Queries :: Tables With Inventory Items And Storage Charges Per Day - Multiplication Expression

Mar 13, 2014

I have a table with inventory items, a separate table with storage charges per day (ex .03, .04, .05 per day/per item)

I have created some queries where I take the items & # of days they have been in storage and when I try and create an expression for storage charges based upon QTY & # of days I am getting results like it is multiplying whole numbers and not very small increments like .03

I have checked the math, and its not multiplying by 3 instead of .03... I cant quite figure out how it is coming up with the numbers.

Again, the pricing is coming from a lookup wizard to another table. It seems like it should be a very straight forward expression but I cannot get it to work. Does the figures being from a lookup have any issues?

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Multiplication Expression

Oct 25, 2006

OK, I should be able to figure this out, but I'm getting frustrated... I also haven't been able to find the answer via the search feature or MS help, so I'd be overly appreciative if someone could slap some sense in me with an answer to this.

All I am trying to do is write an IF expression in "Text9" that resides in a subform (that feeds a table) that will multiply the value typed in the "MatQuan" text box by a specified amount. (Example below)

Private Sub LocQuan_AfterUpdate()

If Forms![frmEntry]![PartNumber] = "1A4595" And Me.Location = "Vane ID" Then
Me.Text9 = ((LocQuan.Value) * (0.021))
End Sub

I know it's recognizing the specified part number in the master form because I tested it using different instructions. When I type the line that is supposed to do the multiplication as I think it actually should be, I get an error. As seen above, it does nothing at all. I've tried many different variations with either a debug error or lack of results.

Could someone please show me how to properly write this darned expression?
Thanks in advance!
Yours in stupidity,
Ceejay (currently wearing a dunce cap)

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Forms :: Task Storage Database - Form With Multiple Items And Submit Button

Oct 6, 2014

I have this database with the purpose to storage all the tasks that are done in my team. I have a table named Tasks with all their fields. Now, I would like to set a more user friendly way for clients to update this table. I have created another table with a list of most common tasks, so when a client wants to add their tasks list they can choose one of this tasks and add it to the list. I had created a form with multiple items that contains the common tasks and next to each task a button that adds the information they choose into the table "Tasks". This works just fine. However, I would like to add a single button at the top to add all the tasks instead of having to choose one after one.

The "Add All tasks" button has this code:

Private Sub Command79_Click()
Dim valSelect As Variant, MyDB As DAO.Database, MyRS As DAO.Recordset
Set MyDB = CurrentDb()
Set MyRS = MyDB.OpenRecordset("Tasks", dbOpenDynaset)

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Add Items Received To Inventory Table?

Feb 18, 2014

I'm trying to add items received to my inventory table. If the item is already in the table, I just want to update the number and cost etc. If the item is not in the inventory table I want to add it. My problem is determining which item in the source table is already in the target table so I can either update of add. how to find an item number in target table by looping through the source table?

Here's the code I've written which doesn't work.

Dim I As Integer
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim rs2 As Recordset
Set rs = Nothing
Set rs2 = Nothing
Set db = CurrentDb


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Modules & VBA :: FIFO Inventory Calculation - Cost Of Items?

Jan 29, 2015

I am setting up a inventory database and i will like the cost of the items to be calculated using FIFO.

Sample tables:

part code
quantity on hand

part type id
party type

invent id
reorder quantity

part code
part type
ext cost


For every item i will like the previous cost to be charged before the new cost. eg. if 10 pens where entered at $2 and another 5pens were entered at $4 each and 1 need 11 pens, i want the first 10 to be charged at $2 each and one at $4.

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Modules & VBA :: Inventory - Show List Of Items That Aren't Already In A Table

Jun 19, 2015

I have a list box that allows multiple selections [Inventory]. I also have a combo box that has multiple selections [Shows].

Right now, user selects from list box and from a combo box and clicks a button. On button click, the items from the list box are associated with the PK from the combo and stored in a junction table. This allows me to quickly associate many inventory items to one show.

I realized that there I currently have no way to prevent duplicate Inventory+show records in the junction table besides having a composite key. This would be fine except no records get inserted into the junction table if there's a duplicate entry.

Ideally, I think that the user should select from the combo box [Shows]. This should narrow down what shows up in the list box [Inventory] in a way that Inventory items already associated with the show are not displayed.

If I have 10 Inventory items and Inventory items 1-5 are already associated with Show 1; after I select the combo box, the list box only displays Inventory items 6-10.

Here's the associated code

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub cmdAddRecords_Click()
Dim strSQL As String
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim ctl As Control

[Code] ....

