Queries :: Sorting Date From DateTime Field

Jan 27, 2015

I have a field on a table that is a DateTime format and it needs to be that way. I am trying to query that table for all the dates to use in a combobox but I only wat the date not the time. The problem is when I format the field to just date I can't sort it anymore as a date and I can't group them. I still get multiple lines in my combobox because there multiple times for the same day. what is the proper way in a query to extract just the date from a field and still sort it as date ie 1/12/2015 is greater than 12/15/2014?

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Queries :: How To Convert Datetime Field To Date Field

Jun 8, 2013

I am trying to deduct a datetime field from a date field to decide how many days are in between. It doesn't let me. So do I need to convert the datetime field to a date field first? How would I do that?Or is there a function I can use to calculate the date difference?

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Query Date From DateTime - General Date Format Field.

Mar 10, 2006

I have a date and time stamp in a Date/Time field of General Date format (3/1/2006 7:52:25 AM).

I wish to select query on the table's Date/Time field by date portion only (3/1/2006) and not include the time portion (7:52:25 AM) of the field.

Using this expression in the query's criteria - "Between [Enter Start Date: (MM/DD/YY Format)] And [End Date: (MM/DD/YY]" will not return the date ranges as desired without also typing in the full time string.

How can the date integer be parsed out and the query properly expression ed on the criteria field without using VB?

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Query Datetime Field And Grouping By Date Only

Aug 28, 2007

I'm losing my mind on this one. Here is my situation... I receive a daily excel sheet with these fields. I would like to import this workfile into access and would like to manipulate it anyway I want. The problem I'm coming into is that I can't collapse/group the datetime field into just the date when I run a query. I would like to be able to run a query on any date range the client registered, a query on any and all the unique dates the client purchased something, all the unique clients, etc. Here is a sample

Sales Name - Sales # - Client Name - Client # - Registered Dt - Purchased Dt
Paul, John - 273 - Kelly, Maria - 2252 - 7/26/2007 18:22 - 8/4/2007 10:21
Paul, John - 273 - Kelly, Maria - 2252 - 7/26/2007 18:22 - 8/5/2007 18:20
Paul, John - 273 - Kelly, Maria - 2252 - 7/26/2007 18:22 - 8/6/2007 10:21
Paul, John - 273 - Kelly, Maria - 2252 - 7/26/2007 18:22 - 8/6/2007 13:28
Paul, John - 273 - Kelly, Maria - 2252 - 7/26/2007 18:22 - 8/6/2007 13:28
Paul, John - 273 - Kelly, Maria - 2252 - 8/7/2007 01:22 - 8/9/2007 05:46

I would like it to show...

Sales Name - Sales # - Client Name - Client # - Registered Dt - Purchased Dt
Paul, John - 273 - Kelly, Maria - 2252 - 7/26/2007 - 8/4/2007
Paul, John - 273 - Kelly, Maria - 2252 - 7/26/2007 - 8/5/2007
Paul, John - 273 - Kelly, Maria - 2252 - 7/26/2007 - 8/6/2007
Paul, John - 273 - Kelly, Maria - 2252 - 8/7/2007 - 8/9/2007

and a different query like ( the purchase date doesn't matter here)...

Sales Name - Sales # - Client Name - Client # - Registered Dt - Purchased Dt
Paul, John - 273 - Kelly, Maria - 2252 - 7/26/2007 - 8/4/2007
Paul, John - 273 - Kelly, Maria - 2252 - 8/7/2007 - 8/9/2007

I read in other places to change the format, input mask, convert, char, etc. but nothing. Please tell me exactly what to do. I don't care if the time changes to midnight or 0:00:00. I will owe you my first born child.

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Queries :: Change Time Portion Of Datetime Field In Update Query?

Sep 12, 2013

I have some incorrect time entries in a column that I need to fix with an update query.

