Queries :: Show All Books Not Borrowed By A Reader

Aug 23, 2013

How can I show by query all the books that has not been borrowed by a chosen reader?

My query setup is:

Table 1 readers( name etc.)
Table 2 books (name etc)
Table 3 Table of borrowing dates linked by 1 to many link to tables 1 and 2

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Access Books?!

Dec 14, 2006

Hello all Access gurus and wizards,
Hope this is the right area to post this...

Just wanted your opinion on a good Access book, possibly complete with training CD. I would like to have something that's pretty comprehensive in terms of topics, from basics to 'advanced'.

My background:

I've taken a couple Access online courses myself, so I'm pretty familiar with the very basics of it (creating tables from scratch, importing excel to table, linking text delimited, basic select queries and very beginning of action query like append query, forms, basic switchboard using wizard).

I've used access personally at work, creating some reports myself from scratch (meaning from linking stage to final report).

The only book I have is Using Access 2000 by Roger Jennings (I think it's by Que publishing). After I bought the book I realized it's more of a reference book for the experts, so I need something more 'down to earth' for somebody my level.

I personally would like to learn more about (or at least familiarize myself) with action queries, macros, perhaps just some basics about commands/VBAs (enough to at least know or benefit more from this great forum), linking datawarehouse, etc.

I came across 'step by step Microsoft Access'..I think it was $19.95, which I might purchase, but I would welcome additional comments/suggestions.

P.S. Bob Larson- I'm in Portland too.

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Access Books

Dec 12, 2007


I want to purchase an easy guide to Access 2003, does anyone know of any good books out there that are simple to understand??


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Can Anyone Recommend Me Some Good Books?

Dec 6, 2006

I don't want to buy something just because some guy on Amazon says it's so awesome that I have to buy this book!! :P

Anyway here are some things that I am looking at learning:

Visual Basic

Any GOOD book recommendations would be great, and much appreciated. Thank you!

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Books For Access Developer...

Feb 16, 2006


I need some good books for Access developers.. I want to what Access really can do.. I know create tables and queries.. How about create stored procedures and triggers using VBA in Access? Or any other more complex tasks in Access. I want to know more about this.


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Barcode Reader

May 10, 2006

Hi all,
I am trying to use a barcode reader with an Access database. The raw data is a linked table to a Crystal Report Excel dump that is updated daily. My problem, the raw data “Asset Tag” field is numbers only. The barcode has the needed numbers but is preceded by “PC”.

Raw data Asset Tag “12064621”
Barcode Asset Tag ”PC12064621”

Is there a way to remove the “PC” from the scanned “lookup” field?

Scan the barcode tag into the form, bringing up all related information on that Asset.

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Tips Needed: Access Books, Graphs, PDF

Jun 26, 2005


I am about to start a project where I must link an Access front-end database to an Oracle backend. I have about a year of Access development behind me now, and now here is the next challenge.

What I have to do is create analyses of data and output the data mainly in the form of diagrams (i.e. graphs or charts). I have seen how this can be done with Automation in Access in a book by Alison Balter (Mastering Access 2000 Development), by controlling the Excel object etc.

Here are my 2 questions:

1. I am considering buying another book on Access now, something that will contain more examples/methods for presenting information as a graph with the help of Excel. Should I stick to buying an Access book, or should I look into getting something that is more Excel programming oriented, i.e. something like an “Excel programmers compendium”? Any recommendations/tips to get me started would be appreciated.

2. The users want the graphs that I produce to be saved as a .PDF automatically at the push of a button in the Access GUI. How is this done? Do I need special software, or can I use something like PDFWriter to automatically convert the Excel graphs into .PDF’s?

