Queries :: One Column That Is Sum Of 3 Other Columns

Feb 13, 2014

I have an append query. I want to get a column that is the sum of 3 other columns:

Oil_T_C_(bpd) Gas_T_C_(MMcfd) LNG_T_C_(Tonnes_per_Annum)

1000 2000 3000

I want to get a column called Total_Throughput

What is the exact syntax that I have to put into the query design form?

so: Total_Throughput: than what?

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Queries :: Multiple Columns From Table Into One Column

Oct 14, 2014

I am working with other data that has been created by someone else.

There are a number of columns with the same information in (a serial number). What I need to do is get this into one long column so that I can run other queries from it.

So far I have tried using this SQL:

FROM SM_Cabinet_T
FROM SM_Cabinet_T

[Code] .....

But it is not working - Is it to do with the field names or am I entering something incorrectly?

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Queries :: Date - Multiple Columns Into Single Column

Jun 6, 2013

I want to create the date from multiple columns to single colums. Just for example

table 1 (local purchase)
Itemname Date
Apple 12/01/2013
Mango 13/01/2013

Table 2 (Import purchase)
Item Name DAte
Apple 12/04/2013
Mango 08/06/2013

Now i want to make one query, which can you the date as follows when we give criteria = apple

Item Name Date purchase mode
Apple 12/01/2013 local
Apple 12/04/2013 Import

Means two dates from different table into one query column... One way in my mind to make one table for both tables.

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Queries :: Separating Values From Single Column Into Two Columns And Counting Them?

Oct 4, 2013

I have a table that has two columns "Nationality" and "Gender". I wanted to run a query that will Group the nationality and then split the gender column into two columns and after that it will count both gender columns for each nationality. When I posted this question in "Reports" section I got the suggestion to use the SELECT COUNT in SQL. It worked but only for nationality. I couldn't get it work for the Gender column. I searched alot and the only thing I got was the SQL function to split data from one column into two but that also didn't serve the purpose (check the link to see why: [URL]) At last, I went on to create a cross tab query. Selected Nationality as Row header, Gender as Column header and Customer ID as calculation point. And there I got the result I needed. The SQL Code looks like this:

TRANSFORM Count(Register.[Customer ID]) AS [CountOfCustomer ID]
SELECT Register.National, Count(Register.[Customer ID]) AS [Total Of Customer ID]
FROM Register
GROUP BY Register.National
PIVOT Register.P_Gender;

Crosstab query did the trick..

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Data From 1 Column To 2 Columns

Jun 30, 2015

Currently I am having a table in which the data is in 1 column, but this needs to be in 2 columns. How to do? I have:

VendorCode VendorName Quality MaxClaim
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1001 FSC Controlled Wood
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1200 FSC Controlled Wood
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1300 FSC Controlled Wood
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1400 FSC Controlled Wood
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1500 FSC Controlled Wood
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1600 FSC Controlled Wood
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1700 FSC Controlled Wood

But what I want to have is:

VendorCode VendorName Quality MaxClaim MaxClaim
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1001 FSC Controlled Wood FSC Mix Credit
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1200 FSC Controlled Wood FSC Mix Credit
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1300 FSC Controlled Wood FSC Mix Credit
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1400 FSC Controlled Wood FSC Mix Credit
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1500 FSC Controlled Wood FSC Mix Credit
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1600 FSC Controlled Wood FSC Mix Credit
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1700 FSC Controlled Wood FSC Mix 90%

I looked everywhere, but the crosstab function is not the one, as that function will put all other data in separate columns, whilst I only want to have 2 column MaxClaim.

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Convert Date Column To Two Columns

Mar 25, 2006

I don't quite know where to ask this...

i didn't think things through when i initially created the DB, and created a column called dateOfBirth that holds user entered dates as dd/mm/yyyy.
This causes many query issues, and I would LOVE to have this changed.

