Queries :: Returning Averages For Quality Test Data
Aug 20, 2013
I am designing queries to return averages for quality test data.
I have this query that functions as I want it too [URL] .....
It returns the averages of all the values received for different tests for a lot number (the lot number criteria should be filled out as well)
When I want the query to be more specific and average only certain box numbers in the lot (that start with the prefix PB") the query does not return an average for box numbers starting with PB but splits them up, showing an average for PB1, PB2 instead of combining the data for those boxes into a single unified average ...
[URL] .....
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May 9, 2013
My database is set up to track call evaluations with 4 fields for number data (S, A/C, C/E and B) each of these have a possible point total. I also have a percentage field to track out of total possible points.When I run my query I get a list of each of the totals for each of the evaluations with the associates names (as expected).I take that query and try to run a report wizard to give me an average socre for each associate. and the system returns averages of 0 or an odd number that does not make sense.when I use the =Avg([fieldname]) process I get an accurate average of the total but can not get it to do a "subtotal" for each associate.
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Oct 31, 2013
my issue is i have multilble text box in my form & based on change in one of this text box i need the code to compare between data in the form & table & returm Msg if it is not matching. attached screen FYI.
i look in the internet but i could not figuer out the VBA code since i do not know VBA. what comes to my mind to to use select case.
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Jul 21, 2007
I'm attempting to normalize an enormous table with order data, but I'm running into some problems. The table currently contains many duplicates, of which also included the actual order information (yikes!), but I managed to normalize it almost all the way down. It appears that different accounts can be used on orders, and these order numbers are being recycled for some reason months down the line (don't ask my why they're reusing them for future orders because I have no idea either, they should be creating new order numbers). Of course, the Order number is the primary key in my table as it should be. I guess the same thing can occur with the sales rep. Anyway, I'm struggling to find the "best practice way" to deal with this situation. I'm almost tempted to create an intermediary "transaction table" or something like that between the main general order information (which at this point will basically be the Order Number and Customer ID only), then include a table with the account information and sales rep info, then have that link to the Order Detail with the products, quantity, order number and various dates for those order numbers. Order maybe it should be a separate, related table, but not between the general order information and the order details? Can anyone tell me if I'm on the right track for this situation? It was a total curveball that the rep and account information could be different on these orders.
Option 1:
Order (Order #, Customer) -> Transaction Information (Order #, Account Type, Sales Person) -> Order Details (dates, products, quantities, etc)
Option 2:
Order (Order #, Customer)---> Transaction Information (Order #, Account
| Type, Sales Person)
|-> Order Details (dates, products, quantities, etc)
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Oct 17, 2014
I have 2 tables, one called Location and the other called PC Inventory. They both have columns called sites. The query is set to search both tables by site name and return the PC's at that site that match the search criteria.The search form has a drop down menu with all the site names. When you choose a site name from the last, the after update event does a re-query to a subform on that same form. The source object of the subform is set the query.[Forms]![PC Search]![Combo6] - this is the criteria on the query that point to the drop down menu.
Private Sub Combo6_After Update()
End Sub
This is the requery that point to the subform (child19)..The problem is that some selections from the list don't return any results to the subform. But there is clearly records that meet the criteria in the table. Example: ABC @ Maryland returns all the PC's at the site. DEF @ Maryland doesn't return any PC's at the site, but there are records with that site name.Even if go into the table copy the site name that isn't working and enter into the search field it doesn't return the results.
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Jun 30, 2015
Any new data I add to my database isn't showing up when I run a query.I've noticed it on 2 queries. One which is my ChargerSearch query with the field name:
ChargerSearch: "Charger ID: "+[Charger_ID]+" "+"Scheme Contract: "+[Scheme_Contract]+" "+"Nissan Serial Number: "+[Post_Serial_Number]+" "+"Client: "+[Client]+" "+"Site: "+[Site]
and the Criteria:
Like "*" & [Enter Search Term] & "*"
And my JobHistory Query which has multiple fields from many tables. With criteria only on the Charger_ID field "[Enter Charger ID]". Both work fine for data that was already there but any new data I've added isn't returning any results when I enter the correct values in the parameters. The data is definitely there in the appropriate tables, it just won't find it on the queries.
