Queries :: Table A And B - Counting Occurrences Of ID

Jan 10, 2014

I have a Table A that is a list of ID's. In table B, each ID (from A) could appear multiple times, or not at all.

How do I get a count of how many times each ID in Table A appears in Table B? ie. 0 or 1 or 5 or whatever.

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Tables :: Counting Occurrences In 2nd Table

Aug 11, 2013

I am having difficulty in solving a problem in Access 2010 which was a doddle in the Excel version of my database.

Table1 (MailList) has a field 'Member Name' and a new field 'NumberGroups'.
Table 3 (GroupMembers) is a junction table and also has a field 'Member Name'. Records for 'Member Name' are repeated in several 'Groups' within Table 3.

I require to Count the occurrences of 'Member Name; in Table 3 and display them in Table1 'Numbergroups'.

I have written numerous Queries to try to achieve this, but without success. Does it have to be a Query, or can it be achieved entirely within the structure of Table1?

In addition, I need to interrogate the resulting numbers in Table1 'NumberGroup' to determine how many member attends 7,6, 5 etc different Groups. Again this was extremely simple in Excel but I can't crack it in Access.

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Queries :: Counting Occurrences Of P - Summary Column In Crosstab Query

Feb 18, 2014

I need to add a column to a crosstab query that counts all of the occurrences of "P" in a particular row in the crosstab query. Basically "P" stands for "Present" and I need to know how many days each employee was present for his/her shift. The SQL for the crosstab query is as follows:

PARAMETERS [Forms]![frmDashboardReports]![txtStartDateAndTime] DateTime, [Forms]![frmDashboardReports]![txtEndDateAndTime] DateTime;
TRANSFORM First(tblAttendance.AttendanceCode) AS FirstOfAttendanceCode
SELECT tblAttendance.EmployeeName
FROM tblAttendance
WHERE (((tblAttendance.AttendanceDate)>=[Forms]![frmDashboardReports]![txtStartDateAndTime] And (tblAttendance.AttendanceDate)<=[Forms]![frmDashboardReports]![txtEndDateAndTime]))
GROUP BY tblAttendance.EmployeeName
PIVOT Format([AttendanceDate],"Short Date");

This returns an "AttendanceCode" against each employee against each day in the specified time period. I just need to be able to "sum" those codes in a column.

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Counting Occurrences

Sep 1, 2007

I have a table which is basically a calendar containing the columns (i) date, (ii) special info relating to that date (iii) morning volunteers and (iv) afternoon volunteers.

In the "Morning Volunteers" there are up to two names with sometimes a first name, sometimes an initial but always a family name.

The same is true for the "Afternoon Volunteers".

What I want to do is, using the Family name, to find out how many mornings/afternoons each of the volunteers has manned the Visitor Centre.

As I am new to Access I have no idea whether this is possible and, if so, how to do it.

I can do it by exporting the table to Excel but this is very clumsy and time consuming

I am using Vista and Access 2003.

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Counting Occurrences Of Same Fields After A Query

Mar 14, 2006

I run a Query to determine how many employees attended a meeting, showing the number of years they have worked at the company.
(Example output of query)

Employee Name Years with Company
John Doe 3
Jane Smith 1
Bill Doe 3
Rick Mills 1

How do I count the number of people with each range or particular number of years with company? For example:
2 employees have 1 year with company
2 employees have 3 years with company

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Counting Number Of Occurrences By Date?

Sep 20, 2013

I have a table that tracks different events and the actual date they occurred. I am trying to write a query that counts the number of each event that occured by month. One issue I am having is if an event had no occurrence during a month I want to return 0 raher than no data for that event.

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Forms :: Counting Occurrences Of A Value In Datasheet Subform

Feb 7, 2014

I have subform (datasheet) with a column for gender indicating "Male" or "Female" I wish to place the totals for each gender (and total overall) on the main form footer. I have tried objects of every type with calculated controls using conditional count formulas such as


But I get #error on everything.

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Modules & VBA :: Counting Number Of Occurrences Of Line Feed In Long String

May 1, 2015

I have to count the number of occurrences of Line feed (vbLf) in a long string. The code I am using is:

MAX = TLine.Split(vbLf).Length - 1

It does not work.

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Queries :: Count Occurrences While Keeping Duplicates?

Sep 9, 2013

I'm trying to create ONE query which would fetch me the number of occurences on a particular value in a field while keeping duplicates.

