Queries :: Obtaining 3 Separate Totals In One Query?
Jul 22, 2014
I have three tables A, B and C.
I want to build a query that displays three separate totals: Total of A, Total of B and Total of C.
When I try to do this, the query has a weird behaviour summing the totals of the totals of the totals, and I don't know why .
I'm attaching a really basic sample of what's happening, where totals SHOULD be $4, $8 and $16 instead of $16, $32 and $64.
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Sep 4, 2015
I have 3 reports
Report 1. is attendance from January to June
Report 2. is from June to December
Report 3. is from January to December
The are all run from the same query with different Between Dates.
The scenario is that Paul attended the support group from Jan to June so in the Jan to June report he is counted once. The query removes duplicate values
Paul attended the same support group from June to December so in the June to December report he is counted once. The query removes duplicate values.
This shows the Paul attended he support group from Jan to December so in the June to December report he is counted once. The query removes duplicate values, if you removed the duplicates from this query he would be counted twice.
Not all people attend the same group for 12 months but if they do the are a duplicate and Paul is a duplicate. That is ok because we need to know now many duplicates there are for the year.
If I print all 3 reports with the duplicates remove query and you looked at the totals it would show (Example) 30 attendees in the 1st report and 30 attendees in the 2nd report but in the 3rd report it would show 59 not 60 which is the total of reports 1 & 2. we need to report these figures as 1st 6 months with 30 and the second 6 months with 30 but the whole year would be with 59 and 1 duplicate.
The way it is now I have to run all 3 report and do the math by hand this way.
Is there a way on the to do the math with code calculations on the full year report with the figures from the 2, 6 month reports to automatically show total attendance for the year 59 with 1 duplicate?
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Aug 11, 2015
I have multiple queries that I need to have filered by the same parameter (Client). There is a list of clients that receive this report (the report has a pre-made template with multiple tabs, hence the multiple queries).
Currently the user of the database has to filter the exported excel file for each client re-save and email basied on the client. The above is done when the user pushes the specified button on a form (which just says run report a on it).
I am trying to figure out how the write a code so that a parameter (or table if that would work better) pulls the first record of the Client query to filter the other queries being run. Then to loop that process with the second record and so on through the Client query until all the clients have had the report run for them.
Attached are the current VBA being used and the current SQL for the first query that needs the parameter value added.
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Mar 28, 2014
I have 3 forms that all use the same sub form. The 3 main forms show 3 different project types, where the sub form shows what other projects that a company is engaged with. Rather than create 3 different queries for my sub form, i would like to just filter it using criteria that looks at the CompanyID field on my 3 main forms. Currently my criteria is like this:
[Forms]![frmProjects_Detail_IND]![txtcompanyid] Or Like [Forms]![frmProjects_Detail_CSS]![txtcompanyid] Or Like [Forms]![frmProjects_Detail_TAP]![txtcompanyid]
Is there a way to ignore the parameters that are null?
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Oct 31, 2013
I want to set parameter in my select query with or function as in detail.i have two form with same field
1-with field A
2-With Field A
now i want to select data for a table .with a parameter select with Field A in form 1 or Field A in Form 2.How can i do it
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Jul 28, 2014
After you "group by", is there a way to have the next field presented without a sum or avg etc.. if I know there is only ever one value to present?
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Apr 26, 2013
I'm trying to build (a rather simple) totals-query, but the "last" function doesn't give me the right values.Suppose I have a database where the amount of products that were sold are stored per month. It's possible that some products are not sold in some months. Now, I want the LAST REAL VALUE (= amount) for each product, no matter what month :
prod1 = 4
prod2 = 3
prod3 = 3
How can I do that, because the LAST-function gives me
prod1 = (empty)
prod2 = 3
prod3 = (empty)
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Mar 17, 2014
I have a number of querys which search by month and year, I want to be able to sum up 3 of the querys together and display this in a text box on a form... I have tried dsum etc but I can't seem to do it...
So basically I want the totals which are dsumed into the same form to calculate together in a different query if required... This would be simple except one of the months if from the previous year...