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Oct 11, 2014
I have created a query that is designed to return a count of how many records there are in various tables. There are 10 expressions in all, so when it is run I am expecting to see one row of data with each field populated with the number of records.
It does do this, but the data is repeated over line after line (see the attached picture)
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Jun 26, 2013
Is there a way to calculate three different rolling averages in one query?
I just inherited a database where someone is using three queries to capture the same information only with different time frames. They were calculating a rolling three month average, six month average, and twelve month average. I would like to combine these queries into one to reduce time spent running reports from the database. All three queries are based on one table. One of the columns in that table is called "Month Start Date". That field shows the first day of the month when a call was entered. I can get the query to tell me the first month in the three month period and the first month in the six month period, but I can't get it to calculate the averages of the calls that fall in those time frames. Here is the SQL for the query I have now. When I try to run this, I get the error message that my formula is not part of an aggregate function.
SELECT DISTINCT DateAdd('m','-2',(Max([Month Start Date]))) AS ThreeMonthStartDate, DateAdd('m','-5',(Max([Month Start Date]))) AS SixMonthStartDate, Max([Month Start Date]) AS MaxStartDate, IIf([Month Start Date] Between [ThreeMonthStartDate] And [MaxStartDate],Avg([All Call Rate]),' ') AS ThreeMonthAverageCallRate, LIST_WITH_TNC.Device, LIST_WITH_TNC.Model, LIST_WITH_TNC.[Item Num]
Is there a way to make this work?
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Jul 16, 2014
I need to create a query where in the end, I will have four rows of data based on based on two combinations of WaterSourceType and Crop.
I need the query to bring back the results of the average Top N (lets say Top 10%) for each combination.
I have tried this every which way and I can't seem to get it grouped like I want it. I NEED to have four distinct rows with the average of the ProfitPerBushel for each grouping.
Basically, what this does is show me the average profitablity of the top 10% in each grouping.
WaterSourceType | Crop | ProfitPerBushel
Irrigated | Soybeans | ProfitPerBushel
Non-Irrigated | Soybeans | ProfitPerBushel
Irrigated | Corn | ProfitPerBushel
Non-Irrigated | Corn | ProfitPerBushel
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Aug 20, 2013
I'm not sure if this is the right forum. If not let me know and I'll move the thread.
Table 1
Measurement A
Measurement B
Measurement C
Table 2
Table 1 ID Link
Data 1
Tables are linked 1-to-many from table 1 to table 2 by ID.
I would like to average the Data1 data per Table1 ID and report it with the Table 1 Measurements.
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Mar 20, 2013
I'm using Access 2003...I have a query that searches a parts table by description:
Like "*" & [Enter in Part Description to search] & "*"
I need to add another search to this query, I added another field to the parts table call manufacturer. I add this field to the above query and added this parameter to it:
Like [Enter in Manufacturer] & "*"
I then added a manufacturer to one of the fields for test purposes. For some odd reason this doesn't work. If I take out the manufacturer parameter and don't enter in anything into the part description the query returns all the records. When i type a description into the part description field the query returns the proper records. When I add back the manufacturer parameter and enter through both parameters only the one record returns showing the test record instead of all of them. If I put a part description in and enter through the manufacturer parameter no records show when they should.
I've tried adding a test field to a different table and tried a different query using the like parameter. The parameter works in a field already in the table but won't work with the new field I added. I've done compact and repair.
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Nov 30, 2006
I am using the example database to avoid storing pictures in my database, as the size could grow and make the backend slow down.
The only thing with it is, the image quality isnt that great. Is there a way to sharpen it up?
