Queries :: Two Tables Fields Into One Query Field?
Feb 24, 2015
I have two tables: tbltasks & tblsafety
Both tables have a date field in, one table keeps tracks of my tasks the other the expiry date of some safety checks.
I currently have a timed pop up that looks at dates within a table that are within 30 days from now, if there are any dates the reminder pops up.
The problem is I want the pop up to look at two sepearte columns in two different tables, so I figured it would be easier to create a query combining these dates and just ask the pop up to look at that query date column.
I want to create a query that very simply lists all the dates in one column combined from both tables.
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Jan 29, 2014
I have two tables:
I have these fields in both tables:
MONTH, Organization Code, Account, SubAccount, AMOUNT
I want to Compare the results in a single query. However the amounts aren't correct and after a full day I cannot find the answer.
SELECT [Budget].Month AS [MONTH], [Budget].[Organization Code], [Budget].Account, Sum([Budget].AMOUNT) AS [Budget Amount], Sum([Actuals].AMOUNT) AS [Actuals Amount]
FROM [Budget], [Actuals]
GROUP BY [Budget].Month, [Budget].[Organization Code], [Budget].Account, [Budget].SubAccount
HAVING ((([Budget].SubAccount)="K08"));
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Apr 11, 2013
I'm trying to create a query that can sum values of different fields in different tables...Can I sum values of a field and put the result into another field in different table?
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May 13, 2014
I get tasked to use access very infrequently but now I have been asked to create a database. I am struggling with combining 2 tables. I have different data on each table however I do have a unique Identifier. So on table 1 I have Bud, his height, weight, etc. On table 2 I have Bud his home address, phone #, etc. I am using name "Bud" in this case as my unique identifier. I want to create a query that gives me Bud, his height, phone # etc. I want my query to pull in all records. Bud may only have info on table 1 and Budette could be on table 2 but not on table 1. I would like my query to include all the unique identifiers and as much info as I have in the tables.
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Jan 18, 2015
I have the query below that return a table like:
PLOTNR; period,Value, ID, Basal_area/ha, Basal_area/ha, perc_BA_sp
What I want to is to add another field that rank the perc_BA_sp by PLOTNR descending (thus highest perc_BA_sp values rank one etc.)
1 AS period,
([Q:INV1-Basal_area_plot-spp]![Basal_area/ha]/[Q:INV1-Basal_area_plot]![Basal_area/ha])*100 AS perc_BA_spFROM[Q:INV1-Basal_area_plot-spp]
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Jun 9, 2015
way to merge various fields from a table into just one using a query.The purpose will be for easier copying and pasting in to an email.So we have a table to stores information such as Site Contact, Address 1, Address 2, Address 3, Postcode etc.
I want to be able to run a query that will put the address in to just one box, either in the query or on a report then it's much easier to just highlight the full address and copy and paste it into an email. Rather than copying each field individually.
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May 22, 2013
Access 2010. I've had to learn it at work because our DBA was let go and I was the only one willing to give it a go. Read a book or two and picked up some stuff on the internet.
Here's my problem:
I have a simple table -Employee with 4 fields. FirstName, LastName, Office and JobTitle. I have form called Form1 that has 3 control fields cboJobTitle (a combo box that is populated by a query that finds all the unique values of that field in the Employee table), cboOffice (same as above) and txtName (a text box to allow user input) that are used as the criteria for a multi-field query triggered by a button at the bottom of the form. The idea being that you could do a search using this form to find all the employees in one office or all the accountants in one office, or any other combination.
The main search query has the following criteria for each field -
Like [forms]![Form1]![cboOffice] & "*"
Like [forms]![Form1]![cboJobTitle] & "*"
Like [forms]![Form1]![txtName] & "*"
It works great...until I enter a record where one of those fields may be null, such as if I leave the JobTitle blank.
If I have two employees in an office in one city and then do a search for all the employees in that office, it only returns one record and ignores the one that has the null value in the JobTitle field.
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Mar 2, 2014
I am just querying a single table, no relationship involved with another table. As you can see form the attached jpeg, the ZIP field in some cases is empty. I would run a search using Is NULL but the field is NOT numerical. It's a long story but I had to make this field a TEXT field. Basically, what statement do I have to insert in the criteria field to just pull up the EMPTY ZIP fields?
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Feb 25, 2014
I am giving two tables and I need to create a macro that automatically updates these tables depending on the value of a Yes/No field. If it's No, it's in the 1st table TableOne, if it's Yes it automatically updates to TableTwo.
So, the best way I saw to go about is to set up an append query and then create a macro that runs it
So my tables have the values FirstName, LastName and isValid (more but keeping it short)
So for my append query, I put TableTwo in the pop up I get. Then, where it asks for the field I put it
Criteria:[TableOne].[isValid] = 1
I do this for all (it was autocompleted except the Criteria field). I tried to keep Criteria with data only for isValid but that didn't work. I wrote it for all the field names, still didn't work. Whenever I click run it says it'll append 0 rows.
