Queries :: Parsing Strings Of Text Between XML Tag Identifiers

Oct 12, 2014

I have a Db with a table imported from sql server. One of the fields contains data wrapped between xml tags. The xml tag identifiers when looked at as columns are not consistently the same tag identifiers but effectively I am parsing the string to provide columns of data from between the tag identifiers.


<T6><A29>Compton Group</A29><A31>CO009</A31><A32>CO161/71</A32><A30>Invu Proposal</A30><A28>05 September 2007</A28><A41>Sales</A41></T6>

I am wondering if the method I am using to deconcatenate the string is the bext way. In my query I reference the left tag value .

TagVal1: ParseTagOpenVal([Attributes],3)

And then I parse the result based on the right hand tag value

Val1: ParseTagCloseVal([TagVal1],1)

I have a couple of modules for parsing the string and I am able to deconcatenate using this method but I am wondering if its the only way or the most efficient?

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Parsing Text Strings

Feb 15, 2008

I'm trying to parse text strings by certain spaces and characters within the string. For Example, if my text string is RAST 2006-A1 B1 mtge, how can I 1) create a new field with just the RAST 2006-A1, 2) Create a field with just the RAST 2006-A1 B1?

I appreciate any help I can get. Thanks!

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Text Parsing In An Append Query Returns Errors

Feb 21, 2008

I am using this function

Expr2: Mid$([ItemInventoryAssemblyRefFullName],(InStrRev([ItemInventoryAssemblyRefFullName],"-")+1),(InStr([ItemInventoryAssemblyRefFullName],":"))-(InStrRev([ItemInventoryAssemblyRefFullName],"-"))-1)

to parse this string


into this


It works great until I get to a string that looks like this


Which I need to return the word SPECIAL but it gives me #Error in the Query.

It would seem that when there are multiple : it is giving the error but when there is only one it works fine. Is there anyther way to atchieve what I am doing?

I am doing this in an update query to get data from Quickbooks into a table in Access.

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Importing Text Strings

Jan 14, 2008

hi guys,

i am importing a tab seperated file into a table, and one of the fields is a user comment.

all is well -- until a record is imported that contains comment with a carriage return followed by some more text. the text after the carriage return is imported as the next record.

if the file is tab seperated, why is the carriage return causing the import to act in this way?



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Modify Default Values And Text Strings

Apr 4, 2006

Hello, I have two newbie questions. First, when I design a checkbox in Form design view, how do I program or script the form so it will enter a "1" value on the corresponding tables database per column. (Just like in the option group design, where a click on each option generates a specific value on the tables database).

Second, how can I design the form where it can accept text strings as input and displays them 'as is' in the corresponding tables database as a text string.

Thanks for looking. :)

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Queries :: Parsing String With Multiple Delimiters?

Aug 13, 2015

I have a field in our database with five distinct strings, separated by a delimited (a slash or "/").

I've been able to successfully write the formula to parse the first field:

ARL: Left$([pipeline]![Short Description],InStr(1,[pipeline]![Short Description],"/")-1)

The second field:

BRANCHMGR: Mid(Left([pipeline]![Short Description],InStr(InStr(1,[pipeline]![Short Description],"/")+1,[pipeline]![Short Description],"/")-1),InStr(1,[pipeline]![Short Description],"/")+1)

and the last field:

DATE: Mid$([pipeline]![Short Description],InStrRev([pipeline]![Short Description],"/")+1)

how to get the third and fourth strings parsed. I know its going to include some nested InStr or InStrRev commands -- just having trouble figuring out the structure. Could potential need a LEN command as well.

Typical field might look like this:


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Modules & VBA :: Send / Receive Small Text Strings Over A Network

Jul 20, 2015

Small piece of code that can send / recieve small text-strings over a network. I finally got it to work, but forgot to think ahead . Right now it only works in a formular but i really need to be a function with input / output.

My problem is that i am using the "Withevents" to call the Ostrosoft Winsock network module and "Withevents" does not work in functions.

How to build this into a function ?

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Dim sBuffer As String
Dim spage As String
Dim WithEvents wsTCP As OSWINSCK.Winsock

[Code] ....

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Creating SQL Queries From Strings (VB)

Dec 14, 2005

Does anyone know how to create a query object using a string that contains SQL code?

