Queries :: Merging Two Expression Columns Into One
Oct 2, 2013
I have two column of expressions
1=(<(Now()+365)-([Service Interval]*30) Or <(Now()*365)-(([Service Interval]*2)*30))
2= (<(Now()+365)-(([Service Interval]*2)*30) Or <(Now()*365)-(([Service Interval]*2)*30))
I want to merge these two columns into one but then have two entry's not one !
And then I can sort by date in a report (i am trying to sort all service due for the customer in the next year)...
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Jan 7, 2014
I'm looking for an expression or SQL for use in a query that will count the number of columns in another query. I do not need to count the records, I just need to know how many columns. I can't seem to locate a reference to a column count - everything points me to record count.
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May 6, 2006
Hi I have search the forums for an answer to this..i have 4 fields address 1, 2,3,4 and i would just like to all all the information to one field call address..how can i merge the information..please bear in mind i am useless at access..i thought there might be a way of copying the columns and just having a merge function to do so ..but cant find anything...please help..Williebear:(
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May 13, 2013
I'm doing up a database of hazardous chemicals, based on publicly available information from various agencies. Each chemical has a name and a number, and has different hazards associated to it. The hazards are grouped into classes, and for each class the hazard is further broken down into categories. Hence for an explosive hazard (the class) I could have categories 1, 2 and 3 based on severity. For each iteration of the hazard class and category (for example explosive hazard category 1), there is a non-unique hazard statement. Another complication is that there is a qualitative element in the classification system, and hence agencies from different countries could classify the same chemical differently. This should be captured into the database as well. Thus for every chemical, I will have to enter the Japanese classification, the EU classification, etc.
I've managed to set up what I think is a correct relationship, based on my understanding of databases. However when I generate the report, fields such as the chemical name and ID are repeated for each hazard. I would like to merge these redundant entries, so the chemical name, I.D., and any other repeated fields appear only once. In essence, I'm trying to make it such that there is only one entry for each chemical+I.D/country, with multiple hazard subentries, rather than having multiple, seemingly duplicate entries.
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Jan 19, 2006
Hi everyone,
I can't get my head around this so I'm looking for some help if possible please, there are two questions, the first is:
When in the query, I want the criteria for the date selection to be a question, ie. "[Week Start Date?]" but I want the actual criteria selection to be from the start date plus 5 days, the only way I've done that so far is to do ">=[From?] and <=[To?]", which uses two questions and I don't seem to be able to do ">=[Week Start Date?] and <=[Week Start Date?]+5" which seems basically correct, but I expect I'm writing it incorrectly (basic access knowledge I'm afraid :( )
The second question (after I've got the 5 day date criteria sorted) is that the query produces a table that shows basically the following:
Name Store Date Visited
Tom Bury 18/01/06
Tom Bury 19/01/06
Tom Diss 20/01/06
Dick Thetford 18/01/06
Harry Diss 20/01/06
The query is based on a part week period with the starting date ALWAYS a Monday, so no more than Mon-Sat will appear, I want to put the information into a table or query, so the result ends up as:
Name Store Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Tom Bury 18/01/06 19/01/06 'Blank' 'Blank' 'Blank' 'Blank'
Tom Diss 'Blank' 'Blank' 20/01/06 'Blank' 'Blank' 'Blank'
Dick Thetford 18/01/06 'Blank' 'Blank' 'Blank' 'Blank' 'Blank'
Harry Diss 'Blank' 'Blank' 20/01/06 'Blank' 'Blank' 'Blank'
*Where the blanks are simply left empty, rather than putting in the word 'blank'
Essentially converting the "[From?]" (as stated earlier) or "[Week Start Date?]" to Monday, that date + 1 to Tuesday, etc, BUT putting multiple dates relating to name and store criteria onto one record :eek:
Beyond me I'm afraid, any pointers would be seriously appreciated, I expect I'm approaching the problem from the wrong angle.