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May 1, 2013
I have an database that uses a couple of different date ranges, so I created a table that shows the different date ranges that may be required (xReport Dates) so I didn't have to keep manually editing queries or entering dates every time.
I have one query that appends data from one table into another based on a date range that you need to manually enter when prompted; I can't seem to get it to refer to my xReport Dates table for the range.
Its currently set up as below:
INSERT INTO 001_M_Gross_Telesales ( UpdateDate, OMSNumber, MediaRoute, ExecName, SaleType, Name,
[Reporting Campaign], [Reporting Team], [Sales Leader], [Reprting Name], [Media Route2] )
SELECT Max(L_ExecTracker.UpdateDate) AS MaxOfUpdateDate, L_ExecTracker.OMSNumber,
L_ExecTracker.Campaign, L_ExecTracker.ExecName, L_ExecTracker.SaleType, Z_Ref_Agent_Table1.Field23,
[Code] .....
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Jun 18, 2013
I have a table for timesheet entry for a local building firm. I have a separate table containing employees and rates. I have created query "Qry_ Time Costs" which calculates the cost of hours worked by each employee by multiplying the hours field in the timesheet entry table by the rate field in the employees table.From "Qry_TimeCosts" I have created "Qry_TimeCosts1" in which i have included a running total field for time costs per day using the DSum function.
SELECT Qry_TimeCosts.[Project Title], Qry_TimeCosts.[Build Element], Qry_TimeCosts.[Date Worked], Sum(Qry_TimeCosts.Hours) AS Hours, Sum(Qry_TimeCosts.Cost) AS Cost, DSum("[cost]","qry_timecosts","[project title]='" & [project title] & "'" & "AND [build element] ='" & [build element] & "'" & "AND [date worked] <=#" & [date worked] & "#" & "") AS RunTot
FROM Qry_TimeCosts
GROUP BY Qry_TimeCosts.[Project Title], Qry_TimeCosts.[Build Element], Qry_TimeCosts.[Date Worked], DSum("[cost]","qry_timecosts","[project title]='" & [project title] & "'" & "AND [build element] ='" & [build element] & "'" & "AND [date worked] <=#" & [date worked] & "#" & "")
HAVING (((Qry_TimeCosts.[Build Element]) Is Not Null));
This seems to be working for some projects and not for others. In particular dates 3rd 4th and 5th of June seem to be showing null fields, where all other dates have values. A few projects are showing inaccurate running totals whilst others are working fine.
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Jul 11, 2013
Im trying to run the following calculated query:
Total Value on order: Sum([Purchase Price])
I want to sum the total of all the purchase prices together so I know the total value on order. I keep getting an error: "You tried to execute a query that does not include the specified expression Purchase Order' as part of an aggregate function
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May 15, 2013
I have a parameter query with a totals row that displays averages. Is there a way to have the average row use only specific records in its calculation based on one of the field's values WHILE still displaying all the records returned by the query.I want only data that has a "YES" value used in the average while still displaying the records marked as "NO"
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Oct 2, 2013
The data within my tables is formatted correctly and when I run a standard query on the data, it comes through the query with the same formatting. However, when I run a query that needs to total the values (whether it's sum or average) the values lose any formatting (and by total I mean the one in design view, not in datasheet view).
I then need to manually format each columns "Format" and "Decimal Places" properties to what I want. I have quite a few queries with quite a few columns, so this is very time consuming. Is there a way to do this faster without VBA? In Excel I can simply highlight multiple columns and format all of them or apply a format painter. I don't see any similar functionality in Access 2010.
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Mar 5, 2015
I have simple table data structured as follows;[Origin], [Code], [Weight]. The Code field is a lookup field that will contain one of 8 choices; 10, 13, 13c, 23, 25, 27, 27a, & other. The other fields are pretty much self explanatory. Sample data would look like this:
Origin Code Weight
Edison 13 4.25
Edison 13c 2.87
Piscataway 10 5.45
Middlesex 23 1.24
Edison 13 5.21
What I need to create is a totals query where I first group by origin value, then a column for each "code" value which totals the weight for that "code". A sample output would look something like this:
Origin 10 13 13c 23 25 27 27a other
Edison 9.46 2.87
Piscataway 5.45
Middlesex 1.24
The only way I can think to accomplish this is to restructure the original table to include a field for each code and enter the weight in the appropriate 'code' field. If this is the only solution then Ill have to live with it, but is there any way to create this output using my original structure?
