Queries :: SELECT All But The Top Row

Sep 10, 2013

I've taken over a database written in Access '97 so it's quite old and I don't want to rewrite the whole thing. I have a query as the record source for a report like this:

SELECT TOP 1 ID1Child5.ID, ID1Child5.CODE1, ID1Child5.CODE2, ID1Child5.CHARGE, ID1Child5.DEFAULTS FROM ID1Child5 WHERE (((ID1Child5.ID)=[Forms]![ID1MainForm_0]![ID])) ORDER BY ID1Child5.DEFAULTS;

Which gives me the first value.

Now I need to reverse that and create a query that gives me all the other results. Basically everything except the top row.

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Queries :: Select Query To Gather Results Of Other Select Queries

May 11, 2014

I'm fairly new to Access. 's various select queries containing useful and useless results. I want to create a select query that will pick out all the useful figures into a 1 row table that can then be pasted into Excel.

e.g Existing Select Query 1 returns 1 row showing Average Age, Average Price, Total rainfall
Existing Select Query 2 returns 1 row showing Average Weight, Average Salary, Total snowfall
Existing Select Query 3 returns *2* rows: It returns Distance from London, Hours daylight and population for Town A and Town B

I want a select query that returns 1 row showing (6 items):

Total rainfall, Total snowfall, Town A Distance from London, Town A Population, Town B Distance from London, Town B Population.

I've been able to handle getting Total rainfall and Total snowfall. But I cant figure out how to get Town A Distance from London, Town A Population, Town B Distance from London, Town B Population to appear in the same row of the same query results as Total rainfall, Total snowfall.

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SELECT Queries In VBA In Access

Dec 12, 2005

I've been wracking my brain and scouring the net for information on how to do SELECT queries in Access and I can't figure it out or find correct information. Some idiot had a website that said to use DoCmd.RunSQL to do SELECT queries, but failed to mention that only ACTION queries can be used in that method, so I'm back at ground zero. What I want to do is this:

I want to be able to run a select query from a table, and store all the information in some sort of object so that I can access all the individual fields returned in the query and do things with them. Is there anyway to do what I'm asking for?

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Case Select To Run Queries

Oct 27, 2005

Please help with the code below.

I am trying to select a different query based on the selection in the [Product] Field. I have 4 different products and 3 different queries to run. Each product is specific to a particular query.

What I would like is:
When Product 3 is chosen "Query 1" is ran.
When Product 1 is chosen "Query 1" is ran.
When Product 2 is chosen "Query 2" is ran.
When Product 4 is chosen "Query 3" is ran.

As it is set up now it appears that when choosing Product 1 I open Query 2 and when choosing Product 2 I open Query 1, but it is the opposite of that. I get the correct query with this code by choosing Product 1 and the Query that opens is actually Query 1, I don't know what is going on here.

When I open Products 3 & 4 it always opens Query 2, no matter what Query I specify.

Please help me sort this out. I am not very familiar with case select. Thanks

Private Sub run_query_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_run_query_Click

Dim stDocName As String
stDocName = "Query 1" (Should be for Product 1 & 3)
stDoc1Name = "Query 2"(Should be for Product 2)
stDoc2Name = "Query 3" (Should be for Product 4)Select Case stProtocolName
Case [Product] = "Product 1": DoCmd.OpenQuery stDoc1Name, acNormal, acEdit

Case [Product] = "Product 2": DoCmd.OpenQuery stDocName, acNormal, acEdit

Case [Product] = "Product 3": DoCmd.OpenQuery stDoc1Name, acNormal, acEdit

Case [Product] = "Product 4": DoCmd.OpenQuery stDoc2Name, acNormal, acEdit

End Select
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description

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Queries :: Select All Rows Except Last

Jan 22, 2015

How I might select all the records within a query except for the most recent one? I have an AutoNumber ID field and a date stamp to use , but I can't figure out how to exclude just the biggest record.I am trying to run an update query on the After Insert Event, so that when the user inserts a new record it will mark down similar older records as 'superceded'.