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Jan 19, 2006
Hi everyone,
I can't get my head around this so I'm looking for some help if possible please, there are two questions, the first is:
When in the query, I want the criteria for the date selection to be a question, ie. "[Week Start Date?]" but I want the actual criteria selection to be from the start date plus 5 days, the only way I've done that so far is to do ">=[From?] and <=[To?]", which uses two questions and I don't seem to be able to do ">=[Week Start Date?] and <=[Week Start Date?]+5" which seems basically correct, but I expect I'm writing it incorrectly (basic access knowledge I'm afraid :( )
The second question (after I've got the 5 day date criteria sorted) is that the query produces a table that shows basically the following:
Name Store Date Visited
Tom Bury 18/01/06
Tom Bury 19/01/06
Tom Diss 20/01/06
Dick Thetford 18/01/06
Harry Diss 20/01/06
The query is based on a part week period with the starting date ALWAYS a Monday, so no more than Mon-Sat will appear, I want to put the information into a table or query, so the result ends up as:
Name Store Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Tom Bury 18/01/06 19/01/06 'Blank' 'Blank' 'Blank' 'Blank'
Tom Diss 'Blank' 'Blank' 20/01/06 'Blank' 'Blank' 'Blank'
Dick Thetford 18/01/06 'Blank' 'Blank' 'Blank' 'Blank' 'Blank'
Harry Diss 'Blank' 'Blank' 20/01/06 'Blank' 'Blank' 'Blank'
*Where the blanks are simply left empty, rather than putting in the word 'blank'
Essentially converting the "[From?]" (as stated earlier) or "[Week Start Date?]" to Monday, that date + 1 to Tuesday, etc, BUT putting multiple dates relating to name and store criteria onto one record :eek:
Beyond me I'm afraid, any pointers would be seriously appreciated, I expect I'm approaching the problem from the wrong angle.
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Jun 23, 2004
I really never use Access but a client gave me a database with a couple thousand records in it. Two columns were "Area Code" and "Home Number". What I have to do is merge those two so that the area code and number appear in a single column. How do I do this?
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Aug 25, 2005
I have frequented this board on several occasions, and have used it extensively to help me on my project. But I am at a situation that I cannot seem to find a proper solution for, and feel like I need to solicit some input from more experienced people.
Problem: What I want to do is create a form utilizing two queries that will not only display the shoes and comments, but as I tab from record to record (each record a different shoe), the form will also display the total minutes for the shoe. (frmShoes in the database shows what I ultimately want)
Background: I am creating a database to track my exercise routine and jogging times, along with other variables. I have three tables (I deleted all the other extraneous garbage to alleviate any potential for confusion):
Run Session ID pk
Shoes ID
-one-to-many w/tblLaps-
-one-to-one w/tblShoes-
Laps ID pk
Lap Number
Lap Time
Run Session ID fk
Shoe ID pk
Shoe Name
I want to use a form built off tblRunSession to enter a new day of running. On the form I would enter multiple laps, and minutes each lap was completed, along with the shoes (only one pair used per day) I wore that day. I accomplished the input utilizing tblLaps as a subform to tblRunSession.
I tried creating two queries: one (Query 1) from tblshoes, and the other (Query 2) from tblRunSession and tblLaps. I summed the individual lap times in Query 2 for each shoe. But when I try to create a third query based on Queries 1 and 2, it gets all messed up and confusing. I tried to use dlookup, but I quickly found that was beyond my knowledge level. I think some of the problem I’m experiencing (besides my limited brain capacity) is the fact that I am trying to use three tables to pull data from, and trying to make it all mesh. I’m sure it can be done, but I’m at a loss.
I attached what I have been working on in case anyone wants to look at it and set me straight. Thanks in advance for any suggestions or ideas anyone has to offer.
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May 14, 2014
I have a MS ACCESS 2010 database with a data table which i am trying to create a query from. I have 6 columns of data( one with an ID Field and 5 Name Fields). Below i have made examples of how it first appears as a simple query and the second will show you what i would like it to look like.
What the simple query looks like: [URL] ...
Second what I want the query to look like: [URL] ....
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Apr 8, 2008
Hi all - new here - hope to get some help :)
Situation: I have a bunch of individual databases (approx 70) - each holding one table called "Meter" with some GPS reads and additional information about the GPS point.
