Queries :: Setting 2 Criteria For A DLookup Query

Mar 18, 2014

I need some syntax in setting 2 criterias for a DLookup query.

I've attached a sample db with 2 tables: Main & Timesheet

I need a "combo" query showing (on the same line) all Qty for Transcodes N, 1 & 2 where the Staff number and TSNum is the same.

I'm sure about the logic but the syntax is letting me down.

I can pull in 1 of the criteria E.g.:

OT1: DLookUp("Qty","ExOT1","[Staff] =" & [Staff])

But can for the life of me not script the second criteria in.

So in my result of ExCombo I'm getting Staff 11 showing 4 under OT1 while I know the result does not apply for TSNum 29832 as indicated hence the need for the 2nd criteria.

Since I have to change some of the values to text inside the query it might be best to have a look at the attached db rather than just suggesting the correct syntax .

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Queries :: Blank Query After Setting Criteria

Feb 4, 2014

I've set up a form with a button to open a report based on the current name on the form. The idea is that as you look through the different pages on the form you can open a report for whatever one you're on and print it.

In my query I have a name field where I put the criteria: Forms!Formname.Textboxname

By clicking the button on my form I'm able to generate a report based on the name that appears in that textbox. It works great when I initially put it in but if I close the form (or query, or report) and open it back up it is blank.

Is this even possible with a text box? It seems like it when I open it, it has nothing to go off and that's why it's blank. I just don't know how to fix that.

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Queries :: Multiple Criteria In DLookup Query

Apr 23, 2013

I've been asked to get involved in some access development but don't seem to be get my dlookup syntax correct.I essentially want to lookup what salary band different employees are in.I have two tables:

Employee Table) has the fields: Name, Type, Salary

Salary Band Table) has the fields Employee Type, Salary Band, Lower range, Upper range..my query syntax is:


Band: DLookUp("[Salary Band]","Salary Band Table", [Salary] & " BETWEEN [Lower range] and [Upper range]" & "AND " & [Type] & " = [Employee Type]")

I can get the first criteria to work but can't get the second part to work - currently it produces an error.

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Queries :: Setting Criteria For Query Based On 3 Combo Boxes

Jul 10, 2013

Ok so im working in MS Access 2007.

I want to create a query based on 3 combo boxes but have it so that if the field in the second or third combo box is not populated the query still runs.

Right now i have the Criteria set for the three columns that i wish to sort by as seen below.

Column 1
Criteria: [Forms]![Entity Selection Form]![areabox2]

Column 2
Criteria: [Forms]![Entity Selection Form]![devbox2]

Column 3
Criteria: [Forms]![Entity Selection Form]![entitybox2]

This gives me the correct query result but im forced to make a selection from each combo box. Is there a way to progamme it so that if I only make a selection from the first combobox and leave the others blank i can still get results in a query?

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Queries :: DLookup - Combine Multiple Criteria Syntax In Query

Apr 17, 2013

I am trying to create a Dlookup in Access 2010 within a query using query wizard. I want to lookup the tax rate for an employee based on a salary range and their 'tax category' (string). Through troubleshooting I can get the criteria to work separately.

These are: DLookUp("Base","TABWT","[TABWT].[Taxclass] = '" & [FirstOfTaxGroup] & "'")

DLookUp("Base","TABWT",[grosspay] & " Between [TABWT]![Minimum] And [TABWT]![MaxBracket]")

These work and return the correct values for each column/row when I run the query.

However, when I combine the criteria (using the build wizard) as follows:

Expr1: DLookUp("Base","TABWT","[TABWT].[Taxclass] = '" & [FirstOfTaxGroup] & "'" and [grosspay] & " Between [TABWT]![Minimum] And [TABWT]![MaxBracket]")

The Dlookup will returns 0 values but will not give an error message.

I've tried quite a few variations on syntax and quotes and so on. However, it's just not working for me.

