Queries :: Query Not Recognizing Form Value

Jun 11, 2013

I have a query that serves as the data source for a report. Previously, I had a unit cost value that the User entered as a parameter, but I wound up adding an unbound text box on my form so that I could validate the input before executing the query. So now, the parameter is coming from a form. The text below is from my query, but Access still pops up with a parameter box as though Expr3 is undefined.

Expr3: [Forms]![BridgeRptsF]![CostSF]

I have verified that the field name on the form is correct, and whenever I try to run the report, I do it from the [BridgeRptsF] form and I make sure the CostSF field is populated. I feel like this is a pretty straightforward fix but I've not stumbled upon it yet.

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Query Not Recognizing OrderID Field From Form

Nov 8, 2006


I am running a append query from a button.

In the query, I have set the OrderID criteria to:
Whenever I try to run the query from the open form & subform, an Access 'Enter Parameter Value' window pops up.

I would like to use this Criteria for many different features in my db (SendObject, etc.), but I cannot find how to set the OrderID based on the current form.

If anyone can see what I am doing wrong, I would appreciate your help!


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Queries :: Not Recognizing Expression As A Valid Field Name When Applying Data To A Chart

Jun 18, 2015

So I'm new to Access, and I am trying use a query that can be referred to by a chart. So the idea is that I use the query to select data only from the date range that the user chooses on the home screen of the database for their chart (using the command Between [Forms]![Home Screen]![From] And [Forms]![Home Screen]![to])..Although it has been working fine for charts that only have two parameters, when I attempted to make a line graph that sorts by 3 parameters (i.e. date and amount for different types of something), it stops. I get the message that "The Microsoft Office Access database does not recognize [Forms]![Home Screen]![From] as a valid field name or expression" or something to that effect.I'd rather not remove the whole specification created by using the dates from the home screen, as it has been working fine on all other aspects of my charts and reports.

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Tables :: Form Not Recognizing A New Record Until Closed And Reopened

Aug 1, 2014

I have a form for which the Record Source is a certain table. Then on that form there is a button to display another form, which adds a new record to the same table. Then the new form is closed.The trouble is, the original form cannot search for the new record, until you close the form and reopen it.I have tried using Me.Dirty is false, and also a requery of the original form, but nothing works. Only closing the form and reopening it will display the newly added record.What can I do to make the original form recognize the newly added record?

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Access Not Recognizing Numbers After Run Update Query To Revise Values In One Column

Oct 25, 2014

Access doesn't seem to recognize the values in a table I am updating. I am using an update query to revise prices in a column Titled "Price". I am comparing the prices in the Price column to the prices in another column with a simple IIF statement (i.e., IIF([Price]=[Column2Price],"Yes","No"). However, oddly, the formula produces a "No" result, even when the prices are plainly the same values, and all formatting for both columns is the same. Whenever I manually type over the price with the same value, the formula works and Access seems to work as intended. For example, I simply type "12.95" over the same value that is displaying in the column that I updated that is already showing "12.95". Then, after I do that, the formula works and produces a "Yes" value.

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Macro Not Recognizing Text Box Value

Sep 17, 2011

I have a text box on a sub-form that you can double-click to bring up another form that filters records based on the value in that text box you double-click. It used to work, but for some reason, it's no longer able to find the value in the text box so I get that little pop-up window asking for the value of the field I'm trying to reference.

What are the possible causes for this?

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System Not Recognizing Date Input

Sep 15, 2004

I have a form where the user inputs a date into a combo box and then selects a command button.

There are two options:
1. The user can select an exiting entry (by date from the combo box) to edit a existing entry.
2. to create a new entry they enter a new date (not in the combo box).
Then the user selects a command button.

The command button has an onClick macro where the value in the combo box is checked (IsNull([Combo40]))

If the "IsNull([Combo40])" is true a message box is presented saying the date field is blank.

The problem is (finally) if you enter a new date "3/3/04" and forget to hit the enter key the system doesn't recognize the entry, in other words the "IsNull([Combo40])" evaluates to TRUE.

We currently have the msgBox remind the user to hit the enter key but that seems a little low tech. Is there anyway to look at the field and see the data even though the user forgot to hit the enter key??


