Queries :: School Database - Student Rank In Individual Subject

Sep 25, 2013

I am developing database for my school. I am done with everything except the examination aspect where i need to indicate students position in every subject beside their overall position according to the sum of all the subject scores. How to indicate student position in subjects.

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School Management Database

Apr 10, 2006

Hi Forum,

I am trying to create a access database system which will show classes, students, attendance, progress report, teachers, departments etc...

i have repeatedly failed in accomplishing this database as i dont have the knowledge.

the place that i get messed up is for example the attendance, i want it so that i can select a date and then all the students associated with that class showup. so 1 date and a list of student only on that class.

another problem was adding a progress report for every class and individual students.

this is for a community based school which teachings on saturdays, there are over 15 volunters who do not get paid to teach but are still willing to give something back to the society.

i beg you guys out there, you all are geniuses!!! please help us design this simple system. please if somebody already knows where i can get a system like this free of charge then let me know ASAP!

I would like to thankyou in advance for reading thins messge.

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Community Help Required Please Help! School Database

Apr 10, 2006

Hi Forum,

I am trying to create a access database system which will show classes, students, attendance, progress report, teachers, departments etc...

i have repeatedly failed in accomplishing this database as i dont have the knowledge.

the place that i get messed up is for example the attendance, i want it so that i can select a date and then all the students associated with that class showup. so 1 date and a list of student only on that class.

another problem was adding a progress report for every class and individual students.

this is for a community based school which teachings on saturdays, there are over 15 volunters who do not get paid to teach but are still willing to give something back to the society.

i beg you guys out there, you all are geniuses!!! please help us design this simple system. please if somebody already knows where i can get a system like this free of charge then let me know ASAP!

I would like to thankyou in advance for reading thins messge.

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Adding Pass / Fail And Audit To School Database

Mar 22, 2012

I have inherited an Access project from a former employee. My school currently keeps all grades in an Access program. Right now we just assign numerical values and those are turned into grades (I cannot actually find this table). Overall it works well, however, we now have classes where we need to input Pass/Fail and Audit.

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Queries :: How To Rank By Categories

Aug 22, 2013

I need to get the 4th column of this table:

PeriodPlayer AmountRank

201301ana 150 1
201301luis 100 2
201301raul 50 3

201302ana 125 1
201302raul 100 2

But I do not know how.

I have get up to there:

Rank: (Select Count(*) From [Tabla] Where [Amount]>[Player1].[Amount]+1

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Student Log In/out Database

Aug 18, 2007

Hello everyone. I am a new member and need help with a database that I am working on. Let me first say that my knowledge of Access, SQL, and databases in general is very limited. I work in the Academic Success Center at my college and they use an access database for sign in/out. My job is to redesign this database so that there are two forms instead of one. The first form will just be the first and last name of the student along with the date and time that are generated automatically. Currently the student must type in there info and when they are done working in center they must sift back through the records on the form to find their sign in info and type in a sign out time. My task is to make two forms one that has just the students first and last name along with the current date and time. This will be the student sign in. Once the student is done they should be able to find there name in a list of currently signed in students, select themselves, and be taken to their sign in record. The student will then be required to click a button to be taken to the sign out form which will automatically fill in there name, date, and current time not sign in time. The will then be required to select the resources that they used and what courses they worked on and any comments if they wish. Once they have filled out everything they will need to click a button that will close the sign out form and update the student table with their info. The actual design of the forms is not the problem, the problem is getting all of this to function the way it is supposed to. When I fist agreed to this it really didnt seen like it would be that difficult but apperantly it is, I am becoming very frustrated and desperate. If anyone can give any help at all or point in a direction that will help I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance, and sorry to be so long-winded.

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Student Database Design

Feb 28, 2008

Hi folks,

I'm building a database to store student exam results so that transcripts can automatically generated. This is a final year project for university so the database will never be used. I am a complete amateur when it comes to designing databases.


I have attached the relational schema for the database. I'd be grateful if someone who knows about proper design could tell me if its ok (from the point of view referential integrity and normalization etc).

I'd really appreciate helpful comments.



Just to explain a few things:
1) In the OverallMarks table, MarkType refers to whether the overall mark (i.e. 1st honours, 2nd honours) is for JF (Junior Freshman), SF(Senior Freshman) and so on.
2) In the ExamResults table, YearOfStudy refers to JF, SF, JS or SS. Year refers to the actual year the exam was sat e.g. 2007.
3) The data in the database will be coming from Excel spreadsheets, so my database will not be doing any calculations on the data. That's why I'm storing the overall mark instead of calculating it from the ExamResults table.

