Queries :: SQL Code To Define Field Format - Mismatch
Dec 1, 2014
I have created an union query to pull together the same data from 2 ODBC tables (seperate countries).As there is a clash in the client number I have added a "N" prefix to differentiate NZ from Australia, as below:
The problem I now have is that I get type mismatch when linking to another table. How could I change the SQL below to dictate the field format to number (providing it will accept the "N" prefix) or all to text?
SELECT dbo_ClientMaster.ClientNumber, dbo_ClientMaster.Name, dbo_ClientMaster.AddressLine1, dbo_ClientMaster.AddressLine2, dbo_ClientMaster.AddressLine3, dbo_ClientMaster.AddressLine4, dbo_ClientMaster.TradeCode, dbo_ClientMaster.ReviewLimit, dbo_ClientMaster.ClientStartDate, dbo_ClientMaster.TypeOfTrade, dbo_ClientMaster.NextReviewDate, dbo_ClientMaster.LastReviewDate, dbo_ClientMaster.TerminationDate, dbo_ClientMaster.TerminationReason, dbo_ClientMaster.BankSortCode, dbo_ClientMaster.BankAccountNumber
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Feb 14, 2014
I have a table of companies, with fields that contain data for 2008, 2009, 2010, etc.
I'd like to design a query that allows the user to define on a form the field, or the year, they want to query. (by text string or some other way, I am good enough with the VBA that I can figure this part out once the beginning part is figured out)
I want 2009 data, I type in 2009 and get 2009 data from a table with many years' worth of data. But I only need one query for all the years.
I notice that this is easy with reports, just use SQL in the the wherecondition, argument, but I can't find the equivalent for queries. I tried putting the text field from the form in the SQL in the query, but could not get that to work.
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Oct 9, 2014
I am trying to define a path to identify a current folder - I'll try and explain the way the following code works first (and it does work 100%)
The following code identifies folders and sub-folder structures and imports them (their structures and folder paths and filenames) into a DB
It also simultaneously retrieve's any xml docs within those respective folders and imports the XML data into the same database ........ and then moves those folders into a "processing folder" location.
Cool yes, but I can only import the XML doc's at the moment, by hard coding the path (like this):-
path = "C:UsersjeremybDesktopsnapmadXYZ123XYZFILES 0061940"
The code is highlighted as above - in the FULL code below:
Code Begins:-
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
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Jun 25, 2014
I have this linked table query from a OBDC and I need to be able to filter out specific dates in that query. The dates in the table were in text format and I converted the dates using the CDate function. I wanted to filter the query to a single date and always I get the Datatype mismatch in criteria expression error.
However, filtering dates does work only when there are other specifications in the criteria fields (e.g. if I specify a date and and name). My SQL code in error looks like this:
purch_hist.PUITM AS ITEM,
purch_hist.PUPO AS PO,
CDate([purch_hist.PURDT]) AS RECEIPT_DATE,
purch_hist.PUCST AS UNIT_COST,
This query works fine with a non converted date field, however the dates I need are in text format and need to be converted since I do not have permissions to edit the tables.
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Jun 3, 2014
I am trying to construct a crosstab that averages a calculated field from a previous query. It is returning a "Data Type Mismatch" message.
The field I am trying to average is a subtraction of dates to find total days. I assume my field is not a number so I have tried to wrap it in CDbl() to change the type.
The formula is
CASE_DAYS: CDbl(IIf([Actual Close Date]-[Creation Date]>=0,[Actual Close Date]-[Creation Date],""))
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Jan 30, 2008
I am trying to insert a text box value into a text field value in a table. I am checking to see if the value is already in the table but come across an error on the second click. The first click enters the number, and the second click gets error. I know where the error is but I'm not sure why or how to fix it.
Code:Dim db As DAO.DatabaseDim rs As DAO.RecordsetSet db = CurrentDb()Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("CVHOLD", dbOpenDynaset)If Not rs.BOF Then rs.MoveFirstrs.FindFirst "[Batch Number] = " & Me![Batch Number]'Error here on second passIf (rs.EOF) Then 'Seems to insert new record properly 'No Batch Number in Table yet. rs.AddNew rs("Batch Number") = Me![Batch Number] rs("Date Closed") = Now() rs.Update rs.CloseElse 'never enters, jumps to Error label 'Batch already listed in table MsgBox ("Batch already in table. Updating Closed date")End IfErr_cmdHoldStatus_Click: MsgBox Err.Description
This is what the debugger outputs for my values
Code:Me![Batch Number] : 81697 : Object/Textbox rs("Batch Number") : "81697" : Object/Field rs.BOF : False : Boolean rs.EOF : False : Boolean
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Oct 29, 2013
I have two tables in a query joined by a ID field. The problem is in the one table the ID fiels is a text format and in the other table its a number format so the query builder doesnt like that and gives me the Type mismatch in expression error.