Am looking for solution to create one big database file holding all GPS reads.
One idea i have is linking all tables into a new database and run a create table query and then an append query.
Is there a way to somehow have the one append query run automatically on all existing linked tables (remember approx 70 tables so i really want to avoid of creating 70 append queries ;) )
To make it more complicated: data sets in the original individual databases could be modified or new data could be added. From what I know linked tables are updated but is there a way of keeping the my big, newly created (appended) database up2date automatically as well?
Hope it all makes sense?
Thanks a lot in advance
Regards from Ireland
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Apr 9, 2015
My database was working fine before there was an update to my external data source.
This was my original Append Query
INSERT INTO RLCR4000_CODED ( FY, PayPeriod, ProjCode, DelTask, RegHrs, OTHrs, TotalHrs, FYTDTtlHrs, ProjDesc, TtlCost,
FYTDRegHrs, FYTDOTHrs, FYTDTtlCost, TaskDesc, EmpName, ORG, EmpId, CostCtr, PPBegDate, PPEndDate,
Level2Nodes, Level3Nodes, Level4Nodes, Level5Nodes, Level6Node )
SELECT RLCR4000_pp5_RAW.[Fiscal Year], RLCR4000_pp5_RAW.[Pay Period], RLCR4000_pp5_RAW.[Delphi Project Code],
[Code] .....
The data source changed and the result is now I have a bunch of "Near duplicate" records. I built this query and found the duplicates:
SELECT [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].DelphiProjectCode, [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].DelphiTask, [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].EmpId, [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].CostCenterCode, [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].RecordTypeCode, [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].FiscalYear, [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].PayPeriod, [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].RegularHours, [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].OvertimeHours, [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].TotalHours, [RLCR4000_-
There is a field called "RECORDTYPECODE" that was inserted in the external data source. It has one of four values : R, L, N, C
Ideally this is what I want
WHERE ((([RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].DelphiProjectCode) In (SELECT [DelphiProjectCode]
FROM [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi] As Tmp GROUP BY [DelphiProjectCode],[DelphiTask],[EmpId],[CostCenterCode]
HAVING Count(*)>1 And [DelphiTask] = [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].[DelphiTask]
And [EmpId] = [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].[EmpId]
And [CostCenterCode] = [RLCR4000_-_Labor_Cost_by_Organi].[CostCenterCode])))
Then R+L+N+C=
NOTE and in some cases the fields are null
I have attached a sample of the data. And the second tab is desired result. I have over 9000 near duplicates so it is imperative I create a formula to merge them
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Nov 15, 2013
I am trying to update an existing table in Access with current information that I have imported into Access from excel into a separate table. I was able to use an unmatching query and append all records that were not already in the original table. But there are records in the update table that match the original table, and there in information in fields within that records have new information.I need to find the records that match in the two tables and update the missing data.I am able to create a query that displays the matching records but when I run it as an update query the information in not entered into the original table.
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May 15, 2015
I have a table which has each claim as a single record. A client wishes us to provide the data in a format that lists the each procedure on its own line. I have attached a highlevel example of what the data currently looks like and what the query results should look like.So I need to create a query that would repeat the Claim Number and place all the Procedure fields into one field.
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Oct 28, 2013
I have a large database which runs various reports however i am struggling with the last bit to get this report working.
Under each "Works Order" is a set of scrap which is associated with this batch. Instead of rows of data i would like to add all the "reason for scrap" to a single text box for each works order:
i.e. WO: 259953 | Scrap: Sub contract inner open; Untraceable short; short to plane etc etc.
I have attached an image in its current format.
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Jul 30, 2015
I am linking to an SQL database that is designed in such a way that the problem description is recorded in multiple records. See a simplified example below. I want to run a query that will merge the information in the PROBLEM_DESCRIPTION and return only one record for PROB_ID 55678.
