Queries :: Sum Of Collections For Selected Date

Jan 7, 2015

I'm running a query that has a field where I need two criteria show up (regular collections and special collections). Another field I have selects for the date (10/1/2014). The last field is the sum of collections. My problem is that the query is generating regular collections and special collections with each date and a sum of collections. I need the total sum of both collections for the date which would be 4.

AGENCY_CODELINE_ITEMPCA_DATESumOfCOLLECTIONS/ACCOUNTSxxxRegular Collections10/1/20142xxxxspecial collections10/1/20142

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Queries :: Return Selected Date Plus Next Three Days

Mar 22, 2015

Ok, so I'm sure this is a pretty simple criteria, but I just can't seem to get the syntax right.

I'm trying to allow my user to select any start date and the query will return that date plus the next three days.

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Queries :: Show Data - Query Based On User Selected Time And Date Range

May 17, 2013

I have a form that request information from the user (StartDate, StartTime, EndDate and EndTime) the problem is that it's not working. The only way I can get any data to show is when I remove the StartTime and EndTime. Only then will it pull the items from the StartDate and EndDate.

Here is what I have as my criteria: Between [Forms]![OpPROD_ALL]![StartTime] And [Forms]![ OpPROD_ALL]![EndTime] And Between [Forms]![ OpPROD_ALL]![StartDate] And [Forms]![ OpPROD_ALL]![EndDate]

The users will be able to request a report based on a start and end date along with a start time and end time.

Side note: this is to pull date for 3rd shift (Example) 4/14/2013 10:00PM - 4/15/2013 10PM

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Collections ?

Dec 7, 2005

Is there a 'catch all' way to select only the controls found within a specific section of the form... say I wanted to perform an operation on all the controls in the detail section of the form but not those found in the header or footer?

Any quick way (collection) to this solution?

Many thanks,

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Collections And Such

Jan 10, 2005

well...mr. client man has decided that upon a click of a button, a job needs to be rendered "read-only". obviously, in order to acheive this illusion, i need to simply either lock or disable all controls on the form when that record shows up (when jobclosed = true or job cancelled = true). the problem is that there are around 500 controls. i know that there's some way to access the controls collection (Me.Controls(0), etc.) using the for each...next, but i've tried it and haven't been successful probably because i can't figure out the right way to do it. all i want to do is render each control as disabled (except for my subforms, i just want to lock them) when a button is clicked. does anyone know how to do this?

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Access Collections?

Apr 22, 2006

Hi, I am quite confused with what actually is a "Collection" in MS Access. I am using Access 2002 by the way...


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Forms :: Auto Age Calculate From Birth Date To Selected Entry Date

May 11, 2013

I create a database through ms access and there have a birth date box and admission date. Another box for Age.I want to see the age in month or year figure in to the age box when I go next field. Which will be calculate from admission date to birth date.

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Modules & VBA :: Stuck At ADODB Collections

Apr 29, 2015

I try to use collection of a ADODB.recordset eg rsTarget,Essentially I want to assign the fields (columns) in this rsTarget with respective data. I tried to use of

two sets. (fld as adodb.field)
Set fld = rsTarget.Fields.Item(count)
Set fld = rsTarget.Fields.Item(Column(count))

Then I try to use following to assign
RsTarget!fld.name = Data1

It failed stating that there is no fld.name. Using column set, it state that there is no column function. How to do it right?

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Modules & VBA :: Collections Class On Continuous Forms

Jul 31, 2013

Any way to make objects to support adjusting continuous form controls making them unique in a sense to be able to change info like captions or whatever.

I've been working with collections for a while now tapping into event handlers such as the mouse inputs and or sizing of objects real time using collections but I can't seem to nail down any un-documented way to serialize controls on a continuos form.

I have tried when the new user creates the record adding another control to the collections class tying it to the id of the record but still this does not seem to be enough.

I do not know if there is a paint method or something of the sort I can override to get the desired results and most people without even trying will tell you this can't be done but how many have said that you can't move and resize objects in access but we are doing that now...

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Hard Code TIME To Selected Date On Form (to Make It Date&time) For My Query Criteria

Aug 17, 2006

Hello buddies :D, do you have any idea how to make this work?