So, 04/11/2013 08:00:00 needs to be changed to 04/11/2013 09:00:00

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Sorting A Date Field

Jul 4, 2005

i have a date field where about 80% of the data is entered in the format dd/mm/yyyy but the rest may be year only since the exact date is not known. Therefore, it does not have an input mask or a format set. Is it still possible to sort on that field? (As i write this i realise it is probably a dumb question but always worth a shot!)

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Forms :: Sorting (DATE) Field In A Subform?

Feb 21, 2014

I have a subform which tracks all the notes our personnel have entered in a specific project (which is the main form).

The issue is that I want the most current note to show in the subform when the project is "opened up". The underlying query for the subform has the [DATE] field sorted on "Descending".

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Queries :: Sorting A Field Within A Query?

Feb 5, 2014

I have a query that pulls info from a table. One of my fields is frequency and in that field i have weekly, annually, daily, etc.

How can I make the query sort starting at the daily one and move out to annually?

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Conditional Formatting On DateTime Field

May 6, 2015

I have a form that pulls in open project information that has a datetime field called "Duetime". What I'm attempting to do is that when this datetime field is less than 1 hour away, to turn the field background orange. Also, if less than 30 minutes to actually being past due, then it would be red.

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Queries :: Select Record With Nearest Datetime?

Aug 6, 2015

I would like to add fields from one table to another based on matching datetime codes.

Most data are in the table 'metadata' (information on sound recordings), and i want to add lat long fields from a large table of GPS points 'gpsData'. Each record in the metadata table has start and end datetime fields - i want to a add lat and long that matches the start time and a lat and long that matches the end time (so four fields to metadata).

My approach has been to try this with two separate select queries (i.e. one for adding the start locations and one for adding the end locations), with the intention of then combining these two outputs in a single table.

When i try a simple select query though I can see that:

a) there are no matching time codes for some records, because although the hh:mm:ss look the same there are differences in the lesser decimal places of the datetime serial numbers. I have tried using the round function on the datetime fields of both tables but this doesn't fix it (I don't understand why not).

b) there are some duplicates because there are sometimes more than one GPS point for each second, and the metadata times are given to second precision (so some metadata records get two entries in the query result).

How can I have the query select the gpsData record with the nearest datetime stamp to that in the metadata table's start time field? The respective field names are UTC and StartUTC. Can i do the same for the end times simultaneously or should i do this separately?

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Modules & VBA :: DateTime Format - Update Timestamp With Todays Date When User Make Changes

Dec 25, 2013

I am new to access 2010. I have a table called "Forecasts", and I wish to update the timestamp with todays date, whenever the user makes a change to the qty of goods forecasted.

I have been researching online for the solution to the correct format to datetime, but it doesnt seem to work.

Dim todayDate As Date
todayDate = Date
Dim sqlString As String
sqlString = "UPDATE [Forecasts] " & _

[Code] .....

The messagebox shows:

UPDATE [Forecast] SET Branch_Plant=123, Item_Number_Short='222', Description='AAA', UOM='EA', Estimated_Cost=123, Requesting_Business_Unit='AAA', End_Customer='CCC', Project ='Secret', Timestamp=#26/12/2013# WHERE ID =24

Then I hit a syntax error. Whats wrong with sqlString?

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Reports :: Displaying Time Only In Datetime Field

Dec 3, 2013

I have a report that shows a datetime field and I would like to show only the time portion of the field on my report. Is there a way for me to do that?

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Tables :: DateTime - Running Pivot Queries To Excel To Do Analysis Of Data

Aug 27, 2013

I have a larget transaction data set in access with Datetime column/filed.

I have been running pivot queries to excel to do analysis of the data but the datetime field is returning too many unique values for the pivot table to run.

What is the best way to reduce the datatime field to date only and where should this be done?

i.e. should I have a calculated field that trims datetime or should I set someohting up in Powerpivot?

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Queries :: Date Field With Time - Query For Date Only And Get All Records

Apr 26, 2013

I have a query based on a table which has a date field. the field both in the table and the query have the time also in the date value so when I try to query on a date I get nothing if I copy the date and time from the field I will get the result for that record if I just use the date I get nothing. I have tried the format which does display just date but if you click on the field the time is also there You must be able to query for a date only and get all the records.