55678 Jim 01/01/2015 While cleaning my computer, I noticed
55678 Jim 01/01/2015 the screen was cracked. I called
55678 Jim 01/01/2015 the IT department and they said I had
55678 Jim 01/01/2015 to write a work order. However it
55678 Jim 01/01/2015 was rejected without reason.
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Sep 4, 2006
I must admit I am a "newby" to Access but I have bought my Access 2000 bible, as I am running Access 2000, and attempted to create my desired database. I have linked to 2 tables that I download on a daily basis. This is my inventory from two different suppliers. I then have created two queries that filters each of these files to only show positive quantity items, filters out item specifics, etc.What I want to do is join the 2 queries with their data already filtered. Both of the files from 2 different suppliers contain some of the same data. Once joined if there is an item that is the same I want to delete the higher cost item and only show the lower cost item, I also want to show the rest of the items that do not match. It is easy to identify the same items as every item contains a 12 digit identifier called a upc.I can create a UNION ALL query that shows every item from the two queries. However, I am unsure as to how I go about deleting the higher cost item and only showing the lower cost item if the item is the same. On a side note after I get the results desired I will then be createing an append to query and append all this information to another file that is then uploaded to another system.I will try to attach some sample data that I am using from the two queries I want to join, this data is only a sample of a much bigger file.Thank you and any and all comments or suggestions is much appreciated.
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Jun 12, 2013
Currently am trying to get together two separate Access Databases into one, which is the way it was always supposed to be.
Basically, this person accidentally created a duplicate of the database in question, and has been updating both independently at different times, meaning that whilst a lot of the database information is duplicate, there are some instances where each separate database copy has unique information on both existing contacts, and new unique contacts.
The database itself is about schools, and has tables concerning information such as calls made, contact details, school details, etc etc. Obviously all of this needs putting back together into one set of tables in one file.
I've been messing around with append and import functions, but am having issues with duplicate ID fields with append queries, and a general lack of direction on the best way to go about fixing this problem, if its even possible.
Here's an example of what i've been trying to do:
INSERT INTO Contacts ( ContactID, ContactTitle, Name, Surname, JobTitle, TelephoneSTD, Telephone, FaxSTD, Fax, Locale, SubjectKeyword, SchoolID, Reply received] )
SELECT [1Contacts].*, [1Contacts].ContactID, [1Contacts].ContactTitle, [1Contacts].Name, [1Contacts].Surname, [1Contacts].JobTitle, [1Contacts].TelephoneSTD, [1Contacts].Telephone, [1Contacts].FaxSTD, [1Contacts].Fax, [1Contacts].Locale, [1Contacts].SubjectKeyword, [1Contacts].SchoolID, [1Contacts].[Reply received]
FROM 1Contacts;
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Feb 27, 2014
We are a non-profit that does blind mailings for our membership drive. The company who we buy names and addresses from sends us a delimited file that has these fields as the headings
Once they send out the mailings, people then send in back a remit slip with a contribution that gets scanned through a program that creates a file that gives us these titles
The "ALT ID" and "ID" are the same in both tables.
I need to find a way to merge the tables and combine the fields that have the same ID # , and then have it create a csv file that reads like this (see below) for only the files of the people that responded so that I can import it into our membership software.
"Alt ID","Title","First Name","Middle Name","Last Name","Suffix","Address1","City","State","ZIP","ct y_code","Amount Paid","Run Date","Tender","Fund","Purpose","Solicitation","Me mbership Question","Member Type","Constituent Type","Segment"
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Oct 22, 2014
Say you have multiple excel sheets where forecasting is done daily.
For example, sheet one headings: Depot, department, location, 01/09/10, 02/09,10, 03/09/10
and then second sheet is similar but: Depot, department, location, 02/09/10, 03/09/10, 04,09, 10 - as you can see each day the forecast starts a day after and ends one date late (14 days each in the real one)...
How to I join all these forecasts into one table; vertically with each forecast identified by the day it start for analysis later.. rather than doing cross-tabulate which would take ages, I just need to keep adding more excel sheets but the headings change as they are dates...