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Setting Query Criteria To Be 'blank' Depending On The Criteria Of A Combo Box

Oct 21, 2006

I have set up a database that stores actions (i.e jobs). In the table; two of the fields are...'required completion date' and 'actual completion date'. I wish to lookup, by using a query, all of the open actions (those which havent yet been complete (i.e the 'actual completion date' is null)) and then later on all those which are overdue (i.e the 'actual completion date' is null And the 'required completion date' <today....this being the criteria for an overdue action).

However, I have used a form which has a combo box which contains the values open and overdue. When a selection has been made I want a form to display with the results depending on the selection that has been made. I am capable of creating a form based on a query, but am unsure of how to construct the query with the correct criteria based on the option that is selected from the form.

Any help would gratefully be appreciated. Thanks

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Queries :: Dlookup With A Between Criteria

Aug 6, 2013

I have two tables



What I am trying to do with a Dlookup is return the Rating when FF/M is between FFMin and FFMax. All fields are Numbers.

FFRating: DLookUp("Rating","Criteria_Ratings",[FFmin]<[FF/M] And [FFmax]>=[FF/M])

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Problems In Setting Criteria In Queries

Jul 4, 2005


I have a problem in setting the criteria of queries.

I have two inspection methods: ABC and XYZ. Every two years, ABC will be carried out, and all other years, XYZ will be performed. However, information to which factory XYZ is performed is required. If ABC is carried out, then the information can be simply "N.A".

But when I do the query, I therefore need to add an extra field which will show "N.A" if ABC is performed, or the factory name if XYZ is performed (factory name can be retrieved from another table).

May I know how do I set this criteria in Query?

Thanks in advance.

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Queries :: Criteria Using DLookup String From Another Txtbox?

Aug 19, 2015

I have a table tblDateGroups, with two field, [Group] (like This Week, Next Week, Last Month, etc) and [Code] that holds the code for criteria for each group in a query. I know the code is fine (like next week = Between Date()-Weekday(Date())+8 and Date()-Weekday(Date())+14 ) because I tested before putting in the table.

On my form I have a combo box that list all the [Group] and i hidden textbox that looks up the code based on the cbx after update...all that is good.

However, when i try to requery the report the criteria is not working. I am simply using the date criteria to read the hidden text box with the code string.

Forms!frmMainHome!subaWelcome.Form!txtCodeForQuery .

the error code is "This expression is typed incorrectly, or it is too complex to be evaluated. For example, a numeric expression may contain too many complicated elements. Try simplifying the expression by assigning parts of the expression to variables."

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Queries :: DLookup With 2 Criteria - One Number And One Date

Jan 26, 2014

I have been working on a query in my database and I would like to look up a Number Value from another table based on a Number ID field and the Number Date in the Number Values table, where the Number ID field in the table agrees to the Number ID Index field in the query, and the Number Date field in the table agrees with the Initial Date field in the query. The Dlookup syntax I currently have is as follows:

DLookUp("[Number Value]","Number Values","[Number ID]=" & [Number ID Index] & "And [Number Date]= [Initial Date]")

The Dlookup shown above does not return an error, but it returns a blank field. I know that individually, the Dlookup for the Number ID works, but when I add the And for the Number Date the Dlookup returns a blank. Also, I have verified that there are existing records where the Number Date and Initial Date fields agree.

Also, I changed the format of the date fields in the tables to be ShortDate, thinking that the Timestamp was causing the Dlookup to not find a match. I also tried to use the DateValue() function within a query to reformat with not luck.

Why my Dlookup is returning a blank?

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Help Setting Criteria Within Query

Mar 11, 2008

Hello, I am working on a database to analyze weekly purchase results. With the goal being to determine the response rates for each promotion source that was used.

I have a table that contains PromoName, PromoCode, PromoQuantity, PromoSource and PromoDropDate. In another table I have imported 8 weeks worth of results and use the fields PromoCode and DatePurchased. An additional field called TransactionValue is auto assigned to the number value of 1.

I was able to create a query that looked at all the records with the same PromoDropDate and PromoSource field and then summed the values in the TransactionValue.

I would like to be able to see the results by week for 10 weeks but am not sure how to proceed. For example if the PromoDropDate is 1/10/08 I could look at the results based on DatePurchased being between 1/10/08 and 1/16/08, and then for 9 week periods after that.