For instance let's say i've got the following table


Then i would like to have the following result from my query


I know i could achieve this by creating a view first. For instance by saving this expression as qryCountOfColors

SELECT tblColors.Color, Count(tblColors.Color) AS CountOfColor
FROM tblColors
GROUP BY tblColors.Color;

And then make the following query

SELECT tblColors.Color, tblColors.Value, qryCountOfColors.CountOfColor
FROM tblColors INNER JOIN qryCountOfColors ON tblColors.Color = qryCountOfColors.Color

However I'm woundering wheter or not I could achieve it without creating the qryCountOfColors.I'm myself into a mental meltdown . I've been playing with the idea of creating of creating a subquery to achieve this but im unable to get to work

SELECT tblColors.Color As BANANA, tblColors.Value, (SELECT Count(tblColors.Color) AS CountOfColor FROM tblColors GROUP BY tblColors.Color HAVING (((tblColors.Color)=BANANA))) AS Expr1
FROM tblColors;

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Queries :: Count Occurrences Of A Company In 3 Separate Tables?

Dec 18, 2014

I am trying to count the number of times a client has engaged with our company. I have a company table, a reservation table, a rapid prototyping table and a project table. There is a one to many from the company table to each of the other 3 tables as can be seen in the attached picture.

Is there an easy way, in a single query, to list unique company names that exist in 1 or all of the 3 tables?

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Queries :: Counting Different Students Age From Same Table?

Sep 16, 2013

I have one table that has fields:
and I neet to get in qry where students will be counted by age and gender

For example:
younger then 15
tolal: 20
male: 5
female: 15

15-18 years
tolal: 34
male: 12
female: 22

Can this be done in single queri or should I do it in some other way?

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Queries :: Counting Table Categories In Query

Feb 5, 2015

I am facing the difficulty to solve the calculation of my Employees payment table in query, employees having three type of payments 1. Leave 2. Air ticket 3. EOSB so I have created three different queries named Airticket_Accruals, Leave_Accruals, EOSB_Accruals for these tables.

The problem is I need to include how many payments have been done to every employee in total to my every individual query (airticket,leave & EOSB) than I will less the accrual that will give me the balance I need to pay them.Field for Payment table is as follows and it has relation with Employees table with Emp_ID field.

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Queries :: Access 2007 - Query To Pull Fri / Sat / Sun Occurrences In A Specific Month?

Jul 7, 2014

Access 2007 query that has a specific date range between #6/1/12014# and #7/1/2014# returns the date I need. How do I now get it to pull just occurrences on Fri Sat and Sun of the month of June?

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Queries :: Counting Values And Creating A Table For Each Defined Count

Apr 14, 2014

I am using an existing database which allows my company to track claims information. One report my supervisor has asked for is a table which shows the counts of each kind of event occurring at a district level by department. For example, the classifications are injury classes like FSA, so I need to design a report which says facility a has 3 fsa's in the Wireline department in a table format. I have been looking into union queries as suggested by other sites but nothing seems to work. My labels are District, Analysis Code and Department.

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Queries :: Counting Records From More Than One Query

Aug 14, 2015

I'm running into an issue where I'm trying to tie several queries together into a list one running total. I have six queries that pull data from the same table, but that meet specific criteria. What I was trying to accomplish was to have a 7th query count the records in each of the six queries, and return the results as a different value for each. Here's an example:


Final product:
1A | 1B | 2A | 2B | 3A | 3B |
20 | 15 | 33 | 19 | 12 | 6 |

What I tried:
Field: 1ATotal: Count([qry_1A].[valueName])
Total: Expression

And I did this for each field that I wanted the query to return, so:
Field: 1BTotal: Count([qry_1B].[valueName])
Field: 2ATotal: Count([qry_2A].[valueName])
Field: 1BTotal: Count([qry_2B].[valueName])
Field: 3ATotal: Count([qry_3A].[valueName])
Field: 3BTotal: Count([qry_3B].[valueName])

The problem is that I don't get what I expected - the query appears to be totaling all the records counted and applying that value to all the fields, so I get this:

1A | 1B | 2A | 2B | 3A | 3B |
105|105 |105 |105 |105 |105 |

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Queries :: Counting Records In Query?

May 10, 2013

I have constructed a neat database for randomly quizzing myself on French translations. However I need a simple way of counting the records in an underlying query "vocabularyQ" inside a sub routine. I have tried all sorts of statements the most recent being

SELECT Count(VocabularyQ.ID) AS CountOfID FROM VocabularyQ

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Queries :: Counting Specific Records

Feb 27, 2014

I am working on a Human Resources database for a big project that has a field called 'Position Number' (eg. 290) which is unique for each position. But the position can have up to 4 different stages over the life of the project which is shown in the primary key field 'Position ID' (eg. 290-A, 290-B, 290-C). There are columns for each month of the life of the project and If the Start Date and End Date of the position are in between these months then a number one will appear in the Month column.

