Queries :: Multiple Counts Between 2 Dates In 1 Query

Mar 4, 2015

I have a list of dates and I want 1 query which counts the dates between numerous criteria. for example, colum 1; dates between 1/1/14 and 16/02/2014. Colum2 between 17/02/2014 and 15/04/2014.

I have attached a screenshot.

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Queries :: Data Integrity Report - Multiple COUNTs In Single Query

Sep 4, 2013

I need to produce a Data Integrity report that lists the users of a separate database and the count of errors that they make, separated by error type.

Currently my query displays all the users who made errors, and the total errors they made. But I don't want the total - I want to break this number down by the types of errors that are made.

I modified the SQL to make it easier to read. How can I take the below statement and make a few expressions that count up the specific values? The field I need to dissect is "Type Error" and a couple of examples of error types are "A1" and "B1"

SELECT DISTINCTROW [Errors Table].User, Count([Errors Table].[Type Error]) AS [Errors]
FROM [Errors Table] INNER JOIN [Workcenter Profiles] ON [Errors Table].PWC = [Workcenter Profiles].PWC
WHERE ((([Errors Table].[Review Status])="Error Corrected")) OR ((([Errors Table].[Review Status])="Error Not Corrected")) OR ((([Errors Table].[Review Status])="Error Not Correctable "))
GROUP BY [Errors Table].User
ORDER BY [Errors Table].User;

I've seen it done with multiple queries joined together, but I'd like to avoid that if possible...

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Queries :: Counting Multiple Dates In A Single Query Field

Feb 8, 2015

I'm creating a database for my wife to use in her work, one of the fields is dates visited and the user should enter "00/00/0000, 11/11/1111, 22/22/2222, 33/33/3333" in this format. The field is a large text format because there could be anything from 1 date to hundreds. What I need to be able to do is in my query I need to enter 2 dates and have access return a how many dates exist between those 2 date values. eg It will pop up a box asking for start date and then another asking for end date and then it has to return the count total of how many dates exist between those two date values. I don't know VB and have had only basic training in Java and C# none of which involved Access. The only way I can think of doing it is to have access count the number of commas within the date field required but I don't know the formula required assuming it can even be done.

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Reports :: Multiple Counts In One Expression?

Oct 31, 2014

I have a report that I have called "0 Master". It details the number of complaints that my company has received, broken down by a specific service.

I have a CountIIf that returns the number of complaints received in a certain category. This works - but this only shows the total number of complaints received for that specific category.

That formula is =Count(IIf([Contact Category]="Stage 1 Corporate Complaint",1))

I have also got a formula that tells me the total number of those complaints that are outside of the deadline (regardless of category).

This formula works and is;
=Count(IIf([Date Response Expected]>=Date(),1))

But - I want to combine these 2 formulas to tell me the number of complaints outside the deadline for a particular category - I've had a go myself and anything I do tends to return either nothing or -1

So far, I've tried various incarnations of;
=Count(IIf([Contact Category]="Stage 1 Corporate Complaint",1)) And (IIf([Date Response Expected]>=Date(),1))

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Queries :: Multiple Dates Fields

Nov 15, 2014

I have a DB that consists of Movie titles and the multiple dates ( as many as 10) on which they will be used in the coming year.I built a flat table with 10 date fields.Then tried to build a relational table with just movie title and dates linked to ID.I cannot work out an ability to SEARCH the Database for a SPECIFIC DATE and get returned a listing of ALL Movie titles that will air on that date,

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Enter Parameter Dates Once For Multiple Queries?

Jan 16, 2008

I have created a db with 10 linked tables from 10 db's.
I then build 10 queries associated to these linked tables.
The 10 queries filter data by start date and end date.
The data generated from each query is then exported to excel (each query has its own sheet in the woorkbook).

