Queries :: Retrieve Records From Specific Month

Mar 10, 2014

I have a query which I'd like to create which would be to retrieve records from a specific month of a specific year, in this format "01/14" "02/13" etc..

Obviously it would need a prompt box for the query for the user to input the month and year.

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DateAdd Function. Retrieve Records That Were Made This Month.

Aug 7, 2006

Hi Guys,

I have an SQL statement that looks something like this:

SELECT * FROM tblBandwidth WHERE (DateCreated > (DateAdd('m',-1,Date())));

So... would that retrieve all the records which are a month old (ie 31 days old, for example), or would it return all of the records that were made in the current month... there is a big difference!

I basically want a way of returning all of the records that were made in the current month.


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Modules & VBA :: Button To Export All Records In Database In Specific Month

Nov 6, 2014

I am trying to create a button on an access form that will prompt the user to enter a search month and then export to excel all records in that database that match that month.

So, if the user prompt "what month" is October, then THE 30 records in the field [receivedate] that are in october (10/XX/XXXX) are exported to excel.

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Queries :: Create A Query With Parameter - Searching For A Specific Month

Nov 22, 2014

I am trying to create a query with a parameter on it, but on a date box, but only searching for a specific month, without regards to the year. So what I want is for me to run the query, a pop up box asks "which month?", I then put in Jan for example, and the results will show all records with the month Jan regardless of the day or year.

Is this possible? If so - whats the code I would use?

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Queries :: Tracking Database - Retrieve Top 100 Records

Jul 24, 2013

I am working on a project where I am creating a database that tracks open orders (old and new orders that still need to be billed but haven't been billed for one reason or another).

I have my "Master" table built and now I need to create 2 queries, one query retrieves the Top 20 orders based on value and that are older then 30 days and the second query is to retrieve the Top 100 orders based on the same criteria but the Top 100 query should not include the orders that appear in the Top 20 query.

My Top 20 query is below


I have tried multiple ways to do the Top 100 query and exclude what is returned in my Top 20 query but so far no success.

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Queries :: Access 2007 - Query To Pull Fri / Sat / Sun Occurrences In A Specific Month?

Jul 7, 2014

Access 2007 query that has a specific date range between #6/1/12014# and #7/1/2014# returns the date I need. How do I now get it to pull just occurrences on Fri Sat and Sun of the month of June?

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Queries :: Mailing List For Specific Month - Date Criteria Query

Jun 11, 2013

I am trying to create a mailing list of patients. Let's say I am creating a mailing list for February. I need the mailing list to consist of people who have had surgery in February from the beginning of the database, and people who have had surgery three months ago, so anyone who had surgery in November. I have created a form that has a button which is connected to a query, the form has a unbound textbox where I can enter the month in (2 for February). Then the query uses the datepart function to search for this month in their date of surgery. But this only gives me people for surgeries with february, how would I get people who have had surgery three months ago in the same query.

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Queries :: General Date Field Criteria - Limit Results To Only Specific Month

Apr 16, 2015

I basically have General Date field (e.g. 10/1/2014 6:34:11 PM) and I want to limit the results to only a specific month and only to show reuslts after 6PM. I tried everything and still stuck.

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Retrieve Specific Contacts

Aug 10, 2006

Hey Everybody,

I have 2 tables, one called [Addresses] and the other called [2006_Contacts]. The table [Addresses] has a number of various fields relating to contact data of people. The [2006_Contact] table has 2 fields [Last Name] and [First Name]. I want to run a query that pulls the contact data from the main [Addresses] table, but only if the contact name ([First Name] and [Last Name]) are present in the table [2006_Contacts].

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Chris C.

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Queries :: Retrieve Records From One Table Where Dates Are Between Records In Another Table

Dec 30, 2013

I have a survey database that I've been using for the last year for monthly auditing of employees files. I need to be able to get monthly audit scores for each employee but grouped by their manager. The problem I'm having is employees have moved between managers throughout the year, so employees that are listed under Manager 2 now were actually working for Manager 1 when the audits occurred.

ie. Audits occurred Jan - April for Employee 1 while they were assigned to Manager 1. Employee 1 moved to Manager 2s team in May. So when running monthly reports for the year Employee 1 audits should fall under Manager 1 for Jan-April and Manager 2 for May-Dec.

I do have a history table set up like:
EmployeeID (FK to Employee table)
ManagerID (FK to Manager table)
MoveDate (date employee assigned to manager)

The Employee table is set up like:
Employee ID (PK)
ManagerID (FK to Manager table)

The Manager table has the ManagerID and ManagerName.

That's the employee side of things; then I have the tables that store the audit results:

EmployeeID (FK to employee table)

AuditID; QstnID (Composite PK, QstnID is FK to tblQuestions)

How can I use AuditDate and MoveDate to relate audits to the managers the employees were under when the audits occurred?