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Queries :: Rank Fields Of A Query Based On Another Field

Jan 18, 2015

I have the query below that return a table like:

PLOTNR; period,Value, ID, Basal_area/ha, Basal_area/ha, perc_BA_sp

What I want to is to add another field that rank the perc_BA_sp by PLOTNR descending (thus highest perc_BA_sp values rank one etc.)

1 AS period,
([Q:INV1-Basal_area_plot-spp]![Basal_area/ha]/[Q:INV1-Basal_area_plot]![Basal_area/ha])*100 AS perc_BA_spFROM[Q:INV1-Basal_area_plot-spp]


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Getting Post Between Rank X And Rank Y

Aug 11, 2005


I've got a table with football players, each player has a name,
id and a value. The value gets updated everytime the player
has played a match.

I don't have a rank field, and lets assume it's not possible to
add it.

I'd like to get, not the "top" players but the players from, say
rank 10 to rank 20. What I do now, is I get all the players (ordered by their value) and then loop thru the resultset.

Code:strSQL = "SELECT * FROM player ORDER BY player.score DESC;"rsPowerbabe.Open strSQL, adoConFor i = from_rank To to_rank Response.Write (rsFootballPlayers("name")) Response.Write (",") rsFootballPlayers.MoveNextNext

I think it would be more effective, if I could let access do the
hard work..

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,


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Student Detention Database - Layout And Limit Via Date

Mar 4, 2012

What tables should i create that suits 'normalisation'? Do I need to do anything different if I intend to upload this to Sharepoint and have a sharepoint entry or Infopath component.?

How do I limit to only 25 Students on a given date?

Student Data is Imported in from Excel spreadsheet

Basic Access User, but need to move on from Excel UI's.

Starting up a database that will allow a teacher to add students to a detention roster on a specified date.

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General :: Student Database - Transfer Of Payment To New Semester And Session

Nov 18, 2012

I am creating a student database in ms access2007 but finding difficult to go further. In my database, I have created the following


Then a query from the payment that shows student I'd,arrears,amount due,paid. And balance

My question is

1.How do I transfer the students and their balance to a new semester and session
2.Do I have to new student and payment tables every semester bcos payment are made every semester
3. I want to keep each students payment for as long as they remain in the school
4. A session is made up three semesters how do I transfer students to a new session

May be my tables layout are faulty...

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Tables :: Student Database For Daily Attendance - Column Limitations

Dec 31, 2012

I'm in the process of constructing a student database for my school which would track (in addition to detailed student information) the daily attendance of over 270 students.

It is my understanding that there is a limit of 255 field names per table, so I can't use the student names as field names, nor can I really use dates as this would not quite cover even a year.

Student ID and AttendanceDate as field names is also not really a feasible strategy, as each week this would eat up 1300+ rows, so I would run out of space in that direction as well.

My question is ultimately am I better off building this in excel 2010, or is there a way of doing this in access that I have overlooked?

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Queries :: Calculate Fee For Each Student On Monthly Basis

Jul 23, 2013

Me having a db which is having a student table which is keeping all student info, second i have a Van table which is keeping van info. I wanted to know how it is possible to calculate monthly van fee for each student on monthly basis which db do it itself based on system date/time and calculate monthly required fee for each student. I also would like to know that if a student do not pay in a month then checking the next month or checking unpaid student through date criteria it displays all due amount may be in sum.

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General :: Emailing From Access - Individual Records To Individual Emails

Jan 8, 2015

I have a database where I record grades for my students. I would like to create a macro so that every time I record a grade as an "F", the student will receive an email that will contain an attachment of their scores. A lot of the information I want to include in this email is in several different tables. So to make it easier, I have created a query that lists the following:

Students name (SName)
Student's email (SEmail)
ID# of the form I use to record their grades (ID)
ID# of the studen'ts work (WorkID)
Date of their work (CreatedDate)
Date I graded their work (AuditDate)
Grade="F" (Accuracy)

How can I create something that will automate emailing of this information--to the individual student with only their information? I am using Access 2010. If I can't automatically send the emails, I would like to create a button in my audit screen that will send a report containing that student's information to them.