At the moment I can select all the records, and I can select just the largest one, but I can't seem to take one away form the other. Here is the SQL in it's current state:


UPDATE [Personnel-Qualifications] SET [Personnel-Qualifications].[Superceded?] = True
WHERE ((([Personnel-Qualifications].PersonnelID)=[Forms]![Personnel]![PersonnelID]) AND (([Personnel-Qualifications].QualificationID)=[Forms]![Personnel]![Child21]![qualificationID]));

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Queries :: Select Statement To Max Value

Jul 12, 2013

I'm trying to do a select statement and put it in a variable which i can then output to a text box. How do I get the value into a variable? I can't seem to get my syntax right

This is what I currently have

Maxvalue = "SELECT MAX[Record Num]FROM Joblog"

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Queries :: Select Query From Another Mdb?

Mar 20, 2013

are you able to specify the location of another database that you want to select data from?

For example: I want to do something like this:

SELECT [field1], [field2] from C:DesktopFolderMyOtherDatabase.mdbTableName

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Queries :: Either Or Select Distinct Row

Aug 12, 2014

Is it possible to change this query to search for either a Name or by an employee ID number? The query runs a report on after update. Currently I can only enter the name not the employee ID

SELECT DISTINCTROW First(Inventory.Employee) AS FirstOfEmployee, Inventory.[Employee ID]
FROM Inventory GROUP BY Inventory.[Employee ID] ORDER BY First(Inventory.Employee);

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Select And Append Queries... At The Same Time?

Oct 10, 2007

I've done some searching, and haven't found any threads that match what I am attempting...

I have a database that tracks expenses that are incurred under different ongoing projects. I currently have a report based on a query that asks the user for the project number, and shows all the expense invoices that have not been paid for that project. This report is basically an internal invoice that gets assigned to a department, and so it is assigned an internal "invoice" number. Currently, the user types in this internal number before the report is generated and it is displayed on the report for printing purposes.

Here's the tricky part (for me anyways): I would like to be able to filter the invoice records by project number, and then append the user-entered internal invoice number to the applicable records. There is already a field in the table for this data, and it is currently being entered on individual records after the report is printed. My goal is to be able to do this all in one step.

Any help will be greatly appreciated... Thanks guys!

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Populating Combo Box With Certain Select Queries

Jan 7, 2008

I have a form that has a combo box that contains every query in my database. This worked fine until i started having to create cascading queries to return the data I want. How can i populate my combo box with only certain queries in my database.

This is the code I was using to put all queries into my combobox.

FROM MSysObjects
WHERE MSysObjects.Name NOT LIKE "~*" AND
MSysObjects.Type = 5
ORDER BY MSysObjects.Name;

Upon clicking a button or clickin the query in the list, I want the query to run......So the main question is how to I include certain queries in my combo box but not all of them? I do not know SQL or any programming, so as specific as possible will help immensely. Thank you everybody.

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Queries :: Variable In A Select Query?

Jul 10, 2013

Im trying to pass a list box variable in a select query. I understand you cannot pass a variable directly but have to pass it through a function. I may be wrong in this, but whatever I do I cannot get it to work. Here's my code:-

Public Sub GetEquipment()
List387.RowSourceType = "Table/Query"
List387.RowSource = "SELECT findequipstr() FROM Equipment"
End Sub

Public Function findequipstr() As String
If IsNull(List371.Value) Then GoTo function_end
findequipstr = List371.Value
End Function

If I MsgBox(findequipstr()) within my Getequipment function, the variable is messaged,

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Queries :: How To Select Multi Parameters

May 28, 2014

have a query that works fine when I have to select one parameter, however I don't know how to select multi parameters...In this query I would like to able to select as well as the specific 'POSTITION' value Also 'BASE' and all those parameters that have a check box empty or full.

SELECT tblCrewMember.StaffNumber, tblCrewMember.Surname, tblCrewMember.Name, tblCrewMember.Position, tblCrewMember.Base, tblCrewMember.Nationality, tblCrewMember.StartingDate, tblCrewMember.Resined, tblCrewMember.ResinedDate, tblCrewMember.Birthday, tblCrewMember.IDCrewMember, [GroupBy] AS Expr1
FROM tblCrewMember
WHERE ((([GroupBy])=[Position]))
ORDER BY tblCrewMember.StaffNumber;

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Queries :: Command To Select First 30 Characters

May 7, 2013

I have the command to select first 30 characters in a simple select query.