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May 11, 2006
I would appreciate any tips as to how I can archive records where the yes no field named "Resolved" is ticked. These records may need to be retrieved (as opposed to deleted). Any deletion would be made at some time later as part of a manual database maintenance process. Unfortuantely the database is 200 Kb larger than permitted to upload however, I can forward a zipped copy if required. Kind regards. Bernard
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Oct 10, 2013
I am creating a database for call quality monitoring. Just when I thought everything was working perfectly, I get an error saying the record set can't be updated. I can't find anything useful about it online either.
Here is my database:
I have a table which is essentially an template for call quality. each record has a primary key ID number. I also have a table for staff and their teams which is linked to the other table.
I have a form where you can select the staff member, and there is a tab control where the second tab has their quality results via a sub form. I have made the primary key a hyperlink so when clicked it brings up the quality form of the original record. however it can't be updated and gives me the message saying record set can't be updated.
I want the user to be able to click the hyperlink, bring up the record and edit where required.
Is this even possible?
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May 21, 2013
I have a query that gives me the top 10 values. I would like to be able to use another query that says "only give me the second row or third row or what ever....So say I have column named ColorCode. For example...in this column it has the following:
I would like to be able to say give me "row 3 of the ColorCode column" and it would return "2"
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Jan 17, 2006
Ive been pondering on this problem for far to long now so decided it was time to ask here !
I would like to return (based on a query) some records that would populate a report. I can set the source of the report as the query but my issue is that I need to actually have some code prior to report population.
EG if they have two products I want to list them product1/ product2 and as far as I know this isnt possible when you just set the source for the report...
The data is coming from SQL server so I have the option of a stored procedure but from trsting that seems to make things even more confusing.
Any help appreciated as Ive been stuck on this for far too long !!
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Jan 13, 2006
I am trying to select all projects with the keyword "sett" in them. About a thousand rows with this keyword exist but why isn't my query returning any data? :confused:
Here's an example of the data "STPT-SETT-NY-EQ Legacy"
Now i want to return all rows with "SETT".
What am i doing wrong here please :)
SELECT projectList.*
FROM projectList
WHERE (((projectList.projectName) Like "%SETT%"));
this doesn't work either. No records are returned when query is run:
SELECT projectList.*
FROM projectList
WHERE (((projectList.projectName)="%SETT%"));
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Jan 21, 2007
I have 1 table with multi Text columns (location, coaches,ssn etc), and
multiple Num columns (pts and product counts)
I need to sum all the unit counts & points for each person, but only
bring back the location for each person that had the 'max' sales (pts).
ex. ssn xxxxxx has 3 sales codes : code 1&2 had less sales aquired
then sales code 3. Sales code 1 was location Vt, slsCd 2 was location
CA and slscd 3 was location FL. I need to bring back the sum of all
three codes but only the location FL as it had the most sales pointing
to it.
I have deadline of Monday to get this done.PLEASE help
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Sep 7, 2007
O.k. I have a query working, and it's calculating perfectly and I'm reporting on it fine. However I noticed that when I run the query it doesn't populate the equation for all the results. Let me explain further.
I have a main form for tracking company information, and a sub form that tracks departments for that company and waste breakdown information. We take measurements for the company in two ways. 1 - a total weight for the day, and 2 - we weigh out categories of waste (within the sub form that tracks the department stuff)..we then calculate what percentage of the daily waste a specific category is. This calculation is done in a query, and works fine for the first department of every company, however when it moves to the next department for the same company, all I get is #Error in the field. eg./
Company "X"
Total Daily Weight = 750 Kilograms
Department "Shipping"
Category - Plastic Bottles - 20 Kilograms
I then have a query that calculates what % 20 Kilograms is of 750, then a report based on the query. This works fine; However in my report I look at the next department, with the exact same informaton as above...I see #Error returned in the field.:confused:
Does all of that make sense?? Is there a way to make sure my query calculation flows through all of the departments??
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Jul 2, 2005
Hi guys
Well Im stuck!
