Queries :: Multiplying Fields From Different Tables

Jul 5, 2013

I'm trying to create a query that will return a calculated field called "PnL".The formula for "PnL" is as follows: PnL = notional*management_fee*NAV*

The "notional" field is a value derived from a table called "Deal_information" (primary key deal_id) and has an associated "management_fee" and "product" field. So obviously finding the product of the notional field and the management_fee field isn't a problem.

However "NAV" field is from another table (VL_information) that contains the historical Net Asset Value of each product. Fields are (VL_id, vl_date, product, NAV).

Therefore for each "notional" record I would like to return the historical PnL.By way of example. Lets say that the notional valuefor a particular record is $100, with a corresponding management fee of 10% (the managment fee is product dependent). Then I would like to find the evolution of PnL by multiplying this record by the evolution of the NAV. This would do so for each notional value.

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Multiplying Two Fields In A Form From Different Tables

Nov 2, 2011

I have two tables 'LabIssue' and 'Store'.

I created a form for 'LabIssue' in which data will be entered. In the form I want to calculate the 'ChemicalAmount' by multiplying 'Store.Costperunit' with the 'QuantityIssued' which will be entered by the user. ChemicalAmount and QuantityIssued will be stored in 'LabIssue' table. I tried it through the expression builder but im getting #Name? error, did alot of things but couldnt figured out whats the problem.

I am attaching the initial database also for reference.

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Multiplying Two Fields

May 16, 2007

hey, i would like to see in the room price column, the total price payed for the room judging by the loyalty(no of nights). So basically i want the loyalty(no of nights X roomprice. At the moment, when i run the query it in the room price it shows just the one night price, but i want to X that by how many nights the person has stayed. I have tryed putting the sum function in the roomprice field and it didnt work.


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Queries :: Multiplying Two Values From Same Column

Nov 26, 2013

Names Number1 Number2
Name1 1 2
Name1 2 1
Name1 3 -2
Name1 4 2
Name1 5 5
Name2 1 2
Name2 2 5
Name2 3 2
Name2 4 5
Name2 5 -1

For each Name, Number1 will always contain the values from 1 to 5. Number2 can vary, however.

I need constructing a query that, for each name, will look at the values in the Number2 column when Number1 is 1 or 2 and multiply them. So, the result I'm looking for is:

Name1 2
Name2 10

(Since 2 = 2 x 1 and 10 = 2 x 5)

I haven't had much look Googling (most search results involve multiplying two columns together, which isn't exactly what I'm after).

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Multiplying Hours Help

Sep 13, 2005

I've searched and searched to no avail to find the answer, hopefully you can help.

The story is:

At work, our holidays are now taken as hours off. For example...if I take a Monday off, its 8hrs and 5 min and a Monday morning would be 4hrs and 5 min...What I want to do is calculate how many hours I have taken off throughout the year.

The way I was going to do it was:

Create Table called Times,

Fields = Week, Day, Morning, Afternoon, Friday and 1hour all Data Type "Date/Time"

Week = 37hrs, Day = 8hrs 5min, Morning = 4hrs 5min, Afternoon = 4hrs, Friday = 4hrs 40min, and 1hour = 1hr.

Then create another table called Hol Booking

Similar field names Wk, Days, Morn etc. They would be Data Type "Number"

Now in my simple head, I thought I could simply record how many weeks or days off i had off. Then create a query (for example) Week*Wk to calculate the amount of hours I had off.
In simple terms if I had 2 weeks and 2 days off, the query would multiply Week (37) by Wk (2) and Day (8:05) by Days (2), giving a total of 90 hrs and 10 min.

I know there is a datatype mismatch, but is there a way round this.

Thanks for listening

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Queries :: Sum Fields From Two Tables In One Query

Jan 29, 2014

I have two tables:


I have these fields in both tables:

MONTH, Organization Code, Account, SubAccount, AMOUNT

I want to Compare the results in a single query. However the amounts aren't correct and after a full day I cannot find the answer.

SELECT [Budget].Month AS [MONTH], [Budget].[Organization Code], [Budget].Account, Sum([Budget].AMOUNT) AS [Budget Amount], Sum([Actuals].AMOUNT) AS [Actuals Amount]
FROM [Budget], [Actuals]
GROUP BY [Budget].Month, [Budget].[Organization Code], [Budget].Account, [Budget].SubAccount
HAVING ((([Budget].SubAccount)="K08"));

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Queries :: Find Max Value From 3 Fields In 3 Tables

Nov 23, 2014

I am trying to create a query and in the expression builder to find the max value from 3 different fields in 3 other queries.So each of the fields are called "TopSpeed" and the 3 queries are called "Test", "Training" & "Race".So in my new query I would like to return the MAX speed value from the 3 combined "TopSpeed" fields.Something like

MAX(DMAX([TopSpeed], [Test]), DMAX([TopSpeed], [Training]), DMAX([TopSpeed], [Race]))

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Multiplying A Value In Textbox To A Value In A Table??

