Queries :: Start And Finish Distance Within City - XLS

Mar 8, 2015

I use Access 2003 and want to make a query by specifying the start and finish within the city, I send files. a

Attached file ...

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Queries :: Display Start And Finish Time For Activity

Sep 18, 2013

I have a query that displays the start and finish time for an activity, I am trying to display the reults of the time between each activity....

For example
Name start End
aaa 14:07 14:09
aaa 14:11 14:12

The end time for the first activity was 14:09 and the next job was started at 14:11, so I want it to display 00:02: - (elapsed time)

Its very easy to do in excel as it would be =SUM(B2-C1) but haven't a clue how to do it in access.... is there any way?

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Forms :: Calculate Difference Between Start And Finish Time

Jan 30, 2014

I have a subform in which I want to calculate the difference between a start time and finish time, the problem I am having is when the start time is on a different date to the finish time

Start 23:15 on 14th Jan finish 00:015 on 15th Jan, also I want the answer to be the number of minutes. The fields I have are

BatchStartTime Short Time
BatchFinishTime Short Time
BoilTime ([BatchStartTime] - [BatchFinishTime]) General Number.

There are many batches to enter per job and the MainForm has the StartDate as I didn't want to enter the StartDate for each batch.

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General :: Calculating Number Of Weeks Between Start And Finish Date

Jun 9, 2015

I am calculating number of weeks between start and finish date. Some of the users have questioned the validity of calculation as they are not too sure if this is being calculated as Monday to Friday week or does it work by calculating 7 days. If the latter is true, then I should see a decimal value. I am using date diff formula.

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General :: Create A Field With Start And Finish Date On Certificate Formatted Correctly

Aug 22, 2013

I am creating a access db for use with a training company. All is working great.

What I want to do is create certificates within Access and then print by the Course load. Easy enough and I can do this.

The courses usually last two or three days, so i want to create a field which has the start and finish date on the certificate formatted correctly.

I currently use this

CourseDate: DatePart("d",[StartDate]) & " & " & DatePart("d",[EndDate]) & " " & Format([EndDate],"mmmm") & " " & DatePart("yyyy",[EndDate])

within a query which returns this

29 & 30 May 2013

what i want to print on the certificate is this

29th & 30th May 2013

I need to have the 'st' or 'nd' or 'rd' or 'th' in the date.

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Distance Calculation

Aug 19, 2007

Dear All:

I have a problem in calculating distance's mileage.Eg: Distance from town A to town B is 10km, town A to town C is 20km and vice versa. I have a table named "Location" as per below:-

Town From , Town To , Distance
A , B , 10km
A , C , 20km
A , D , 30km
B , A , 10km
C , A , 20km
D , A , 30km

My question now is: if there are 26 locations, (Eg: A - Z), then I need to key in the distance one by one and it is very tedious. Because Town A to Town B is 10km and Town B to Town A also 10km.

Is there any method that Access will consider A to B and B to A is same distance?

Can we use crosstab to calculate?? and what is the step?

Pls help & thanks in advanced.

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Long Distance Networking

Aug 22, 2006

I would like to have a back-end Database on a host server and link a
front-end Database to the tables several hundred miles away. The problem is I have no experience whatsoever in doing this.

My questions are:

(1) Can tables be linked via the Internet?

(2) If they can, is this the best way to link the tables?

(3) If it is possible to link the tables by the internet or by some other way; how do I do it?

I really would appreciate any help you can give.

Kind regards


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Calculating Cummulative Distance

Jun 22, 2007

I am trying to create a query that gives me a cummulative distance based on a previous footages. For example I am prompting the user to enter a Route. Along the route are several points having a numeric value. Each of these points along the route have a footage accociated to the previous point. I want the query to display the Route, each point along the route based on the users defined start and end point, show each backspan footage and provide a cummulative distance based on the progression of the route. Below is what I have created so far. Now I want to add a cummulative distance.

HAVING (((PED.ROUTE_1)=[ enter route ]) AND ((PED.TERMINAL_1)>[enter start]) AND ((PED.TERMINAL_1)<[enter end]));

Thanks for any help.

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Calculating Distance In Access?

May 3, 2014

Before I design an application in Access, I need to know if a certain task is even possible. I have a table of Physicians containing their names and addresses. What I would like to accomplish is to be able to provide an entry screen that would allow a user to input their zip code and have Access search for the physicians with a

1) 5 mile radius
2) 10 mile radius, etc.

Is this even possible within Access?

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Count City

Aug 23, 2006

I have a problem with counting the people in each city. I will give a discription of my tables first and than explain what I want.



What I want is a list of all the cities in LocationID = 1 and a count of all the people that where born there.

