Queries :: Table With Primary ID - Time Between Records

Dec 3, 2014

I have a table which has a primary ID and then date/time then an empid field relating to an empid table,

Is it possible to design a query to return all records per empid which exceed 30 minutes for the last 30 days? or even 'today' or a specified date whichever is easiest?

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Problems With Records/queries/subforms/primary Keys

Aug 6, 2005

OK, I've tried everything I can think of with this query/subform/records problem. I've searched the internet for days, even bought some big fat Access reference books and read them cover-to-cover, but I still can't get my database to do what I want. This newbie would *really* appreciate some help...

I am trying to create a database which I can use to store client’s advertising expenses. I currently have three tables: tblListings (which stores basic information about each client, with the field ListingID as the primary key); Advertising Rates (which stores the different types of advertising products and their prices, with the field ProductNumber as the primary key); and tblAdvertisingExpenses (which stores each “order” of an advertising product, including the client’s ListingID as a foreign key, date, the type of advertising, and the total cost - the primary key is an auto-numbered field called OrderNumber).

I have a main form called frmListings, which displays the client’s information from the tblListings table, and includes a subform. I wanted the subform to show only the advertising expenses corresponding to the ListingID (ie. client) displayed on the main form, so I based the subform on a query which displays all records from tblAdvertisingExpenses with a ListingID that matches the ListingID displayed from tblListings. So far so good - the records displayed in the subform change correctly when the record in the main form changes.

Now the tricky part…

The subform displays a blank row for a new record, and I would like to be able to enter a new advertising expense in that blank record (date, type of ad, and cost), and have that data added as a new record in the tblAdvertisingExpenses table with a new auto-numbered OrderNumber. I don’t know whether it’s because the subform is actually a dynaset from a query, or because I’ve constructed the query incorrectly (highly likely, I’m still pretty new to queries), but when I add in the details for the new record, I get the following error:

The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key, or relationship (etc, etc).

I suspect that Access is attempting to write the record (along with the ListingID) back to the tblListings table, where the same ListingID already exists (uniquely) as the primary key. But I don’t know for sure, because I don’t really know what the heck I’m doing. What I actually want to do is have the new record I’ve entered in the subform added to the tblAdvertisingExpenses table, which is the record source for the qryListings query which displays records in the subform. It shouldn’t be a problem, should it? So why can’t I get it to work? Perhaps there’s a fundamental flaw in the way I’ve broken up the database into tables, or my assigning of primary keys and foreign keys. Or perhaps there’s a flaw with the way I’ve constructed my query. Or am I forced to have a completely separate form solely for entering data into the tblAdvertisingExpenses table? Or will I need to use a macro or VBA to accomplish what I want?...

Sorry if this is terribly confusing. I can provide more specific details (and screen captures) of the tables, queries, forms, and relationships (if I haven’t provided enough specific details already), and would really appreciate any help that anyone can provide. Help?!

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Queries :: Calculated Field Is Blank For Records With Even Primary Key

Jun 17, 2013

I have a calculated field in a query. The field name is TotatPt (this is to calculate the total points students have earned during the term). The expression is as follows:


TotalPt: [Att1Pt]+[Att2Pt]+[Att3Pt]+[Att4Pt]+[Att5Pt]+[Att6Pt]+[Att7Pt]+[Att8Pt]+[Att9Pt]+[Att10Pt]+[Att11Pt]+[Att12Pt]+[Att13Pt]+[Att14Pt]+[Att15Pt]+[Att16Pt]+[Att17Pt]+[Att18Pt]+[Att19Pt]+[Att20Pt]+[Att21Pt]+[Quiz1Pt]+[Quiz2Pt]+[Quiz3Pt]+[Quiz4Pt]+[Quiz5Pt]+[Quiz6Pt]+[Quiz7Pt]+[Quiz8Pt]+[Quiz9Pt]+[Quiz10Pt]+[MidtermWritPt]+[FinalWritPt]+[Proc1Pt]+[Proc2Pt]+[Proc3Pt]+[Proc4Pt]+[Proc5Pt]+[Proc6Pt]+[Proc7Pt]+[Proc8Pt]+[Proc9Pt]+[Proc10Pt]+[Proc11Pt]+[Proc12Pt]+[Proc13Pt]+[Proc14Pt]+[ProcPracPt]

I think this should be no complicated expression (though a bit long) and should just add the fields together. But what I get is that the calculated field appears as expected for records with an odd primary key (1, 3, 5, 7, ...) and turns out blank for records with an even primary key (2, 4, 6, 8, ...)!