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Queries :: Creating Access Storage Database

Feb 5, 2014

i am busy with creating a access storage database and need to calculate the number of days a vehicle is in storage, i have a [date in] field and a [date out] field. i need to calculate if [date out] is empty to use today otherwise [date out] - [date in]

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Delivery Charges

Jan 7, 2006

Hello All,

I am making a table/form that will look at the wieght of an item and work out a costing based on a number of different delivery companies and will find the cheapest, I would like any comments on how to go about this.


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Tables :: Setting Up Inventory Database

Feb 8, 2015

I need to create an inventory database that will track customer owned inventory as it is received stored serviced and sent back to my customer. I am in the oil and gas industry and store large amounts of customer owned pipe. many joints will have the same part number but each joint is one of a kind in that it has a joint,heat, lot, and batch number. here is an example,

Job Name: Shell ex
Part Number: 129001
Quantity: 1000

Here is an example of joint info I need to record

Joint Number:193
Heat Number: f21283
Lot: 202
Reference: byy2112

Each one of the thousand joints will have a combination of this information making it one of a kind.

My system needs to allow my users to receive jobs, record where we store the pipe in a rack location, pull the specific joints out of inventory as the customer calls for them. We will receive 1000 at a time but the customer calls for portions of that job over long periods of time..

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Tables :: Inventory Sheet - Auto Population Of Field

Mar 16, 2014

I have a sheet of inventory I am working on creating. The price for storage for an item is determined by 2 things. 1. the type of material and 2. the size of that material. I have created a table with the material types and sizes. Is there a way that I can have the price automatically populate when I select the type of material and then size?

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Tables :: Transaction Table Setup To Adjust Inventory

Apr 22, 2013

I have a database that I use to put in orders for our shop and keep track of our part informations as well as paint and packing materials. Everything works good on this but I am trying to create a table for adjusting quantities on hand for packing material based on the part quantities and for adjusting paint in stock based on information given to me after the job is run.

There is already a relationship between parts and packing material as well as parts and paint. When I put an order in I would like to have it adjust out that many packing materials that are related to that part. Once a job is run I need to be able to adjust out the amount of paint used.

For the paint side of this I want it to track the paint used by order, we are trying to get a grasp on how much paint we are using for parts so it is important for me to know how much and when.

I am thinking I need a table that connects paint to orders and has quantities in it, then create a query and do the calculations from there... I do not know how to accomplish that but it sounds like it could be right...

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Formula - Calculating Charges Based On Stepped Rates

Jun 20, 2014

Never tried complicated formulas in Access and at a bit of a loss... What I am trying to do is calculate a utility bill based on stepped rates.

For example:

Usage up to the first 500KHW is billed at .067 per KWH
Usage after the first 500KWH from 501 to 999 is billed at .044 per KWH
Usage from 1000 up is billed at .0318

So if my usage was 1200 KWH...

((500 x .067)+(500 x .044)+(200 x .0318)) = 61.86

I was assuming it would require an complex "if" function to split the 1200 into steps and then calculate charges per step?

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Data Entry Form - Enter Charges By Year

Jul 12, 2013

I've created a pop-up data entry form to enter charges by year.

How do I customize the format so users are required to enter the 4-digit year in all year fields.

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IF Statement And Multiplication

Jul 11, 2005

I need help creating a calculated field. I'm not sure how to write the IF statement.
Calculated Field Name: Special_Rate
Data Field Name: phrearn_earn_code
If phrearn_earn_code = OT1, then I need to Multiply OT1 * .5 for a total.


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Iif Iserror With Multiplication

Nov 8, 2006

I'm trying to create an expression field in my query that multiplies 2 fields that are in the query. Here is the code I'm using...

NTA#: IIf(IsError([HeaderProductionQuantity]*[NTA]),0,[HeaderProductionQuantity]*[NTA])

The quantity field has the amount of pieces that we produced in a given day. The NTA field is a number 1-4 and blank that show the amount of pieces that require the NTA job.

As long as there is a number in the nta field, I get a good calculation. If the nta field is blank, I get #error in the query. What is wrong with the above formula that it isn't replacing the #error with 0?

If I put the 0 at the end of the formula, it replaces the good calcs with 0,so the formula is correct, correct?

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Multiplication In Form

May 20, 2005

Please, help!

I have the projects profile form and would like access to calculate some values automatically, when I enter certain data for each project.
I enter "Forecast" and "Probability"
The result has to be X=Forecsst*Probability

I write in the options of text filed for the result the following


and he calculates it only for one form, but not for others. In other forms the summ stays the same or changes to something absolutely random. Why?? What should I write to proceed these stupid multiplication? :confused:

Thank you!!!

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Query Multiplication Problem.

Nov 27, 2007

Hi Folks.

I have a question about query. There is two field in query.Total and Currency. I'd like to multiplication total and currency filelds.I so thing do in query. if currency field is empty , write total to the GTotal.if you help to me I would be very glad.