To select data that falls within this criteria of date range between cboDate and cboDate2 (fields on my form). The date in [tblJobDetails]![timeIn] come in this format "08/17/06 10:24 AM", but the cboDate/cboDate2 (takes in date only e.g 08/17/06) what i am after is to evaluate specific hard coded time in addition to the date entered, i.e. even tho, i haven't entered time on the cboDate/cboDate2, I want specific time hard coded where e.g If i select a date range of 08/17/06 and 08/18/06 on my cboDate and cboDate2 it should really be evaluating: 08/17/06 8:00 AM to 08/18/06 8:00 AM.

This is the criteria i curentlly have on my query in design view tha works perfect in selecting date only.
([tblJobDetails]![timeIn]>=[Forms]![frmPendingJobs]![cboDate] Or [tblJobDetails]![timeIn]>=[Forms]![frmPendingJobs]![cboDate] Is Null) And ([tblJobDetails]![timeIn]<=[Forms]![frmPendingJobs]![cboDate2] Or [tblJobDetails]![timeIn]<=[Forms]![frmPendingJobs]![cboDate2] Is Null)
How can I incorporate 8:00am to 8:00am into my cboDate and cboDate2. What can i do to make this happen? Your kindness will be greatly appreciated http://www.naijaryders.com/forums/images/smilies/thankyou.gif

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Run A Query Using A Selected Date

Sep 20, 2005


I want a query to run and output values on a certain date. I have created a form and inserted an activex component 'Microsoft Date & time picker'.

But im stuck on how to get this component to be recognised by the query! Can anyone please help me out or suggest a different way?



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Forms :: Adding Date If Value Is Selected

Apr 22, 2014

I want make a date control compulsory if a value is selected from a combo list on the same form.

I have Combo List, status, which can be 25%, 50%, 75%, WON or Lost. If the value is WON or LOST I want the date control, Date Project Closed, to be compulsory. I cant set it to insert today's date as it may have been closed up to a week before.

If 25%, 50% or 75% are selected then the date should not be compulsory.

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Automatically Inserting A Date When A Item Out Of A List Box Is Selected

Aug 28, 2003

I have a MS Access database, which contains three main tables. With these I have a completed table, which holds either Yes/No within it.

One of the tables, I have linked to the Completed table as a list box, which when a job has been completed, either yes or no can be selected.

But, what I want to happen, is, when the Yes is selected, I want Access to insert the date the 'Yes' was selected, so that the employee cannot lie about the date the job was completed.

Hope I have explained this in a good enough fashion.

I don't have a clue how to go about it, could anyone help.

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General :: Add Calendar To Form - Insert Selected Date?

Oct 2, 2013

I have a database that has textfields / forms, what I would like to do is to add an option that when the textfield is clicked a calendar will appear and when the user selects the date in the calendar interface, it will insert the date for them.

How can I do this in MS Access?

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General :: Filter Form With Selected Calendar Date

Aug 17, 2015

I have a continuous form bound to a query. I want to filter this form with any date inputted into a text box through a pop-up calendar control. The default date in the text box should be Date().In the query, I set the criteria on Call_Date filled as follows but the form does not requery to return the expected data:

Criteria: Forms!F_On_Call_Officers!txtEndDate

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Update Text Boxes Based On Date Selected In A Combo Box

Sep 12, 2006

I have a form that our operators use to do their hourly quality audits on. This is getting to be a huge burden on them because right now, they enter the date, the week ending date, the month every time they have to do an entry, and for me it is a nightmare because they can still enter the wrong information. So, what I was wondering is if there is a way that I can have them select the date from a combo box (easy enough), but from that, have the week ending date and the month fields automatically update as well. Any advice? I would really appreciate it! Thanks so much!!!!

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Forms :: Block User From Writing In Textboxes If They Have Not Selected A Date

Aug 21, 2014

I have a form that has four textboxes, date dropdown box and a date box. I am trying to get the form to do the following: Block user from writing in the textboxes if they have not selected a date in the date box.

Get the datebox to look at the behide screens records to see if there has already been a documented date (duplicate date) and inform the user that this date has already been used. Then auto them to the date dropdown.