I've attached a screenshot.

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Queries :: Maintain Primary Key In Make Table?

Apr 9, 2013

Is there a way of keeping/setting the primary key when using a make table query?

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Queries :: Make Table Query That Adds A Primary Key

Aug 8, 2013

I have a make table query that gets its info from another table that is updated weekly. I would like that when we run the Query Type (Make Table), we would like to add a primary key to a field that exists already starting at 1 every time the query is run.

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Queries :: Finding Records In A Query Where Date / Time Has Been Used?

Aug 15, 2013

I have a database that is used (partially) to enter appointments during a day. In the appointment column I've entered the date and time as dd-mmm-yyy-hh-nn-ss. I'm now trying to search for appointments entered on a specific day through a user input ([Enter Date] in the query criteria) Problem is, this only returns records where the time hasn't been entered and the time shows as 00:00:00.

I've tried CDate which gives me add/mmm/yyy return. if I try to search against that I get nil returns though. As a test I put DATE() in the criteria but it then says that it's an invalid foremat. I've also tried various machinations of "Like" and "Between" without success.

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Update Records In A Table Same Time

Oct 12, 2004

Hi all,

I had a table which had a yes/no check box. Is there any way to update all the checkboxes
in the table based on a value in a field same time?????


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Queries :: Select Records By Comparing Time Stamps In 1 Field

Jun 26, 2014

I can not solve this problem, my Access knoledge is mediocre.

I have the following table from imported data:

RecNr IPaddres DateandTime
1 20-11-2013 21:47:21
2 20-11-2013 21:47:59
3 20-11-2013 21:48:35
4 22-11-2013 20:44:59
5 22-12-2013 19:47:59
6 22-12-2013 20:47:59
7 01-02-2014 12:47:59
8 01-02-2014 12:48:30
9 01-03-2014 11:47:59

I want to make a query that results in displaying records that have the same IP-address where the difference in the date/time stamp is within 1 minute. When the date/time stamp is > 1 minute the record can be deleted from the table.

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Queries :: Query That Will Return Records From A Table That Have Related Records In Another Table

Mar 4, 2015

I am looking for a query that will return records from a table that have related records in another table. Opposite to the Unmatched Query Wizard.I have two tables: tblSupplier and tblSupplierProducts.The two tables are related by the field "SupplierId".I need the query to only return Suppliers that have Products.

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Queries :: Tracking Time Spent On Customers Records Based On Date Of Entry

Apr 17, 2014

I have two tables, One table containes customer name, etc., tblcustomers the other table contains the tbltimelog, log of activity start time end time. No issues. I want to generate a form based on the dateofentry for the time record. I am not able to get a summary lets say I spent 20 hours on ABC and 20 hours on CBS. If I spent 3 different days on ABC and 6 different days on CBS it will not add them together it will list it ABC 3 times and CBS 6 times. I have tried the distinct function but it doesn't work because the date is distinct. Is there a way to do this as an SQL or whatever. Thinking I could just create a new table and calculating the totals but that seems to be a waste.

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Add Records To Table In Bulk (not One Record At A Time) Via Multidimensional Array

Aug 13, 2015

I'd like to add 600+ records at a time to a table (or at least a lot) and do this 1200 or so times. Yes, this is a very big table, its okay and the size is not an issue.

The key here is that speed is very important. I DO NOT want to AddNew and Update a recordset 700k times (one for each new record). I want to add 600 records or so 1200 or so times.

I am open to any way of doing this in VBA and/or SQL in MS Access; however, I am thinking of building an array that has 600 rows and 16 columns, then somehow add that to the table all at once. I will size the array down if it causes problems. That isn't the issue. The issue is how to add a 2d array to a table in bulk (all at once).

Sub test()
Dim dbLocal As DAO.Database
Set dbLocal = CurrentDb()
Dim sql As String
'build my array
Dim x(0 To 1, 0 To 1) As Integer

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Exporting Subtable Records With Primary Records

Jan 12, 2014

All seemed to be working well, however, I noticed that all my subtable records in the database are exporting with each Primary table record. In my output, I'm looking to see each primary table record followed by one or more subtable records from a one to many relationship.