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Modules & VBA :: Send Individual Pdf Attachment To Individual Recipients

Feb 3, 2014

I have created a database that generates a report with customer debts. I have a lot of customers and in a report each page is a different customer with individual debts info. What i would like to do is to create a button and distribute individual report page as pdf to individual customer by email. I'm using Lotus notes. I have searched the forums i found something but it was not what i was looking for.

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General :: Send Email To Individual Clients Via Access Database 2003

Sep 17, 2014

I have a requirement to send a email to individual clients via my access database 2003 . I am using the email address of the client in the current open form . I then created a query using the id to filter that particular client, this query then becomes my record set.The content for the email is held in a .txt file , On my c drive . Every things appears fine however the fonts that I select in the .txt file are not being use in the actual email body. I created a word document with my preferred fonts and copied and pasted them into the .txt file but on sending the email the selected fonts do not appear.

I have attached a demo of what I am trying to do . To test enter your own email in the email address field of the form . Note the .txt file is on the C:/ drive.

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Merging 70 Individual Dbs Into One - Without Creating 70 Queries!!!!

Apr 8, 2008

Hi all - new here - hope to get some help :)

Situation: I have a bunch of individual databases (approx 70) - each holding one table called "Meter" with some GPS reads and additional information about the GPS point.

Am looking for solution to create one big database file holding all GPS reads.

One idea i have is linking all tables into a new database and run a create table query and then an append query.

Is there a way to somehow have the one append query run automatically on all existing linked tables (remember approx 70 tables so i really want to avoid of creating 70 append queries ;) )

To make it more complicated: data sets in the original individual databases could be modified or new data could be added. From what I know linked tables are updated but is there a way of keeping the my big, newly created (appended) database up2date automatically as well?

Hope it all makes sense?
Thanks a lot in advance
Regards from Ireland

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Queries :: Multi Concatenated Text Box To Individual Row

Sep 30, 2014

I have imported a lot of data from excel into a table. There is in one of the columns some multi concatenate info I want to separate in it's own individual row.I am not sure if there is a way to do this in a query or if there was an MsAccess2007 example somewhere. I looked on the internet but couldn't find anything.

the columns are like this now

123456 7RFE01, 7RFE03, 7MFE06, 7MFH04
237890 8RFE80, 8MFE03, 9GFE06, 5QFH06, 3QFY06

I want the columns to be like this in a query or new table.

123456 7RFE01
123456 7RFE03
123456 7MFE06
123456 7MFH04
237890 8RFE80
237890 8MFE03
237890 9GFE06
237890 5QFH06
237890 3QFY06

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Queries :: How To Set Rolling Year Based On Individual First Record

Mar 31, 2014

I wanted to know if it is possible to set a rolling year based on the first recorded date for an individual. In other words, my table is updated every time an employee receives a point. The record includes the employee's name (empName), the date (dateOfOccurrence), and the point (occurrencePoint).

I would like to create a query that would be based on a rolling year from the very first record of an employee based on the first dateOfOccurrence. The first date/record of this employee would be the start of the rolling year. I am writing this in SQL in Access 2013.

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Project For School Help!

Apr 13, 2006

Hi all

I am new to this forum and to Access. I have expierience with visual basic.

I am making a program in access for saving data when someone borrows something from you, to keep track of all your borrowed stuff.

Here are my questions.

1) How can I write code for buttons to change the records (movenext, movelast,...) + how can I change the current record? + how can I control a scrollbar via code?

2) How can I change the current recordsource via code and how can I run previously made query statements via code?

3) How can I change the ShowDropButtonWhen property from a combobox via code?

4) How can I control a FlexGrid via code?

5) How can I open another Form with a press on a button via code?

6) How can I save and load an OLE/object image and how can I show them via an ActiveX control?

Thats about it folks

If anyone can point me in the right direction or can give me an example database, I would be very happy:)


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Help With School Project...

Oct 30, 2007


I am responsible for creating a database for a school project, and am having some problems relating the two tables of the database together. Please keep in mind that I have no prior Access experience, and know very little about the program. Here is my situation, any help would be greatly appreciated:

Taking the perspective of a product vendor in a store (i.e. selling soda to a grocery store), I am trying to create a database which allows me to run a query for authorized products in certain stores. I have a products table which has all available products the company sells, and then I have a Stores Table for the different stores which carry the company's product. I want to know how to set up and join each table so that if a certain product is not authorized in a certain store, it will not show up in a query.