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Sorting By Date

Oct 7, 2005

I have the data below in a query in Access, and I want it to sort by the Week Begin date.
I have put a sort on for 'Ascending' but it doesn't work. (Due to the 29th being after the 28th - regardless of month)

Is there any way I can force the sort in this query ?
It must be in the same query though, as I could probably do it by using this query in another one then sorting that. However, I don't want to do that for reasons I won't bore you with.

WeekBegin Count
05/09/05 137
12/09/05 90
19/09/05 22
26/09/05 55
29/08/05 122

PS - I should mention that I think it is because the WekBegin date is an expression based on an actual date field. Therefore I believe it's treating it as some sort of text field.

Any help would be appreciated.



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Sorting By Date

Sep 9, 2006


I've just started playing with Access 2002 (Office XP) and I@m having a little bit of trouble.

I'm using the Query Wizard to summarise my database giving me average values for each month. When the query is first run it displays in the correct month order: April, May, June, July, August, September. But viewing the query again or when trying to graph the data in a Form, the sorting forces alphabetical order: April, August, July, June, May, September.

How can I get the query/form to return the results in true month order?

Here's the SQL info which the Wizard created:

SELECT DISTINCTROW Format$([Raw Data].[TimeStamp],'mmmm yyyy') AS [TimeStamp By Month], Avg([Raw Data].[Indoor Temperature]) AS [Avg Of Indoor Temperature], Min([Raw Data].[Indoor Temperature]) AS [Min Of Indoor Temperature], Max([Raw Data].[Indoor Temperature]) AS [Max Of Indoor Temperature]
FROM [Raw Data]
GROUP BY Format$([Raw Data].[TimeStamp],'mmmm yyyy'), Year([Raw Data].[TimeStamp])*12+DatePart('m',[Raw Data].[TimeStamp])-1;

Thanks in advance for your help.


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Sorting By Date

Feb 28, 2005

I have a subform that simulates a listbox and I click on the header label to activate the sort. My problem is sorting by date. Below is the sort function and one of the date labels that I need to sort on.

Sort Function:Code:
Private Function SortOrder(col As String, xorder As String) As Integer
Dim strSQL As String
Dim sf As Form
Set sf = Forms!frmMainEntry!fctlNotifications.Form
strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCTROW ProgramID, ProgramDescription, Facility, ResponsibleParty, DueDate, FrequencyOfService, AdvancedNoticeDate "
strSQL = strSQL & "FROM qryProgramList "
strSQL = strSQL & "ORDER BY " & col & " " & xorder
sf.RecordSource = strSQL
End Function

On-Click Date:Code:
Private Sub lblDueDate_Click()
Dim response As Integer
If Me.txtSortOrder = "DESC" Then
response = SortOrder(CDate(DueDate), "asc")
Me.txtSortOrder = "asc"
response = SortOrder(CDate(DueDate), "DESC")
Me.txtSortOrder = "DESC"
End If
End Sub
I'm not sure if I should convert the date into something that can be sorted or just leave it as a date. I can't get it to work. Help please.


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Sorting By Date

Apr 2, 2006

help w/sorting two columns one with date checked out, other with date due back. some are overdue and there is not a date entered yet. need to sort by the longest overdue first and leave out those that have already been returned

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Sorting By Date And Time

Apr 28, 2005


I am having some trouble sorting my date and times. I have them both working great individually with RunCommand Sort Ascending after Update. The problem is, the dates will get jumbled up after the time is sorted. Is there a way to connect the two fields where the dates will always stay in order? I have attached a pic of this DB if it helps any. Thanks so much for any help.


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Sorting By The Most Current Date.

Jul 13, 2006

Hey all,

I have what is probably a simple question.
I want to sort my date field in a query by the most recent date.
When I use ascending or descending it looks at the Month/day/year to sort it.
I need it to look at year/day/month.