Is there a script i can run that will take dateOfBirth, determine the month, write the month as Jan/Feb/Mar/... in a column named dobMonth, and take the day value from dateOfBirth (1-31) to a column called dobDay?


dateOfBirth |
23/10/00 |


dateOfBirth | dobDay | dobMonth|
23/10/00 | 23 | Oct |

I don't care about the "year" data, and I already have the dobDay and dobMonth columns set up...


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Insert Column Between Existing Columns?

Dec 6, 2014

adding columns in Access2013,I'd like to add a column to an existing datasheet and place it between 2 existing columns,I see where and how to an a new column but don't see where I can insert it where I want it.

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Queries :: Consolidate Multiple Columns Into Two Columns

May 14, 2014

I have a MS ACCESS 2010 database with a data table which i am trying to create a query from. I have 6 columns of data( one with an ID Field and 5 Name Fields). Below i have made examples of how it first appears as a simple query and the second will show you what i would like it to look like.

What the simple query looks like: [URL] ...

Second what I want the query to look like: [URL] ....

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Moving Multiple Columns Data Into One Column?

Feb 7, 2008

How can I move multiple columns data into a single column so that:

Name Age Location
Mike 25 Essex
Jack 32 Surrey
Bob 36 Newcastle

appear in a single column with data appended column-wise as


Any help would be much appreciated. I'm a novice at VBA, so if anybody could do the code, it would be great!

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Move GrandTotal Column To Right Of Weekly Columns

Jan 16, 2007

Below is the code that I have for a query. Currently the
GrandTotal Column appears to the left of all the Weekly Columns.
Is there a way I can have the GrandTotal column appear to
the right of all the Weekly Columns? The weekly columns
will expand or contract depending on the dates selected.

PARAMETERS [Forms]![Queries_ReportsFRM]![StartDateTxt] DateTime, [Forms]![Queries_ReportsFRM]![EndDateTxt] DateTime, [Forms]![Queries_ReportsFRM].[FaultCategory] Text ( 255 ), [Forms]![Queries_ReportsFRM].[SystemGroupProblem] Text ( 255 );
TRANSFORM Val(Nz(Sum([Totals]),0)) AS SumOfTotals
SELECT [Trends-1-3TON-WEEK].SystemGroup, [Trends-1-3TON-WEEK].FaultCategory, [Trends-1-3TON-WEEK].Problem, Sum([Trends-1-3TON-WEEK].Totals) AS GrandTotal
FROM [Trends-1-3TON-WEEK]
GROUP BY [Trends-1-3TON-WEEK].SystemGroup, [Trends-1-3TON-WEEK].FaultCategory, [Trends-1-3TON-WEEK].Problem
PIVOT [Trends-1-3TON-WEEK].YearMonthWeek;

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Moving Multiple Columns Data Into One Column?

Feb 7, 2008

How can I move multiple columns data into a single column so that:

Name Age Location
Mike 25 Essex
Jack 32 Surrey
Bob 36 Newcastle

appear in a single column with data appended column-wise as


Any help would be much appreciated. I'm a novice at VBA, so if anybody could help me with the code, it would be great!

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Tables :: Can Split A Column Values Into 2 Columns

Jul 3, 2014

I have a column that's called "Date" which stores values for begining to end date as 'Text' like: 070314-073114 So I need to split it to 2 columns that has the Start Date as 070314 and End Date as 073114?

This database is still in Microsoft Access, and eventually after cleaning it up, we will move it to SQL Server.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Delimit Column Into Several Columns In Access

Nov 24, 2014

I have an imported table and within this table contains a column that needs to be further delimited. I've read that it is possible to delimit columns using the left, right and mid functions, however, I need to delimit it to more than 3 columns. Maybe an estimated 6.

Examples of the data contained in the column are as follow:

ITM~a01gibapp3a:AC900~ gibapp3a~ACK~


I need to delimit it by "~". It must also be similar to Excel's text-to-column feature whereby if there're no values between 2 "~", it will be recorded as null.