Dim Output_Path_And_File As String

Output_Path_And_File = "C:" & "Production Labor hrs Querie.xls"

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, 8, "labor hrs 3-WAY", Output_Path_And_File, False, ""
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, 8, "labor hrs-ACV", Output_Path_And_File, False, ""
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, 8, "labor hrs-EAP", Output_Path_And_File, False, ""
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, 8, "labor hrs-EVMV", Output_Path_And_File, False, ""
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, 8, "labor hrs-PFE", Output_Path_And_File, False, ""
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, 8, "labor hrs-propor", Output_Path_And_File, False, ""
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, 8, "labor hrs-SEGR", Output_Path_And_File, False, ""
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, 8, "labor hrs-TBO", Output_Path_And_File, False, ""
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, 8, "labor hrs-VCA", Output_Path_And_File, False, ""
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, 8, "labor hrs-VFS", Output_Path_And_File, False, ""

How can I set these queries up by typing the start date and end date only once rather than 10 times?

Thank you

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Queries :: Dates Showing Up For Multiple Months?

Jun 18, 2015

I have a query that is supposed to be showing todays data (as it is labeled) but it keeps pulling today's number date (i.e. the 1st, or the 17th) for every month, when i only want June 18th not including jan/feb/march etc. 18th.

I started running this query in may, that's why it only shows may and june's data.

I'm thinking it's definitely a problem with the criteria but check out the attachments and let me know

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Queries :: How To Use Count Statement That Counts Vertically

Aug 26, 2014

I know how to use the count statement that counts vertically, how can I count horizontally (only if the value is greater than 0) ?

CustID 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th Count
2233 7 3 0 0 2 8 0 4
5730 3 0 0 0 1 0 6 3
7590 0 0 0 4 0 0 1 2

I need to capture the value in the 'Count' column (as shown above).

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Queries :: Calculation That Counts Where Values Equals 4 In Fields

Nov 15, 2014

I have six fields in a record that look like Median.University1, Median.University2, Median.University3, Median. University4, Median.University5,Median.Unive rsity6. How can I create a calculated field that counts where values equals 4 in the fields . I have tried Dcount and Count with no success.

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Queries :: Store Results Of Counts And Create A Graph / Chart

Feb 9, 2014

I have a a table 'Orders' with fields (Order Number, Order Date, CD Number, Card Number).

I would like to produce a query in access 2010 that would allow me to count how many times the CD Number 'Diab190617' has been purchased.

I would like to store the results of this count and counts on other cds numbers somewhere so that I can produce a graph/chart of these counts. How can I do this?

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Queries :: Find Latest Date In A Table Where Dates Are In 2 Separate Columns And Multiple Rows

May 19, 2015

I am trying to find the latest date in a table where the dates are in 2 separate columns and multiple rows. (there are business reasons why there are 2 dates per row they represent different but comparable activities)

I have a table "Assessment tracker" with the following structure

Name Type
Candidate short text
Unit short text
EV1 Date Date
EV2 Date Date

My Data:

Candidate Unit EV1Date EV2 Date
TH1 10 07/05/2015 25/05/15
TH1 10 07/05/2015 07/06/15

I have a query "Candidate AC Dates" that compares the 2 dates EV1 and EV2 and outputs a 3rd column with the latest date.

PARAMETERS [Candidate Name] Value;
SELECT [Assessment Tracker].Candidate, [Assessment Tracker].Unit, [Assessment Tracker].[EV1 Date], [Assessment Tracker].[EV2 Date], Max(MaxDate([Assessment Tracker]![EV1 Date],[Assessment Tracker]![EV2 Date])) AS Achdate
FROM UnitData INNER JOIN [Assessment Tracker] ON UnitData.Unit = [Assessment Tracker].Unit



CandidateUnitEV1 DateEV2 DateAchdate
TH11007/05/2015 25/05/201525/05/2015
TH11007/05/2015 07/06/201507/06/2015

It does this by using a function shamelessly copied from the web somewhere...

Function Maxdate(ParamArray FieldArray() As Variant)
' Declare the two local variables.
Dim I As Integer
Dim currentVal As Date' Set the variable currentVal equal to the array of values.
currentVal = FieldArray(0)
' Cycle through each value from the row to find the largest.


This is working well (I think)

I then want to find the latest date for the 2 records i.e. the Max value for the Achdate.