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Queries :: How To Select Individuals With More Than One Skill

Jan 2, 2014

How do I select individuals who have, for example, both access and excel skills? I have a table of candidates and child table with the list of skills.

I have a form (called "search" at the moment) with a subform (called "skillslist subform"). The subform's record source is an empty table called "searchlist" with a single combo box using the master list of skills as the source. This is so I can select the skills I am looking for.

Then there is a button that (1) saves the records and then (2) opens the query, as follows:


SELECT SkillList.CandidateID, searchlist.searchlist
FROM SkillList INNER JOIN searchlist ON SkillList.Skill = searchlist.searchlist
ORDER BY SkillList.CandidateID;

Is this problem need to be solved with a subquery?

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Queries :: Totals In A Select Query

Jul 28, 2014

After you "group by", is there a way to have the next field presented without a sum or avg etc.. if I know there is only ever one value to present?

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Queries :: SELECT TOP 3 Returning More Records

Mar 24, 2015

My statement below is current returning 4 records. Two of the records have the same GBPAmount value.

RequestID is the Primary Key

SELECT TOP 3 RequestID, GBPAmount, Currency, RequestDate
FROM PayRequest
WHERE (((Currency)="CAD Canadian Dollar") AND ((RequestDate)>#11/16/2014#))

RequestID GBPAmount Currency RequestDate
10207 8.17 CAD Canadian Dollar 03/02/2015
9874 33.82 CAD Canadian Dollar 20/01/2015
11327 109.58 CAD Canadian Dollar 23/02/2015
10495 109.58 CAD Canadian Dollar 05/02/2015

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Queries :: Select First Record Of Each Year

Aug 28, 2014

How can I select the first record of each year working with a table like this:

ID, value, date
0, 30, 01/01/2000
1, 40, 03/02/2000
2, 20, 10/03/2000
3, 10, 02/05/2001
4, 20, 09/08/2001
5, 10, 01/02/2001

I'd like to get this result from my Query:

30, 01/01/2000
10, 01/02/2001

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Queries :: Get A Query To Select All Records?

May 3, 2014

I'm having a problem get a query to select all of the records it should be.

When I filter the source table (200_STANDARDIZED NRGL) to show the data I want to see (PC2 = 6000; GAAP = 02; CGL = 0950, 2735, 2736, 3500 and 3501; STD VENDOR NAME = blanks), I get 33 records.

NOTE: Had to take the PC2 records that were not '6000' out of the dB I've attached in order to be able to send dB bu the PC2 filter is needed in the complete dB.

When I create a select query to the do the same thing, I get either:3 records (when I set STD VEND NAME to Like '') or 30 records (when I set STD VEND NAME to NOT Like '*' ) I've attached the dB - Query 1 is the subject of bullet 1 above and Query 2 is the subject of bullet 2 above.

BTW, the three records that show up in Query 1 are the same records missing from Query 2.

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Queries :: Select Records With Minimum Value

Mar 12, 2015

I would like to select records based on Minimum values of specific vendor.


MasterItemID Price PriceDate VendorID
1 2 2/5/14 30
1 3 2/5/14 31
1 7 2/5/14 32
2 3 2/5/14 31
2 2 2/5/14 32

So wants the all columns where price is minimum

Example: output required

MasterItemID Price PriceDate VendorID
1 2 2/5/14 30
2 2 2/5/14 32

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Queries :: Select Query With Different Values Only

Aug 14, 2015

I Want to Create an Query to Find Different Values in A Table/ Query

Month Year Name School Post
Jan 2012 Ankur School 1 Post 1
Feb 2012 Ankur School 1 Post 1
Mar 2012 Ankur School 2 Post 1
Apr 2012 Ankur School 2 Post 2
May 2012 Ankur School 2 Post 2
June 2012 Ankur School 3 Post 2

Now i want in result of Query is only like

Month Year Name School Post
Jan 2012 Ankur School 1 Post 1 (Starting Ledger)
Mar 2012 Ankur School 2 Post 1 (Change in School)
Apr 2012 Ankur School 2 Post 2 ( Change in Post)
June 2012 Ankur School 3 Post 2 (Change in School)

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Queries :: Or Criteria In Select Query

Nov 15, 2013

How can set criteria in select query as Textbox1 or textbox 2 ...textbox 1 and textbox 2 are field on different forms.

