Queries :: Pass Through Query Results To Matrix Which Is Then Exported To Excel

Sep 5, 2013

I have wrote some code which calls a query using querydefs and then pulls all the records into a table. This table is then exported to excel, however I seem to be having some trouble with the export and am finding it difficult to identify where the problem is coming from. When I run my code in step by step, more of than not the code passes fine and exports to excel. However, most of the time when I run the code as a whole without step by step, then the excel application will load but the workbook will not. The application then continues to close and the code completes without error? The code for the opening of the excel file is below.

The pause is a function i created to see if it was a problem of giving the exel application some time to load!


Sub MiseEnForme1_Excel()
Dim AppExcel As Excel.Application
Dim WkbExcel As Excel.Workbook
Dim WksExcel As Excel.Worksheet


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Queries :: Pass A Formula Form A Query To Excel

Apr 5, 2013

Access 2003
Excel 2003

I have a routine that exports the results of a query to an Excel file. Is it possible to input the formula into the query so that the Excel values calculate?

This is the formula I am trying to pass to the "AZ" column of the Data tab


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Queries :: Create A Query That Can Run On Weekly Basis And Save Results To Excel Spreadsheet

Feb 18, 2014

I have a database of around 15,000 users and I'd like to create a query that I can run on a weekly basis and save the results to an Excel spreadsheet. The results need to be logical and understandable by my coworkers.

Unfortunately, the actual results of the query are not (in their raw form) logical or easy to interpret.

Let's say I have a table called "users" and within that I have:


FieldA has a value of either NULL or a 12-digit number
FieldB has the values are "ENABLED", "DISABLED" and "N/A"
FieldC contains a value of either "1" or NULL

This means nothing to my coworkers who want each user to be sorted into a "category". As I'm running this on a weekly basis, I'd like this query to do the work for me, so I don't have to manually assign everyone to a category in Excel. Plus, of course, there is no chance of human error if the query does this for me.

Sooo... I'd like my query to categorise for me as follows:

Category1 = FieldA IS NOT NULL and FieldB="ENABLED"
Category2 = FieldA IS NOT NULL and FieldB="N/A"
Category3 = FieldA IS NULL and FieldB="ENABLED"
Category4 = FieldA IS NULL and FieldB="N/A"
Category5 = FieldA IS NOT NULL and FieldC = 1
... etc.

I'd like the final column in the query results to simply list the category name, so I can simply copy and paste the data into an Excel spreadsheet and be done with it, safe in the knowledge that it makes sense to all.

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Modules & VBA :: Use Macro Button To Pass Query Results To Listbox

Sep 30, 2013

Is it possible to have a macro button to pass query results to a listbox? I have a database where I have some fields with dates. What I need to do is to show a list of all cases that have a start date (and also the end date). So I will have 2 buttons, one that says "show started cases" and second one "show closed cases". If I press the first button, it will run a query and show only those cases that have a date filled in the started case field. I made a button that shows the results in a report, but I would like to have it show up in a listbox so I can double click it and go straight to the case.

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Exported Excel File Has No Formatting

Oct 20, 2006

I've posted this question in the Excel Forum, but maybe it's better suited here. I need some help with an excel file that is created from an Access Query. I’ve managed to create a button on my form that creates the .xls file and open excel, but the formatting is wrong. I need to define the columns in date and time format so that the created file looks right. I’ve already tried one suggestion to change the default .xls file to be the format I need, but that didn’t help. Is there any way to do that? I really appreciate any help I can get. Cheers. -Tom

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What Is The Logic On How Report Fields Are Exported To Excel

Nov 13, 2007

Tried to export a report to Excel using Tools>Office Links>Analyze It With Microsoft Excel menu. The order of the fields appearing in Excel doesn't seem to match the order on the Access report layout. What is the logic on how the fields exported? Thanks.

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Auto Update Exported Excel Spreadsheet

Jan 18, 2012

I have a query that runs the saved export that exports data to an excel spreadsheet. When I go to run it again, it does not update the spreadsheet with the new data.

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Date Format Problem When Exported From Access To Excel !!!!!!!!

Aug 5, 2005

Hello , I have a date format problem , I have an access database which when run by a macro, gives me a date format of 05-AUg-05( data type is text)and the same applies when it 's exported toexcel , it appears as 05-Aug-05. But , when exported to excel i need it in the format 05/08/05.
What should i do for this ?

I think the problem is ,When I run a macro i think the date field is automatically assigned to text , what should i do so tht when it runs a macro it should be in date/time type ?

Thanks for the help in advance .