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Jun 4, 2014
I have two tables, and I'm trying to create a crosstab query...I think. One table is Contracts, one is Contacts. Each contract could have multiple contacts, but they are numbered (1, 2, 3...etc.) based on importance. I want to create a query that keeps each contract on one line, and separate fields for each contact and each field of the contact. So a contact will have Title, First, Last, Address, etc. So I want my query to show as follows:
ContractX Mr. James Mrs. Sally
I of course need this to be dynamic, so if a contract has 9 contacts, there are fields up to Title9, First9, etc.
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Jun 9, 2015
I am trying to create a Totals Query which returns a data set between two dates. So far I have managed to select the data I want (Please see attached screenshot). However, I only want to select records between a date range working on my field [DueDate]. If I add the due date field to the current query then it removes the grouping and all records are displayed.
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Oct 21, 2013
I have the following tables:
They are related with a one-to-many relationship. The related field is "InvoiceId"
I want to create a query that shows selected fields from tblInvoice and the sum of field "PrepaymentValue" from table tblInvoicePrePayments.
I want to be able to edit the fields from tblInvoice in the query.
If I create a totals query (qryInvoicePrePaymentsSum) on tblInvoicePrePayments, using the fields InvoiceId and PrepaymentValue, and then create another query with tblInvoice & qryInvoicePrePaymentsSum, the fields in tblInvoice cannot be updated!
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Mar 21, 2013
I am VERY, and I mean VERY new to Access. I've been racking my brain all afternoon and googling like crazy. I just completed two levels of training on Access 2010 and have never worked with the program before. I already set up my tables and now I am on to querying. I have a table with several columns, two of which are "Start Time" and "End Time". I already created a query using the DateDiff function to calculate the time difference for each record. It output a new field with the time difference in hours. Now, I want to sum the totals of the time differences by month and I cannot for the life of me figure it out. My new query has Date (m/dd/yyy) and Hours.
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Jun 20, 2013
I have a database that is used to allocate appointments to our staff. It has 2 tables, one that lists the clients we need to call in that day, and another that stores details of each contact attempt. I'd like to design a query that find all clients who we have not dealt with so we can easily get their details in a list. I know what the criteria for the query would be, but I'm stuck for how to actually execute it. Here are the details.
Table tClients stores the current clients - primary key is named "clientRef"
Table tContactEvents stores each contact attempt and the date/time is stored in a field named "dateTime".
When an entry has been dealt with successfully a yes/no field named "completed" will be set to "Yes".
There may be many attempts to contact a specific client on a given day, unsuccessful attempts will not have the completed flag set.
Once the completed flag is set that client will be ignored so no further entries will appear.
So I need a query that searches tContactEvents for the most recent match to each number in tClients.clientRef and checks if the completed flag is set. If the completed flag is false, or if the number has no match (i.e. no contact attempts made yet) then the clientRef should be displayed. I also need this to be restricted to the current date, as the same client could have rebooked their appointment to a different day.
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Jun 17, 2013
To keep it short and sweet, my query set up is: Employee, Team Name, and then I have the same field in the column as I do in the data and it presents pass/fail data. I have the data shown as a percent of the row so that there is a success rate shown but I want to remove the grand totals from the rows because it is obviously going to be 100% every time and it's unnecessary.
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Sep 4, 2007
Hey all! This is my first post. Been searching through the net all day trying to find a solution to this problem. Basically i have a table that looks like this (regular text is what i have and bolded text is what I need:Name Date Qty MOBrad 12/12/2007 23323 4423John 12/11/2007 3445 4432 John 12/11/2007 344 4432 John 12/11/2007 45 4432 John 12/11/2007 44 4432 John 12/11/2007 3445 4432 Grand Total: (Qty)And then I'd like to be able to carry this over and display a grand total at the bottom of every page of a report that I would need to generate. Our company produces forms and we sometimes have 60 - 70 people working on a single job. We want to see their hours individually but we would also like to see a grand sum of all their hours. If someone could help with this or needs more info let me know. Thanks for all your help!
