Queries :: Ordering Columns Cross Tab Query

Nov 26, 2013

I have a cross tab query. Essentially it groups together posted volumes into week numbers for different offices.

However, when I run the query, the order of the columns is not in a logical number order. I get Week 1 then Week 10 then Week 11 and Week 2 is further down the list and then Week 20 comes after that.

I would like if at all possible the Week Numbers to follow after one another i.e. Week 1 first then up to Week 52 in correct number order.

In my Dates Table I do have a SortID column which I hoped would resolve this issue so I could sort on the SortID column however this fails to work.

Attached is the query...

PARAMETERS [Forms]![frmSumOfVolByCCAndFormat]![cmbOfficeSearch] Text ( 255 ), Forms![frmSumOfVolByCCAndFormat]![txtStartDate] DateTime, Forms![frmSumOfVolByCCAndFormat]![txtEndDate] DateTime;
TRANSFORM Sum(tblTrafficEast.TrafficVolume) AS SumOfTrafficVolume
SELECT tblOffice.CostCentre, tblOffice.OfficeName, tblTrafficFormat.Format, Sum(tblTrafficEast.TrafficVolume) AS [Total Volume]

[Code] ....

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General :: Cross Tab Query To Display Data By Rows And Columns

Jul 10, 2013

I have a cross tab query that displays data by customer (rows) and MONTHS (columns).

However I need the columns to be the 12 months of the year 1 to 12.

However, if the selected data for a particular customer does not have any records in a month then I get an error in the report as the cross tab query only selects the months with data.

How do I get the report to show 0 or a blank in these columns

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Queries :: Combine Cross Tab Query

Nov 9, 2013

how to combine 3 cross tab queries values into one daily progress report, transpose format. The values from each crosstab query are

1) Spent hours
2) Qty installed
3) Earned hours.

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Reports :: Cross Tab Report Versus Dynamic Columns

Apr 22, 2014

I have made a cross-tab query which works fine. I also have made a report which is based on this cross-tab query. Due to nature of the cross-tab query the Value column(s) is dynamic. The report I made is based on all available data types (columns). The report works if all data type is available but the report fails if some of the data types are not available (i.e columns are missing due to not having any value or data). I hope I am explaining this correctly,

Is there a way I can use expressions in the report to place a conditional clause that if the Control Source doesn't exist place a Null or 0 in the report or in its place.

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Queries :: Query To Cross-tabulate Data

Jun 20, 2013

I asked 18 people to each sort 100 statements into piles based on the similarity of the statements. The results are arranged as below.For example:

- Bob sorted statements 1, 3, and 100 into the same pile (Pile ID = 5), and statements 2 and 4 into the same pile (Pile ID = 2).
- Mary sorted statements 1 and 100 into the same pile (Pile ID = 3).

SubjectID StatementID PileID
Bob 1 5
Bob 2 2
Bob 3 5
Bob 4 2


I need to create separate summaries for each Subject. The summary should indicate, for every possible pair of statements (1 & 1, 1 & 2, 1 & 3 ... 100 & 100), a 1 if the person sorted both statements into the same pile and a 0 if they didn't. Identical statement pairs (e.g., 1 & 1) should always get 1.

StatementIndex1 StatementIndex2 Similarity
1 1 1 (identical statements always get a 1)
1 2 0 (Bob did not sort statements 1 & 2 into the same pile)
1 3 1 (Bob sorted 1 & 3 into the same pile)
1 4 0 (Bob did not sort 1 & 4 into the same pile)


I'm assuming a crosstab query is a start, but I couldn't figure out how to set it up.

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Queries :: Dynamic Cross Tab Query - Column Sort By Corresponding ID

Apr 23, 2015

I have a dynamic cross tab query - thus the column headings will change each time it is run.

At present the column headings are displayed in alphabetical order - how can I change this so they are based on a different order - eg by the descriptions corresponding ID

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Queries :: MS Access Cross Tab Query - Date Range Filtering

Aug 14, 2013

I just wanted to know how can i set a parameter on the following cross tab query to filter dates. Date field is [pdate By Day].