The reason I ask is that I want to be able to run an ad hoc query, but I can't use a RecordSet because there's no way (that I know of) to take the results of a recordset and create a query display out of it (meaning, make it look like a query was executed)

So what I really want to do is to create a query, and then execute it with "DoCmd.OpenQuery()" If that's possible. Any ideas?

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Strings Within Strings Using Expression Builder

Jun 6, 2007


I have two tables with names of people in different forms.

table1 : [name] can be either in the form of :
- firstname & firstname surname
- surname, firstname

table2: [surname]

I'm trying to select all the records in table1 where [table2]![surname] is part of [table1]![name]

I've tried using

Like "*"&[surname]&"*"

This returns everything rather than the similar names.

I think this should be simple but can't work it out.

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Queries :: Date Time Calculation From Strings

Oct 9, 2014

I have four columns: date1, time1, date2, time2. All are strings.I want to concatenate date1 & time1. Then date2 & time2.Then I want to do the following calculation and the answer to expressed as number of days:

datetime2 - datetime1.

I am using MS Access 2007 and the results are being grouped by a different variable. Ideally I want to complete this action as one complete statement in the SELECT statement of my query. This is very easy to do in Excel but I'm baffled by MS Access!

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Social Security Numbers Used As Identifiers.

Sep 12, 2005

G’day all.

I am posting this on more than one site but that should not matter simply because it asks for an opinion and, as such, your opinion should not be construed or even considered as an absolute answer…valued yes, absolute no.

What issues may emanate from using the US SSN, or equivalent numbers in other countries, as an identifier for unique records in a database?

Not under local database control?
And anything else you may care to mention.

Please, members from foreign countries to the US, you are welcome to add your thoughts here.

And please also, this is not about anything you may wish to take up with the Federal Court, Privy Council, High Court or whatever in the future in your country. It’s about your understanding of the situation as it stands, at the moment, in your country.

That’s about it…what do you think?

The following three links should take you to the other two sites…
(Sounds like a bit of gobldegook but you are already on one of those sites.)



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Tables :: Unique Identifiers With Specific Categories

Oct 19, 2012

I am working in Access 2003.

I have set up a form that fills out my master table. What I am having an issue with is:

I have 6 different categories that different items fall under.

example: Category 58-Wire Rope and Cable
Category 60-Fasteners
Category 93 - Safety

I need each item that falls under any one of these categories to have a unique identifier starting with the category number.

Example: Safety Glass - - - part number 930001
1.5 inch Cable - - part number 580001

I want to be able to select a category from my drop down box on the form and for the part number to auto fill with the next available number in that sequence.

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Creating Consecutive Identifiers - Automatic Numbering

Sep 17, 2014

I am trying to create a form that creates an automatic identifier with a value one greater than the previous identifier. I was able to create something that updates in batches of two: That is, I end up with identifiers that go 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, etc. How do I get it to create consecutive identifiers (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.)?

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Queries :: Create A Query That Strings Data Horizontally That Corresponds To Primary Key?

Aug 25, 2014

I need to create a query that strings data horizontally that corresponds to the primary key.

Example of what I am looking for


Query Columns: Part_No, Mfg_Info (Mfg_No: Mfg_Name)

Also if the part_no (primary key) has multiple values I need the data to string horizontally like this:

Part_No, Mfg_Info (Mfg_No1: Mfg_Name1),
Mfg_Info (Mfg_No2: Mfg_Name2).......

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Queries :: Select Query To Pull Records Based On Multiple Strings Entered By A User?

May 1, 2013

Is it possible to run a basic select query to pull records based on multiple strings entered by a user?

I have a query with field criteria - Like '*' & [Type In MMDBID:-] & '*'

This allows the user to input one MMDBID and the records are retrieved from the db.

I can also use the OR statement in the same field criteria "AB123" OR "BC123", and all records based on those values are pulled back.

But I cannot get the user to input multiple values and I tried amending the SQL string based on the OR criteria above

SQL statement (Like) is below :

SELECT tblFund.MMDBID, tblFund.[Investment Name], tblCodesLive.[IOE Code], tblCodesLive.[Uptix Code], tblFund.[Red Payment Deadline]
FROM (tblFund INNER JOIN tblCodesLive ON tblFund.MMDBID = tblCodesLive.MMDBID) INNER JOIN tblContact ON (tblFund.MMDBID = tblContact.MMDBID) AND (tblCodesLive.MMDBID = tblContact.MMDBID)
WHERE (((tblFund.MMDBID) Like '*' & [Type In MMDBID:-] & '*') AND ((tblFund.Editing)=False) AND ((tblFund.Closed_Fund)=False));

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Nov 18, 2005


I have text file which contains different types of Record (identified by RecordType).Its a simple FLAT file having specific record structure for each type of record.