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Creating Non-Calculated Fields In Select Queries

Nov 14, 2005

Hi All!

I am trying to create an updateable non-calculated field in a select query. Specifically, I want to create a Yes/No data type called "Fail".

This is a multiple-user application so I can't solve the problem by using append and delete queries to modify records in a table.

This has turned into a much stickier problem than I anticipated. I would appreciate any insight or advice you have.

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Using Multi Select List Boxes To Run Queries

Apr 21, 2006

I have a simple question that I know will have a very complex answer

You have two sets of tables with identical structures. The first set contains data that is a model for the second set. The users run queries that append data to the second set of tables

Here is an example of the structure



As you can see TblSourceTwo contains a foreign key from TblSorceOne and TblSorceDetails contains one from TblSourceTwo

The main table for the second set


The user adds a record to the main table (TblTargetOne) then uses an append query to add all of the applicable records from TblSourceTwo to TbleTargetTwo


So now the user has a data model in TblSourceTwo which has been “copied” to TblTargetTwo

Next for each record in TblSourceTwo that has been copied to TblTargetTwo that has daughter records in TblSourceDetails another query is executed to copy all of the pertinate records to the TblTargetDetails


Now the user has completely copied all of the necessary record for both table.

Finely the question

How can I use a multiselect list box to achieve this in one operation? I don’t care if it includes running multiple queries but it needs to appear as one single operation to the user.

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How To Add Another Queries Between Two Dates In This Mutil Select Form.

Nov 27, 2006

Hi, everyone, this is my first time be here, I'm glad that I found a good place to learn ACCESS.

I found this DB sample in here
but if I try to add two text box in the mainform to query startdate and enddate, how do I make it.

such as: I want to find title is manager and sex is F and datebirth from 1965/1/1~1973/12/31.

I'm lack skill in Access and tried to find this answer for a long time, every suggestion will be appreciated, thanks so much in advance.


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Can You INSERT INTO Table With SELECT.. UNION Queries

Mar 29, 2005

I have a UNION of two SELECT queries. It works very well but I need the end-user to be able to modify the data so I am using INSERT INTO tablename. This will work for one query at a time but if I try to use the UNION it reports “Syntax error in FROM clause”. Can you use UNION in this case or can anyone see my error?

The full statement is rather complex, I have added a few spaces and linebreaks to make it readable as follows:

INSERT INTO TableCompleteForMailing

SELECT [Address List].[FamilySurname] AS Surname,

[Address List].[DEARFirstnames] AS FirstName,

[Address List].[Mailing] AS Mailing,

[Address List].[Christmas Mailing] AS OtherMailing, [Address List].[Address 1] AS Address1,

[Address List].[Postcode] AS Postcode

FROM [Address List]


SELECT [Names].[LastName] AS Surname,

[Names].[FirstName] AS FirstName,

[Names].[MailingList] AS Mailing,

[Names].[Selected] AS OtherMailing,

[Address List].[Address 1] AS Address1,

[Address List].[Postcode] AS Postcode

FROM [Names],[Address List]

WHERE [Names].[AddressListID]=[Address List].[AddressListID]

ORDER BY Surname, FirstName;

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Queries :: Passing Parameter To Select Query?

Jun 5, 2013

I have form with a button on it that launches a parameter-based Select query (which served as the source for a report). I didn't have any validation measure in place, so if the User supplied a bogus value, a blank report was generated. While not technically an error, it would seem more polished to generate a warning message if the User supplies a bad query value and prompt them to re-enter.

Having read other posts along these lines, I've added an unbound text box to the form which the User fills in first before clicking the button. When the button is clicked, it executes code that uses the DCount function to make sure the text box value is in the source table, and if it is then it runs the parameter-based Select query. My question is how to pass the value in the text box to the query as a parameter. Below is a sanitized version of the code that I've generated so far.

Private Sub SingleItemRptB_Click()
If DCount("[FieldName]", "[Table]", "[FieldName]=[TextBoxValue]") = 0 Then
MsgBox "Item not in database. Please check value and re-enter."
DoCmd.OpenQuery "SingleItemQ", acViewNormal, acReadOnly
End If
End Sub

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