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Jul 31, 2013
I have 3 queries named Mech Final Equipment 3 Mth, Mech Final Equipment 6 Mth, and Mech Historical Final Equipment.They all have two fields-Final equipment and Sum of Sum of Down (calculating the number of minutes each piece of equipment was down in the time period selected).
My ultimate goal is to join the three queries to display a pivot chart that uses the Final Equipment as the category field and 3 Mth, 6Mth, and Historical as seperate data fields.What I have is a join query (Which I have named Mech Final Equipment H63 Joined)
Using this SQL:
SELECT DISTINCTROW [Mech Final Equipment 3 Mth].[Final Equipment], Sum([Mech Final Equipment 3 Mth].[Sum Of Down]) AS Duration
FROM [Mech Final Equipment 3 Mth]
GROUP BY [Mech Final Equipment 3 Mth].[Final Equipment]
Which returns a table that looks like this:
Final Equipment, Duration
Ancillary Equipment, 225
Ancillary Equipment, 401
Ancillary Equipment, 1787
Brush Unit , 1252
Brush Unit , 2519
Brush Unit , 8004
And so on.What I need the table to look like is this
Final Equipment, 3 Mth, 6 Mth, Historical
Ancillary Equipment, 225, 401, 1787
Brush Unit, 1252, 2519, 8004
And so on, like a cross tab.I tried to do a crosstab query but I don't have enough fields.
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Feb 18, 2014
I am trying to add calculations to queries based on columns in the query... it seems to randomly expect 'Expression' or 'Group by' as column types, and Im having to create 3 sets of queries following on from each other to de-dupe data and allow filters on calculated values.
Also I've got a function which turns a date into a quarterly cohort, e.g. Oct 2013 -> 20134. I use ot on a lot of dates. I created a VBA function, CohortQ used as follows in queries:
Cohort: IIf Year([InputDate]) < 1990 or Year([InputDate]) > 2020, 0 CohortQ([InputDate]))
In the VBA, InputDate is defined as a date
Function CohortQ(InputDate As Date) As Integer
If InputDate = 0 Then
CohortQ = 0
Exit Function
End If
[Code] .....
But when I run it on a date field, it gives me a data mismatch error. I can't step through as it's working on 600K rows.
If I put the function into the query,
Cohort: IIf Year([InputDate]) < 1990 or Year([InputDate]) > 2020, 0 Year([InputDate])*10+DatePart("q",[InputDate]))
it works.
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Apr 30, 2015
I was wondering how to do a crosstab query and have to column headings
I need the Organization Number and the Org name..so something like this
4005 4010
Office of HQ Office of Accounting
Is this possible?
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Jul 5, 2007
Hi People
Got another question for you all, since i'm on a mission of doing my annual upgrade of the DB.
My sales manager has asked me to implement a system where the database will flag up any customers who haven't used us for 6 months or longer.
I know i will hav to use a query and the Fields "Customer" & "Date", but cant think of the expression i would hav to use inorder for the database to do this operation.
I also want to add a check box so that, we can tick off customers who arent going to be usin us again, so that the query doesnt flag them up every month.
If any one could help that would be great!!
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May 14, 2015
I'm a little new to Access but I'm trying to create an IIf Expression:
iif ( condition, value_if_true, value_if_false )
Mine is: Au_ppb: IIf([Element]="Au" And [Units]="ppb",[Result],Null)
I need to have three criteria's (each looking into a different column). I can get two criterias but not three:
[Element]="Au" And [Units]="ppb"
When I add in the third (And [Priority]="12") it doesn't work .
Also, I need to have about 6 columns with similar IIF statements in the one query in my query and if a row has Null for all then I don't want it visible however if I make the Criteria "Is not Null" on one column or on all it comes up with no results.
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Aug 17, 2014
Users add transactions via a form after they put in the total of the transaction I want to run a query that gets a running balance of the client's account to make sure that paying this transaction will not over draw the clients account.What would be the best method of approach?
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Jul 1, 2015
I am pulling in source data and inputting it as a table in access. However, I would like to stop constantly adding in the column on excel and then importing the data into access.
Is there a way to use a Query to add a status column or another method on Access?
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