There's no way around it though; i need it to be those formats in its respective tables for reasons i wont go into here for simplicity.
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Oct 23, 2013
I am trying to save my table and I get a message saying "Cannot define field more than once". I only have 14 fields and none of them are repeated. My field titles are: First Name, Last Name, SSN, Wage, Salary, DOB, Hire Date, Years Employed, Phone Number, Alternate Phone, Address, City, State, and Zip. What am I doing wrong?
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Jun 10, 2015
I use access 2010.
I am assuming by the error code, one can not use a calculated field to calculate another field.
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Jan 28, 2015
I would like to define a field (mailingaddresscounty) as type lookup using a field (county) from another table (Zip). But instead of the user selecting from a long list, I would like the selection to be automatically made based on the value of another field (mailingaddresszipcode).The two tables are Organizations and Zips. The user enters the 9 digit zipcode in the organization table (mailingaddresszipcode). I would like the county field in the organization table (mailingaddresscounty) to draw from (link to?) the corresponding 5 digit zipcode in the Zip table (zip) and return the correct county for that zipcode.
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Oct 18, 2013
I have a query and a form, and what I want to be able to do is have the user type in within the form the parameters for the query.
The part of the query that will hold the parameters is based on an amount (formatted as Currency), but I want the user to be able to enter >10 , =<100 or >100000 and get the correct results.
I have already set up the query and the form with unbound cells which are then referenced in the query I've tried just one cell where the user would enter >100000 or tried two cells where one cell would be for >,< etc and one cell for the value (which is formatted as currency), but that didn't work either.
The idea is that you enter the parameter and value then click on a button that runs a macro to export the query based or the user parameters, but everytime I try it I get a box appearing saying Property not Found.
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Aug 28, 2013
If I'm working strictly from SQL, is there a way to format a field as currency, standard number, etc. without using the format() function? Basically the equivalent of setting the format in the property sheet in design view, without going to design view.
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Sep 23, 2013
I'm having a format problem. I have a query (Q1) that, among other things format a date field as YYYYMM (Field1).
I have a second query (Q2) whose data source is Q1.
In Q2 I need to link Q1 to a table but Field1 is being reformatted as text (confirmed by running a make table query).
I want Field1 to be Number format to eliminate a mismatch error.
I know how to change the format of a field in a table using VBA but I cant seem to find a way of changing the format within a query.
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Jun 4, 2014
I have this expression I created and I want to know how to format it as currency. I know how to do it with a regular field but the option is not available for an expression.
The expression:
Code : Charge: IIf([Rate] Is Not Null,[Rate],"0.00")
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Aug 9, 2015
condition formatting a date field in access.The query used for this field produces a date or "NA" based on the formula below. so when the date shows up as "NA" then i have set the condition formatting of the cell to grey and this works works well. but when it shows up with a date it doesnt format to a grey.the formatting pane has these two expressions
1. Q_Induction_Date = "NA" then grey the cell
2. Q_Induction_Date < DATE() then grey the cell and this DOESNT work. i have also tried the function Now() and that doesnt work either.
Formula i use in the query is
Q_Induction_Date: IIf([y].[INDUCTION_NA]=-1,"NA",IIf(IsNull([induction_date]),"NA",Format([induction_date],"dd/mm/yyyy")))
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May 28, 2013
I've got a database with an 'address 1' field. Sometimes if it's just a number, excel formats the field as a date. Is there anything to check the field to identify any that are showing as dates as opposed to just normal fields. For example identify all customers who have some variation of dd-mm-yyyy in the address-1 field.
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Dec 3, 2014
I am using an append query to move data into another database. One of the fields being imported is a date field in text form (20141201). I need it appear in the final database in text form (01/12/14) I have tried using several date conversions and cant get this work. Ideally i need the final value as a text rather than date.
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May 22, 2014
I have a query that I am sending as a spreadsheet to various service technicians listing parts that they need to take inventory of. Then, after they take the inventory, they send the spreadsheet back to me and I upload their counts back into my database. Right now, my query contains the Bin number, part number, part description, and a blank column for the technician's count. I have just learned, that the company does not want the Bin number to be visible in the report. In order to upload the technician counts into the database when they return the spreadsheet, I need to be able to reference the Bin number to get the count on the right line.