Thank you

For Example
GTotal:[Total]*[Currency] it is very good working. but I don't want this calculation
GTotal:iif([Currency]is not null;[Total]*[Currency] or iif([Currency] is null; [Total]) it is not working. Query result : -1 :confused:

Total Currency GTotal
10 * 1.2 = 12
20 * = 20 like.....

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Modules & VBA :: Multiplication With Str Function

May 6, 2015

I got the following problem.

This code doesn't calculate the exact value:


Sub TEST()
Dim strSQL As String
Dim b As Double
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
b = DLookup("MC", "COMMON_DISTRIBUTION", "YEAR = 2015")

[Code] ....

My variable b is 0.230.
The TNS is multiplied with 0.228.
It seems a problem with the Str(b).

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Queries :: Products Form - Listbox To Show Recent Inventory Transactions

Apr 3, 2014

I have a products form, we are a manufacturing company, with a listbox to show recent inventory transactions. This is based on a query which shows all transactions with the current part id, and that all works well and fine.

The problem is, I would like to limit this query to show only the last 10 transactions in the listbox and not make it editable, ie not enabled. I set the show only in query design view to 10 and it says in the sql statement select top 10, however, the listbox consistently shows all related records. What am I missing?

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Queries :: Inventory Transaction Form - Append Query Data Type Mismatch

Dec 8, 2014

I'm receiving an error indicating there is a data type mismatch when running a query named qappInventoryTakeOn.

Data is entered into the Inventory Transaction Form. If the transaction type is "Take On", when the update button is clicked the record will be saved to tblInventoryMovements and then qappInventoryTakeOn should run to update tblInventory, but I keep running into the aforementioned error.

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Queries :: Inventory Database - Displaying Results Of Query In Form Text Boxes

Aug 7, 2015

I have a Inventory DB and i want to integrate scanning. So far i have a table called StockInfo, this table holds information about bar codes (device type, make, model). I have a form called Scan_Barcode, on this form I want to be able to scan a bar code into a text box (text0) and use a afterupdate and requery function to display the results onto a form called EnterInventory.

Not only just the results but I want certain columns from the query to display in certain text boxes on this form. I have a query called FindProduct. that filters the criteria by whats entered on the Scan_Barcode text box (text0). So when i scan a certain bar code i can get the query to display certain product information for the bar code. I just cant get the results onto the HarwareStock form.

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Queries :: Totals In Queries - Count Similar Items

Jan 14, 2014

Using Access 2010. Have been using a simple query to count similar items. All of a sudden I cannot get the sum of the count. I don't know if I have done something wrong or my program won't work correctly.

The DB is attached. The only query shown is an example of what I want to total, but I cannot get any total.

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Tables > 255 Items?

Mar 6, 2006

I've been running into this problem in Access. I have records which have more than 255 fields. The easiest solution would have been to get a table with more than 255 fields, but I can't do this, so I've had to split up the tables. The next easiest solution would be if there is a way to link the tables--I have a data field "IntAccNum" identified as the primary key in each table--so that when a new row is formed in one, it is formed in the others. This wouldn't waste space, since any row in the first table would necessarily need a corresponding row in other tables. Is there a way to do this?

If not...

The problem I run into is when I populate a row in the demographic table and then try to fill a corresponding row in another table. I use a command button to for a macro to "OpenForm", and then try to "SetValue" of the appropriate field in the second table. This adds a new row in the second table. This does let me populate the correct row of the second table the first time I try for each row. However, after this initial population, when I switch back and forth between the first and second table, I get an error in access since obviously I can't keep adding a primary key with the same value in the second table.

Do I need to do some sort of query to see if that row exists in the second table already. Or is there some simple solution to what must be a very common situation that I am overlooking?

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Reports :: Sum Items From Two Tables?

Apr 11, 2014

I am trying to create a report in Access that sums the number of instances of items listed in two separate tables.

Impact (Customer Impacted, Customer Not Impacted)
Reason/Source (Mail, Keying Error, Other Error, Transfer Error)

For example I am looking for the number of instances:
- Customer Impacted = Mail
- Customer Not Impacted = Mail

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List Of Tables And Items In A Database

Nov 7, 2004

Hi just started working for a Company and I found they have tons of
databases but no structure or standard, so I would like to build a tool that will go thrue a list of databases and get all the table names, the items and type. Is there functions in vba that can get me a list of the tables in the database and the get all the items in the database ?

Thanks on any input

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Tables :: Associate Items With Second Names

Apr 15, 2015

I have items, but some of them have multiple names for one item. Is there any way to tell Ms access that that item has those other names? I have 5 fields, named "Model" "2nd Model Names" "3rd Model Names" "4th Model Names" and "5th Model Names."

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