Queries :: Qurey To Link With Target Date

Dec 24, 2014

I have to make a query using the following case, I have two tables, in the first table i have the materials and its received date and in my second table i have the month the target date for every month to receive the material. Now linking this two tables, i want to see the from the first table on every month hom many materails i received after the target date how to do this.

Table 1
Field1 Date
Field2 Month
Field3 Material
Field4 received_date

Table 2
Field1 Month
Field2 Target_date

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Modules & VBA :: Add 7 Days To Todays Date To Store Target Date In Table

Dec 9, 2014

How can I add 7 days in todays date to store target date in the table?

ssql = "Insert into tblUpdate([Update_ID],[Date],Username,Status,Target_Date) values('" & j & "',#" & Format(Date, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "#,'" & k & "','Open')"
CurrentDb.Execute ssql, dbFailOnError

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Queries :: Extract Day Of Week From A Date To Link To Data

Dec 8, 2014

I want to use the expression Date() in a query to get today's date and then format this to "ddd" to give me the day of the week.

I then want to link this "ddd" to data in my table that contains the three letter days of the week.

How do I make the day become "static" in order to be able to link.

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Queries :: Link Table To Represent Data - Format Text As Date

Nov 15, 2013

I have a link table that has a field that represents dates - but they are actually just text. It's a long story but the source is not going to change - so I have to try and deal with it. I need it to behave as a date - and am hoping to do this in a query. The data looks like this:


I have tried various things but it does not seem to totally do the trick - if I sort on it it still does not sort as one would expect from an actual date field. How do I do this?

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Search Qurey

Oct 14, 2005

i have created some search querys for my form and the results are shown in a table but i want them to show them in the form which they are refering to?

Any ideas how to do this

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Can This Qurey Be Modified ?

Aug 19, 2006

(this is a pop up display)

I have this code in a Query...
[Type in your product, such as mtt20]

Once you type in the product it will go
and find it and display it.

My question is :
Is there a way to modify this so it will
allow me to enter more than one product
and then go and get the results.
Preferrably the easiest way possible as I
am a new user of access and no program

thank you...

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If Condetion In The Qurey

Sep 22, 2007

Dear all,

I wount to wirte IF condetion in the access , can any boday help me in this

If the sales more then 10% = 25
if the sales more then 15% = 30
if the sales more then 20% = 35
if the sales more then 25 = 40

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Qurey- Where Issue

Nov 2, 2007

I have a list box that is updated by a query, here is my query:
__________________________________________________ _______________
SELECT [Work Order Content].[WO ID], [Work Order Content].[Work Order Number], [Work Order Content].[WO Date Ordered], [Work Order Content].[WO Date Needed]
FROM [Work Order Content]
WHERE ([Work Order Content].[Work Order Number]=Forms![open Doc]![WO Number]) Or ([Work Order Content].[WO date ordered]=Forms![open Doc]![WO date ordered])
ORDER BY [Work Order Content].[WO ID];
__________________________________________________ _______________

In the form I have textboxes to set the criteria, what I want is for this to be subtractive, when I open the form all Work Orders are shown and as I change criteria it weeds out Work orders that don't fit the criteria. What must I change to fulfill this requirement. I personally was thinking there must be something better than 'OR' to use, but I really have no idea.

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Shortcut Target Not Valid

Dec 3, 2005

Trying to make a shortcut to join the workgroup and open a Db.

I made a shortcut for a Db, the shortcut defalt target was:

I edited the target line to:
/wrkgrp ”X:RC-OfficeRC_OFFICdatabaseMS Access Workgroup.mdw” “X:RC-OfficeRC_OFFICdatabaseProjects.mdb”

I get wrkgrp not vaid target. I put the mdb file path first, I get not vaid target for the path to the Db.
I would rather not put in the whole MS Access program file. This is on a server that I don't know much about. Not sure I would get the program file right.

