Queries :: Number Limiting Query

Jun 2, 2013

In table1 students lectures data are stored as:

ID studentname lecturesubject lecturedate
1 steve politics 3/2/2013
2 jack politics 3/2/2013
3 steve math 5/2/2013
4 steve politics 7/2/2013
5 jack politics 8/2/2013
6 steve math 8/2/2013
7 jack politics 9/2/2013
8 steve politics 10/2/2013
9 steve math 11/2/2013
10 steve physics 13/2/2013
11 jack politics 15/2/2013

We need a query in which for each student is allowed to preset a limited number of lectures on a specific subject. For example each student can provide only two lectures on a subject and any more lectures on the same subject presented by him will not be counted. In the above example records 7 8 9 and 11 will not be shown in the query.

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Limiting The Number Of Characters Displayed

Apr 12, 2006


I'm trying to limit the number of text characters displayed in various fields on a form. I want it to appear so that after a certain number of characters it then displayed "..." indicating there is now information in a field.

Thanks for any help!

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Limiting The Number Of Characters In A Text Box

Jun 13, 2007

I Have Created A Client Reference Allocation Screen Which Makes The Clients Reference From Details In A Number Of Text Boxes.

For Example:

Client Number: 0010, Forename: Andrew, Surname: Bloggs, Year: 2007,
Occupation: Driver.

Client Reference = 0010ab-dr07

I Have Copied The Text Boxes So The Information Is Automatically Displayed To Create The Client Reference, But Rather Than Shortening The Copied Text Boxes To Show Only The First Few Characters Is There A Way Of Limiting The Number Of Characters Shown In The Copied Text Boxes??


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Limiting The Number Of Concurrent Users

Aug 21, 2004

I would like to limit the number of users connected to a shared database. Each user opens a database as the default 'Admin' user. Does anyone know how to do that without user authentication? What event occurs when a user opens the database? How to supervise the ldb file that manages shared usage? I suppose it should be something with the Workspace object.

Any ideas?

Show me the door, please :-)

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Limiting Number Of Child Fields Per Parent

Sep 23, 2005

I have a field in the parent table which indicates how many child tables there should be at the most. I'm uncertain about how to enforce this. I"m using access as the database to a Vb.net app. Should I do it in access or Vb.net or both.

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Limiting Number Of Times Users Can Add The Same Account Per Day

Feb 23, 2006

During a promotion we are running the customers are only allowed 3 entries into the system per day but the users are occasionally putting some customers in more than that. I could use some kind of function that limits the number of times the account number can be put in on a given date. (Or daily)

I have the following text boxes: ID, Customer first name, customer last name, account number, date, time.

Any ideas please?

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Limiting Number Of Times Users Can Add The Same Account Per Day

Feb 23, 2006

During a promotion we are running the customers are only allowed 3 entries into the system per day but the users are occasionally putting some customers in more than that. I could use some kind of function that limits the number of times the account number can be put in on a given date. (Or daily)

I have the following text boxes: ID, Customer first name, customer last name, account number, date, time.

Any ideas please?

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Tables :: Limiting Number Of Records At A Time

Sep 9, 2014

I'm trying to create an Access database for my college so that our call centre can allocate students to a specific interview time/date. The problem I'm having is that each interview slot must only have a maximum of 10 students at a time.

I'm creating tables for the student details, address and for each interview slot available.

I'm using Access 2010.

How I can limit the number of records in a table to 10 so that when that interview slot is full it informs the user?

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Limiting The Number Of Available Records In A Table, And Recycling/reusing Them...?

Oct 29, 2007

Well boys and girls, its about that time in the week where I have once again come up with a brilliant application for my little Access project, but have no idea how to make it happen.

I will start with a little background info... In the course of the parts recoveries we have different reasons for recovering parts, different people (locations) that request them, and different priorities for recoveries. For example, when a new model comes out, we will recover 100% of the parts for investigation by the factory... however, we may want to take a look at failed water pumps first. In this case, our recovery, until it is complete, will have higher priority than the 100%, otherwise we would not receive any parts.

This is because of the way our warranty system works... It assignes a three digit number to each part number of a recovery (between 1-999). The lower the number, the higher the priority.

So if I am setting up a 100% recovery, I would want to put it in the, say, 200's. This would leave room for an overlapping recovery to be inserted in the 100's where it would divert a certain number of parts away from the normal recovery stream. Then, once a user-defined date or quantity of parts has been reached, the corresponding number goes dead, and any of those part numbers are reunited with the original recovery stream.

Sticking to the example above, typically 100% recoveries would go for say... 2-3 years, where as an in-house recovery might be for 20 parts... Another difference is that the longer term recoveries are managed by the end date, where shorter term recoveries are by number of parts recieved.