SELECT [Candidate AC Dates].Candidate AS Expr1, [Candidate AC Dates].Unit AS Expr2, Max([Candidate AC Dates].Achdate) AS MaxOfAchdate
FROM [Candidate AC Dates]
GROUP BY [Candidate AC Dates].Candidate, [Candidate AC Dates].Unit
ORDER BY [Candidate AC Dates].Candidate, [Candidate AC Dates].Unit, Max([Candidate AC Dates].Achdate) DESC;

But this is returning

Candidate Unit MaxOfAchdate
TH1 1025/05/2015

I expect it to return

Candidate UnitMaxOfAchdate
TH1 10 07/06/2015

It looks to me like MAX is considering only the day value rather than the whole date. I suspect this is because it is considering the results of the function in the first query as a short text rather than a date field. (I've tried to force this through declaring the variables as dates but don't know where else to force this. (I am UK based hence the DD/MM/YYYY format)

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Doing 2 Counts In One Query

Jun 11, 2007

How come when I try to count 2 differ fields in a query they become equal numbers even though they shouldn't be? Can you count multiple fields in one query?

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A Query That Counts And More??

Oct 15, 2007

Alright, completly new user to access here and this forum has been a great resource for me the last 4 days thanks.

Heres my issue. Im trying to create a report based off of fields ( in progress, wins, and losses) I want to be able to add up each instance of a win loss or in progress sum them up totally and then find ratio's of each

I really have no experience using access or count functions...I know its like math, but the wording (typing the logic out) baffles me.

Such as wins over total or loss ratio losses over total. The problem is I dont know how to create a query, or do it in the report that will let me add them up carry them over to a new field and especially do calculations...

I've been playing with the expression creator* googling like crazy and checking out this forum My data looks like this

StatusID Status
1 Loss
1 Loss
1 Loss
2 In Progress
3 Win
3 Win
2 Win

and I would like it to look like this
Total Projects Win Ratio Loss Ratio In progress Ratio
(Sum) Wins Over Total Losses over Total (ditto)

Is there a way to do this in one query? Or create a few different ones, Or even do it straight in a report?

And what the heck does the formula look like?
Are there special Functions that do this or is like like Field A + Field B = Field C?


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Help With Query To Do Counts!

Feb 11, 2008

This might be a bit difficult to explain, but i will give it my best shot. I need queries to give me the count in various fields, but with specific thresholds within the particular field, and with a criteria. So for example, I have an age field calculated. Now i created a new query to give me the "count" for how many people are between age 1-10, 11-20, 21-29, and so on. I did this by putting in coresponding criterias such as "between 1 and 10" in each field. However, because all thresholds (which are my fields) in that query are using the same calculated fields (age, from another query), only one criteria is actively working. Two or more fields using the same "age" field just returns whatever my first criteria is over and over. So if i make a field "1-10" with it's criteria, then the fields "11-20" with ITS corresponding criteria, both fields just end up giving me the count of the first criteria. Am i doing something wrong? Is there an easier way to do this? Also once i can get this working, there's another condition i need to implement, which is: count of "1-10" for "2006", all in that query. then another query for the count of the ages thresholds in 2007, and so on. Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks.

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Comparing Multiple Dates And Times In A Query

Mar 8, 2007

Hi there,

I'm trying to 'rank' x5 categories that overlap. To determine the ranking i'm utilising date & time (if the dates are equal). I've managed to do this comparing x2 of the categories but struggling with the logic for x3,x4 & x5 categories

I have the data in separate tables by category date & time and in one large table.

Hoping someone can assist as my head is starting to hurt.


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Query/Report Of Multiple Dates Within Same Table

May 17, 2007

I have a table with a separate record for each client.
Each record has 5 future dates called ToDoDate1, ToDoDate2.... and tasks to be done called ToDo1, ToDo2....

I want to create a query that will search the 5 dates from all client's record and pull all the dates selcted within a range and list the ToDoDate, ToDo and name and a report.

I created a parameter query to prompt for user for dates to search between and can get the report to work for ToDoDate1 but I'm unsure of how to do this for the multiple ToDoDate fields.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

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Add 2 Columns (counts) Together In A Query.