Feb 21, 2006

Hi all,
I have a table shown in a form, beside that table a textbox with a button.
How can I multiply the numer entered in that textbox by the the number displayed in the table, and view the result in the same table??
Please help me as soon as possible?

Thanks in advanced and sorry for bothering you.....


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Multiplying Columns With A WHERE Condition

Nov 2, 2013

I have a table called tbl_IE which has a field named frequency.

I want to multiple all of the values in frequency where the ID is 1. I want to display this on the form as the data is inputted and also on the final report.

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Queries :: Pull Data From Fields In 2 Different Tables

May 6, 2013

I have a query that pulls data from the following fields in 2 different tables:

Area1FloorPrep (tblFloorPrep) ex. remove ceramic tile
Area1Size (tblInstallationAreas) ex. 20 s/f, or just 20
Area2FloorPrep (tblFloorPrep)
Area2Size (tblInstallationAreas)....

All the way to Area20 (Floorprep and InstallationAreas) for both tables. I have created an installer invoicing form that pulls the data from the workorder that these fields are located in, but the problem I'm having is that I don't know what kind of query to create to concatenate the data in the 20 fields and concatenate the size of the areas next to the appropriate concatenated floor prep description. Is there a way to do this without coding?

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Queries :: Two Tables Fields Into One Query Field?

Feb 24, 2015

I have two tables: tbltasks & tblsafety

Both tables have a date field in, one table keeps tracks of my tasks the other the expiry date of some safety checks.

I currently have a timed pop up that looks at dates within a table that are within 30 days from now, if there are any dates the reminder pops up.

The problem is I want the pop up to look at two sepearte columns in two different tables, so I figured it would be easier to create a query combining these dates and just ask the pop up to look at that query date column.

I want to create a query that very simply lists all the dates in one column combined from both tables.

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Queries :: Find Difference Between Multiple Fields In Two Tables

May 8, 2013

I have a database with two tables, one for the amount that was estimated in each cost section, and one for the actual amount billed for each cost section. The tables have the same number of fields, all with the same names. They can be linked together with event ID. Each table has over 100 fields and I would like to find the difference between what was estimated and what the actual was for each event. I would also like to see which cost section has the most and least variance. I am trying to do this without going through each cost and putting [tEst].[CostName]-[tActual].[CostName].

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Queries :: How To Join Tables With No Matching - Unique Fields

Jun 16, 2013

I am undertaking an analysis of corporate mobile phone data based on data from the phone provider. The base data consists of a number of monthly text files at transaction level for voice calls, data usage, billing/tariff information, international calls/transfers etc. I have set up VBA code to import the text file data into a number of Access tables.I would like to have a way of joining these tables but the only common field is the phone number (a text field with the groups of numbers separated by hyphens).

I confirmed that joining the tables on the phone number text field does not work.My idea was to create an additional table with just one row for each phone number and link that to the other tables by the ID in the new table. I was able to create this table [PhoneNumbers] (by creating a totals query of the phone numbers from the main call transactions table, I then dumped it into Excel and then imported it into a new Access table with an auto-generated ID column).My problem / challenge is how to get the ID column from my [PhoneNumbers] table to appear in each of the other tables so that I can join them effectively. In the Excel-world, I would have used a vlookup function.I even thought of performing this as an interim step in Excel but there are too many records / rows in some of my tables. It seems that the dlookup function is not what Im looking for and even if the IIF function is suitable, I cannot get the syntax to work for me.

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Queries :: Adding Fields In A Table That Are Related To Other Tables

May 13, 2013

I am a beginner in access and I want to populate a new field (REPUN_1 which corresponds to SEGMT_ID in the other table) in my table and this field is coming from another table. The values of the fields need to correspond to the row of my actual table (JMTable) having the same CO_ID, MOVEPLANCD and TTY_NO as the table I want to extract the values from (DI_Treaty_Crosswalk).

Here is my query:

UPDATE JMTable SET [REPUN_1] = DI_Treaty_Crosswalk.SEGMT_ID WHERE JMTable.TTY_NO = DI_Treaty_Crosswalk.TTY_NO AND JMTable.CO_ID = DI_Treaty_Crosswalk.CO_ID AND JMTable.MOVEPLANCD = DI_Treaty_Crosswalk.MOVE_PLAN_CD

and it doesn't work since access ask me to enter a parameter value.

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Queries :: Create A Query That Can Sum Values Of Different Fields In Different Tables

Apr 11, 2013

I'm trying to create a query that can sum values of different fields in different tables...Can I sum values of a field and put the result into another field in different table?

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Queries :: Query To Combine Different Fields From Multiple Tables?

May 13, 2014

I get tasked to use access very infrequently but now I have been asked to create a database. I am struggling with combining 2 tables. I have different data on each table however I do have a unique Identifier. So on table 1 I have Bud, his height, weight, etc. On table 2 I have Bud his home address, phone #, etc. I am using name "Bud" in this case as my unique identifier. I want to create a query that gives me Bud, his height, phone # etc. I want my query to pull in all records. Bud may only have info on table 1 and Budette could be on table 2 but not on table 1. I would like my query to include all the unique identifiers and as much info as I have in the tables.