Thanks in advance for the tips and have a nice day! :)


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Modules & VBA :: How To Divide / Distribute Books To Boxes

Apr 18, 2015

I have a list that shows how many books we have for each PO No. (Sorted by PO No.) Like below:


PO-0001 12
PO-0002 15
PO-0003 26

Now I would like to distribute/divide these different books to boxes and each box gets maximum 10 books. Like below list:


0001 BOOK 1~10 PO-0001
0002 BOOK 11~12 PO-0001
0002 BOOK 1~8 PO-0002
0003 BOOK 9~15 PO-0002
0003 BOOK 1~3 PO-0003
0004 BOOK 4~13 PO-0003
0005 BOOK 14~23 PO-0003

Format is not important in the list2, for example in Box 0002 we have book 11~12 means (book 11 of 12 +book 12 of 12) in po-0001

+ book 1 of 15 until book 8 of 15) in po-0002

books have bookno, for example for po-0001 we have 12 different books it means we have bookno (1 of 12) until (12 of 12) for this po no.

How I can produce automatically list 2 from list 1 by query or coding.

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Barcode Reader With Access DB

Dec 9, 2005


One of users of supermarket is running my db successfully since long. But due to the change of time & his progress in business, he expanded his supermarket and it is becoming difficult to use the keyboard to enter the digits for the price.

Hence he asked me to make db able to read barcode on the items so the transaction would take very little time.

To be frank, I do not have any experience about barcode reader how to implement it with Access db.

What kind of barcode readers are available that would EASILY set with Access db? R They really work with Access db? What steps I need to carry out to implement it?

Please advice if anyone of you has any idea in this regard.

With kind regards,

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Magnetic Card Reader

Apr 7, 2008

Looking at creating a database that looks up records based on a number from a magnetic card. Has anyone ever come across any code that will pull the info from the serial port? I have been looking for 2 days and not able to find anything. I have the card reader but do not have any software to get the info from the serial port and my limted coding does not even come close to what I need. Any help or a push in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.


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Meter Reader In Access

Mar 7, 2008


I m new, and i want to make a meter reader in Access for daily use. i want to be enter only last reading every day at data entry form and that last reading must appear as first reading of the next day automaticaly in same table, because i have only one table in my database. fields are "date", "1streading", "2ndreading" & one data entry form and one report. is it possible in access, if so please help me. thanks

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General :: Finger Print Reader And Access

Dec 24, 2014

I have just finished putting together an access database as a payroll. It is working fine and it will now save the company a lot of man hours in calculations.

When the employee clocks in or out there is a form and the employee has to key in a unique employee number and a password, which of necessity is hidden from view. Of course the password can be divulged from one employee to another.

Consequently, eventually I will need to incorporate a finger print reader and use the information from this instead of the password.

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General :: Creating PDF From Report Opens Adobe Reader

Mar 18, 2015

Since converting to Access 2010, when I use the "PDF or XPS" button to create a PDF from a report, after the save dialog it opens the PDF in Adobe reader, and then after I close it there is another dialog with the option to save the export steps. Is there any way to just be able to save the PDF and go back to where I was without having to do the extra clicks to get back?

Back in Access 2000 I had created a custom button on a toolbar that would automatically make a PDF from the open report, but that didn't transfer over when I converted the database to 2010.

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Equipment And Personnel Check In And Out Database Using Barcode Reader

Jul 31, 2013

My desired output of this is to have a database to allow me to quickly check in and out equipment and personnel using a barcode scanner. I am using access 2013 and started with the asset tracking template downloaded from Microsoft. Where I am hung up right now is adding the personnel check in and out (each member of the team will have a barcode attached to their id) I want to be able to just scan their badge when they show up and again when they leave. At the end I will run a report that shows who was on scene (it is for a search and rescue team) during a certain day or time range.

I have added two new tables one check in and one check out the only fields are firedeptID and CheckIn or CheckOut a date/time field CheckIn and CheckOut Auto populatewith Now(). The first problem is that I think I need to turn off (if possible)the auto creation of a new record every time, when I scan in an ID right now that record gets the time stamp of the last time the new record was created IE.Last week when the last person scanned in and the new record was created. I assume I am going the same type of issue when I start working on checking out the equipment.