Mar 14, 2008

Hi. I am trying to do a query on a table that has 3 columns
ID, Person1, Person2

I want to query the data to find out how many rows each person's name appears in either Person1 or Person2.

I don't need seperate counts for when each name appears in Person1 or Person2, just the total for each person.

Result example that I'm looking for:
If table contained:
1 Eddie Sam
2 Pete Max
3 Sam Pete
4 Dave Eddie

Query to look like:
PersonsName Total
Eddie 2
Sam 2
Pete 2
Max 1
Dave 1

Surely this is easy to do?

Anyone? Thanks. Martin

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Query To Get Unique Counts

Feb 13, 2013

I have a roster of people where each person may work on a specific task during a given period (a month, or a quarter, etc.) and each person is assigned to a team.

Team Jones has 30 people on it. There are 5 tasks that a person on that team may or may not work on during Q1 of 2013. Here are those tasks:

1. Business Analysis
2. Project Planning
3. Testing
4. Test Planning and Preparation
5. Quality Inspection

Now, what I want to do is to find the unique instances for each task where 1 or all of the 30 people worked on that task for the quarter. To further illustrate, say for Business Analysis that Mary Smith did Business Analysis in January, February, and March. She performed that task 3 times (1x in each month) but I am only concerned about knowing that she did perform Business Analysis during the quarter (so I'd like to show a 1 instead of 3).

Ideally, if everyone on Team Jones did Business Analysis during the quarter at least one time, I am only concerned about the one instance where they did and the first occurrence of it, not the other occurrences. So if everyone did do Business Analysis for the quarter, my total count should not exceed the count of members on the team (in this case, the 30 people). So the distribution could look like this (I'm just making this up but this is what I'd like to see):


Business Analysis

My fields in the table are:
1. Task
2. User
3. Date
4. Team (there are 5 different teams)

Is this doable in a query?

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Query To Show All Of Various Counts On One Page

Dec 14, 2012

I am in the process of converting a very large, multi-page Excel spreadsheet into a Access Database.

This database is going to be used to quickly look up and update members of our building's emergency response team, their location, training, etc.

In my main db list I have things like last name, first name, the building the work in, the floor they work on, and what training certs they currently posses.

One of the pages on the spreadsheet has a floor by floor count of personnel. Example - tower #1 - floor 1 = 2 people, Tower 1 - floor 2 = 6 people, Tower 3 - Floor 3 = 4 people.

In the database table, I have a column named "Building" and a column named "Floor". Is there a way to run a query that would show all of the various counts on one page. Meaning, if I have 10 floors, a 60 people, can I have access tell me what floors have what number of people on them, if so, how do I do it?

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MS Access Query Help. Expression For Calculating Multiple Expiration Dates.

Feb 28, 2008

Hi everyone
I'm a very very new access user so many apologies in advance for when I have no idea what I"m talking about.

I'm working on creating a report that will display multiple expiration dates. Currently I have an employee database, not created by me, that has all of our employees professional licenses listed.

Prof license, auto license, liability, etc.

I want to create a report that will tell me what has already expired or will expire in the next 30 days.

I did use this
Between DateAdd("d",-30,Date()) and Date() and it is bringing back info up to 2009. which isn't what I need. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong here.

I want anything that has expired regardless of the date from today, before today, and 30 days from today but I don't care about anything more than 30 days from today's date.

I noticed that when I looked at the existing database that the fields are set as text fields. I tried to change them to dates and it gave me a "deleting 106" records error message. Yikes!

Any help would be appreciated. I don't really understand expressions and I don't understand if I'm supposed to put the actual date in parentheses or what. Please pardon my ignorance.

Many many thanks.

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Queries :: Automatic Dates In Query

Jun 12, 2015

I have a table with tasks in which are allocated to specific staff members. The start date of the task is currently inputted by the user and then an estimated time frame is inputted which automatically enters the planned end date.

When a task is complete a Yes/No box is ticked so that these tasks don't show up on the current list anymore.

I wondered if it is possible, for the second task allocated to a certain person to have the start date automatically inputted depending on the planned end date of the precious task.