I welcome any and all suggestions on the best way to approach this. thanks.

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Can You Use A DLookup In The Criteria Of A Query

Sep 23, 2005

Can you put a Dlookup in the criteria of a query?
I have table which contains bookings

customername excursionname etc

i want to include in my query results some information relating to the excursionname for a report, so that i can use them for sorting.

how do i add a dlookup to the query to display the pickupcode for the excursionname from the table boardingpoints

i have the fieldname Expr1 etc, it might look something like this:-



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Setting Criteria Within A Select Query

Aug 23, 2005

I have set up a query to pull data from within a date range.

I have written an SQL Statement to amend the format of the date field:

Effective Date: IIf([Date_Effective_From]="00000000",Null,DateValue(Mid([Date_Effective_From],7,2) & "/" & Mid([Date_Effective_From],5,2) & "/" & Mid([Date_Effective_From],1,4)))

Within my criteria I have:

Between [Forms]![Benefits]![date1] And [Forms]![Benefits]![date2]

(Benefits being the form). If I enter date range 01/01/2005 to 01/05/2005 I receive all data from 01 January to 01 May - but including different years i.e 2002, 2003, 2004 etc.

Can anyone suggest anything I may have missed?


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Setting Query Criteria In Code

Dec 13, 2007

I have a query that has 4 fields that are text fields in an external database. I have text boxes set up on a form which contain either null or >0 (depending on an option button selected). I want to pass that >0 to one field in the query and null to the other three. I have the following as criteria in my query:
[Forms]![frmSelectPayment]![txt2ndPayment] (same one for each of the 4 fields except the form field name changes)

Below is the code that sets the text boxes that are sent to the query:
Select Case [FraSelectPayment] 'depending on which pmt being pulled
Case 1 '6 payment plan only
stDocName = "qryGetPlusARImport"
Select Case [FraChoose]
Case 1
Me.txt2ndPayment = ">0"
Me.txt3rdPayment = Null
Me.txt5thPayment = Null
Me.txt6thPayment = Null
Case 2
Me.txt2ndPayment = Null
Me.txt3rdPayment = ">0"
Me.txt5thPayment = Null
Me.txt6thPayment = Null
Case 3
Me.txt2ndPayment = Null
Me.txt3rdPayment = Null
Me.txt5thPayment = ">0"
Me.txt6thPayment = Null
Case 4
Me.txt2ndPayment = Null
Me.txt3rdPayment = Null
Me.txt5thPayment = Null
Me.txt6thPayment = ">0"
Case Else
MsgBox "Please select a payment"
Exit Sub
End Select

DoCmd.OpenQuery stDocName, acNormal, acEdit

If I run the query alone I leave all fields blank and put >0 on the one I want to search by it works fine (695 records returned) but when I run it through code, nothing is returned. I really hope this makes sense to someone! Can anyone see what I am doing wrong?

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Setting Query Search Criteria From A Form

Oct 30, 2006

Looking to be pointed in the corect direction,

having trouble using a text box on a form to set the search criteria for a particular field within a query.

Ideally i would like to enter the criteria in a textr box then click a button which sets the criteria and opens the query results in a report,

I have designed the query but cant which works if you go into the design and enter the criteria. the problem lies with getting the text box on teh form to set teh criteria.

If i use the expression builder to set the criteria to the same value of the "text" within the "text box" on said form the following happens,

If i open the query itself it opens a small window and displays the "expression" that i entered in the criteia box, above the data entry. the query does work this way but dont understand why the expression is displayed???
The text box on the form also becomes locked, not allowing data to be entered.

I have tried to link the query direct to the text box.
also tried creating a table which has data entered via form then linking the query criteria to a field in the table.

Could some one point me in the right direction please

many thanks



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Forms :: DLookup Without Criteria - Getting Value From Query Expression

Mar 23, 2014

I've never used DLookup before and I can't get it to work for me so far.

I have 1 table which contains products and different properties of each product, such as the weight of the product.

I have created a query which sums the weight of all products, but only for those that have a value >0 in a certain field. This all works fine.