What I want to do is be able to auto assign these numbers based on criteria derived from user-inputted data... (i.e. destination, start/end date, recovery type, etc.). Then, when the recovery is complete, whether based on date or quantity recieved, to delete the information associated with the 3 digit number, block its use for 45 days, and then be able to reuse the number for a new recovery.


Thanks to anyone who can be bothered to read past the first paragraph, let alone offer any advice.

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Limiting The Number Of Times A Record Can Be Entered Into A Table

Sep 21, 2004

I want to limit the numer of times a record can be entere into a table. After a record has been entered 3 times, I want an error message or validation rule to tell me it can't be done.

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Limiting Number Of Entries A Specific Client Can Add To Table

Mar 10, 2015

For my database the business has Clients who they conduct Needs Assessments for, but they only conduct 3 needs assessments. I have a Needs Assessment table with Client ID as the foreign key. how I can limit the number of times a Client ID shows up in the foreign key field to three?

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Limiting Records In Query

Feb 11, 2008


i have tried to find an answer but can't seem to find any posts that apply.

I need to limit the records returned in a query to 3. Well, that is fine, i have set it to do the top 3, and it is working well, I am looking at the top percentages received in a number of criteria. However we have just discovered a situation where someone has 7 all with 100%, so all 7 records are being returned. I can see why, i just don't want them to be!

The report based on the query requires only three records, in this case we don't care which 3, seeing as they are all equally good, in fact randomness is a boon.

Any ideas out there - i 'm stumped!


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Need Help Limiting Displayed Records In A Query

Apr 24, 2008

Hello again my forum o' saviours, Current filter: WHERE (Assignments.[AcademicYear]) Like ([Please Enter Academic Year])AcademicYear is a field in the Assignments table (duh). In this same query, I have a couple fields (equations and if/thens built on the assignments table) that will need to be used as further filters. I thought something like WHERE ((Assignments.[AcademicYear]) Like ([Please Enter Academic Year]) )& (len([groupwinterbox])+len([groupspringbox])+len([groupfallbox]) > 3) would work, but I keep getting pop-ups asking what the values of the three query-based calculations are. Where did this noob screw up?

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Forms :: Limiting Combobox With Query

Oct 16, 2014

I'm trying to filter the options in a combo box based on two criteria. The first criterion is another combo box on the same form, for a cascading combo effect. This criterion works fine, no problems at all. The second criterion is a query. So the combo box should display only those values that match both the upstream combobox AND the results of the query. What's really frustrating is that this combobox works just fine in my development dbase. It only stops working when I move it into my active dbase. Anyway, here's the SQL for the combobox rowsource:

FROM (Shapes INNER JOIN (qrySignsInInventory INNER JOIN Size2 ON qrySignsInInventory.SizeID = Size2.SizeID) ON Shapes.ShapeID = Size2.ShapeID) INNER JOIN Signs ON Shapes.ShapeID = Signs.ShapeID
WHERE (((Size2.SizeID)=[qrySignsInInventory].[SizeID]) AND ((Size2.ShapeID)=(SELECT Signs.ShapeID FROM Signs WHERE Signs.SignID = [Forms]![frmUsedDropdown]![cmbSignID])));

I've hilighted the criterion that isn't working. Also, I'm not getting any errors or anything, it's just that the results aren't being filtered. I've triple-checked the references for the active dbase, and I've checked the results of the query. Everything should be working.

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Queries :: How To Insert A Prompt For Number In A Query To Calculate Against Another Field In Query

Jul 15, 2014

I have a field that is giving me the number of business days between a period of time and then I want to subtract that number - the person's PTO time to see the actual days they were available...when I simply type the number in (see below) it works great but I want to set up a prompt that will ask me how many PTO Days to calculate as it will be different for each person I am quering...is this possible?

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Queries :: Text To Number Query

May 28, 2013

I have a linked table to Access 2010 which contains tracking numbers for shipments.When I link the spreadsheet to the Table, the FedEx tracking numbers are changed to for example - 9.813842152e+014 instead of 981384215196229. Is there anyway to change these back to its original format? I was thinking of creating a query where I could use Conversion Function, but it kept giving me error. Please note that both the UPS Tracking and FedEx tracking are in the same field.

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Queries :: Auto Number Field In Query?

Nov 22, 2014

I don't know why is it so complicated to add an auto number field in a query. I would like to add a increment number (auto number) on each line and then an auto number on each product.

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Queries :: Query To Count Number Of Different Records?

May 28, 2014

If I have a table called "Calls" with an autonumber and another field with names for stores like this:

1 Hobby Mart
2 Peter's Store
3 Hobby lobby
4 Hobby Mart
5 Peter's Store

How can I build a query to count the number of different store names?

For example, in this case I need the query to return the number 3.