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Queries :: Records From Now Until End Of Next Month

Sep 27, 2013

I am using the following code to get results from next month,



which works great to get next months results. I try to get what is left of this month by adding the code:

Between Now() And Month([ptdate])=Month(Now())+1

This actually gives me results from July and August, eventhough it is Sept.Basically I want the results from the remainder of this month until the end of next month.

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Queries :: Eliminate Records With Dates In Same Month

Jun 17, 2015

I am trying to figure out a logical WHERE condition. I have a Query that gives me data,

Name | Start | End
Paul | 30-May-15 |
Eugin | 21-May-15 | 28-May-15
Francis | 04-Mar-15 | 08-May-15
Samuel | 10-May-15 | 13-May-15

I want to have only Paul and Francis. As Eugin start is 21-05-2015 and End is the same month, so is Samuel's. So I want to eliminate those two records.I have checked pbaldy's web of overlapping records. But unlike that, I need something customised.

Begins and ends before range - we don't want - Yes
Begins before, ends during - we want this one - Yes
Begins and ends during - we want this one too - NO
Begins during and ends after - we also want this one - Yes
Begins and ends after - we don't want this one - Yes
Begins before and ends after - we want this one -NO

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Queries :: Counting Specific Records

Feb 27, 2014

I am working on a Human Resources database for a big project that has a field called 'Position Number' (eg. 290) which is unique for each position. But the position can have up to 4 different stages over the life of the project which is shown in the primary key field 'Position ID' (eg. 290-A, 290-B, 290-C). There are columns for each month of the life of the project and If the Start Date and End Date of the position are in between these months then a number one will appear in the Month column.

For example, position 290 will start at level A (290-A) and will start on Jan-14 and finish on Aug14. The next stage of the project will start and position 290 will do the same role in a different area of the project (290-B) and will start on Nov-14 until May-15. Therefore the 48 columns with months as headings from Jan-14 to Dec-17 will show a number one in those months from Jan-14 to Aug-14 and Nov-14 to May-15.

There are over 150 position numbers with up to 4 different position ID's which is phased throughout the 4 years of the project. I need to do a count of how many "number ones" are in the monthly columns per Position.

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Queries :: Checkbox To Delete Specific Records

Jul 3, 2015

I have a form based on query. Each record has a checkbox.

I would like when activate checkbox to delete the specific record. from a button in the form.

Have not find anything around

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Queries :: Records Active ON Or AFTER A Specific Date

Nov 26, 2014

I have a query from a table (to reduce the number of fields).The list is all the positions people have performed, as person could have one record another could have 10 the number is unlimited.

Fields are:-
-employee ID
-start date

I need to find any records that were active ON or AFTER 01/09/2014. This will be 1 record for most but some could have multiple.I think it makes it more difficult that there is no END DATE.

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Queries :: Count Amount Of Records That Fall In Each Month In Date Complete Field

Sep 13, 2013

i''m currently trying to count the amount of records that fall in each month in the date complete field. i am currently using a count query and it it bringing up the dates not the month.

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Queries :: Use A Query To Select Specific Records From Table

Dec 14, 2013

While I am not new to Access, I am not well versed in its abilities as far as combo boxes go. What I have is a Form where a combo box allows you to pick from a table records 'record ID #' in order to fill in the data of that record to the rest of the form.What I want to do is use a query to select specific records from this table and allow the combo box to show only these 'selected Record IDs' for user selection.

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Queries :: Rolling 12 Month Query - Keeping Track Of Orders Placed For Given Part Number By Month

May 5, 2014

I am trying to create a database that will keep track of the orders placed for a given part number by month. Currently, my table houses the part number, and the ordered amount for the past three years by month (there are thirty-five columns for every part). My column headings are ORDER_MAY_2013, etc. I would like to set a query up that will look at the column headings and pull the amounts ordered for each part for the past twelve months. In other words, I have three years of data in my table. In my query, I just want one year. However, I don't want to have to rewrite the query every month so that it will pick up the new data. Is there a way to accomplish this?

Is there a better way to build this database? I thought about just have four columns in my table - PART_NUMBER, ORDER_MONTH, ORDER_YEAR, ORDER_AMOUNT. The only problem there, is that every part (there are about 450 parts) would have to be listed 35+ times. That seemed too redundant to me, so I built the table this way. However, now I am having trouble querying against it.

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The First Of The Month Following A Specific Date

Jun 29, 2005

I need a query that calculates a date that is the first of the month following a specific date. Example: The first of the month following the 65th birthday.

Is there any way this can be done?

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The First Of The Month Following A Specific Date

Jun 29, 2005

I need a query that calculates a date that is the first of the month following a specific date. Example: The first of the month following the 65th birthday.