Again sorry for the shallow description, any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Pre-school Register

Feb 7, 2008

Help! I am trying to think of a way I can use an excel worksheet as a data form in Access. A little background to the problem. A pre-school that I have been helping have a excel spreadsheet in place that they use as a kind of booking register which also works out the termly costs for each child based on the number of sessions attended. Is there any way I can inport or link this to a database so monthy invoice's and goverment figures can be printed automatically.

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Rank Query Gap???

Oct 17, 2005

I have set up two queries to generate a rank order based volume generated. The query does what I want for the most part in that if two parties have the same volume, they have a common rank (this is what I want to have happen). The problem comes that at various points throughout the data set, some of the rank sequence will be skipped...example, rank 265 to 267 (skips 266) and rank 786 to 790 (skips 787, 788, 789).

How can I close the gaps?

Here are the two queries...

Query 1
SELECT VolRnkALL.group_code, Sum(VolRnkALL.avg_group_volume) AS SumOfAvg_Group_Volume
GROUP BY VolRnkALL.group_code
ORDER BY Sum(VolRnkALL.avg_group_volume) DESC;

Query 2
SELECT qry_SetRankSTEP1.group_code, qry_SetRankSTEP1.SumOfAvg_Group_Volume AS Expr1, (SELECT Count(*) FROM qry_SetRankSTEP1 t1

t1.SumOFAvg_group_volume >= qry_SetRankSTEP1.SumOFAvg_group_volume) AS Rank
FROM qry_SetRankSTEP1;

Thanks for your help

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Help With SQL To Rank Records

Oct 30, 2007


I have a query which brings back the following columns:


The table it is referring to is called 05_FULL_TABLE and I have changed the Alias for this table within my query to 05_FULL_TABLE1.

I'm trying to add a field which will rank the products by GP (Highest GP=1), within each group i.e. the rank starts from 1 again every time you hit a new year, period, or Store.

I've taken a suggested method from Microsft Support: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/208946
Seniority: (Select Count(*) from Employees Where [HireDate] < _

and changed it to: RANK: (Select Count(*) from 05_FULL_TABLE Where ([SumOfGP] < [05_FULL_TABLE1].[SumOfGP] AND [STORE_FKEY] = [05_FULL_TABLE1].[STORE_FKEY] AND [YEAR] = [05_FULL_TABLE1].[YEAR] AND [PERIOD] = [05_FULL_TABLE1].[PERIOD]) +1)

It is adding a rank, but it is not starting the rank again at any of the changes in store etc (which are all sorted Ascending in the query result), so I guess my "WHERE" clause isn't right. Can anyone suggest where I've gone wrong?

Many Thanks


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Email: Subject Title

Mar 11, 2005

Does anyone know how to put in a file reference number automatically into the subject bar of an email?

This is the code that i am currently using:

On Error GoTo Err_Handler
If [CboExport] = "Today" Then
Dim rst As Recordset
Dim db As Database
Set db = CurrentDb
'Create Recordset
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT tblAT.FileNr, tblAT.RefDate " & _
"FROM tblAT " & _
"WHERE (((tblAT.RefDate)=Date()));", dbOpenDynaset)
'Check to see if there has been records recorded today
If rst.EOF = True And rst.BOF = True Then
Set db = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If
'Export query as MS EXCELL

DoCmd.SendObject acSendQuery, "qryTodaysDate", acFormatXLS, company@somewhere.com, myboss@somewhere.com, , "File reference number ?????????"The following file is the latest extract from me as at " & Date & "."

regards, Steve

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Is Replication A Taboo Subject?

Jul 27, 2005

I have posted on a couple of other sites and have not had an answer in two days on a replicated database question. Is this a taboo subject, or is there just not a lot known about it?

I have a FE/BE Database that has 25 users. Two of these users moved offsite and are having huge speed issues. What I have gotten out of my research is the best thing to do is create a replica of the backend and transfer that replica to the offsite agents pc. This way everything is on their C drive instead of the BE being on the network and the only speed issues they will have is when they synchronize the replica w/ the backend.

Here is my problem. How do I create a button on the FE of the Database that will cause the BE on their PC to synchronize with the Design Master BE on the network?

I have a limited understanding of VBA.

Any Help would be appreciated.


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