Queries :: Pats Received By Month - Sum In Groups Of 12
May 8, 2014
I have a query that lists the total number of parts received by month. I would like to be able to compare those monthly totals with a rolling 12 month total. I've been able to get the rolling 12 month total, but I can only get it to work for one 12 month period.
Is there a way to get a 12 month total for each month? In other words for April, I would like a 12 month total of May 2013 through April 2014. For May, I would like a 12 month total of June 2013 through May 2014. Is that possible? If so, how would you go about doing it?
I have a field in my table titled REL_MONTH that shows a negative number for how many months ago something is (i.e. 00 = May, -1 = April, -2 = March).
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Apr 10, 2015
I would like to create a query to show only the Work Orders that all parts ordered have been received.For the Work Order, each part ordered has a "complete" yes/no checkbox.If I use that field in the criteria of the query, it does return only parts that are "complete." However, it still shows me a Work Order where there are parts ordered but not received "not complete." how to set the query to exclude those cases and only return Work Orders that all parts ordered on the Work Order are received "complete."
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Jun 12, 2014
I have the below listed expression, which will give me the earliest date of when documents were received.
However, if I only have a date in the "B - Datasheets" field, it will not appear on my report because it starts off "isnull".
How can I end the expression to use this date field if there are no other dates?
Submittal: IIf(Not IsNull([BID_PO]![B - Datasheets]) And [BID_PO]![B - Datasheets]<[BID_PO]![C - Curves (Performance Data)] And [BID_PO]![B - Datasheets]<[BID_PO]![D - Schematics] And [BID_PO]![B - Datasheets]<[BID_PO]![E - Drawings],[BID_PO]![B - Datasheets],IIf(Not IsNull([BID_PO]![C - Curves (Performance Data)]) And [BID_PO]![C - Curves (Performance Data)]<[BID_PO]![D - Schematics] And [BID_PO]![C - Curves (Performance Data)]<[BID_PO]![E - Drawings],[BID_PO]![C - Curves (Performance Data)],IIf(Not IsNull([BID_PO]![D - Schematics]) And [BID_PO]![D - Schematics]<[BID_PO]![E - Drawings],[BID_PO]![D - Schematics])))
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May 5, 2014
I am trying to create a database that will keep track of the orders placed for a given part number by month. Currently, my table houses the part number, and the ordered amount for the past three years by month (there are thirty-five columns for every part). My column headings are ORDER_MAY_2013, etc. I would like to set a query up that will look at the column headings and pull the amounts ordered for each part for the past twelve months. In other words, I have three years of data in my table. In my query, I just want one year. However, I don't want to have to rewrite the query every month so that it will pick up the new data. Is there a way to accomplish this?
Is there a better way to build this database? I thought about just have four columns in my table - PART_NUMBER, ORDER_MONTH, ORDER_YEAR, ORDER_AMOUNT. The only problem there, is that every part (there are about 450 parts) would have to be listed 35+ times. That seemed too redundant to me, so I built the table this way. However, now I am having trouble querying against it.
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Oct 14, 2013
I have a query that will sort groups of zip codes using the following expression: Between [T_ZipRange]![StartZip] And [T_ZipRange]![EndZip]. The first and last zip codes are entered and the expression returns the zip codes between the "start" and "end" range. The problem is that if a zip code is only 5 digits: xxxxx- instead of xxxxx-xxxxx, the zip code will show up in other sorts. The zip code field is a text field. How can I limit the sort, based on the number of digits in the zip code?
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Mar 16, 2014
creating a query with a running sum (cumulative total) across two categories. I need to accumulate Wages by employee, by calendar year for every day/every job worked. I have a table containing over 33,000 records, the years span from 2009 to 2014 with multiple employees.
The Dsum option I have found on the internet is too time-consuming and locks up my query for the over 33,000 records I need to generate results for. It needs to be a SQL statement. Although all the SQL statement I have tried simply total all Wages for every entry ever made in the column, instead of per calendar year, per employee.
Here are my fields:
Calyear = Ascending
Employee Name = Ascending
WorkDate = Ascending
There may be more than one entry per day per employee in a given year. This is so I can calculate certain payroll taxes which are based on cumulative wages amounts.