The main thing I require from each record in the column is contained within the first and second "~" (even if it's null).

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Merge Columns From Many Tables Into One Column In New Table

May 21, 2013

I have 4 tables that store information on guest charges (stayinfo/room rate, fuel charges, bar tab, merch charges) each linked to table carrying guest ID's. Is there a way to combine/merge all the tables into one in such a way that all of the guestID's are in one column, all of the charges are in another column etc? Basically adding one table to the bottom of another.

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Can You Create New Column In A Query Based Off Of Data From Two Columns Already There

Feb 4, 2008

I will need to create a new column in a query with data based off of two columns currently in my DB.

Current fields are: [TestType] & [TestReason].
New TEMP field will be [TestCombo]

TestType has 4 possible option via drop down.
TestReason has 21 possible options via drop down.
TestCombo will be one of 10 options depending on the data in TestType & TestReason.

examples: (here is an example of how the combo field will be populated. There will be ten total rules like this. one for each possible text option in the combo box.)
If [TestType] is "DRUG" & [TestReason] is "PRE" or "RAND" or "PA" then [TestCombo] would be "DOTDT".

If [TestType] is "ALCOHOL" & [TestReason] is "PRE" or "RAND" or "PA" then [TestCombo] would be "DOTAT".

If [TestType] is "DRUG" & [TestReason] is "N-PRE" or "N-OTHER" or "N-FUP" then [TestCombo] would be "NDDT".

The data does not need to be saved anywhere at all in the database, just generated when pulling this query. It will then be exported and dumped into another system.

Thanks. Here is a temp copy of the database with some junk data to maybe make it a little more clear.

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Copying Access Table Columns To A Single Column In Excel?

Feb 1, 2005

HELP :confused:


I need to copy 5 columns in an Access table into a single column in Excel. How can I do this?

Pictures To Help explain below:

http://uploads.savefile.com/users/uploads/1_154.jpg 261kb
http://uploads.savefile.com/users/uploads/2_154.jpg 192kb

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Tables :: Multiply Data Of Two Columns And Display Result In Third Column

Jun 24, 2014

My question is that can we do multiplication of data of two columns and result is automatically displayed in third columns in datasheet view.? Is it possible ?

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Adding Values In Separate Columns Dependent On Text In Another Column?

May 16, 2013

I'm trying to make a database to track inventory or several items. Basically, I have four tables:

1) RawMaterialList - includes a list of all raw materials.
2) PartList - includes a list of all finished product using said raw materials.
3) RawMaterialRecieving - contains details from each packing slip of incoming raw materials.
4) ShipmentRecord - contains details of daily shipments.

Each of these tables is fed by a form of the same name. I should note at this point that I basically taught myself how to use Access and I imagine I'm in the dark about quite a few things it can do. I've made several databases over the last few years, but I'm stumped at this point.

Here's my problem. In the form RawMaterialReceiving, I have several fields aside from basic information:

1) Item - a list of of raw materials from table RawMaterialList
2) Description - also dependent on info entered into table RawMaterialList
3) Quantity

But, I have 12 of these instances.

Item1, Item2...Item12;
Description1, Description2...Description12;
Quantity1, Quantity2...Quantity12.

My problem is I want to add up the quantities of each raw material and I'm not sure how to go about that. Lets say on May 13, I received 15pcs of Part A and 20pcs of Part B. I enter this information as Item1 and Item2 respectively. On May 14, I received 30pcs of Part B. I enter this information under Item1. Now I want to add up all of Part B (50 pcs). But Part B has one value listed in the field Quantity1 and one value listed in the field Quantity2.


1st Entry:
May 13
Item1 = PartA Description1 = PartA's description Quantity1 = 15
Item2 = PartB Description2 = PartB's description Quantity2 = 20

2nd Entry:
May 14
Item1 = PartB Description1 = PartB's description Quantity1 = 30

How do I get it to add up Part B to get 50pcs?