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Modules & VBA :: Expression Builder IIF Not Recognizing Text

Jan 14, 2015

what's wrong with this iif statement?

=IIf([Details]="COST OF PRODUCT",[PerUnit]*[Quantity],0)

it keeps coming back with 0 even when the text says COST OF PRODUCT

I have also tried:
=IIf([Details]="COST OF PRODUCT*",[PerUnit]*[Quantity],0)
=IIf([Details] Like "COST OF PRODUCT",[PerUnit]*[Quantity],0) =IIf([Details] Like "COST OF PRODUCT*",[PerUnit]*[Quantity],0)

I'm using the expression builder to create it in a total box in the report footer, I have a box that gives me the total of the report using a sum and I need to show the cost of product separately to this as I need to use it in another calculation.

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Modules & VBA :: Loop Through Recordset Not Recognizing Next Move?

Aug 27, 2014

So I have a table "zztblArticles." Some fields should go to "tblArticles" and values in Tag_ID should go to a lookup table "tblTag" and a junction table "tblArticles_Tags." I'll explain the code I've written below:

Private Sub cmdSubmit_Click()

Dim db As Database
Dim strINSERT As String
Dim strVALUES As String
Dim rszztblArticles As DAO.Recordset

[Code] ....

The first loop through works fine, I get the records uploaded to all tables. The second loop through fails at

intArticleID = DLookup("ID", "tblArticles", "Sourcing_Date = " & !Sourcing_Date)

Because it can't decide which ID value to use. This is because the value has been duplicated in tblArticles after the code acts on the same record again. It has completely failed to move to the next record in the recordset, despite the .MoveNext before the Loop!

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Queries :: Display 10 Queries In One Query Or In One Form?

Aug 15, 2013

I have a database from sharepoint which has 250 fields based on a survey. I imported the database into Access where I made 10 queries.

I want to know is there a way to display those 10 queries in one queries or in one form.

Given that some queries has result to display and others haven't yet.

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Queries :: Using A Form And Like In A Query

Aug 14, 2013

I am driving a query through a form and everything works fine....except when the first letter of the field is the same..

So here is my criteria...Like [Forms]![frm_Delinquency By Tier]![Tier/Program] & "*"

I only want the results if the Tier/Program matches what I have selected. If I select B for example, it returns the results for B and anything else in that field that starts with B. I have a Business Tier/Program and so I get results for both B and Business.

My question is, how to set the criteria up so that I only get B when I select B and not anything that starts with that letter.

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Queries :: Going From A Query To A Form

Feb 28, 2014

Is there anyway to enable a query that pulls up just the basic information from a table and then click on the primary key field to open up a form I have created that contains all the information in a table in a more user friendly form that I created.

The two images attached show the data sheet results of a simple query. I'd like to be able to click on the JT# for each record (i.e. 201400426838) in the data sheet (query result1.jpg) and have it automatically open the form as shown in (resulting form.jpg).

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Queries :: Post To Query From Form

Aug 31, 2013

I have a from where users select from one of four Options. The Print putton on the form enters text into an unbound textbox based on the selection. Here is the code:

If Me.optWhichList = 1 Then
Me.txtWhichList = WHAT TO PUT HERE
ElseIf Me.optWhichList = 2 Then
Me.txtWhichList = "LS"
ElseIf Me.optWhichList = 3 Then
Me.txtWhichList = "AS"
Else: Me.txtWhichList = "SM"

In the Query I have teh Criteria as

Works fine for options 2, 3 and 4 which choose the relevant criteria in the corresponding Query, but I want Option 1 to select all records. What do I put there so that all records are selected (i.e., no criteria)

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Queries :: One Parameter Form For Several Query

Jul 9, 2014

I have always used parameter forms for inputing query/report criteria. However, they have always been for one query or report. However, all searches I have done for trying to use one form for several queries all I find is a simple response of "Create a form and then direct all the queries to grab the parameter from the form.". Sounds simple enough but I can never get it to work.

I have created a macro that runs 12 Append queries. I have also created a parameter form that has an unbound combo box. The combo box is fed by a query that gathers all the Data Dates for the user to select from. So if there are 24 different data dates then the combo box displays them all.