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Queries :: Query To Add Sequential Number To Table

Dec 16, 2013

We have a large database table [PRODUCT] with the following fields PROPNUM and P_Date and GAS. We need to normalize the GAS field to the first month of production based on P_Date and sequential months following to average the data. We believe the easiest way is to create a sequential number for each Key PROPNUM that represents the first month of GAS the second month of GAS etc.

We have followed several of the posts on how to sequentially number records, but are struggling to get them to work.The latest effort was to use the make a table query creating an expression with the following.

DCount("*","PRODUCT","[PROPNUM]=" & [PROPNUM] & " AND[P_DATE]<=#" & Format([P_DATE],"mm/dd/yyyy") & "#")

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Queries :: Week Number Query When Year Changes

Feb 28, 2014

I analyse things by the date they are ordered by the office.

The date gets put into a spreadsheet and i import this into access for the querying.

I need to summarise it by weeknumber and year.

I use the following queries:

To get the week: Week Number: DatePart("ww",[DateOrdered],0,2)
To get the year: Year: Year([DateOrdered])
To put it together: Weekyear: [Year] & "_" & [Week Number]

The problem is when the year changes.

The dates for week 1 for 2014 are between 30/12/2013 and 05/01/2014 and therefore straddles 2013 and 2014.

Therefore when the year and week number is put together the following results are given for that particular week:

DateOrdered - Result of above query
30/12/2013 - 2013_1
31/12/2013 - 2013_1
01/01/2014 - 2014_1
02/01/2014 - 2014_1
03/01/2014 - 2014_1
04/01/2014 - 2014_1
05/01/2014 - 2014_1

All of the above should all read 2014_1 but some obviously are 2013_1. This causes me problems when doing further analysis and cross tabulations.

How can I amend my query so that the above all show the correct year and week number: 2014_1 ?

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Queries :: Finding Latest Number Using A Query

Jun 19, 2013

I need to find the latest number using a query.

All of the numbers follow this format:

[Doc No]

but the tricky part is the number could be suffixed with a revision. It is the latest revision I would like to find. For example, If I have a number followed by 3 revisions I would have:

[Doc No]

I need a query to give me the latest revision, in this case

[Doc No]

There is a possibility there are no revisions in which case the latest will be

[Doc No]

How is this possible in a query???

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Queries :: Run Query Based On Number Of Fields

Mar 26, 2013

I have an excel data file that is updated monthly (and I am not able to have the source file format changed of course) that will be my linked table for Access 2007. The file reports monthly data and adds the new month to the right of the historic in a layout like this:

Tree | Orchard | Province | Jan % red | Jan % green | # Limbs | Feb % red | Feb % green... etc so each month it adds 3 new fields to the data.

I have queries (rightly or wrongly) that will calculate the number of apples that month and report on those higher than a certain percentage. I would like to do this without having to create a static table to append to each month as the new data file will always show the full YTD results anyway (and I don't like to store data in my database).

I have a query that counts the number of fields in the raw data file and am wondering if there is a way to have access only run the number of queries required based on the number of fields. i.e. if 11 fields then run queries 1 thru 5, if 14 run 1 thru 6 etc.

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Queries :: Query To Display Number Of Records Per Value

Aug 9, 2013

I have a date field in a table. I wish to display in a query:Column A representing the month. Column B representing the number of records in the table corresponding to that month.

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Queries :: Parameter Query To Search For Number

Feb 11, 2015

I have 2 tables: Table A contains [ID] (and other columns) AND Table B contains [Request ID] (and other columns).

However, [Request ID] contains several number separated by comma. For example: 10, 15, 20 etc.

I created a query with parameter with : Like "*" & [ID] & "*" under [Request ID] criteria.

Here is my problem:

if [Request ID] = 44, 60 then it is returning [ID] 4 records (4, 6, 44, & 60). Is there a way to show only 2 records? 44 & 60?

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Queries :: Value In Query Returning As String And Not A Number

Apr 3, 2014

I have a query which runs fine, however one of the outputs is a calculated field and i use the Format(someValue,"Fixed") method of specifying the format for the % Change .Here is the query


SELECT tblTempBearsWeek3.SymbolCode AS [Short Ticker], tblTempBullsWeek3.SymbolCode AS [Long Ticker], tblTempBearsWeek3.[Week 3 Date], tblTempBearsWeek3.Short, tblTempBullsWeek3.Long, tblTempBearsWeek3.[Short Week 3 Close], tblTempBullsWeek3.[Long Week 3 Close],


The problem is that the % Change calculated field for some reason comes out as a String. i know this because when I try and sort on that column, it sorts it as if it is text and not a number value i.e. it doesn't put it in Ascending order.

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Queries :: Crosstab Query - Counting Number Of Records For Each FY

Sep 19, 2013

I have been tasked to create a DB for my unit. I have created a few DB, but I am a novice at best. I need a crosstab Query to count the number of records for each FY. The Army's FY is from Oct -Sep. I only need to show the the total number of record for the previous FY in a Report and on a form.

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