My requirement is
1.Parse the .txt file,identify record type
2.Based on corresponding record structure apply validation rules
3.Generate error report where data violates validation rules.

I am new to access . If any of u have sample code on how to parse any file and show error report accordingly, that will help immensely


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Parsing Names??

Apr 11, 2006

I am trying to do the following
If any one of you have experienced Abacus ticketing system, each reservation is comprised of a group of names as follows

1.1 Gul/Mohammad Atif Mr 2.1 Gul/Mohammad Adil Mr
3.1 Bond/James Mr

I have to copy the above data from the abacus tcketing system into a text box.
My question is how can i devide the above three names into three seperate text boxes.

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Website Parsing

Mar 25, 2008

I need some assistance parsing some information from a web address. Here is an example of what the web address is.-http://www.websitename.com/ct20/pages2/client_bcphone_service_order.aspx?client_id=160399 4&contract_document_id=924182&cipid=206123444-What I am trying to do is get the client ID and the contract id. The client id being 1603994 and the contract id being 924182. Any ideas would be appreciated.Gregg

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String Parsing.....

Feb 7, 2006

hi, im new to both access and sql and was hoping i could get some help...

i have a string of numbers seperated by commas stored in my database. i need to count how many numbers there are in each string and then display all the results with less than 36 numbers contained.

am i able to do this with an sql statement, or am i likely to need vba??

(example string: 9.89007472991943, 12.3332061767578, 14.4694166183472, 16.287145614624, 17.5347270965576, 17.6327610015869, 16.1364498138428, ...)

thx in advance

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Parsing Name Fields

Mar 1, 2006

I am using the following statement in an update query (which by the way I found in this forum) to pull out the first name from the FirstName field. The field could have a first name or a first name and a middle initial. If the field has a first name and niddle intital: John P then I get John. If the field only has a first name, I get #Error in the update field. I have thousands of records to move to a new Oracle table which has a first name field and a middle intial field.

FNAME: IIf([FirstName] Is Null," ",Left([FirstName],InStr(1,[FirstName]," ")-1))

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You:confused:

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Help Parsing Name Field

Jan 9, 2007

I have a field (Name) that is formatted: lastname, firstname

I need to parse the name field so I can update two fields for firstname and lastname....I have done this before, using left and instr functions, but cannot remember how...can you help?
thank you!

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Parsing Names

Apr 24, 2007

Does anyone know of an expression I could use in a query to parse a full name field into last name, first name and middle initial?

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Parsing Data

Apr 25, 2008

Please Help -

I have a field called MSG_DESC. In this field resides description of various errors i am logging.

I want to exctract only a piece of data from each field. in each field there is a value called SAP#**********

As noted above, it is 10 digits long. Problem is that there is no set place in the description where it is, so right, mid, lft trim does not work.

Can you please assist in how to extract this piece of data from the field.

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Parsing MS Access Forms

Sep 6, 2005


I would like to convert existing MS Access forms to an internal Delphi application.

Any information about the fomat of representing forms in the Access database and the method of reading/parsing the forms would be appreciated.
Also, I wonder if it's possible to read the forms without using Window's technologies (ADO, etc)?

Thanks in advance!

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Parsing The Left And Right Characters Of A String

Aug 19, 2005

I have the following string: NE1220904
I need to remove the left two characters and the right four characters of a string in a query. I have found how to remove one side or the other, but not from both sides. Thanks in advance for the help!

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Parsing/formatting Textfields In A Report

Jan 11, 2005

Is it possible to parse, and format a textfield in a report on a line by line basis?
What I am trying to do is get a document to be processed into a printable format using reports. The text, and formatting information of each line, and any specific word details are stored in separate columns in the table. If, for example an entire line needs to be made Bold, I can get that done. What I would like to know is that if a word in a particular line needs to be formatted differently to the rest of the line, eg underlined, is there a way to do so?

For example, if I had the line as follows:

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

I'd have the default, unformatted text as one field in the table, and the word, in this case quick, and it's formatting in another field of the table.

So rather than stating my question again, can it be done?

Thanks in advance,


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