Queries :: Total Amount Paid Between Two Dates
Mar 18, 2014
I've got to do the following query in Access:
"This query should prompt the user to enter two dates and than calculate the total amount paid for all invoices in the Amount field between those two dates (inclusive)."
Query is based on table Invoices.
I have created the query and dates part works fine. However,when I run Sum for the Amount field, instead of total amount query displays amount of each invoice between those dates. How to get just Total (amount of each invoice added up)?
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Dec 5, 2014
I have a table of hours that have been worked by employees for each day of the week
[moh] (Monday's hours),[tuh],[weh],[thh],[frh],[sah],[suh]
data eg (this is how I would like it to be inputted into the table)
7:24:00,7:24:00,7:24:00,7:24:00,7:22:00,0:00:00,0: 00:00
This equates to 36:58:00
I have tried
Total Hours: [moh]+[tuh]+[weh]+[thh]+[frh]+[sah]+[suh]
but I am struggling to get what I want in the right format.
How to record the initial data or a formula to format the end result.
Excel just does it !!!!!
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Jul 9, 2013
I am trying to count how many of the "same" and "differences", as well as calculate the percentages of the number of "same" over the total amount. To clarify, I work at a nursing home, and I need to calculate the number of people who were admitted to our facility and then to the hospital for the same diagnosis, and a different diagnosis. Then, out of the total number of people who were admitted to the hospital from our facility, I need to calculate how many of those people had the same diagnosis or a different diagnosis.
Also, I need to categorize these diagnosis by each type of diagnosis.
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Feb 18, 2015
Basically I have a report that shows any 'Issues' that wasnt closed within the KPI Target.
I have the report working, but I simply want to do a count of how many days the observations overran the 'Target Date of Closure'.
The report also shows observations that are not closed but passed their Target Date of Closure. These observations will not have a 'Actual Closure Date', but I would like to still have a count of how many days its overrun closure.
This is a formula I tried to piece together but obviously not correct as it's not returning anything;
IIf(IsNull([Issues]![Actual Closure Date]),DateDiff("d",[Issues]![Target Date of Closure],
Date()),DateDiff("d",[Issues]![Target Date of Closure],[Issues]![Actual Closure Date]))
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Feb 27, 2007
Hello All,
I need to create a derived attributes (total hours left, total hours used).
In order for the calculation I have days_allocated in the employee table (this is converted into hours by multiplying this by 24).
How can I create a field in a query that works out the amount of hours used and left?
Here is a typical holiday record (screenshot of my query that I am trying to do)
http://img3.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/th.8af9f3cd25.jpg (http://img3.freeimagehosting.net/image.php?8af9f3cd25.jpg)
Can someone please help me create a formula.
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Mar 16, 2013
We have a form where we enter various amounts and a box where these are added together to calculate taxes. This amount is shown on the screen but we need to save this total amount in the table where it can be used in other calculations in other forms
The control in the box looks like this:
=[registration fee]+[membership fee]+[fee per term]+[additional classes fee]+[costume]+[books]-[discount]+[applicable gst]+[uniform fee]
How can I get the result of this formula saved in another table field?
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Dec 10, 2007
Can anyone suggest a method for doing what the title asks. I basically have a single table with several fields. One of the fields is the length of music tracks in seconds. What i want to do is to set criteria so that when a query is run the records to not add up to more than 900 seconds.
1stly) Is this "do-able" using queries or do i need to start implementing sql statements which i have limited experience of?
2ndly) Can anyone recommend a suitable method to do so provided it isn't very complex.
My knowledge of Access is Intermediate.
Kind regards
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Dec 18, 2014
I have two numbers, i need to calculate how much percentage of one is the other. E.g
num_1 = 100
num_2 = 10
percent = 10%
Users enter a dollar amount (retainer) and my code should calculate the percent of the total proposal amount.
Actual Code
Private Sub cmdSubmit_Click()
Dim intProposalTotal As Double 'if i use interger i get "overflow" error
intProposalTotal = Nz(DLookup("ProposalTotal", "qryPropsalTotalForRetainer", "proposal_id=" & Me.proposal_id), 0)
[Code] .....
billing_retainer_percent is formatted to Percent with 0 decimals. In the actual table Type - Number, Format - Percent, Field Size - Single. What i get is 100% instead of 10%.
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Jun 9, 2014
I need a query to pick the bones out of sales transactional data like this...
CustomerName Currency
A Smith GBP
A Smith USD
B Jones GBP
B Jones GBP
T Brown GBP
T Brown AUD
C Wong GBP
C Wong GBP
S Giles USD
S Giles USD
From the above data, only A Smith & T Brown ...have made purchases in more than one (different) currency. How on earth do I trap that with a query? (or will it need a macro?)
If so, the table is called sales & the columns are as per the data above (CustomerName & Currency)...
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Nov 20, 2014
I am trying to get the main form to display a total Amount for all records in Purchase order details but the control displays Error:
I have a Form called frmPurchaseOrder with a sub-form sbfrmPurchaseOrderDetails
sbfrmPurchaseOrderDetails takes item details from a table based on what is selected in the combo box then fills out four additional fields in the same sub-form.