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Modules & VBA :: Exported To Excel But Column Headers Are Missing

Jun 9, 2015

The data is pasted in cell B1, but there are no column headings.

Dim rs As dao.Recordset
Dim oExcel As Object
Dim oBook As Object
Dim oSheet As Object
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Name of my Query")

[Code] ....

If I copy the query manually and paste to Excel I get headings, so how should I edit this code to make it do that?

Secondly, I'll need to do a lot of formatting: set some column widths, wrap text, set borders etc. Theoretically I could export the data to a preformatted template, but the output could be anything from 10 rows to over 200, so I don't know how that could work.

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Report Footer Textbox Disappears When Exported To Excel

Jul 21, 2014

I have a footer in my Report that contains subtotals. I'd like to add a textbox that says "Total" to my report, and although this label shows up when I view the report, it disappears if I export to Excel. How to prevent the label from disappearing when I export? (Attached a screenshot of my report's design.)

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Reports :: Table In Access From Where Specific Columns Need To Get Exported In Excel

Jul 11, 2013

i am having a table in access from where specific columns need to get exported in excel.these things i need to do:

1) Excel where the data is exported, some cells have formulas which is needed by customers
2) The column names are different
3) and at the end of all the data there need to be sum of specific columns how do i do it?

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Modules & VBA :: Access Exported Data To Excel / File Error

May 28, 2014

I've vba in Report onformat the vba code does some data copying to External Excel file (premade by vba).Now on first run, i got success.But on opening the excel file, it showed blank space + Error"File already opened"

No White Spreadsheet is shown with data to see into file, i created new excel file in windows, and inserted the vba created/exported file as an Obj.Now Obj is showing correct and full data with spreadsheet as normal view.

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How To Update Existing Tables Of Data From Exported Excel Files

Aug 7, 2014

Ive tried making command buttons for each of the three tables that when you click on it, it automatically updates the tables, but it doesnt seem to be updating them. Is this the right code for that to happen?

Private Sub Command0_Click()
Dim strFile As String
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
' Set file directory for files to be imported
strPath = "C:SharesPublicStaff Public FilesBrandon PenlandUS Food Product Prices Newest"
' Tell it to import all Excel files from the file directory
strFile = Dir(strPath & "*.xls*")


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Exporting To Excel - Column Headers Exported With True Names

Jan 10, 2014

I have a report in Access that produces variable headers as the output is different from client to client. When exporting to PDF everything works great but when exporting to Excel these variable headers are exported with their true names. Col8, Col9, Col10 etc. And our clients insist on Excel reports. Is there a way to get the assigned name to export to Excel? Assigned names would be something like Medical, Dental, Vision or whatever is applicable to the client and is assigned to the report through VBA code. BTW, the data for the report is pulled from a cross-tab query so exporting directly from the query has its own set of formatting issues and is the reason I am using a report with variable column headers.

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How To Run SQL In VBA And Pass The Results To A Variable

Oct 31, 2013

I am trying to figure out if this line of code is usable, but I don't know: DoCmd.RunSQL ("SELECT Max([BSRangeTbl].[Date]) AS MAXofDate FROM [BSRangeTbl];")

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Queries :: How To Find The Source Of Sql Pass Through Query

Feb 13, 2014

I am after getting an access 2003 database to look after and it contains SQL pass through query's. The database is a front end to a MS SQL server database with a connection string that is contained in a module.

I believe the SQL pass through queries are connecting to the same database as the rest of the application and somehow is using the connection string in the module. However I cannot find how that is configured on the SQL pass through queries.

Most documentation on the net seems to point at using ODBC to connect slq pass through queries to outside databases but I don't think this is the case. There are not Odbc sources set up for the database I am look at.

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Queries :: Change Field Name In Pass Through Query

Feb 10, 2014

In a table of a SQL-Server 2008 I have a fieldname "Alter", the German word for age.

When sending a PT-qry to the server I get an error "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Alter'"

Even when I try to set "Select tblmytable.Alter as Age" I get the same error.

To change the fieldname is almost impossible, as there is to much code to change.

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Queries :: Pass Through Query Odbc Connection

Feb 24, 2014

I made multiple pass through queries that receive their data via an ODBC link which is established. Currently the username and password is entered seperately in every query but I was wondering if it is possible (and how) to make both look for the values in a table (OR somewhere else if possible) for these values. The following code (with edited information) is used in all queries.

ODBC;DSN=DSNNAME;Driver=Firebird/InterBase(r) driver;Dbname=Database.FDB;CHARSET=NONE;PWD=Password;UID=User;

The reason that I would like to do this is to ensure that the user can change it easily.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Pre-processes Queries Before They Are Exported

Dec 2, 2013

I was wondering if it is possible to pre-processes queries before they are exported.