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Forms :: Filter A Form Based On Date Selected From Combo Box

Dec 29, 2013

I have a form that is filter based on a combo box. I would like to add another filter for date. but the code I'm using for the first combo box doesn't work for date.

the code is:

Sub SetFilter()
Dim LSQL As String
LSQL = "select * from Preventive_Q_View"
LSQL = LSQL & " where Item_Name = '" & Combo206 & "'"
Form_Preventive_View.RecordSource = LSQL
End Sub

How do I modify this code to work with the date combo box? Also, is there a way to get both filters to work together, as in filter based on the first combo OR the second combo, OR both?

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General :: How To Make Reminder Pop Up Based On Selected Time And Date

Oct 12, 2014

I want to make an application that reminder Radio Broadcaster to read ads based on airing hour.

I have a question , how to make reminder pop up based on selected hour or time and date of that advertisement.

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Forms :: Control Option Buttons Based On Selected Date

Jun 28, 2013

I'm building a workCube reservation system and I've been tasked to have it work kind of like an airplane seat reservation system. I've laid out my form with option buttons representing the location of each available space. (space1, space2, space3...space16)

My desired outcome is to be able to select a date from a calendar popup and have the options buttons react to that date if they have been reserved. (change color and indicate "reserved").I've tried to create the form based on a query which represents the "booked" table.





Some rules a space can be booked by any ONE employee on any day.How can I get any and all of the option buttons to react if there is a reservation in place on the day indicated by the calendar?

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Count Instances Of Records At Each Hourly Interval Within A Selected Date Range

Sep 30, 2014

I've got a single table with multiple fields, three of which are a date field ('DDate'), a time field ('TimeET') and a unique identifying field ('Unique Call Key').  I'm attempting to write a query in the QBE that will allow me to count the number of instances of 'UniqueCallKey' for each hourly time interval (7:00:00 AM - 7:59:59 AM, 8:00:00 AM - 8:59:59 AM, 9:00:00 - 9:59:59 AM, etc) for any selected date range (BETWEEN 'DDate'(1) AND 'DDate'(2)).  When I try to simply use the Count function on 'UniqueCallKey' as an Expression and 'TimeET' with 'Like '7:*AM' as a Where criteria then do the same with another instance of 'UniqueCallKey' and 'Like 8:*AM' as the criteria for a second Where criteria for 'TimeET' the query returns an empty set.  What I'm trying to accomplish would be a column of dates, a second column that counts the number of instances of 'UniqueCallKey' at the 7AM interval for each date in column 1, a third column that counts the number of instances of 'UniqueCallKey' at the 8AM interval for each date in column 1, etc to a final column for counts at 7PM.

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Delete Certain Records Based On Selected Date - Data Type Mismatch In Criteria Expression

Aug 24, 2015

I want to delete certain records based on the selected date. However, I come across with this is error - Run time error '3464' (Data type mismatch in criteria expression).This part is highlighted in yellow. I even used the debug.print to test out if the sql statement is executed properly.

DoCmd.RunSQL DelSummarySQL

Here is my full code

Private Sub cmd_Delete_Click()
Dim DelSummarySQL As String
Dim StartRange As Date


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Queries :: Edit Records Selected By Query

Dec 31, 2013

I have a query that selects records based on certain flags in each record. I can view the record in datasheet view, but I need to be able to edit the records selected by the query using another form. Is there any way to automate this process?

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Queries :: Deleting Data From Selected Records

Sep 23, 2014

My Membership Database includes 3 fields in the main Table which I need to clear prior to the new subscription year, but on a selective basis.The fields are R/N for (Renewal or New), a subscription date and an amount field (Currency).

At the due date I need to clear all 3 fields except where N/R=N AND date >01/01/2014, when data in all 3 fields is to be retained.I have tried several SQL codings to achieve this but have been unsuccessful so far.

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Queries :: Command To Print Selected Query

Jul 11, 2014

I am trying to print selected query how can I do that what is the command for that ...

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Queries :: Group Query By Day Of Selected Month

Jul 21, 2015

I am trying to make a query that counts the orders on a day of an specific month selected from a form.

The problem is that i want to show a chart with de 31 days of the month, even if in those days there are no orders.

Any way of making a query that adds the days with no records with a count value of 0?

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