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Jul 31, 2013
I have 3 queries named Mech Final Equipment 3 Mth, Mech Final Equipment 6 Mth, and Mech Historical Final Equipment.They all have two fields-Final equipment and Sum of Sum of Down (calculating the number of minutes each piece of equipment was down in the time period selected).
My ultimate goal is to join the three queries to display a pivot chart that uses the Final Equipment as the category field and 3 Mth, 6Mth, and Historical as seperate data fields.What I have is a join query (Which I have named Mech Final Equipment H63 Joined)
Using this SQL:
SELECT DISTINCTROW [Mech Final Equipment 3 Mth].[Final Equipment], Sum([Mech Final Equipment 3 Mth].[Sum Of Down]) AS Duration
FROM [Mech Final Equipment 3 Mth]
GROUP BY [Mech Final Equipment 3 Mth].[Final Equipment]
Which returns a table that looks like this:
Final Equipment, Duration
Ancillary Equipment, 225
Ancillary Equipment, 401
Ancillary Equipment, 1787
Brush Unit , 1252
Brush Unit , 2519
Brush Unit , 8004
And so on.What I need the table to look like is this
Final Equipment, 3 Mth, 6 Mth, Historical
Ancillary Equipment, 225, 401, 1787
Brush Unit, 1252, 2519, 8004
And so on, like a cross tab.I tried to do a crosstab query but I don't have enough fields.
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Dec 7, 2005
Hi All,
Long time no see y'all...
Question: is it possible to obtain a list with all the Access based System or User DSN entries on a system? First I don't know how to get such a list at all, and second I don't want to bother the users with non-Access entries - they're confused enough as it is.
Any help appreciated & regards,
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Sep 25, 2005
I've got a workaround for the SQL of obtaining a count of tables matching a certain name-style. Ideally, I want to use the Like function (sql2) as it codes more simply, but found that the query doesn't work. As a workaround, I rewrote with a string comparison using the Left function sql1.
My question is: What is wrong with sql2?
When I paste the SQL into the Query Designer it works, yet when I debug in module code form, it fails.
Any ideas?
Private Function getTableName(strName As String) As String
' Purpose
' This function is used to create a new table name. First it looks up
' all the table names in the database matching the passed in variable
' name, and then returns an incremented version of the name.
' Returns
' Table name as string.
Dim sql1 As String, sql2 As String, rst As New ADODB.Recordset, n As Byte
' Get number of characters for passed-in variable.
n = Len(strName)
sql1 = "SELECT Name FROM MsysObjects WHERE left(Name," & n & ")=left('" & strName & _
"'," & n & ") AND (Type=1)"
sql2 = "SELECT Name FROM MsysObjects WHERE (Name Like '" & strName & "*') AND (Type=1)"
rst.Open sql2, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset
Debug.Print sql2
Debug.Print rst.RecordCount
If rst.RecordCount >=1 Then
getTableName = strName & rst.RecordCount + 1
getTableName = strName
End If
Set rst = Nothing
End Function
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Dec 10, 2007
Hello to you all...
I am just after a bit of assitance if anyone can kindly help?
Basically, I need to redevelop a Complaints database for my employer as the current one is no longer fit for purpose. The current database is a FE/BE database and users are required to login with a username and password. This causes me a massive headache as users constantly forget their password and email me to reset it. I had included a password reminder form which emailed users their password if they got their pre-defined security questions correct but our business standards dept did not want us to store personal data for the reminder questions. Is there a way that the database can obtain the users network login ID from windows without too much difficulty?? We had something similar in a previous database but it dipped into the system registry and our IT dept had a fit when the found out....not surprisingly. :-)
Thanks people. Have a great day!
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Jul 23, 2007
I have a table containing the following fields;
ProductID (UniqueID)
Each day some, but not all, of the products in this table have their prices updated.
When I write a query how can I ensure that the latest price is recalled ?
Any tips greatfully received.
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