TRANSFORM Sum([PettyMaster Query2].Amount) AS SumOfAmount
SELECT [PettyMaster Query2].[Petty Cat].Field2, [PettyMaster Query2].[pdate By Day], [PettyMaster Query2].ProjLoc, [PettyMaster Query2].descriptionofpay, [PettyMaster Query2].projno
FROM PettyMaster, [PettyMaster Query2]
GROUP BY [PettyMaster Query2].[Petty Cat].Field2, [PettyMaster Query2].[pdate By Day], [PettyMaster Query2].ProjLoc, [PettyMaster Query2].descriptionofpay, [PettyMaster Query2].projno
PIVOT [PettyMaster Query2].PettyCOA.Field2;

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Combining Cross Tab Queries

Jan 25, 2006

I have a number of cross tab queries which I run on a weekly basis, each of which is running from a different date field in the database (e.g. one query for orders received based on 'Received Date', another for orders complete based on 'Received Date'. On a weekly basis I have to open each query in design view, edit the start and end date for the week and execute the query. It would save significant time if I could enter a date range once into a form and run the series of queries based on these parameters. Any thoughts?:) :)

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Queries :: Adding Calculations To Queries Based On Columns In Query

Feb 18, 2014

I am trying to add calculations to queries based on columns in the query... it seems to randomly expect 'Expression' or 'Group by' as column types, and Im having to create 3 sets of queries following on from each other to de-dupe data and allow filters on calculated values.

Also I've got a function which turns a date into a quarterly cohort, e.g. Oct 2013 -> 20134. I use ot on a lot of dates. I created a VBA function, CohortQ used as follows in queries:

Cohort: IIf Year([InputDate]) < 1990 or Year([InputDate]) > 2020, 0 CohortQ([InputDate]))

In the VBA, InputDate is defined as a date

Function CohortQ(InputDate As Date) As Integer
If InputDate = 0 Then
CohortQ = 0
Exit Function
End If

[Code] .....

But when I run it on a date field, it gives me a data mismatch error. I can't step through as it's working on 600K rows.
If I put the function into the query,

Cohort: IIf Year([InputDate]) < 1990 or Year([InputDate]) > 2020, 0 Year([InputDate])*10+DatePart("q",[InputDate]))

it works.

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Ordering A DISTINCT Query Of Dates?

Jul 20, 2005

Is this possible, if using the following:

SELECT DISTINCT (Format([Month],"mmm yyyy")) FROM Table;

Adding a ORDER BY [Month]; gives a "distinct and order by" conflict...

Is there any way to alleviate this?

I want to display a "mmm yyyy" formatted combobox in order (i.e. Jan 2005, Feb 2005, Mar 2005, etc...)


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Queries :: Cross Table By Date

Oct 8, 2014

I have this cross table for a query called OUTPUT. The query has four fields (country, indicator, value and date). I want to cross table by date as follows:

SELECT OUTPUT.country, OUTPUT.Indicator
GROUP BY OUTPUT.country, OUTPUT.Indicator

This works fine but I'd like to visualise the date formatted by quarters instead of dd/mm/yyyy. I have modified my SQL code as follows:

SELECT OUTPUT.country, OUTPUT.Indicator
GROUP BY OUTPUT.country, OUTPUT.Indicator
PIVOT "Q" & DatePart("q",OUTPUT.[date]) & " " & Year(OUTPUT.[date]);

My problem is that using the DatePart and Year functions I miss the sorting.

Is there any approach that allows me to keep the date sorted in the cross table?

I have also tried to include the date formatting in the OUTPUT query and to sort the date there. It works fine there but when I create the cross table I again loose the sorting.