SELECT tblItemListDetails.ItemID, tblItemListDetails.ItemName, tblItemListDetails.ItemSize, tblItemListDetails.ItemUnit, tblItemListDetails.ItemUnitCost, tblItemListDetails.ItemBrand FROM tblItemListDetails WHERE (((tblItemListDetails.Supplier)=[Forms]![frmPurchaseOrders]![SupplierCombo]));
Private Sub cmbItemName_Change()
Me.txtSize.Value = Me.cmbItemName.Column(2)
[Code] ....
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Feb 18, 2014
I am trying to build a form that can show the total from the amount that the report generate.
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Sep 25, 2013
I have a subform in columns that has a list of invoices bound together by the site number on the form there is a Expense code that runs 51 to 95.
On another tab I want to add all the invoices for a expense code together and display the total amount
Below is an example of invoices
IDSite CodeInvoice DatePOInvoiceContractorInvoice AmountExpense Code
10289S20/09/2013 346603410Dj Commercial Cleaning Ltd 25.2362A
20289S28/09/2013 346061141Platinum Landscapes 240.0055A
30289S03/09/2013 353112021Clean And Green 167.0063A
40289S02/08/2013 353112015Clean And Green 174.0063A
50289S19/08/2013 111115271Southern Electric 189.5679A
60289S19/08/2013 346061121Platinum Landscapes 240.0055A
70289S02/06/2013 353112009Clean And Green 160.0063A
80289S02/05/2013 353112003Clean And Green 181.0063A
I want it to display on another tab
51 General Expenses £452.36
55 Gardens £1523.65
and so on
whats the best way to do this?
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Nov 23, 2007
Dear all,in my table I have the following fields:- fldstartdate- fldstarttime- fldenddate- fldendtimeCan I calculate the time that is between those variables using an expression?fldenddate.fldendtime - fldstartdate.fldstarttime = "x days and x minutes"Kind regards,Hans B.
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Jun 29, 2006
how can i have the letters PAID in red running accross a form if the balance is '0'?????i been thinking about it and cant even come up with any logic other thanhaving a invisible "PAID" that if the balance >0 then make visible? does that make any sense?and how would i code it?Thanks!
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Apr 7, 2013
I am creating a crosstab query in VBA to report on claims on a paid and incurred basis. I would like the query to have 13 columns - one for each month of the current year and one for all claims paid prior to January of the current year.
Is there a way to lump all data with a date less than Jan 1 into a single field while retaining the monthly detail for the current year?
All of the data is coming from a single table. Sample code below functions, but provides a column for every month a claim was incurred.
Sub Triangle()
'Triangle Reports
'Check Registers
On Error GoTo Error_Handler:
Dim DB As DAO.Database
Dim RS As DAO.Recordset
Dim QRY As DAO.QueryDef
[Code] ....
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Jul 23, 2015
I am trying to create a query that has a self referencing running total based on the values (point totals) of itself (running total of values in the running total column that have already been calculated for all previous records) plus the total of new points being added in the current record, less the total of points being removed in the current record. This running total can never go below 0, if it does, the running total should restart at zero and add in only new points and begin the process again with the next records
I am able to do this in Excel in less than two seconds so I know there has to be a way to port this into a query. I've attached an excel example of what I am exactly trying to do
If it takes multiple queries to complete the required output I am ok with it. In my previous outtakes I have had up to 8 queries but just couldn't seem to do it..
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Mar 8, 2008
1) I am pretty newbie to this access programming, do forgive me if my questions sounds stupid.
2) Basically I create an application in access capturing or production information for my company. now the top management suddenly wanted whats their main concern:- Total Daily/Monthly, Quarterly, Annual Sales (By Model If possible)
3) I start with daily (Lets don't be too overly ambitious).
4) I try to let user select dates from my calender control and reflect daily sales (in Total & By Model break down) insert into my form.
5) Understand someone told me from my previous post in Calender control I can achieve it either through forms or queries, which is a better way. (in terms of flexibility to change for program maintenance/ scalibility) wise ?
PS: Please forgive my ignorance :o:(
Thanks (In advance) & God Bless.
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Jul 21, 2015
I have One table(and designed form from it) in which i have recording the daily transactions(it is like a daily book). Daily transactions took place like Purchase of items of Amount 45, sale=70, sold on account=100 etc.
What problem i am facing is: I would like to Add Cash In Hand amount and would like to show it on my form. When day end I would like to move remaining cash In Hand on separate column of that date. The next day i would like to take the previous Remaining Cash in Hand as Cash In Hand at Start for next date and so on.
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Jul 17, 2014
I am trying to make a report in which I can see the amount of money that I have to pay weekly to an employee. To explain myself clearer, I have different rates for each employee. For example:
John Smith$15$10$15$30$8
Ken Jonson$10$8$10$20$8
I am doing this in a query. So what I want to be able to do is, for example, take 4 hours that the employee worked at NormalPayRate and multiply it. But if tomorrow the employee worked at a different rate, for example 3 hours overtime, I want those 3 hours multiplied by OvertimePayRate.