Is there something that I can do so that the Bin number will be visible in the report when the database reads it, but not to the technician?
The only solution I could think of was to format the Bin Number as a password. Unfortunately, I can't get that to work in the query results. If I save the bin number as a password in the table, is there a way to make it visible on reports for internal use (so the people in headquarters who are responsible for over all inventory can still see each bin number)? I found how to hide the field in the query results. However, when I send the results to the technician, the field is not there at all.
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Aug 30, 2005
I searched everywhere for a solution to my problem. I have to create a field and set its format property to Percent using code. I know how to create the field using code but how do i get to Format property? Is that possible?
Thanks in advance for your answers!
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Feb 17, 2014
I wanted to assign the field "Number of magazine" with special format based on date/time format but showing only year and month in the format: "yyyy-mm".
So in property of this field in format I put yyyy-mm and in input mask I type 0000-00;;-
I also created the form based on the table containing above field and I defined format and input mask for corresponding formant in the same way like at the table.
But if I try to type date for example 2014-01 in text box of the form it comes up with the full date 2014-01-01. Why does it do like this? What do I do incorrectly?
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Jul 24, 2013
I had created a Access DB where there is a query named as "GenerateTimeHours", here whenever am trying to do a search by ID, Time & Date, always getting "data type mismatch error", I checked it and understand this Error is causing for Date Search Clause, I tried every possible way to change the date format, using #, etc etc but no result :Query As follows:
SELECT GenrateTimeHours.ID, GenrateTimeHours.MaximumSeatsNumber, GenrateTimeHours.DaysInMonth, GenrateTimeHours.Hour, GenrateTimeHours.Remaining, GenrateTimeHours.FinalSeats
FROM GenrateTimeHours
WHERE GenrateTimeHours.ID = 1 and GenrateTimeHours.Hour between #08:00:00 AM# and #10:00:00 AM# AND (GenrateTimeHours.DaysInMonth) between #7/2/2013# AND #7/3/2013#;
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Jul 17, 2014
I'm trying to create a query based on another query. However, my WHERE statement is causing a data type mismatch for a date. My code is:
SELECT id, status, updated, [previous renewal]
FROM qrynext renewal
WHERE status = "active" and [previous renewal] = date()
If I remove the " and [previous renewal] = date()" it works just fine. But even setting up [previous renewal] to equal #7/17/14# or "07/17/14" or anything else I've tried won't work. The field that it's based on is definitely a date field, but I don't know why it would cause a data type mismatch.
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Dec 1, 2014
I've been trying to get a query to run but I keep the "type mismatch in expression" error message.It's the Invoice-Product Query in the attached file.I have tried changing the field types, the primary keys and messed around with the relationships but noting seems to work.
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May 10, 2014
I would like it to be formated the same on the web page as it is in the MS Access code module.For Example:
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
' Minimize the database window and initialize the form.
' Move to the switchboard page that is marked as the default.
Me.Filter = "[ItemNumber] = 0 AND [Argument] = 'Default' "
Me.FilterOn = True
Is there a free online HTML code editor that will do this?
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Aug 28, 2013
I have a report with several sub reports that run and fill a table conditionally. The third sub report displays the records from this table. It works perfectly.
If I print a batch of records, it also works perfectly - but only for the first record. Previously, I had another report with several sub reports where the visibility of objects were controlled - this worked fine in a batch. Every subreport had the correct visibility settings.
In this case, I have a similar design, but instead of setting visibility on the various subreports, I am filling a table based on data in the subreport. As stated it works great for the first one in the group, or any single print.
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Aug 27, 2014
Working with two tables - tbl_A_OrdData & tbl_B_ShipData tbl_A have all the orders placed, but tbl_B only have the orders that got shipped. I'm trying to create a query that will show me all orders that got placed for a particular criteria and if the order find a match in tbl_B to give me the ship date too. A left joint query get me the data I need. But my dates are in YYYYMMDD number format so in the query I am putting the DateValue function. And that error out as "data type mismatch" because it cannot find the shipdate for certain records. I tried this but didnt work. ShipDt: IIf (IsNull ([PSHPDT]), "", DateValue(Mid([PSHPDT],5,2) & "/" & Right([PSHPDT],2) & "/" & Left([PSHPDT],4)))
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