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Apostrophe In Target Db Name Throws Error

Dec 14, 2007

sql = "SELECT Table1.* INTO Table1 IN '" & sExpFileName & "' FROM Table1"
CustDB.Execute sql

where the sExpFileName contains the path of The Target MS Access DB
The Query works fine. But recently I discovered that if my target File name contains apostrophe It gives error as Query Input must contain at least one table or query

Is there any way to solve this problem. Please suggest me some way

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Delete Query To Target Fields Not Rows?

Sep 5, 2007


I need to know if it is possible to create a delete query which will target particular fields in a row based on certain criteria in a seperate combo box(on same table).

The few ways that I have tried to do this have been unsuccesful so if anyone can shed some light on the subject it would be greatly appreciated.

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Modules & VBA :: Find Combo / Sum That Equals Target Value?

Jul 12, 2013

I want to ensure that employees submitted expenses that were actually valid. In table 'Payments', I have the employee ID and amount paid to that employee's account. In table 'Expenses', I have the employee ID and then the individual expenses the employee submitted. How can I create some VBA to find combinations of the employee's records in 'Expenses' that equal the total amount paid for that same Emp ID in table 'Payments'? My ideal end-result would be a report showing each employee IDs with the expenses and then the amount paid beside it. The below is a good start but I need to make it loop through every unique Employee ID.

remove spaces from URL


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Forms :: Combo Box Works Only When Target Form Is Initialized

Jul 2, 2013

I have two forms. In form 1, there is a combo box that I have set on click to open form 2 in this manner:

Private Sub boxEditEntry_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmSRTEdit", , , "[ControlNumber]=" & Me.boxEditEntry
End Sub

The thing is, this has only worked when Form 2 is already open. I can't figure out why. If Form 2 is not open or has not been opened, the on click will still open Form 2, but not to the value in the combo box, or any value for that matter, it's blank. I really need it open if has not yet been opened or if it has been closed before. Also, I'm fairly new to access and I have no clue what I'm doing in vb.

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Link Tables - Date Type

Jan 26, 2007

Hi there,

Would really appreciate it if someone could help me out!

I have a linked excel table into Access 2000. I have a field named 'PO number'. In excel, the field type is Text. But in Access, it's coming through as a number. Hence, much of the data is being dropped off.

You can't change data type on linked tables.

Anyway got any ideas?



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Link A Text Box To The Last Modified Date

Aug 9, 2006


Does anybody know if I can link a text box on a form so that it reads the last modified date of a text or excel file on my hard drive ?

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General :: How To Link Yes / No Box With Date Field

Aug 5, 2012

I have a form in which I have four yes/no boxes to indicate in which part of the process is the product.

What I want is that when the last box is checked, automatically the field that I have for Closing Date set the date.

Is this possible? and if it is, how and where can I do it?

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Queries :: Link Back To Form From Queries

Aug 8, 2013

I am trying to determine the best method for linking back to a form from Queries.I have a Form that has info filled out for customer service calls that come in. Among which is a case#. From the Log of information stored from these forms queries have been made to organize the info in different ways; all of which have the case#. What I am trying to do is that in looking at a the queries I want them to be able to click on a case number and be transferred to the appropriate form. This way they can update the form as the case progresses.I am trying to improve upon what was created by another.

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Link Queries In Access 2002

Aug 29, 2006


Is it possible to link a query in access 2002? It gives me only tables in the menu. Thanks in advance.


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Queries :: Using Query To Link Tables

Mar 18, 2013

I am working on creating a query to base a form on. I've done it several times in this database, but today, for some reason I cannot figure out how to do it.how I did it before but it looks like the SQL statement got wonky:


SELECT tblEmpInfo.EmpInfoID, tblEmpInfo.EmpIDFK, tblEmpInfo.JobNumberFK, tblEmpInfo.EmpType AS Expr1, tblEmpInfo.CraftCode AS Expr2, tblJobs.JobSite
FROM tblJobs INNER JOIN tblEmpInfo ON tblJobs.JobNum = tblEmpInfo.JobNumberFK;

Basically I have a look up table and all I'm doing is making it so I don't see the Cert ID it just pops up with the description.