For example, position 290 will start at level A (290-A) and will start on Jan-14 and finish on Aug14. The next stage of the project will start and position 290 will do the same role in a different area of the project (290-B) and will start on Nov-14 until May-15. Therefore the 48 columns with months as headings from Jan-14 to Dec-17 will show a number one in those months from Jan-14 to Aug-14 and Nov-14 to May-15.

There are over 150 position numbers with up to 4 different position ID's which is phased throughout the 4 years of the project. I need to do a count of how many "number ones" are in the monthly columns per Position.

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Queries :: Counting Rows Within A Query

Apr 16, 2013

I am trying to get a total count of rows from a query on my tickets, Each ticket has a date and an ID number

SELECT tbl_ticket.ticket, tbl_ticket.entrydate, Count(tbl_ticket.[entrydate]) AS [Row Count]
FROM tbl_ticket
GROUP BY tbl_ticket.ticket, tbl_ticket.entrydate
HAVING (((tbl_ticket.entrydate) Between #1/1/2011# And #1/31/2011#));

I am trying to get this query built so I can attach it to a form.

I am trying to get three bits of data from this Query

1 a total count of all the Tickets in a given month

The ticket #'s and their date of entry.

So far this gives me a great list of Tickets and the date they got put in the system, but then for the total count it gives me 1 for each line. Even if some have the same date.

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Queries :: Counting Multiple Yes / No Fields

Apr 26, 2013

I have a table, which is being populated by a number of users. The table has 211 rows (customer field - this is a fixed amount) and there are 5 other columns (information which might or might not be available for that customer) which are all yes/no fields. Each row may could have any combination of ticks in those 5 columns.

I have a form to fill out this information, but now I need to use the data.

I'm trying to create one query which counts how many of each field are populated. I need it to give me the total of each of the "information" columns, and another to give me a list of all of the customers which have at least one of the information columns ticked.

I will also need to be able to see how many customers have all of the information columns ticked, and how many have none.

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Calculate # Of Occurrences Of String In A Field

Jun 25, 2007

Thought I'd be able to find out easily, but.. here I am...

How can I query the number of occurrences of a string in a field, e.g.:

if a name field has the text: Martin Lacoste

how can I get it to tell me there are two "a"s in the field?

I can use InStr to find one, and make a few more queries to find a few subsequent, but the data I need to search could have 30-40 occurrences of the desired text in a field.

Martin Lacoste

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Queries :: Counting Only Filled Out Data In A Query?

Jul 1, 2013

How do I count only filled out data in a query? I am using the count function and it counts blank and filled out records, I just want the filled out ones.

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Queries :: Summarizing / Counting Data In A Report

Feb 8, 2015

I'm using Access 2010. I have a report that summarises students and the number of courses they are attending after a set date. My query lists name, course date, course description, the count being on the course description. I thought it was working until I noticed that students are listed twice if they attended courses on two separate days.

For example
Liz 4
Liz 3
instead of
Liz 7

I have moved the count to other fields but it then doesn't show any students at all when I run the query.

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Queries :: Counting Multiple Columns In A Query?

Apr 6, 2015

Student ID
Command over subject
Teaching Subject
Explaining things
Pedagogy Methods


I have a table given above, table name is student. Which has following sample data.

I want to count the no. of students who say Good, Average ,Bad for every indicator Output from query:

Command over subject
Teaching Subject


How this can be achived from query in MS Access 2010

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Queries :: Counting Field Results In A Query

May 10, 2013

I am trying to build a calculated field that counts the number of times the letter E appears in 8 fields. the query currently looks like the attachment.

I need to have one more field , lets call it NetFlags, that is the number of times the Letter E is in the row for each Technician.

So for Brown, Tom NetFlags = 2, for White, Paul NetFlags = 4 and Wills,Fred = 0

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Queries :: Counting Number Of IDs For Each Week - GroupBy

Oct 22, 2013

I built the below query to count the number of ID's for each week. The problem is that if one month ends mid-week it is counting the next month's IDs in the first month. I need to count the number of IDs within each week by month. I have the first qryGroupbyWeek that assigns a week number to each date then the below query to aggregate.

SELECT qryGroupbyWeek.Week, qryGroupbyWeek.[Approved Date], qryGroupbyWeek.ID
FROM qryGroupbyWeek
WHERE (((qryGroupbyWeek.[Approved Date]) Between [start] And [end]))
ORDER BY qryGroupbyWeek.ID;

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Queries :: Counting Days Between 2 Dates - Just Workdays

Oct 11, 2013

I have 2 dates that I need to count between. Easy enough just use the datediff right? Nope cause it won't count just the 5 workdays. I researched and found that the "w" in the function doesn't work the way I need it to. I found lots of code to make a module that will do it for me and they all include having a holiday table. Right now I don't need a holiday table I just want the simple dates in between.

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