000_CODED ( FY, PayPeriod, ProjCode, DelTask, RegHrs, OTHrs, TotalHrs, FYTDTtlHrs, ProjDesc, TtlCost,
FYTDRegHrs, FYTDOTHrs, FYTDTtlCost, TaskDesc, EmpName, ORG, EmpId, CostCtr, PPBegDate, PPEndDate,
Level2Nodes, Level3Nodes, Level4Nodes, Level5Nodes, Level6Node )
SELECT RLCR4000_pp5_RAW.[Fiscal Year], RLCR4000_pp5_RAW.[Pay Period], RLCR4000_pp5_RAW.[Delphi Project Code],

[Code] .....

The data source changed and the result is now I have a bunch of "Near duplicate" records. I built this query and found the duplicates:

SELECT [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].DelphiProjectCode, [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].DelphiTask, [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].EmpId, [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].CostCenterCode, [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].RecordTypeCode, [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].FiscalYear, [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].PayPeriod, [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].RegularHours, [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].OvertimeHours, [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].TotalHours, [RLCR4000_-


There is a field called "RECORDTYPECODE" that was inserted in the external data source. It has one of four values : R, L, N, C

Ideally this is what I want

WHERE ((([RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].DelphiProjectCode) In (SELECT [DelphiProjectCode]
FROM [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi] As Tmp GROUP BY [DelphiProjectCode],[DelphiTask],[EmpId],[CostCenterCode]
HAVING Count(*)>1 And [DelphiTask] = [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].[DelphiTask]
And [EmpId] = [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].[EmpId]
And [CostCenterCode] = [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].[CostCenterCode])))
Then R+L+N+C=

NOTE and in some cases the fields are null

I have attached a sample of the data. And the second tab is desired result. I have over 9000 near duplicates so it is imperative I create a formula to merge them

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Queries :: Merging Two Expression Columns Into One

Oct 2, 2013

I have two column of expressions

1=(<(Now()+365)-([Service Interval]*30) Or <(Now()*365)-(([Service Interval]*2)*30))

2= (<(Now()+365)-(([Service Interval]*2)*30) Or <(Now()*365)-(([Service Interval]*2)*30))

I want to merge these two columns into one but then have two entry's not one !

And then I can sort by date in a report (i am trying to sort all service due for the customer in the next year)...

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