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Combine Two Columns To Display Information In Third Column As Unique Identifier

Jul 23, 2015

So i have a access database with a main field that we can call vendor # (LIFNR) and another called Company code (BUKRS). There are multiple company codes under a single vendor #. Example:








What I am trying to do is create a 3rd column where i can have a unique row for each of these fields without it repeating. There is no unique identifier in this table and that is what i am trying to achieve.

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Combining 2 Query Columns Into 1 Column With Data In Separate Rows

Mar 29, 2012

I have a database with all the hours employees have logged stored in the database. Our payroll company wants an excel spreadsheet that has very specific info in particular columns and fields on the excel spreadsheet, so I'm trying to design a query which will put the correct info in the correct fields per their system.

The challenge is, I have currently a query with Employee ID, Overtime Hours, and Regular Hours as separate columns.

I need to translate this to a query with a single column for hours and a separate column that designates those hours as OT or Reg, with two rows for those employees who have both types.


ID / Regular Hours / OT Hours
101 / 70 / 7.5
102 / 30 / 0
103 / 5 / 0


ID/ Hours / Type
101 / 70 / Reg
101 / 7.5 / OT
102 / 30 / Reg
103 / 5 / Reg

I don't know how to create a query or a formula in a query to break out each employee row into multiple rows with different data in the hours column. It seems like there's something pretty straightforward that I've done in a similar vein but it doesn't seem to work - I can do the opposite and combine those hours by using the SUM function in a query, but I can't seem to break it out this way.

Access 2007, Windows 7.

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Queries :: Run A Simple Update Query To Copy Data From One Column To Another Column

Sep 24, 2013

I am trying to run a simple update query to copy data from one column (Addrl1)to another column (Working_Addrl1) within the same file and I can't for the life of me figure it out. Then I need to repeat for addrl2 and addrl3 to working_addrl2 and working_addrl3.

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Queries :: Change In Column Based On Base Query Column

Mar 24, 2014

I have created a cross tab to extract pipeline and sales for Q1 2014, Q2 2014, Q3 2014 & Q4 2014... the user can select the quater from a multivalued text box...

Now for the final output, have created another query which pull the above four quarter in each column from the cross tab...now the problem arises when i change the quarter to Q2 2014, Q3 2014, Q4 2014 & Q1 2014..it gives an error "Microsoft office Access database does not recognizes "Query name" as a valid field name or expression".

The error is because the second layer of query does not identifies Q1 2014.

How do i make access change the column automatically when the Q1 changes to Q2...

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Queries :: Find Unmatched Contents From The Column By Matching With Another Column?

Nov 16, 2013

i have a columns as 1. contactname, 2. firstname 3. lastname 4. email and in this columns some emails are not matching with the contactname or some time firstname or some time lastname so i need the to find out the un matched contacts from the database.

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Reports :: VBA Code That Will Hide A Column That Has Zeros And Move Over Remaining Columns

Aug 11, 2014

I have a report that displays maybe about 4 columns that read data and if a columns reads zero then I have a code where it will hide, but my problem is that I cannot get the columns to move over once the column that is zero is invisible.VBA code that will hide a column that has zeros and move over the remaining columns so that when the report is ran it will not show just an empty white space.

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Queries :: Add A Column In A Query That Will Give Y Or No To Previous Column

May 21, 2015

I am looking to add a column in a query that will give a Y or No to previous column data if it contains TEXT or NUMBER (It could read "TEXT" or "NUMBER" or even Y for text or N for number).

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Queries :: How To Distribute Different Values Of One Column In New Column Fields

Jan 30, 2014

In my table for duplicate "line no" I have different "contractor" like below.


L-0001 C-1000
L-0001 C-2000
L-0003 C-6000
L-0003 C-8000
L-0003 C-9000
L-0004 C-5000

Now I would like to make a query for transposing values like below:


L-0001 C-1000 C-2000
L-0003 C-6000 C-8000 C-9000
L-0004 C-5000

how I have to make this query?

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