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Reports :: Combine Two Cross-tab Queries In A Report

Mar 19, 2013

I understand that I can't set multiple "values" in a crosstab query but I need to have both a UPC and a price display in a report(Price List) for Our Exotic Wood selections like so:

Wood Type 4/4 5/4 8/4 12/4 16/4 20/4 24/4

Afr. Mahogany |||| ||| ||| |||| |||| |||| ||||
$15 $20 $30 $40 $50 $60 $70

Rosewood |||| ||| ||| |||| |||| |||| ||||
$15 $20 $30 $40 $50 $60 $70

I have 2 crosstab queries one that gets the price and one that gets the UPC I can join them and get it to print on every other line but there is no way that i can find to print two lines at a time in a report so my question is there a way to achieve the outcome described above with two crosstab queries? do I need more queries or a different kind of query?

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Sorting Table / Query - Ordering Numeric Values

Dec 30, 2013

I currently have records that end with a letter and 2 numbers. For example, A1, A2, ... , A10, A11. When I try to sort my table/query by these values, A10 & A11 come before A2. It seems that it is sorting by the first digit shown. Is there any way to fix this quickly within table/query properties so that this can be displayed in proper numeric order?

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Queries :: Run A Query With Several Columns

Jan 3, 2014

I run a query with several columns. The first column in that query is full of individual names; about 50. I have another spreadsheet with three names. I used to be able to set a criteria or a filter (whatever you want to call it) in a query that when "Run" would only return to me the names from the spreadsheet with 3. Not a drop box or a pop up where I have to fill out the name, just a spreadsheet with all the transactions that occurred with these specific three individuals.

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Queries :: Query Limits Itself To 16 Columns

Aug 18, 2013

Why is my query limiting itself to only 16 columns? when I tab right for another field, it jumps back to the first field. I have other queries with far more columns than that. My DB size is 3,400 kb.

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Queries :: Subtract Two Columns Within A Query

Jul 22, 2014

I have two calculated columns in my query for example... table.num1 - table.num2 as "Col1" and table.num1 - table.num3 as "Col2"

I then want another column equal to:
Col1 - Col2
I know that I could say:
(table.num1 - table.num2) - (table.num1 - table.num3)

but I am wondering if there is an easy way to just take two calculated columns of the query to use in the calculation of another column.

doing something like:
Col3: Col1 - Col2
doesnt work because it doesnt see Col1 and Col2 within the tables.

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Queries :: Columns In Query Don't Match

Jan 1, 2014

I have several tables that I need to join together to create a single form for multiple entries. Job Table, OPR Table, Organization, Program List Table, Program Notes, Rank, Reference Table, and Status Table.

Ultimately, I need to be able to display all of these in one form and allow for adding/editing notes from the Program Notes section. I also need to be able to let the user look up all info by selecting the Program Name and have the other field populate correctly. The issue I am running into is that I cannot get the Program Notes table to join to the Program List table correctly.

This is what I attempted to use in SQL:
SELECT [Program Name], [Status], [Reference], [Self-Inspection], [IG Checklist], [Continuity Book], [Bragging Paper], [Program Strengths], [ORI Reports], [Best Practices]
FROM [Program List Table]
SELECT [Log Date], [Log Entry]
FROM [Program Notes]

However, I keep getting an error. I have read that it is because I don't have the same amount of columns, but the tables don't have the same information.I have also tried to do it through a normal query and through a third table, however I get errors about ambiguous outer joins and I can't seem to make that work either.

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Queries :: Query Group By And Display Other Columns

Sep 2, 2013

I have a table with 4 columns :

Product Price Quantity Supplier

Product1 5 240 A
Product1 7 19 B
Product1 6 12 C
Product2 96 0 A
Product2 98 23 B
Product2 99 44 C

There are 3 suppliers for the products (name of the suppliers are A, B and C).I want to make a query with the following result :

Product1 5 240 A
Product2 98 23 B

In other words :Showing a grouped list (grouped by products), with the lowest price of the supplier who has stock (quantity >0).I can make a list of grouped products with the lowest price, but it's not possible for me to show the stock and the supplier that's related with it.

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Queries :: Add Columns To Grouped Max (date) Query

Mar 14, 2013

I have a database that tracks students and their test scores. I am trying to figure out a way to where it will pull the student's latest test score and compare it to see if they fall within standards. So far I have 3 tables.