I wanted to do a few things like, conditional formating, column widths and some simple formatting.

I currently have a macro to export to an xlsx excel spreadsheet and i dont know if i can code in the formatting or if i have to create an additional excel spreadsheet with the macro on it so that I can do this:

In Access -->
Export Query
Open export
Open Pre-programmed macro
run macro
save the export with the macro completed
close macro

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Pass-thru Queries - Can They Be Built As A Parameter (prompted) Query?

Feb 23, 2006

I have developed some complex pass-thru queries in Access, looking at DB2 data. I am hoping to be able to make these queries 'prompted' for easy use for my less technical colleagues. If these were developed in IBM's QMF tool, I would build the prompt like &MemberID, for example, if I wanted the user to input a value for Member ID. Access pass-thrus don't recognize this, and it throws an error. Anyone have any ideas on how I can do this?

Thanks in advance for any help...

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Queries :: Cannot Format Data From A Pass Through Query From SQL Server

Jan 10, 2014

I get a result set from a pt qry from a sql server 2008 in vba. Me.Total is an unbound field in the report foot( correct translation of german "Berichtsfu"??)

Private Sub Berichtsfu�_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)
SELECT SUM((DATEPART(hour, Calctime) * 60 + DATEPART(minute, Calctime)) * Price / 60) AS TtlPrice ...
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("qryPT_TtlPrice")
Me.Total = rs("TtlPrice ")

On the access report I can format me.Total as currency, decimal, integer whatever I want (unless it makes no sense exept currency) and it works.


SUM(((DATEPART(hour, Calctime) * 60 + DATEPART(minute, Calctime)) * Price/ 60)* (case when CompanyID=1 then 1.66 else 1 end)) AS TtlPrice

The detail should be multiplied with 1,66 when the record belongs to company 1, for all others ist remains the same. In the Management Studio the results of both looks similar, same in the debug window of VBA editor, but I cannot format the result or lets say, the formating is wrong for the second example.

Neither in VBA
Me.Total = format(rs("TtlPrice "), " 0.000,00") or
Me.Total = format(rs("TtlPrice "),"0.000,00")

nor in the report int the properties of the field I can avoid this result: in the debug window of access the result looks OK, for example 29555.670000 (don't know where all the 0 come from), which should read as 29.555,67. But on the report the result with formated curreny in field property (currency, 2 decimals) shows 29.555.670.000,00

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Queries :: Pass Table Names To Delete Query

Aug 27, 2014

I use the following code to delete from a table all records except those meeting the WHERE criteria:

DELETE tblABC.*, tblABC.SubjectID
WHERE (((tblABC.SubjectID)<>99 And (tblABC.SubjectID)<>432));

I'd like to run this exact same query, but on many other tables, all of which are stored in tblTablesToClean (TableID, TableName).

Any good way to have Access loop through the list of tables in tblTablesToClean, each time passing the name of the table into the DELETE code and running the code, until all tables have been processed?

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Query Results On One Access/Excel Spreadsheet

May 18, 2006

I'm new to Access, but a coworker has a huge project to undertake. There are over 200 queries that produce 1 row results for each query. She's been cutting that row and pasting it into Excel 200 times. Is there an easy way to insert them 1-by-1 into Excel or prefereably Access?

BTW, the columns are the same on the query results. I'll keep investigating while I wait for the experts to answer.

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Looking For Example Of Exporting Query Results To Excel Template

Jan 27, 2008

Hi all,

I'm not very experienced with Access. I'm looking for a very simple sample of how to export Query results to an Excel Template document. Especially to specific cell references. Would anyone have one to share. I'm trying to get my head around the concept first.

I may have to use Access 2000 and later versions to run the database, so do I have to cater for both DAO and ADO?

Thanks in advance for any help

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Queries :: Exported Data Changes To 2 Decimal Places From None

Feb 14, 2014

I'm exporting a query that has currency values in with no decimal places but when it's viewed in excel it has 2 decimal places! I've changed the properties in the query to none, how to stop this from happening? I'm using 2003.

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Queries :: Pass Through Query Slow Until Change Search Criteria

May 21, 2014

I have an access 2007 database connect to sql server 2008.I am running a pass though query to search between two dates (this query has been fine for years)

If I now run any search using parameters from 26th March 2014 to date - the query takes 10+ minutes to run.If I then change the date to 25th March 2014 to date - it runs in a nano second.I have not changed the back tables and I have not changed the format the data is saved in.

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