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Forms :: Put Barcode In Field When Reader Scans Barcode / It Records Current Time

Nov 11, 2013

I want to be able to put a barcode in a field that when a reader scans the barcode it records the current time. Need it for access control to record who is in and out of the office. Reading other threads I understand it may be possible in Dlookup.

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Queries To Show Changes In Table

Feb 13, 2006


I'd like to make querie to show all changes made in database (one table) in some period of past time.

Please help me!


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Queries :: Show DOB That Are At A Certain Age By NOW Method

Jun 18, 2014

Is there a way of finding out who is turning18 years old in the next 6 months on a set day.

Specifically, I want to minus a date of birth from todays date (DateDiff?) and then for it to show those people who will be turning 18 in the next 6 months.

I've tried a range of Datediffs but I can't seem to get what I need.

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Queries :: Show Items Only Once

Nov 26, 2013

I would like to show all linked components (once) in a query.

With inner joins (option 2 when double clicking on a relationship line), it shows all linked components but with duplicates.

When selecting option 1 (only include rows where the joined field from both tables are equal) I only get 1 row due to the fact that not all components have values in all columns.

Therefore, How to create a query that shows all components that have one or more links to other parts. These links have be checked 3 tables.

I attached a overview of the tables involved.

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Queries :: Show Only Percentage Of Records

Nov 7, 2013

Is it possible to only show a percentage, like 5% of records using a query? Ideally i would like my query to show a random 5% sample from a table, that would be great. Is this sort of query possible?

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Queries :: Only Show If ID Is Matching In Other Table?

Jun 12, 2015

I have two tables. One with a persons name and ID, DOB, GP etc (TblName) and one with the persons ID and medication they take (TblMedication). I have a query that runs a report. The header is made up of the first table (TblName) and the body of the second table (TblMedication). All works fine but it shows all records from the first table (TblName) regardless of whether they have medication or not so the body shows up blank. I want to run the query with both tables information but only show the persons header if they have medication.

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Queries :: Duplicate Records Do Not Show

Feb 20, 2014

How can I have this query to show no duplicate records.

I would like to only see the first record only of each stock code.

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Queries :: Bypass A Parameter To Show All

Apr 30, 2014

I've used this parameter back in Access 2.0 where I ask for I put [What location?] as the parameter and users can put 'North' or hit enter to get all locations.

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Queries :: Only Show Records That Do Not Appear In Another Query

Jul 30, 2013

Currently I have a query, QRY_Test which contains a load of records under the fields "Gift_ID" and "Person_ID". I have another query, QRY_PersonList in which I would like to show all of the "Person_ID"s except the ones returned by QRY_Test.

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Queries :: Only Show Entered Data?

Apr 3, 2015

I have 4 columsn, numbers 1 is ModelID, 2 is FitPerSheet, 3s NeedCutOut and 4 is Time: [NeedCutOut]/[FitperSheet]

Thing is, I only enter some numbers into NeedCutOut, and I dont want to see any of the Models that I dont have a NeedCutOut number for.

here is the SQL code just in case. Never know.

SELECT tblPerSheetTime.ModelID,
tblPerSheetTime.FitPerSheet, tblPerSheetTime.NeedCutOut, [NeedCutOut]/[FitperSheet] AS [Time], *
FROM tblPerSheetTime;

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Queries :: If Statement In Criteria To Show All

Oct 2, 2014

I'm working on a published sharepoint web access database, writing a criteria expression in data source of a combo box.The field I'm setting criteria is called SharePointAuthor.

I wrote this critea:
IIf(CurrentWebUser(1)="John Doe","*",CurrentWebUser(1))

Trying to show all records when currentwebuser is John Doe, otherwise, show only records created by currentwebuser.Funny thing is that it turns out "John Doe" couldn't see any records, while other users can see their own records as expected.

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Queries :: Show Most Often Used Data In Field

Jun 29, 2014

How can i make a query which shows the most used data in a field, i saw how i can show the biggest or smallest but i didn't see how many times is each data used in a field.

My field is for years, and i wanna see each year and how many times it is used.

Is this possible to do?

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