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May 18, 2013
I've a club database the records score for juniors on age groups that are set as of the 1st January each year. I would like to set this automatically from the date of birth. I have found some code that is very close to what I need apart from the fact it groups on the exact DOB resulting in changes to age group mid year.
'----------------------------Code Start--------------------------------
Public Function AgeGroup(dtmBirthDate As Date) As String
Dim intAge As Integer
'Age Calculation
intAge = DateDiff("yyyy", [dtmBirthDate], Now()) + _
Int(Format(Now(), "yyyy") < Format([dtmBirthDate], "yyyy"))
Select Case intAge
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Dec 29, 2014
I have a number of groups in a particular database. These are based on the month that they relate to, but they are also split into four separate groups for each month. So for example, I will have four groups for November 2014:
November 2014 Raw Data (which contains linked tables in another database)
November 2014 (which contains the bulk of the queries that are used for processing)
November 2014 Reporting (which are the queries that are used for month end reporting - obviously)
November 2014 Misc (anything that doesn't fit into the above, although there are always queries in these groups)
Now, I have been using this database since 2012, so as you can imagine there are quite a significant number of groups. Adding queries to new groups for each new month is therefore starting to take a while by scrolling down to the bottom... Is there a way to do this by using VBA? It would save a bit of time each month.
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Aug 12, 2013
I have built a query that lists all the members in a group aged 15 to 18. Now I need to build another query that counts a subsection of that group (the number who gained employment in the quarter) and express this as a percentage of the whole of the 15 - 18 group.
I presume I can use the original query to get the number of 15 - 18 year olds. I can write the query to calculate the subset of 15 - 18 year olds who gained employment, but how do I get the total numbers of the groups and express them as a percentage?
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Feb 17, 2015
I am trying to do is to make a for loop to insert multiple text fields in on table.
Depending on the counter (Zaehler) it should insert that representing text field. for example if Zeahler is 1 it should input whatever is inside the text field KVP_Kfm1 if its 2 then it should input the textfield KVP_Kfm2 and so on. here is the code that I'm trying to work but sadly it wont.I believe that the mistake is that my syntax is wrong but i cant figure out what is right.
For Zaehler = 0 To (Forms!frmCMP!txtAuslaufjahr - Forms!frmCMP!txtAnlaufjahr)
SQL = "INSERT INTO tblLifecycle_Projektion(ID_Berichtstand, KVP_Kfm, KV P_technisch, AeJ, MoPf, skAe, MiBst, Sonstige_Effekte, " & _
"KVP_technisch_FTR, KVP_Kfm_FTR, AeJ_FTR, MoPf_FTR, sk Ae_FTR, Sonstige_Effekte_FTR, Jahr) VALUES " & _
[Code] ....
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Jan 3, 2014
I have a query with about 7500 records that are grouped as follows and sorted by Mtr_Reading
ID Name Event_Start_Time _Hour, Mtr_Reading
2210 XYZ 7/15/2013 13:00 17 150
2210 XYZ 7/15/2013 13:00 14 143
2210 XYZ 7/15/2013 13:00 16 115
2210 XYZ 7/15/2013 13:00 15 110
2210 XYZ 7/15/2013 13:00 13 100
2210 XYZ 7/16/2013 12:00 12 100
2210 XYZ 7/16/2013 12:00 17 150
2210 XYZ 7/16/2013 12:00 14 147
2210 XYZ 7/16/2013 12:00 13 113
2210 XYZ 7/16/2013 12:00 18 110
2210 XYZ 7/16/2013 12:00 15 100
There are about 75 distinct sets of ID's and Names not shown here
The rows were sorted by the Mtr_Readings and we have to take the best four readings out of each group and average them. If a group has more than four rows then the top 4 are taken out and the balance is discarded. If the group has four rows or less all of the rows are taken.
I did try nested select statements and kept getting "invalid argument to function" exceptions.
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Aug 16, 2007
I need some advice on what is the best way to import data. I have a access 2003 database that tracks converter boxes that my company sends out for repair. Currently they have a excel file that is imported into the tables which establishes the converters that are out being fixed. When they come back from service they enter the date manually from the packing slip by searching for the converter in the forms search. We now are able to get the received converters on a excel spreadsheet. Is there a way to import the date from the excel file to the access table. Any advice would be great.