I have to produce a report (preview first)that acts like a cross tab query. By this is mean that it reports specific data in a 12 period sequence for each year. Therefore I have to set up dates which are NOT normal calendar dates ie one could be 02/05/05 to 29/05/05 then the next would be 30/06/05 to 24/07/05
These dates are issues at the start of a contract year. I have to therefore produce the report for each period that is given to me ( not an easy one is it) I have considered many options but I cant quite get the final effect
Any Ideas ??
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Feb 17, 2015
I have a sub report that is based on a query. The Where clause of my SQL is giving me a bit of hang up. What I am attempting to do is return the records that are the items used to test products we test. The ID's of the records are gathered in a public function. The function is called GetCal Equipment. This returns all of the requested numbers just fine. For example ID numbers 4, 112, 124, 138, 232, 338 are returned when I call the function. Any number of records can be returned at any point. This is the unique numbers used to identify the records. I thought by having the function return the numbers the records would come up. However when I use that in my where statement, none of the records are returned. The whole SQL is as follows:
SELECT CalibratedEquipmentListTable.ID, CalibratedEquipmentListTable.Manufacturer, CalibratedEquipmentListTable.ModelNo, CalibratedEquipmentListTable.Description, CalibratedEquipmentListTable.SerNo, CalibratedEquipmentListTable.LastCal, CalibratedEquipmentListTable.CalDue
FROM CalibratedEquipmentListTable
WHERE CalibratedEquipmentListTable.ID In (GetCalEquipment());
how to get the query for the report to return the records.
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Mar 10, 2015
I have a query that I set up to return multiple records. The number of the records is in that text box. I have tried to set the where clause to the text box but for some reason I don't get any of the records I want returned. I am using a Where... IN statement. I have tried to put the numbers in single quotes and no quotes and I have had no luck at all. If I do individual records they will return, just not when I try and do more then one at a time. This query is a part of something more, but since it doesn't return anything, Here is my sql statement
SELECT CalibratedEquipmentListTable.ID, CalibratedEquipmentListTable.Manufacturer, CalibratedEquipmentListTable.ModelNo, CalibratedEquipmentListTable.Description, CalibratedEquipmentListTable.SerNo, CalibratedEquipmentListTable.LastCal, CalibratedEquipmentListTable.CalDue
FROM CalibratedEquipmentListTable
WHERE CalibratedEquipmentListTable.ID In ([Forms]![ReportForm]![Text41]);
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Jun 18, 2015
In a query, how do I return a blank or null.
They are all numerical values that I need to format into percentages however Field3 could contain zero so I can't replace Null with zero. I simply want to return nothing if Field1 is equal to Field2.
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Mar 24, 2015
My statement below is current returning 4 records. Two of the records have the same GBPAmount value.
RequestID is the Primary Key
SELECT TOP 3 RequestID, GBPAmount, Currency, RequestDate
FROM PayRequest
WHERE (((Currency)="CAD Canadian Dollar") AND ((RequestDate)>#11/16/2014#))
RequestID GBPAmount Currency RequestDate
10207 8.17 CAD Canadian Dollar 03/02/2015
9874 33.82 CAD Canadian Dollar 20/01/2015
11327 109.58 CAD Canadian Dollar 23/02/2015
10495 109.58 CAD Canadian Dollar 05/02/2015
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Jun 16, 2015
I have two tables:
tblSITE and tblUSID (joined by SITEID)
and I am trying to create a query which lists each site and the USID with the latest date in its ConstructionDate field (USID and ConstructionDate are both in tblUSID). If I omit the USID from the query and run a totals with MAX on the ConstructionDate field, I return what I would like to, but I want to add the PK (USID) of the record with the latest ConstructionDate for another query, and every way I attempt it the query returns multiple records per SiteID.
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Apr 19, 2013
I have a Dlookup which returns the correct value but returns the text of the instead of a numeric value. I have triple checked that the fields are all numeric. I suspect there is something wrong with my Dlookup syntax as it is my biggest weakness. In the following syntax what could be wrong?
DLookUp("SSER","TABSSS",[grosspay] & " Between [TABSSS].[Minrange] And [TABSSS].[Maxrange]")
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