Now I simply want to display that calculated total weight in a text box on a form. So I thought DLookup could be used for that. But I can't get it to work, maybe because I'm not putting in any criteria? In the control source of the text box
I've put the following:


I don't have any criteria, I just want the value from my qry expression. The textbox on my form now displays #name?

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Problem Setting A Date Range On My Query Criteria

Jul 21, 2006

I have this criteria which should collect a date range (cboDate and cboDate2), it works well in collecting the date range if i put separate days (like 6/17/2006 and 7/18/2006, it'll collect the data matching those dates), but if i put the same day, say i want to get all the data for 6/17/2006. And cboDate and cboDate2 are both 6/17/2006. With this code, nothing comes up. Can you help me?

([tblJobDetails]![timeIn]>=[Forms]![frmPendingJobs]![cboDate] Or
[tblJobDetails]![timeIn]>=[Forms]![frmPendingJobs]![cboDate] Is Null) And
([tblJobDetails]![timeIn]<=[Forms]![frmPendingJobs]![cboDate2] Or
[tblJobDetails]![timeIn]<=[Forms]![frmPendingJobs]![cboDate2] Is Null)

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Forms :: Setting Default Value Using DLOOKUP?

Jun 17, 2013

I have a form for new customers. One of the fields is the product they have chosen ("new model", "old model", etc.) in a drop down Combo box. I want default pricing to appear in the form based on the what user selects for the product. But, I am getting nothing shown in the price box after choosing the product.

I've tried two approaches but with no luck. What am I doing wrong? This is in the default property for "price"

=DLookUp("[priceDefault]","tbl_products","[product]= '" & [productChosen] & "'")

=DLookUp("[priceDefault]","tbl_products","[product]= " & [Forms]![frm_CustomerRegistration]![productChosen])

I'm using Access 2007 and Windows 7.

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Queries :: Setting Zero Value In Crosstab Query

Jun 19, 2014

I have a crosstab query to summarise the counted string values from another query: E.g.;

TRANSFORM Count(Table1.Viable) AS CountOfViable
SELECT QryTable01.productName
FROM QryTable01
GROUP BY QryTable01.productName
PIVOT Table1.Viable;

As there are some null values returned (ie blank cell in the pivot table)

I used the Nz function to make this zero but when the query results are used in a report I want to add the rows to get row totals... but the result is as if they were string values;

So if I add a text box in the report with = [viable] + [Not viable]
Then the report row with the values:

Viable Not viable
14 12
displays as 1412

So how do I add the values in the rows???

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Queries :: Compute Field With DLookUp In Query?

Jun 6, 2014

I'm designing a query. It's very simple.

I just need to compute something like:

Var: TT[YYZ for this month]-TT[YYZ for last month]

The table is called C1 and has the fields i'm interested

YYZ: Location
TT: number
mxx: date

So, i have for YYZ a list of places and for TT a list of values. MXX has the date of the record on the table.

There is one record per date, which it means, there only one record for 1/1/1991 for the YYZ=2.

NF should calculate the difference between the the record on t against t-1.

I've tried with this

Var: YYZ-DLookUp("yyz","[C1]"," "[YYZ]=[YYZ]" AND "[mxx]=DateAdd("m", "-1", "[mxx]"))

But it fails.

I upload a xls sheet with the desired field, Var ,calculated.

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Queries :: Checking Query For Null And Setting Operations

May 30, 2014

I have been working on an application where I am collecting survey data in a database. There are multiple survey tools available to the user, and it's possible to complete multiple survey tools in the survey.My problem is, it's possible for the surveyor to complete some tools on one day and other tools on another day. I am having problems with trying to figure out how to add a tool that has not been previously added and keep in the same survey which is all held under a single Survey Number.

The first step in the function is to set a Record Number temporary variable based on whether or not the tool has been used (it's possible to use multiple instances of a survey tool, so need to know if the Record Number is '1', or the next number in the sequence.I've been trying to do this by checking a query for a Null and setting the temporary variable using something like:

IF ISNull("RecordNumber","qryRecordHeader") Then '1'
DLast("RecordNumber","qryRecordHeader") +1
End IF

The second half works just fine, so if there is a previous record, it will add. But if it's Null, it doesn't work.I'm trying to avoid opening a temporary form to run the query and checking a field. Is there a way around that?