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Multiplying Currency Times Elapsed Time

Nov 7, 2007

I have a query that calculates elapsed time from TimeIn and TimeOut formatted to hours and minutes. I need be able to mulitply the elapsed time by the hourly wage in order to find the hourly pay.

How do you format the time so that it is compatible to multiply with the wage?

My SQL statement is below. Thanks for your help.

SELECT tTimeCards.ValetFirstName, tTimeCards.ValetLastName, Format([TimeOut]-[TimeIn],"hh:mm") AS HoursWorked, [HoursWorked]*[tValets]![HourlyWage] AS HourlyPay
FROM tValets INNER JOIN tTimeCards ON tValets.ValetID = tTimeCards.ValetID;

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Tables :: Set Up Validation Of Fields Unit And Size Based On Another Fields Data?

Nov 18, 2013

Basically in my order details table i have the following fields


At the moment i have the Product field with a dropdown that gives me all the products from my ProductT. But once i choose the correct product in the unit field it gives me all the possibilities of every product not just the units associated with that product. ie

Grasshopper Box1000 Adult
Grasshopper Box1000 Subadult
Worm 10pz Big

When I select the grasshopper product and move on to the unit field i also get "10pz" option but this is not a product available.

How do i set up validation of the fields Unit and size based on another fields data?

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Tables :: Deleted Fields Not Free Up For Adding New Fields

Aug 15, 2013

I reached the limit of 255 fields in a table. I just need to add one more field so I deleted several fields I no longer needed thinking I would then be able to add one more new field. However, I am still unable to add one more field. How to free up fields that are no longer needed?

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Tables :: Calculated Fields As Data Type In Tables - Calculating Total?

Apr 23, 2013

I am using calculated field as a data type in access 2010.

They are working fine.

However, I added a new field and now the final calc won't work.

I have Subtotal adding loads of fields together. Works fine.

Then I have a VATunit field which is a double integer, so enter 20 and my next field is VATTotal calculates the SubTotal + the VATunit by doing (Subtotal/100)*VATunit. This calculation is fine and gives me the correct amount.

The next field is a Total field. Which adds Subtotal and the VATTotal together. Howver, the Total is the same as Subtotal. It is not adding the VATTotal to it?

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Tables :: Calculated Fields From Two Tables / Based On Relationship In Third Table

May 29, 2014

I have two tables of data, each relating to three business branches (branches A, B and C).

Table 1 shows the expenditure of each branch (by fuel, premises and wages).

Table 2 shows a number of units for each branch (mileage, floorspace and sales).

What I would like to do is calculate unit costs, based on the expenditure in Table 1, divided by a relevant unit in Table 2. The catch is that I want to have a third table which allows the user to specify which expenditure (from Table 1) is combined with which unit (from Table 2) to generate the calculated unit costs. I've been able to do this in Excel, and have attached an example. I've also attached an incomplete Access version with the first two tables. Given the complexity of my actual data, I feel this could be better handled in Access than Excel.

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Tables :: Updating Fields In Multiple Tables Without Onclick Event

Oct 23, 2013

I am working on a database which has two tables used as part of a registration and login process.

I would like a couple of fields from table one to automatically update in table two, once the fields in table one are populated without using an 'on click' event.

The reason I would prefer not to use an onclick is because the completion of the form used to generate the users table does not require any buttons for the data to save.

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Tables :: Sum All Fields In Tables Column And Put Sum Result Into Variable?

May 29, 2015

i would like to sum all the column fields in a tables column where an id is the same as the id in that table.
I know you can use the SUM function in the select statement of your query.

But how can i set this sum result into a variable, so i can use it for calculation further on in the program?

I work with Access 2010

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Tables :: Auto Populating Fields Within Tables

Nov 23, 2012

I have 2 tables tblworkdone and tbltests, both have a date field and are both subforms in a tabbed form on the main form. When I enter a date into the tbltests subform I would like the date to automatically be entered into the tblworkdone date field and create a new record so that when I move to the tblworkdone subform with the date already there.

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Tables :: Joining Two Tables In 3rd Table With All Fields From Both

Oct 27, 2014

I have a db with 2 tables one with 10 fields and the other with 11 fields. In these tables there are 4 and 5 non common fields in tables respectively.

How can I join these tables in a 3rd table with all the fields from both tables.?

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Queries :: Method For Combining Crosstab Queries With Same Criteria From Multiple Fields?

Dec 2, 2014

I have 3 cross tab queries that are completely identical with the exception of the field that they pivot. Each field is searching for the same values just in different columns, with the end goal being to get the sum of the values for each pivoted column. I'm wondering rather than having 3 almost identical queries is there a way to use a crosstab to sum the values from each of the three fields rather that having 3 queries which then have to be aggregated in a fourth?




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