Is there any way this can be done?

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Queries :: Task Completion Database - Search Records With Specific Expiry Date

Nov 17, 2014

I have a task completion database. Each record of model consists of an expiry date. I need to review and update the records before the expiry date. Each model may have more than one record as I have updated the models a couple of times. I would like to select all of records with the expiry date less than 30 days so I can plan to review and update them on time. How to select all these records.

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Find Info For Specific Month

Aug 26, 2007

I have many queries for separate types of income that when criteria is entered on the switchboard, a report is created for either a specific month or range of dates. This works fine. Now I need to create one report that shows all 7 types of income in one spot, but once again based on a specific month or range of dates. I have a query that produces the entire income for all dates, but can't get it narrowed down to the specific criteria.

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How To Get Specific Number For Current Month

Jun 14, 2012

Is there a way to look at only data from a specific month? It's June now so let's say I want to look up only data from June without having to hardcore the number 6 or letters "June" in my query. How would I go about doing this?

Another question would be how can I convert this to a number to multiply the numbers in my data with?

So I want to retrieve only data for the current month, June, and then multiply numbers associated with that data with the number of the month for June (that is, 6). How would I go about doing this?

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Queries :: Converting CSV File Into Text Format - Export Records With Specific Series And Date

Jun 7, 2015

I have a CSV file and want to convert it in a text format with some filtered data and with some formatting. This is an everyday task for me. So I made a table and imported the data in to it by the command :

DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, "fo Import Specification", "fo", FileName:="C:UserswelcomeDesktopfo.csv", HasFieldNames:=True

Actually I have a column "SERIES", contains various series like "EQ", "BE", "DR", "BZ", "D1" and so on. And one more column with the dates having 4 / 5 current months dates and one next months date and one next to next month's date. And every date has got several thousand records.

now the issue is that : After importing these several thousand records, I want to export it but with a specific date and with a specific series.

The other thing is that, these dates change every month so if hard coded, the problem will occur the next month.

I use this code for export :

DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, "NewFnoSpec", "fnoquery", "C:UserswelcomeDesktopFO Output.txt", True

this code is working fine but when the month will change, the code won't work.

Can we have a date & series picker attached to this query, so it can export the records with the specified SERIES & DATE.

I tried putting a textbox on the form named TxtDate and in a Query ( Design mode ) under the date column, in criteria I have put [Forms]![Futures]![TxtDate] and after putting this line, the query becomes empty and no data is there.

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Cannot Retrieve Unique Records

Mar 14, 2006


I have been working on a normalized db for the past few months and it works wonderfully. But now I need to find a way to create a form so that the rest of the company can update their data.

My Table has the 5 following fields. Also listed is an example of the types of data I have there

StoreID_Catagory_Customer Year_Month_MixPercentage

As you can see I have multiple StoreID's for one store, IN00001. My db goes up to IN00419 so it ends up displaying 29,664 records. There are 4 different categories (Japanese, Chinese, Local, and Other). Until now everything has been taken from a datasheet and put into an Update Query but now that other people have to quickly access the system I need a slick interface.

What I need is a way to have a form that can update the table and add new entries that looks like this in the form:

IN00001____2005________Jul__Aug__Sep__Nov__Dec__EC T.
Japanese MixPercentage__.01___.02__.01___.03__.01
Chinese Mix Percentage___.35___.25__.26___.33__.30
Local Mix Percentage_____.60___.70__.69___.62__.65
Other Mix Percentage_____.04___.03__.04___.02__.04

IN00001____2006________Jul__Aug__Sep__Nov__Dec__EC T.
Japanese MixPercentage__.01___.02__.01___.03__.01
Chinese Mix Percentage___.35___.25__.26___.33__.30
Local Mix Percentage_____.60___.70__.69___.62__.65
Other Mix Percentage_____.04___.03__.04___.02__.04

I hope this gives you a clearer picture. I need to be able to update 96 entries at a time (12months, 4 customer types, 2 years) but do it in an efficient manner. The table only has 5 fields so I need to figure out how to display multiple entries on the same form. I also need a way to add new entries. In other words for me to add another StoreID such as IN00420 then I would have to enter in a value for every field for 96 records in the table. When in reality I should only need to update the mix percentages since the months and years remain constant. HELP!!

Any help would be much appreciated. Due to the variable nature of the db I cannot establish very many one-to-one relationships. So therein lies another problem.

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Query - Retrieve A Set Number Of Records

Nov 4, 2005

Hi all,

I want to retrieve a set number of records from a table, using a query. I'm not sure of how to do this.

I can't use the ID, because the table gets its data replaced contantly by imports (so the ID doesn;t start at 1...)

I want to be able to retrieve, say, the first 25 records on that table.

Any help is appreciated

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