The query I have written looks like this: SELECT tblStudents.studentID, Max(tblResults.resultDate) FROM tblStudents LEFT JOIN tblResults ON tblStudents.studentID = tblResults.resultStudent GROUP BY tblStudents.studentID." The data pulls just fine at this point. What I'm trying to figure out is how to then add more columns to this query to start doing comparisons. When I try to add more columns it tries to use them for additional grouping and adds many more records.

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Queries :: Expression Or SQL To Count Query Columns?

Jan 7, 2014

I'm looking for an expression or SQL for use in a query that will count the number of columns in another query. I do not need to count the records, I just need to know how many columns. I can't seem to locate a reference to a column count - everything points me to record count.

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Queries :: Counting Multiple Columns In A Query?

Apr 6, 2015

Student ID
Command over subject
Teaching Subject
Explaining things
Pedagogy Methods


I have a table given above, table name is student. Which has following sample data.

I want to count the no. of students who say Good, Average ,Bad for every indicator Output from query:

Command over subject
Teaching Subject


How this can be achived from query in MS Access 2010

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Queries :: Formatting Columns In A Query With Totals

Oct 2, 2013

The data within my tables is formatted correctly and when I run a standard query on the data, it comes through the query with the same formatting. However, when I run a query that needs to total the values (whether it's sum or average) the values lose any formatting (and by total I mean the one in design view, not in datasheet view).

I then need to manually format each columns "Format" and "Decimal Places" properties to what I want. I have quite a few queries with quite a few columns, so this is very time consuming. Is there a way to do this faster without VBA? In Excel I can simply highlight multiple columns and format all of them or apply a format painter. I don't see any similar functionality in Access 2010.

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Queries :: Totals Query Grouped Across Columns

Mar 5, 2015

I have simple table data structured as follows;[Origin], [Code], [Weight]. The Code field is a lookup field that will contain one of 8 choices; 10, 13, 13c, 23, 25, 27, 27a, & other. The other fields are pretty much self explanatory. Sample data would look like this:

Origin Code Weight
Edison 13 4.25
Edison 13c 2.87
Piscataway 10 5.45
Middlesex 23 1.24
Edison 13 5.21

What I need to create is a totals query where I first group by origin value, then a column for each "code" value which totals the weight for that "code". A sample output would look something like this:

Origin 10 13 13c 23 25 27 27a other
Edison 9.46 2.87
Piscataway 5.45
Middlesex 1.24

The only way I can think to accomplish this is to restructure the original table to include a field for each code and enter the weight in the appropriate 'code' field. If this is the only solution then Ill have to live with it, but is there any way to create this output using my original structure?

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Queries :: Query Returning Blank Columns

Jun 24, 2013

I've set up a simple query that returns 6 columns of data.This query then shows on a sub-form elsewhere in my DB.The problem is that the query always appears with a horizontal slider. Allowing the user to scroll across to see the other columns in the query...The problem here is that there ARE no other columns of data. They are just empty. I want to restrict the output of this query to ONLY show the 6 columns that i have specified.

I have tried deleting the columns in Query Designer, then save the Query. But every time i re-open it half a dozen or so blank columns are stuck on the end.

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Cross Tab Query

Mar 31, 2006

I want to obtain the value of a third variable using the first one as row heading and the second as column heading. I can't get this using a cross table query.
Is there another way of doing it???
Thank you

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Cross-Tab Query

Jan 13, 2006

I've recently been having a few problems with getting a cross tab query to work. I'm currently using MS Access 2000.

I've created a query that I know want to use for the basis of my cross-tab.

I'm only after having it produce a tab of Part Type by Month using a count of all Clients.

When I use the wizard it sorts everything out fine, but when it runs I keep getting the same error message:

"The Microsfot Jet database engine does not recognize "[Start Date]" as a valid field name or expression"

In my main query I have it set so I can choose a date range using the criteria "Between [Start Date] and [End Date]" Is there a way of getting a cross tab to work using a user defined date range. I've also got fields that I have changed the column names on, EG. ClientName to Client Name (Client Name: ClientName) it is also having issues with these.

Any help would be very appreciated.

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