I tried creating a macro that first opens the form then opens the query, however, it runs the query before I can finish entering the criteria in the form. Then I just get a pop up of "You are about to append 0 records..."I have found several walk-throughs for having a query use a form to grab parameter, but have not been able to find one that shows you how to set up one form to run several queries.

I keep trying to find an answer, then give up and continue manually entering 12 dates for 12 queries when they pop up after running the macro. Now I need to create a macro that runs 24 queries and I don't want to have to go through 24 parameter pop-ups.

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Queries :: Filtering Query Based On Form

Jan 16, 2014

I have a form named form1. In the form I have two unbound text boxes formated as general date; startdate and enddate are the text box names. In my query criteria for the ContactDateTime field I put the following code

[Forms]![Form1]![StartDate] And [Forms]![Form1]![EndDate]

When I run it I don't get any results. So it runs but no records come up. I have about five queries that run when I click a button and I want to be able to just select start and end dates once on the form and have all the quieries run.

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Queries :: Using A Form Selection As A Query Field

Oct 24, 2013

I've inherited a database that has a table with a large number of Yes/No fields. Apart from normalizing the database, I was wondering if the following was possible:

ContractTable has Yes/No Fields for rights granted for each order (television, dvd, internet etc).

Using a form, the user selects the specific right they'd like to run a report on - selecting this right from a drop-down menu, this is labelled "RightsCombo21" on the form.

When the button is clicked, the right selected is now the "Field" section of the query.

The SQL query right now looks like this (shows all rights sold for the territory):

WHERE ((([Contract Table].[Contract Cancelled])=False) AND (([Contract Table].[Contract End Date])>Now()) AND (([Contract Table].[Contract Type])="License Agreement") AND ((ContractIDAndCountry.CountryName)=[Forms]![TerritorySpecificRightsChooser]![TerritoryCombo7]));

I'd like to add something to this WHERE statement:

AND (([Contract Table].RightsCombo21)=True)

Not sure if it's a syntax issue, or I'm attempting something that isn't possible.

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Queries :: Query By Text Box In A Form Errors

Jun 19, 2013

I have a table that stores the criteria that the query is supposed to pull from so that when a user logs into my database, it reads that the person is part of a sepcific unit and then pulls that specific criteria and places it in a text box on a form. When they click a button on that form, it then opens the form that is connected to the query. The data type for the field I need criteria for is a number, so the criteria that shows up in the text box is this "1 or 3 or 5" so that it shows those specific numbers. If i put that directly into the query, it works just fine, but if I try to connect it from the text box in the form, it gives me a "data mismatch error" or an error explaining that criteria is too vast for access to pull the information. How do I make it read the information in there so that I dont have to create 1000 forms for each different unit.


Field: Unit
Table: Master Log Data
Criteria: 1 or 2 or 3

Works fine!

Field: Unit
Table: Master Log Data
Criteria: [Forms]![Selector]![Criteria]

The text box that is referenced in the criteria in the query says 1 or 2 or 3 and then I get an error... If the information is the same, why does it work when I place it in the query specifically, but not when its in the text box?

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Queries :: Search Query Based On Form?

Nov 13, 2013

I am unable to get multiple search output using the below code in queries, the search text is based on form :

Search form name : Find
Query name : Search
Table name : Sheet1

The above works fine if it is only used in one of the fields, but as soon as I have it in multiple fields the output is null.

I am aware that i can used Like "*" code, but the thing I want to find records which are perfectly matching based on the form.

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Queries :: 2 Tables To Query To Form Then Back?

Oct 1, 2013

I have a database for contacts and inventory, and im having a issue with the contacts part of it.

I have 2 tables, 1 table is a list of contacts with their name, contact information and the facility they work at. The other table, carries all the information for the facility(the tables are in a one to many relationship with this)

I have a query that brings them together and displays them on a spreadsheet form. This worked when it was all one table, but with the 2 tables, you cant edit stuff in form and have it go back to the tables . what would be the best way to make it editable. I separated the forms out like this so that if a facilities name changed, it could be fixed easily throughout the database.