(Office 2010) Access/Word

Private Sub cmdPrint1_Click()
Dim objWord As Word.Application
Dim docm As Word.Document
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rstLandSales As DAO.Recordset

[Code] ......

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Queries :: Retrieve Records From One Table Where Dates Are Between Records In Another Table

Dec 30, 2013

I have a survey database that I've been using for the last year for monthly auditing of employees files. I need to be able to get monthly audit scores for each employee but grouped by their manager. The problem I'm having is employees have moved between managers throughout the year, so employees that are listed under Manager 2 now were actually working for Manager 1 when the audits occurred.

ie. Audits occurred Jan - April for Employee 1 while they were assigned to Manager 1. Employee 1 moved to Manager 2s team in May. So when running monthly reports for the year Employee 1 audits should fall under Manager 1 for Jan-April and Manager 2 for May-Dec.

I do have a history table set up like:
EmployeeID (FK to Employee table)
ManagerID (FK to Manager table)
MoveDate (date employee assigned to manager)

The Employee table is set up like:
Employee ID (PK)
ManagerID (FK to Manager table)

The Manager table has the ManagerID and ManagerName.

That's the employee side of things; then I have the tables that store the audit results:

EmployeeID (FK to employee table)

AuditID; QstnID (Composite PK, QstnID is FK to tblQuestions)

How can I use AuditDate and MoveDate to relate audits to the managers the employees were under when the audits occurred?

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Modules & VBA :: Reset Autonumber Each Time Delete / Append Records In A Table?

Oct 25, 2013

I need to reset the autonumber each time I delete/append records in a table. Best way?

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Queries :: Getting Count From Table But Only For Certain Time Period

Apr 9, 2015

I am trying to get a count from a table, but only for a certain time period. Here is a little bit of my table:

1617 3/25/2015 7:30:00 PM0
1530 1/8/2015 4:40:00 AM10
1532 1/12/2015 9:20:00 AM60
1533 1/14/2015 4:50:00 AM1

What I am currently doing is querying a table for the Count(*) for the day before. This works all well and good, but now I am wanting to break it down by a time range from the trDateDT field.

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Queries :: Sum Of Multiple TIME Entries Of A Table

Oct 25, 2013

im in the middle of developing a database to log DOWNTIME of various machines in the factory. Basically myself and others will use it to log breakdown details and the amount of time (in HH:MM) the machine was off.

I have a form which will list details of a certain machine in a list box which i can populate using a query.

The list box will display 3 columns: Date of Breakdown, Machine Name and Downtime

I then have a text box below this that i would like to display the TOTAL amount of downtime for that machine (The listbox may have different information in it depending on the query criteria, e.g. It might display a certain month for a certain machine).

THE ISSUE i am having is its proving to be difficult to get the correct sum of the accumulative time to display correctly in the text box.

Is there a way i can use a query to calculate the total time of a column and return a value which is formatted as time (like this hhhh:mm or dd:hh:mm) or preferably use some VBA code on the form itself to total up the DOWNTIME column of the list box and display it with the correct format in the text

I have gotten close, but as the total amount of time exceeded 24 hours, it went past 00:00. I'm assuming it treated it as a clock and went into the next day? This is NOT what i am after, i need the total amount of days, hours spent on the machine and not a time of the day.

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Queries :: Querying Time Range On Linked Table Does Not Work?

May 8, 2013

I have a linked table in my access accdb file to a view on a SQL Server DB.

One of the columns is a date column, where only the time value is important, so it's stored in the default format, like 12-30-1899 12:00 AM.

In SQL Server, I can query records that fall between a certain time frame. It works in Access when written as an ADO query (that's another story), and it also works when I convert the view to a local access table.

But when I query it as a linked server, it will return everything is greater than 12-29-1899 11:59 pm, but when I try to search any date/time ranges on 12-30-1899 nothing is returned. This seems to be a bug in Access.

The reason I no longer use ADO, is that the results would not print. For some reason, when I go to print preview, Access would evaluate the query I'm passing through to SQL Server and throw a syntax error. I miss ADP.