Bazel 12
Belsele 47
Beveren 170
Burcht 1
Daknam 0
De Klinge 9
Doel 1
Eksaarde 6
Elversele 3
Haasdonk 46
Kallo 1
Kemzeke 5
Kieldrecht 5
Kruibeke 13
Lokeren 10
Meerdonk 2
Melsele 13
Moerbeke 12
Nieuwkerken 35
Rupelmonde 2
Sinaai 49
Sint-Gillis 23
Sint-Niklaas 106
Sint-Pauwels 33
Steendorp 3
Stekene 45
Temse 16
Tielrode 3
Vrasene 5
Waasmunster 21
Zwijndrecht 10

My problem is that there are always a few cities missing and I can't seem to get my SQL correct.


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City State Zip??

Aug 26, 2005

Does any one know of a place online where you can get the tables (for free I hope) for a city state zip comboboxes, or at least the tables for all cities in the US.

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Forms :: Calculate Distance Between Two Addresses

May 3, 2013

I am using Access 2010 and am developing a form where the user provides a full address - street number, street name, city, province and postal code.

I want a control to calculate the distance from this address and a fixed address.

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Calculate Distance Using Fields In Form?

Sep 28, 2013

However Instead of entering the postal code continually or selecting from the combo box. How do I set zipcode 1 and zipcode 2 based on fields in a form. I would like to use the current FROM (Default zip based on the current job in form) and TO zipcode [Project Postal Code] that is on the form at that time. Not necessarily combo box.

Currently you have

zip1 = Me.Combo2.Value
zip2 = Me.Combo4.Value

I want Zip 1 to be Default zip (however I can still change it if needed) ZipCode field is [Project Postal Code]

Here is the full code:

Private Sub Command6_Click()
Dim zip1 As String, zip2 As String
Dim sResponse As String
Dim sLink As String
On Error GoTo Command6_Click_Error
zip1 = Me.Combo2.Value


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Country / City Combo Box

Jul 11, 2007

My name is Dana and this is my first post here .
I am a DB newbie , i started to teach my self MS Access with a small project as a start .
I made a simple client data table where there are country and city fields + phone , fax , etc etc ... .
I made 2 tables 1 for the countries and 1 for the cities .
I know that it is a very familiar question :o
How can we do the following
when you select a country in the client table , only cities of this country show up in the city combo box .
I found some answers here and there , but as a newbie , the codes where difficult to understand .
I attached my source file and i will be thankful if someone could help and to give me a simple explanation of the codes concept .
I just want to add the codes in the table not in a form , i found some answers by adding codes to a Form :confused: . Because as i know i can export only tables and queries to sql.

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Queries :: See All Dates Between Start And End Date

Apr 22, 2013

I'm booking in my hotel booking system the start and enddate of renting a room.

Example: Room 12 is booked from (startdate) 16/05/2013 till (enddate) 19/05/2013.

Now i need a query where i can see all the dates between start and enddate.

Room 12 16/05/2013
Room 12 17/05/2013
Room 12 18/05/2013
Room 12 19/05/2013

This between function i really need.

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Queries :: DSum With Start And End Date

Oct 19, 2013

I am having a query showing customer as client, paid amount as pamount, billingdate, payment date as pdate.

I want to get dsum of pamount specific for each client with date criteria for example if i open query through form mentioning start and end date then the sum must vary as per the date given. the date is "billingdate" as mentioned above.

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Find A City In The Middle Of A Field

Jan 11, 2008

Ok Im having trouble with this, I need to remove cities from an address field but don't know a simple query that does this. Can any body help

heres an example

Address1 City

Now I want to be able to pull Hong kong out of the address1 field but without searching in the address field with *HONG KONG* as this would involve checking every city in a table.

Please help!

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Combobox Country, State, City

Feb 21, 2007

Hi All!!

I need help with the code for a combobox. The thing is that I've created a form where the user has to select the country, then the state and finally the city. What I need is that once the user selects the country, the combobox of the state shows only the states of that country and then the combobox of the city shows only the cities of the chosen state. I'd appreciate all the help given. Andrew.

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********* Really Need Help .Please Take A Look. Last To Finish************

Nov 1, 2006

Hello everyone ..I really really really really need help with this ..It have to be work but I don know why it’s not working . This is the last thing and I finish my project so if you help me I’ll really appreciate that.
Images and my db Included in my zip

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Autopopulate City & State From Zipcode Table

Mar 1, 2005

I'm stuck on something that should be simple, but maybe it isn't:

Problem 1:

To speed data entry in a contact table, I want an entry in the Zipcode (postal code) field to automatically populate the City and State fields from the data in a Zipcode table (Zipcode-PK, City, ST (2 letter code)). The Zipcode table has only one city /st for each zipcode, so it can be the primary key (always a five digit number, sometimes with leading zero(s)).