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Queries :: Setting To Only Show Field In Simple Query Once

Sep 19, 2013

I have a simple query between two tables joined together by common fields. In my first table (Table 1 - tblLocations) I have information about a building i.e. Location Code, address and total sqft. . In my second table (Table 2 - tblAllocatedSpace), this contains details (Location Code, Room ID, SqFt assigned, etc.) of the space allocated in each building. The two tables are joined together when the “Location Code” in both table match.

In my query, I show the location detail from (Table 1 - tblLocations) and related records from (Table 2 - tblAllocatedSpace). My result looks like the following:

Location Code Sqft Address Assigned Sqft
106067 1,000 600 March Rd 10
106067 1,000 600 March Rd 15
106067 1,000 600 March Rd 12
106067 1,000 600 March Rd 20

The location code, Address and Sqft is rebated each time a space is assigned in (Table 2 – tblAllocatedSpace). When a build a report and need to sum the location Sqft, the number is multiplied by the number of related records in (Table 2 – tblAllocatedSpace). In this example by building total space is 4,000 sqft when I only it to show 1,000.

How do I set to only show the location code and sqft once?

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Queries :: Reporting Results Of DLookup In Query For Reports

Jan 7, 2014

I have been all over the internet and trying different things for hours to no solution. I have created a form (Code) which I am using to auto fill two categories in a form using dlookup. Both categories fill perfectly but I cannot get the information to transfer to a query in order to capture the information in a report.

These are the dlookups I've been using and the categories I'm attempting to capture are "Description" and "Category"

=DLookUp("Description","[Code]","[CodeID]='" & [ViolationCombo] & "'")
=DLookUp("Description","[Code]","[CodeID]='" & [ViolationCombo] & "'")

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Queries :: DLookup And Variables - Query Returning Same Value For All Rows

Aug 8, 2013

I am having a problem with a Dlookup query. I want to achieve the following - I have 2 different tables

Demography Table - consisting of 2 fields, City and Region

For example
City Region

The other Table totalflow consists of several field, one of the is flow from.

For example
Flow from

I want to do the following. Lookup the Flow from filed in table totalflow, and compare it to City in demography Table. If City = Flow from, return the value in Region. All are text fields.

I have tried following Query, but it only returns the same value for all rows. (from SQL view)

SELECT DLookUp("[Region]","Demography Table","[City] = '" &[Flow from]& "'") AS test
FROM [Demography Table], flowsize;

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Queries :: DLookup To Return Value Of Field In Query Expression

Oct 30, 2013

I have a field created in a query expression

BirthMon: Format([DOB],"mmmm")

I would like to create another field in the query using DLookup to return the value of the BrithMon.

BrithMonthID=DLookUp("MonID","tblListMons","BirthM on = Mon")

This works good if used with an unbound text box on a form, but when entered into a query expressions, an error is returned: cannot find the name 'BirthMon'

Can I used DLookUp in a Query expression to refer to another Query created field?

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Queries :: Setting Parameter Labels Is Causing Query To Return No Data

Jul 3, 2014

My parameters are linked to a form and say:

[Forms]![FormName]![Field] or [Forms]![FormName]![Field] Is Null

Ordinarily this works fine in returning either the selected value or all values if left null.

I need to pull in data from a Crosstab query, which means setting my parameter labels to [Forms]![FormName]![Field].

The problem is that setting the parameter labels is conflicting with pulling all records if the form dropdown is left null.

If I keep my parameters simple and just say [Forms]![FormName]![Field] then the query works with the crosstab data, but I can't do that. I need to show any records if the dropdown is left null.

The crosstab data isn't specifically the problem but needing to set the parameter names seems to be

I think I may have found a workaround by labeling the column headings in the crosstab, which means I don't have to assign parameter labels

It would still be good to know if there's a way of making it work with the parameter labels but this will do for now...

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