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Creating Form To Target Current Record Open In Another Form

Apr 17, 2014

I have three objects a Main_Table , ClientDataForm and a MapForm all three share a common ClientID number

From that Main_Table I have created a ClientDataForm form which I enter all Data

From ClientDataForm I wish to create a button on it which runs a Macro that Saves ClientDataForm Record and then populates another form named MapForm with whatever record is currently open in Form One whether a newly created one or previous record.

How would I write this code for that button? Also why I would write it that way?

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Link From A Table To Specific Query Or Queries

May 23, 2014

I am referencing a table output in excel and when I go into Access to see where the table is pulling data from I get stuck. I go into the table in design view but where the table is getting its data from. I need to know which queries it is getting its data.

Access 2003.

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Queries :: Date / Time Query - Return All Records Of Specified Date Or Date Range

Aug 19, 2015

I have a table that has entries recorded with date and time in one field, and I want to have a query that returns all records of a specified date or date range, regardless of the time in the field.

I have tried

Between [StartDate:] And [EndDate:]


Between [StartDate:] & "00:00" And [EndDate:] & "23:59"

Neither of which work ....

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Queries :: Link External File To Existing Database?

Apr 30, 2013

Basically it's trying to take all the files in a given directory and add them into a existing database.

I have a database called Permit. the database has a field called "SEAL" and they will be creating an additional field "SCART" to hold the contents of the file that exist in the directory. Each image file, in directory, is named the same as a unique record in Permit.

Permit-SC might have unique record 532442
An image file would be name 532442.

If the image file matches a record in Permit the image should be added to permit in a field called "SCART". At this point I'm not certain if I want a link or the actual image included in the record. since there's a possibility of including the permit file on the website it might be cleaner to have it included.

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Queries :: QTREE - Link And Grab Information From 2 Tables

Mar 11, 2015

I have 2 tables, and each table having different information and i want to link those 2 and grab information from both tables.

From below tables, i want to map the Qtree and then grab the rest of the information. for e.g. qtree1 suppose the same as qtree1/a

Table 1
Qtree | Mountpoints | Hostname
qtree1 | MP1 | Host1
qtree1 | MP2 | Host1
qtree2 | MP2 | Host2

Qtree | InstallDate | Owner
qtree1/a | 1-JAn | Vic
qtree2/a | 2-Jan | Gab

Now, How can i map the Qtree since i cant use = as the qtree are different name.

I tried to use LIKE but no luck as well.

btw, in actual... qtree looks like


from above....

/dev or //amsdc1-s-12345.europe.xxx.com/ will appear in the other table to map the rest of information.

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Queries :: Importing Data From Clocking On System To Analyse Worked Hours - Link Paired Record?

Jul 5, 2013

I have been tasked with importing data from a clocking on system to analyse worked hours.

There is no option to amend the format of the export which is not great


The plus indicates a night shift worker
eg started at 19.18 and finished at 5.37 on the 12th

so for every record I have staff id , date, and clock time ( I have stripped out the + ) and created a yes/no field to identify the records where field2 should actually be field2+1

I have sat in query design screen for ages and cant think how on earth I am going to calculate hours worked for a given staff member and date combination.

for every combination of staff id and date there should be 2 records - a clock in and a clock out

I thought about creating new fields clockin and clockout but struggling to see how I can link the 2 "paired" records together

vb script with dlookup for every record ?

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Queries :: Set Up Query Which Responds And Filters By Date (Older Than X Date)

Jul 11, 2014

I currently have a query set up which responds and filters by the date.

I use the current code in the criteria on the query for todays date less 7 days


This works perfectly and I had no problem with it. However I need to adjust the criteria so it is less than 7days ago OR OLDER....

How would I go about doing that?

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