Sometimes there are several names for a City associated with a particular Zipcode, so I want the City field to be able to be overwritten with a different city name if the data entry person needs to do that. Alternatively, I could establish a separate primary key for the zipcode table, and allow several choices for the rare zipcode that has more than one city name in use.

If I did that I wouldn't have to store the city and st in the contact table (which is better database design, I realize), but I really do want to be able to store the city and state in the contact table because there will be times when the right zipcode isn't known, and the city and state are known, and forcing the input of a possibly incorrect zipcode would be undesirable.

Problem 2: I've got a table with 4,000 records where I have the zipcode, but the city and state information were lost, and I want to be able to re-populate those fields by writing, I guess, an update query that taps the info in the zipcode table.

Problem 3: When entering addresses, sometimes there won't be info about a certain zipcode, and I need some automatically generated dialog that allows adding city and state info for a new zipcode that won't slow down the entry of contact records.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Send an email if you prefer.


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Queries :: Possible To Force A Query To Start Table Search At End?

Jan 24, 2014

As the post title says, is it possible to force a query to start its table record search at the end of the table and go backwards? The table I'm searching has hundreds of thousands of records and I want to check if any new records have a field with a value that has already been imported into the table. The duplicates would most likely occur near the end of the table and not the beginning, so I see no reason to waste cycles searching records from the very first record in the table.

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Queries :: Adding Estimated Start Date With Days?

Feb 7, 2015

I'm working on a query ("Target Date of Completion") that takes the initial date started (from Step 1 of date started) and adds the EC (Estimated Completion) which is just shown in days. This will give an EST (Estimated Start time) for the next step in date format, which I would need the new column. Also, As you can see, the piece parts all have a different amount of steps, so this calculation would need to know when it's a different part.

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Queries :: Querying Dates Between A Start And End Date Field

Aug 25, 2014

I have a db tracking vacation times for staff. One of the fields tracks a members vacation start and end dates. I need a way to pull a report to see who is on vacation based on Date() (today).

For example:

A record for John Doe has him start vacation 08/19/2014 and end vacation on 8/28/2014. If I wanted a report that shows who is on vacation today, 08/25/2014, using the date() function), how would I do this?

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Race Finish Place

Jan 17, 2006

Is there an easy way of doing this? I have a database that I want to automatically place racers as they finish. I have four race divisions. All racers no matter the division start at the same time. I have all of this figured out, but what is getting me is the finish place (1st, 2nd, etc.) Is there a way on a continuos form to automatically place the racers? How this works is...Main form has racer info., on this form is a stop button, and after the button is clicked, it will show his/her finishing place in their division which is subform of the main form. Here is the reason I want this. Someone may have registered wrong and they are in the wrong division, and we have to change them to the correct division after they have finished and already been placed. I want to be able to move them to the right division, and then my subform requery and they placed in the correct position in the new division. Sorry this is so lenghty. Plain and simple can I make a subreport have an unbound field that shows each records place the recordset? Thanks for your help, and like I said sorry this is so long.

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Help - Need To Finish Project Today!

Jun 14, 2006

Hi guys,

I need to finish the Asset Management System I have been creating today.

The main Asset Form works fine for Data Entry. However when I view existing records, the Model of the Asset (I.T Equipment) appears blank.

The reason for this is:
I have three tables linked in the following way:
Manufacturer > Model Group > Model

When an Asset is recorded in the DB, the user must select a Model.
To minimise duplicating data I decided to only store the Model ID in the Asset Table. This way, if I need to view the Manufacturer and Model Group, I can just do a reverse lookup based on the Model ID.

The Manufacturer and Model Group are unbound combos. The Model is a bound combo filtered by the Model Group filtered by Manufacturer (aka Cascading Combos).

However, as I am not storing the values for Manufacturer and Model Group in my Asset Table, when viewing existing records, all combo boxes are blank.

Has anyone got a solution to this problem. I downloaded an example by Pat Hartman that requeries the filtered combo on the forms current event. However in that example the main combo was stored in the underlying table.

Any suggestions. Would really like to knock this one on the head today.

Can post an example DB if it would help

Many thanks

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Using Append Queries To Move Start Date Contained Within Text Box

Sep 25, 2015

I have a text box named "scheduled_start" on my "JobsF" form.

Now what I'm trying to do is use two append query's to move the start date contained within the text box.

*The first append query will be on the before update and put this date in the "notesT" in the "old_date" field.
*The second append query will be on the After update and put this date in the "notesT" in the "New_date" field.

I'm trying to track date changes and this part of the process isn't working. For a start I don't know how to run the query on an event. I can open the query using 'openquery' but I don't wish to open it. Re query is also an option but the query I made isn't listed when that's selected.

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