So if the planned end date was 12/06/2015 then the start date of the next would be 12/06/2015 and so on.

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Queries :: Query For Records Between Two Dates

Jun 5, 2013

Only one table : Customer ID,Customer name , subscription period, subscription start date and subscription end date.

I need values where subscription start date is between date1 and date2 and subscription end date is between date 1 and date2.

Detail explanation:

customer1 subscribed from 2-feb 2012 to 2-feb 2013
customer2 subscribed from 5-aug-2012 to 5-aug-2013
customer3 subscribed from 1-Jan-2013 to 31-Dec-2013
when the user enters date 1 as 1-jan-2013 and date 2 as 30-Jun-2013

Even though the subscription start date is not within the range entered by the user.I need to get all three customers because the subscription enddate falls within the range.And customer 3 is also required as subscription start date is within the range.

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Queries :: Query For Same Fields / Different Dates

Jul 3, 2013

I have a query that is based on three queries. 2 of those queries have the same fields but return data for different dates. The 3rd query returns the dates needed. In other words, I am trying to return all results from both queries. these are the results I want:

Report_ID Report_Date Contents Approvers
Standard ops 5/1/13 daily operations rpt tom tomlin
royer manuf 7/1/13 syndication rpt rob davis


These are for year-t0-date. there is a YTD query that returns all dates needed. The other two queries return records on different dates, on is for dates <5/5/13 and the other is for dates >5/4/13. I have listed the SQL below. It returns the correct records, but for the Record_ID it returns -1 in each field instead of the report_ID text. So, I need to get the other fields to show up correctly.

SELECT [Daily_rpts_YTD_due_before_5_5_2013]![Report_ID] Or [Daily_rpts_YTD_due_after_5_4_2013]![Report_ID] AS [Report ID], due_dates_Daily_YTD.Due_dates
FROM (due_dates_Daily_YTD LEFT JOIN Daily_rpts_YTD_due_before_5_5_2013 ON due_dates_Daily_YTD.Due_dates = Daily_rpts_YTD_due_before_5_5_2013.Due_dates) LEFT JOIN Daily_rpts_YTD_due_after_5_4_2013 ON due_dates_Daily_YTD.Due_dates = Daily_rpts_YTD_due_after_5_4_2013.Due_dates
WHERE (((due_dates_Daily_YTD.Due_dates)=[Daily_rpts_YTD_due_after_5_4_2013]![Due_dates] Or (due_dates_Daily_YTD.Due_dates)=[Daily_rpts_YTD_due_before_5_5_2013]![Due_dates]));

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Queries :: Calculate Expiry Dates Of Training Courses - Due Dates Not Shown

Aug 28, 2013

I have built a query to calculate the expiry dates of training courses but I am trying to input a criteria so that only dates within 90 days of todays date show. I am using Date()<90 but it doesn't return the correct information. What the criteria should be for this?

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Queries :: Query To Filter Records Between Dates

Feb 19, 2015

I have a few queries which are used to create reminder email on training which is due for renewal.Some training required reminder 6 months before 2 year expiry. I use this in the criteria for the training date within query:

Between DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date())-18,1) And DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date())-17,0)

Some training required reminder 3 months before 1 year expiry. I use this in the criteria for the training date within query:

Between DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date())-9,1) And DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date())-8,0)

My problem is with training requiring reminder 6 months before 3 year expiry. Using this criteria:

Between DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date())-30,1) And DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date())-29,0)

Doesn't show any results (although there is training which was done 30months ago, expiring in 6 months time).

Changing the -30 (months) and -29 (months) in above down to -22 & -21 shows records as expected, but anything below -22/-21 doesn't show any records.

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Queries :: Filter Query By Year Of Dates?

Jan 23, 2014

I'm trying to filter an append query by a year selected in a combo box [cboYear] for a field [ProgramDate]. The AfterUpdate on the cbo filters the append query based off of the selection (or selections-I'm using multiple combo boxes on the form). I then run a report based off of the appended table for a report.

I set my criteria for [ProgramDate] the query to be:



The above code isn't working, even when I just try to run the query while the form is open. It's still returning all records.

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