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Sep 15, 2006
I want to run a query that returns only records where we haven't received 2 items for them from a possible 4. I can't seem to get my head around it!
At the moment I have:-
Recd Date 1Recd Date 2Recd Date 3Recd Date 4
Is Null Is Null
Is Null Is Null
Is Null Is Null
Is Null Is Null
Is Null Is Null
Is Null Is Null
But obviously this isn't correct as it would return all records! I only want to show records, which haven't got 2 received dates.
I thought about counting the number of received dates in a record but wasn't sure how to code this up?
Any ideas gratefully received!
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Oct 12, 2005
I'm a novice Access 2003 user who doesn't know any VBA. I've been trying to devise a database for a college library to record which newspapers are delivered each day. I have 2 tables at the moment: Newspapers and Deliveries.
Newspapers consists of Name (primary key), Price, and a Yes/No field for each day of the week. Deliveries consists of Name and Date.
My problem is in constructing a form to deal with selecting which papers have been delivered each day. The Yes/No field for each newspaper should be used to choose which ones to show on the form (i.e. some newspapers are delivered weekly on certain days and I don't want these showing on the other days).
Any help appreciated.
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Feb 18, 2014
I'm trying to add items received to my inventory table. If the item is already in the table, I just want to update the number and cost etc. If the item is not in the inventory table I want to add it. My problem is determining which item in the source table is already in the target table so I can either update of add. how to find an item number in target table by looping through the source table?
Here's the code I've written which doesn't work.
Dim I As Integer
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim rs2 As Recordset
Set rs = Nothing
Set rs2 = Nothing
Set db = CurrentDb
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Jan 29, 2013
I am trying to convert a CSV file that I receive from UPS to a simpler table. I have over 3000 entries from 25 different locations and I need to evaluate the shipping cost. Is there a way in Access to convert the file as attached or should I be trying to use Excel?
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Jul 22, 2014
I'm trying to automate some processes. My company uses Outlook 2010 and every day we need to go into our "Sent" folder and rename the Subject line of all of our sent emails. We change the subject to a standardized format depending on the content of the email and who the email was sent to. These are then used as part of an equation to tally our Transactions Per Hour. (TPH)
I've already designed a small Access 2010 utility to track the TPH, but I would like to add the functionality to parse some data from the subject lines of my "Sent" folder, and automatically make changes to save some time.
Here is my thought process:
- Click "Process Sent Emails" button from TPH utility.
- Access runs through each email in the "Sent" folder (or perhaps only selected emails) and changes the Subject line per simple Select Case criteria (I can figure that part out).
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May 7, 2013
My department handles all two-way email communication with our customers. We have 8 different email addresses that we use depending on the customer service issue. I'm looking for a way to continuously collect 3 pieces of data from every email that is received: 1) Date Received, 2) Time Received, and 3) To Field (which of the 8 email addresses it was sent to).
As you can imagine the collection of this data to look for trends to assist with staffing needs, as well as analyze build reports for the company to review. I've been working with my IT department on this but they are not sure where to start. My guess is that I need to have them collect the data as it is coming into the email server, right? I'm good with VB and I've built some VBA scripts recently that collect Outlook information, but these only work if the computer I'm using stays on all the time which is not always practical. We'd like to have this database stored on one of our shared drives which collects this data indefinitely from our email server.
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Mar 4, 2014
I have a database that I use for keeping track of clients and printing invoices using a form/sub-form and report/sub-report. I want an image to be visible on my sub-report when I choose Received Payment in my sub-form. Right now I have my image set to visible = no.
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Jan 12, 2013
How to use combo box that drops down the date received from which the user can select todisplay "receipt form" on and after that date. [need to use macro]
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Apr 9, 2014
I have a table set up like:
Only want to show the last of each payment per month in form based on query.
So if they have a payment in April of $900 on 4/15 and then a payment in May 5/2 $500 and May 15 $1000
It will show two rows...one for April $900 payment and one for May $1000 payment.
I know the logic is something like
If more than one payment row for month, show last, otherwise only one payment for that month show the one payment.