Any help would be awesome.

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Sorting Query By Date & Employee Name

Apr 3, 2007

I created a query which at first was simply to run a query which asks you for a drivers name, however we have decided that now we want to sort by the employee name as well as by a specified date range. I originaly had it set up to select the driver name with this in the criteria field in the Driver Name column:

[Enter Driver Name]

Then I tried to enter the following in to the criteria field in the date column:

Between [Enter Start Date: (Format MM-DD-YY)] And [Enter End Date: (Format MM-DD-YY]

However when I run the query it asks me for the date about 4 times, and then it goes to a blank report. I am sure I am not doing this properly somehow, anyone care to help out?

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XTab Colun Heading Date Sorting

Oct 7, 2007

I have a cross tab query for which I want to display the dayes in mmm-yy format. I am grappling with the problem that this is essentially a string, so gets sorted alphanumerically.

Having read around related forums I have tried basing the XTab on a select query, which is sorted by the conventialal date, but also has another field that gives a date using Format([DateAdded],"mmm-yy").

Trouble is, Access only lets me bring across 1 column heading, so I must sort on the column I display, and this doesn't solve the problem.

The coulmn headings are not be fixed (i.e. "Jan";"Feb" etc) as the months are financial year months (April - March).

I can get this too work by using yyyy/mm, but my board of directors are not happy with this format.

Any ideas. I would be open to re-querying my Xtab from another query of from a report if that worked.



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Reports :: Sorting By Date In Query For A Report

Jul 27, 2014

I have a query where I ORDER BY ClientId, MatterId and Transdate. The result of the query is correct. All of the transdates are in ASC order within the Matter.

When I run the report for a MatterId the relative transactions are not sorted on transdate

Can there be something in the report that could be effecting the order of the transactions.

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Queries :: Add Days From One Field To Date Field

May 18, 2013

I am trying to track vegetables that I will be planting in my garden. I will plant some vegetables. I have a StartDate and HarvestDate and Estimated HarvestDate Fields. I also have a field named GrowDays. This field states how long it takes for each vegetable to mature i.e. 75 days or 58 days or 42 days etc. etc. What I want to do in a query is to automatically add the number of days from the GrowDays field to the StartDate and come up with the Estimated Harvest Date. If I plant a Tomato on April 13th and it takes 75 days to mature then I want the EstimatedHarvestDate field to reflect 6/27/2013 which is the StartDate + 75days. I am trying to figure out how to do this when the GrowDays field changes numbers. I can use this "Estimated HarvestDate: DateAdd("d",+75,[GrowDays])" except this only works if the GrowDays Field is 75. I need to be able to accomplish this no matter what the GrowDay field says.

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Append Queries - Sorting Issue

Apr 11, 2007


I have a macro that runs a 'make table' query followed by a series of 'append queries' each time the macro is called. I require the data from each append query to be pasted below the existing data already created by the original make table query and the append queries that have already run. The issue that I am having is that the data in fact appears to be appended in an unpredictable way (ie sometimes I run the macro and find that data from the append queries is below the data from the make table query, at other times I run the macro and find that data from the append queries appears above the data from the make table query. Unfortunately, this causes problems with downstream queries, which rely upon finding the last row of data subject to various filters. Can anyone help me understand how Access determines the sorting/positioning of new data appended to an existing table, and therefore resolve this issue?

Thanks in advance,


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Queries :: Sorting Groups Of Zip Codes

Oct 14, 2013

I have a query that will sort groups of zip codes using the following expression: Between [T_ZipRange]![StartZip] And [T_ZipRange]![EndZip]. The first and last zip codes are entered and the expression returns the zip codes between the "start" and "end" range. The problem is that if a zip code is only 5 digits: xxxxx- instead of xxxxx-xxxxx, the zip code will show up in other sorts. The zip code field is a text field. How can I limit the sort, based on the number of digits in the zip code?

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