The way I saw it on my Google researches, is that they have only one rate and the amount will be [SumOfHours]*[Rate]. But how can I tell my query to skip, for example, one rate because the employee didn't work at that rate that day. So I can have different amount for the different rates.
By the way, entering the information I can divide at what rate the employee worked x day. So if the employee work 6 hours at regular, and later on 4 hours at standby, I have those information separated in my table.
Results that I am getting: I can easily get the amount in money multiplying the whole hours by a rate, so my result in my report will be multiplied by the same rate.
I am using Access 2013 ...
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Jun 19, 2015
I have a qry which gives me this data:
12/05/15 ABC 4 243.55
12/5/15 DEF 6 707.12
13/05/15 ABC 1 101.01
I'd like to sum the amount for each date. Is this possible?
I will be updating the table with new dates and want to eventually create a form where i set the dates and it does the query where I get the amount for the dates specified, e.g. 01/07/20 - 08/07/20
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Sep 16, 2013
I've got a table with a lot of data.
In the table is a SAP Number (ID), a booking date (BuchDatum) and an amount (Betrag)
Now i want to sum up, for each ID the amount in one months.
In the end i want to have a table like this
Date SAP Number Amount
01/2011 12345 1000€
02/2011 12345 0€
03/2011 12345 100€
04/2011 12345 300€
and so on.
So for each ID, a table like this.
I tried it already, but my Problem is that i either sum up the years or the months. I Need a combination.
I put the file in the Appendix.
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Feb 14, 2006
I would like to create a query which will be used to create a payment reminder report.
The two fields I would most like to focus on are these ones:
Field | Table | Criteria |
DateRequired | tblOrders | =Date() + 2 (?)
Paid | tblOrders | False (?)
Basically if the order has not been paid by two days before I would like to be able to create a letter to each customer who needs reminding by the use of a report.
Is criteria the correct plac to put these bits?
Is =Date() + 2 going to be two days after the current date?
Is False the correct thing to place if I want to show only customers that have not paid (the check box is not checked)
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May 31, 2013
I have a log in table that counts every time a user logs onto the database. Each time a user logs in it adds another entry to a table.
I have built a query to display the user name and date of log in so I could display this information in a report. The report is now getting rather long, and I am looking for a way to display each users name and have the total number of times they have logged in, not display each time they have logged in separately.
The Query has two fields "Agent Name" and "Logger Date"
The report displays the data as follows
Agent Name Logger Date
User 1 26/5/13
User 1 26/5/13
User 1 27/5/13
User 2 28/5/13
What I would like to do is have a report listing each users name, with a column showing how many times they have logged on. e.g.
User Name Login Count
User 1 3
User 2 1
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Aug 28, 2013
I have built a query to calculate the expiry dates of training courses but I am trying to input a criteria so that only dates within 90 days of todays date show. I am using Date()<90 but it doesn't return the correct information. What the criteria should be for this?
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May 5, 2006
I have a problem with figuring out how to implement what I call “Paid In Advance”. If a customer pays 4, 5, 6, or 12 months in advance, I for some reason can’t think of how to set this up with tables, queries, forms, and reports. The example that closely matches my db is “Order Entry” from access sample db’s.
Tables are as follows:
For every customer (tblCustomerDetail) there are multiple service records (tblCustomerHistory) and for every service record there are or can be multiple payments (tblPayments) for that one service record.
Just like in “Order Entry” where Customers have multiple Orders and then one or many Payments for that one Order. (Pretend that Order Details is in the Orders table.)
The problem that I’m having is trying to come up with a way to assign the “Paid In Advance” money to the customers account without assigning it to a service record or payment. I can’t assign it to a service record because it hasn’t been serviced yet. And I can’t assign it to a payment because the service record generates a new record in the tblPayments when a new service record is entered, and besides that wouldn’t work because the “Paid In Advance” money would only be applied to that one service record.
I hope everyone is following what I’m saying.
If anyone has any clue as to what I am trying to do, please feel free to help me.
As always any help would be greatly appreciated.
P.S. If anyone knows where there is a sample db of what I am trying to do, I would be grateful if you could post the link in your reply.
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May 12, 2015
I am trying to build an incentive calculator for my company. I need a query that will take, for each employee,
Append rows as follows:
Emp1 | Attendance |
Emp1 | CSAT Score |
Emp1 | Quality Score |
Emp2 | Attendance |
Emp2 | CSAT Score |
Emp2 | Quality Score |
The Attendance, CSAT Score, Quality Score are from a table named PARAMETERS where each department will have them listed as
Dept1 | Attendance | >90% |$10
Dept1 | CSAT Score | >8.0 |$10
Dept1 | Quality Score | >3.5 |$20
Dept2 | Attendance | >95% |$15
I can do the lookups needed to find out which department an employee belongs to, but how to get the Employee to be listed in multiple rows like this.
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