I tired just setting hte "last" paramater but it only shows the very last payment, not taking month into account. So it only shows the $1000 may payment. thx
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Apr 5, 2006
I always have a problem getting this to work without a lot of effort and I know it should be easier than I make it out to be. Problem is say I have a bunch of records I need to summarize by month. Say Dec 05, Jan 06, Feb 06, etc. When I bring down the date col, I do something like:
Format([date],"mmm - yy")
And do a totals query with a second col that returns say a count for each period. This works fine except that when I sort I get Dec 05, Feb 06, Jan 06, etc.
How can I do this with out having to create a third col to do the sorting stuff? Should I somehow wait until the data gets to the report to do the date format stuff???
:confused: :confused:
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Sep 27, 2013
I am using the following code to get results from next month,
which works great to get next months results. I try to get what is left of this month by adding the code:
Between Now() And Month([ptdate])=Month(Now())+1
This actually gives me results from July and August, eventhough it is Sept.Basically I want the results from the remainder of this month until the end of next month.
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Aug 17, 2015
I have 31 checkbox to determinate which day of month to be in calendar with
Code : iif([01]=-1;cdate("01/" & [month] & "/2015");cdate("01/01/2001")
In the query to get date field to compare to paid date for that customer...
Now for list unpaid date I have all the customer who has date after today so I think about criteria >date() but I have all customer that have date before today and after today...
I need a new calculated filed with date in calendar checkbox to determinate the oldest date, do you have a better formula then this?
IIf([31]=-1;cdate("31/"& [month] & "/2015"; _
IIf([30]=-1;cdate("30/"& [month] & "/2015"; _
IIf([29]=-1;cdate("29/"& [month] & "/2015"; _
IIf([01]=-1;cdate("01/"& [month] & "/2015";"")))))))))))))))))))))))
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Jun 4, 2015
I want to be able to find duplicate numbers in the "claim #" field that exceed 20 within the "date of service" field for a month. I have a date box which allows me to select data from only one month at a time or all. What I'd like to be able to do is group the results by month. Currently it is only matching numbers by day not month.
SELECT HMR.[Claim #], Count(HMR.[Org #]) AS Total, HMR.[Date of Service], Count(HMR.[Date of Service]) AS [CountOfDate of Service]
GROUP BY HMR.[Claim #], HMR.[Date of Service]
[Code] ......
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Feb 6, 2014
I have a query that I need to total by each month of the year. Field names and types are as follows
Month (Date/Time)
PoliceResponse (1 or 0)
TerminalCheckTrue (1 or 0)
RampCheckTrue (1 or 0)
AOACheckTrue (1 or 0)
TotalTerminalRampAOA (TerminalCheckTrue + RampCheckTrue + AOACheckTrue)
TotalChecks (PoliceResponse+TerminalCheckTrue + RampCheckTrue + AOACheckTrue)
Now, I need to just get the total of each of these fields per month for the entire year. So it would look like
Jan, MonthlyPoliceResponse, MonthlyTerminalChecks, etc...
Feb, MonthlyPoliceResponse, MonthlyTerminalChecks, etc...
Mar, MonthlyPoliceResponse, MonthlyTerminalChecks, etc...
Below is a sample from the query. I guess Im just not sure where to start since there are multiple months the same value, but i need them to total up..
SELECT DISTINCTROW tblBlotter.ID, Format$([tblBlotter].[EntryDate],'mmmm yyyy') AS [Month], Sum(IIf([CKPoliceResponse],1,0)) AS PoliceResponseTrue, Sum(IIf([CKTerminalCheck],1,0)) AS TerminalCheckTrue, Sum(IIf([CKRampCheck],1,0)) AS RampCheckTrue, Sum(IIf([CKAOACheck],1,0)) AS AOACheckTrue, ([TerminalCheckTrue]+[RampCheckTrue]+[AOACheckTrue]) AS TotalTerminalRampAOA, ([PoliceResponseTrue]+[TerminalCheckTrue]+[RampCheckTrue]+[AOACheckTrue]) AS TotalChecks
FROM tblBlotter
GROUP BY tblBlotter.ID, Format$([tblBlotter].[EntryDate],'mmmm yyyy'), Year([tblBlotter].[EntryDate])*12+DatePart('m',[tblBlotter].[EntryDate])-1, Year([tblBlotter].[EntryTime])*12+DatePart('m',[tblBlotter].[EntryTime])-1;
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