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Queries :: Form Input Not Being Recognized By Query

Jul 10, 2013

I maintain a grade book application that uses many queries whose results are determined by "school year". Most of these are reports and I have a combo box on the Print form for that allows the user to select the school year. The criteria field of the several queries derived by school year is:

[Forms]![Main Navigation]![Print Form]![SchoolYear]
SchoolYear being the combo box control.

They work fine.

I have now added a function to export data to Excel. This is done in a VBA module and I am using a query to select data for the record set I use to write to Excel:

Set objRst = Application.CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strQueryName)

When I hard code the school year in the query criteria field (i.e. "2012-2013") the process works fine, but if I revert the query to point to the print form field as above, I get an empty recordset.

The Excel export is executed from a control on the Print Form, so the form is open and the combo has data showing, just as it is when a report is run whose data is derived from a query.

When I execute the query from the VBA module, the query is not getting the school year selected on the Print form passed to it properly.

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Queries :: Set Query Criteria From A Text Box On A Form

Feb 26, 2014

I'm trying set the query criteria from a textbox on a form. It's a Status field in the query. 1 = Open, 2 = Closed. If I set the criteria to "1" it shows all open, "2" and it shows all closed and "1" or "2" it shows all. The problem I'm having is setting these in the form. I've set the query to pull the value from the form. I can get the Open or Closed to work but not the All. My textbox shows exactly how the criteria should read "1" or "2" but doesn't show any results.

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Queries :: Refresh Values In A Form According To A Query

Oct 16, 2013

I have a form that has a dropbox list and I want the values of the form to change according to the value in the dropbox.For example:

When the dropbox contains the value A,
The form would display x=1, y=2, z=3.

When the dropbox contains the value B,
The form would display x=4, y=5, z=6.

I managed to create a query that opens the QUERY's results according to the value in the dropbox but I can't managed to run the query in the form, return the values according to the query and display them in the form.

I searched the internet and found many options including the Dcount command but I don't think it fits my case..I know I have to write something in the AfterUpdate field of the dropbox but I just can't figure out what it is...

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Queries :: Get Form VBA Variables Into Query Where Clause

May 18, 2015

I understand I cannot easily run a SELECT * WHERE ... query in VBA ?

I want to run a simple Select query but use variables from the Form vba for the WHERE clause selections.

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Queries :: Create A Form To Run Append Query

Jul 19, 2013

I am creating a database for users that no nothing about access nor do they want to learn. So the database needs to be as simple as possible.

This being the case I would like to avoid users from creating/editing querys.

I would like to have a form that would run the append query. The query would have a date column and a status column that the query would filter.

The query would have a criteria for status that would equal to "BACKED OUT" and the date would need to link to the two text fields on the form. My problem is writing the VBA code to make the query append in the background.

For sake of argument:
Query = qryappend
Form = frmappend
Table = tblappend

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Queries :: Wildcard In Query Fed From A Search Form

Jan 9, 2014

I have built a search form to feed information to a query. The form uses combo boxes tied to table values, and all have wild cards built into them so if the user leaves the combo box they get all the records. I also have to text boxes representing start date and end date. I would like to allow the user to leave these blank and get all there as well. I have been looking through my one Access book, as well as searched all over the internet, but I cant seem to find the way to do this. My filter criteria for the text based combo boxes are like this:

Like "*" & [Forms]![ReportDesignF]![Company] & "*"

My filter criteria for the Start and End Dates looks like this:

Between [Forms]![ReportDesignF]![StartDate] And [Forms]![ReportDesignF]![EndDate]+#11:59:59 PM#

In this case of the user leaves the date values blank, the query returns nothing. I would like to return all dates if that is the case. I am assuming it is my lack of knowledge of wild cards and how they work with date values.

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Queries :: Update Query With Form Field

Mar 27, 2014

i have two tables one is "empdata" and other is "consolidate data".In consolidate data ,i have all personal and salary data for one year of each employee but i update some employee data in empdata now i want to update each employee updated data to update in consolidate data. i want to do it with update query which run with form,is form i want create 2 combo box, 1st is employee name and 2nd is field name(which to be updated i.e. Date of birth)now i have one text box (in which i enter the value for update in employee data i.e.04/05/1976(date of birth)).how can i link this form to my update query as

1st combo box value is equal to creteria,
2nd combo box is equal to field in consolidate

and text box is value for updation...

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