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Queries :: Auto Update One Table To Another Each Time New Record Added To Form

Jul 3, 2013

I am trying to automatically update one table to another each time a new record is added to my form, I have tried using the Update and the Append Query is there another way to do this without using code?

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Queries :: Date Field With Time - Query For Date Only And Get All Records

Apr 26, 2013

I have a query based on a table which has a date field. the field both in the table and the query have the time also in the date value so when I try to query on a date I get nothing if I copy the date and time from the field I will get the result for that record if I just use the date I get nothing. I have tried the format which does display just date but if you click on the field the time is also there You must be able to query for a date only and get all the records.

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Finding Records By Primary Key Value

Oct 26, 2004

I have a table, and there are many records, each with a unique value in the OrderNumber field

I have a text box on a form, and i want it to work so that the user types in a OrderNumber value, and it loads that record into the form (the form is bound to the table)

I already know how to load a record by record number, but how can i do it by OrderNumber value?


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Primary Key In New Records Is Null

Jun 5, 2015

I recently acquired a database that is already established. When entering new date the primary key is null. I've looked at the properties and the best I can figure is it has something to do with a missing property called New Values.

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Queries :: Update Query (table To Table) Not Updating All Records

Nov 26, 2013

I'm using an UPDATE query to update records in one table (tblMain) from another table (tblTemp)

Here is my SQL :


UPDATE [tblMain]
INNER JOIN [tblTemp] ON [tblMain].[MainField1] = [tblTemp].[TempField1]
SET [tblMain].[MainField2] = [tblTemp].[TempField2];

I only want to update the records in tblMain which have a corresponding record in tblTemp (linked by MainField1 / TempField1)

If any record doesn't appear in tblTemp, I want tblMain to retain the existing value for that record.

However, it appears that in such situations, the record in tblMain has it's MainField2 value set to null / ZLS.

I've tried using LEFT JOIN and RIGHT JOIN and also tried WHERE clauses but the result is the same every time.

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Avoiding Duplicate Records Without Using Primary Key

Sep 21, 2015

I have a modest sized data base and have been having trouble keeping out duplicate records with the same last name, first name, and DOB. I know I could use all 3 fields as a primary key, but I would like a simpler way of checking for duplicates.

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Queries :: Finding Distinct Records In Table A That Are In Table B

Dec 19, 2013

tbl_A has column "ID" with duplicates. tbl_B has column "ID" with distinct values.i want to find all the distinct IDs in tbl_A that are present in tbl_B.I've tried the following with no luck:

FROM tbl_A LEFT JOIN tbl_B ON tbl_A.ID = tbl_B.ID
WHERE tbl_A.ID IN tbl_B.ID;

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Queries :: Updating Individual Records In A Table From Another Table

Jan 11, 2015

I have an Access 2007 application that has a Parts Table that contains a list of automotive parts.I have attached a screen shot (parts.jpg) showing the structure.I have another table called Web_Parts that has exactly the same structure as Parts. The Web_Parts table gets its data from a CSV import that I do that is data extracted from an MySQL database used by an eCommerce website.

You will notice that there is a field called "Web_Product_Id" (number). This is the unique ID for each of the products that I have exported from the Web shop system. I need to regularly (probably every couple of weeks), export out of the web shop system and import into the Access environment.

Due to the fact that the data in the web shop system may change (pricing, description, add new items, delete new items etc), I need to find a way that I can simply update any existing records in the Parts table with any new information contained in the Web_Parts table......

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Queries :: Delete Records In One Table Dependent On Another Table

Apr 17, 2015

I have a table which lists amendments (amendments history file) which need to take effect of another table (M0070), I can select the records fine and so the sub query looks to be okay but I'm missing something (probably obvious) in the deletion query where by it does only delete the records selected but everything (I know that the asterisk is wrong in the code below but I'm not sure what to replace it with).

At this point I'm trying to delete all records for a specific employee on a specific contract (they can be 1 or more employee records for that individual on a contract - and they could exist on multiple contracts).

FROM M0070
(SELECT M0070.[Contract No], M0070.[Contract Name], M0070.[Employee No], M0070.Forename, M0070.Surname, M0070.Branch, M0070.[Long Desc], M0070.[Emp Post Start Date], M0070.[Days per week],

[Code] .....

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