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Oct 3, 2012
I would like to have a field data type lookup data from another table but display them on this one field. ie on member information table there is a FirstName & LastName fields separately I would like another table with Member field lookup member information and pull both FirstName and LastName fields on one field. How do I go about this?
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Jul 5, 2013
I'm trying to create a query that will return a calculated field called "PnL".The formula for "PnL" is as follows: PnL = notional*management_fee*NAV*
The "notional" field is a value derived from a table called "Deal_information" (primary key deal_id) and has an associated "management_fee" and "product" field. So obviously finding the product of the notional field and the management_fee field isn't a problem.
However "NAV" field is from another table (VL_information) that contains the historical Net Asset Value of each product. Fields are (VL_id, vl_date, product, NAV).
Therefore for each "notional" record I would like to return the historical PnL.By way of example. Lets say that the notional valuefor a particular record is $100, with a corresponding management fee of 10% (the managment fee is product dependent). Then I would like to find the evolution of PnL by multiplying this record by the evolution of the NAV. This would do so for each notional value.
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Nov 23, 2014
I am trying to create a query and in the expression builder to find the max value from 3 different fields in 3 other queries.So each of the fields are called "TopSpeed" and the 3 queries are called "Test", "Training" & "Race".So in my new query I would like to return the MAX speed value from the 3 combined "TopSpeed" fields.Something like
MAX(DMAX([TopSpeed], [Test]), DMAX([TopSpeed], [Training]), DMAX([TopSpeed], [Race]))
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May 6, 2013
I have a query that pulls data from the following fields in 2 different tables:
Area1FloorPrep (tblFloorPrep) ex. remove ceramic tile
Area1Size (tblInstallationAreas) ex. 20 s/f, or just 20
Area2FloorPrep (tblFloorPrep)
Area2Size (tblInstallationAreas)....
All the way to Area20 (Floorprep and InstallationAreas) for both tables. I have created an installer invoicing form that pulls the data from the workorder that these fields are located in, but the problem I'm having is that I don't know what kind of query to create to concatenate the data in the 20 fields and concatenate the size of the areas next to the appropriate concatenated floor prep description. Is there a way to do this without coding?
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Jul 1, 2005
Please be kind, i have little VB Knowledge, and wish to expand my learning on this topic.
I have a form that updates information on one table, and has a subform displaying info from another table.
the subform is filtered, and only shows data from what is specified from the filter of the main form.
If I update information on the main form for instance,
field 1, (the data on the subform has the same data so there is the relation), how do i update the subform by only updating the mainform? can this be done through some VB or something?
if you folks out there can give a Smidget of info on which VB codes i can use i can pretty much figure it out.
like Docmd.write something?
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Aug 5, 2013
i would like to sum up 5 fields and save (or just show it in the form view is enough really) in a seperate field, i have managed to sum the 5 fields, but it summed up all 5 fields in all records, i'd like to have my form show the sum for the record, not the table.
it would be ideal that it would refresh when one of the 5 fields data changes, i.e from 1000 to 2000. again updating in the form view is what is needed.
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Apr 2, 2015
I created tables that have lookup fields referencing another field. Actually I have several tables that all have relationships and object dependencies in my database. Now that I am trying to create some different reports, when I run the report I get the ID rather than the contents of the field. Also, I have a 'Report Dashboard' so to speak that I can run different reports from. On the form I have Combo boxes that reference one of the tables. I can generate the report showing the information, however I tried using a text box (criteria)(=[Forms]![Reports Form]![Combo47]+" County") in the header of the report to reference the selection made in the form combo box. When I run the report I generate the ID in the header.how do I get rid of the lookup fields in the tables, or is there another work around?
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May 8, 2013
I have a database with two tables, one for the amount that was estimated in each cost section, and one for the actual amount billed for each cost section. The tables have the same number of fields, all with the same names. They can be linked together with event ID. Each table has over 100 fields and I would like to find the difference between what was estimated and what the actual was for each event. I would also like to see which cost section has the most and least variance. I am trying to do this without going through each cost and putting [tEst].[CostName]-[tActual].[CostName].
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Jun 16, 2013
I am undertaking an analysis of corporate mobile phone data based on data from the phone provider. The base data consists of a number of monthly text files at transaction level for voice calls, data usage, billing/tariff information, international calls/transfers etc. I have set up VBA code to import the text file data into a number of Access tables.I would like to have a way of joining these tables but the only common field is the phone number (a text field with the groups of numbers separated by hyphens).
I confirmed that joining the tables on the phone number text field does not work.My idea was to create an additional table with just one row for each phone number and link that to the other tables by the ID in the new table. I was able to create this table [PhoneNumbers] (by creating a totals query of the phone numbers from the main call transactions table, I then dumped it into Excel and then imported it into a new Access table with an auto-generated ID column).My problem / challenge is how to get the ID column from my [PhoneNumbers] table to appear in each of the other tables so that I can join them effectively. In the Excel-world, I would have used a vlookup function.I even thought of performing this as an interim step in Excel but there are too many records / rows in some of my tables. It seems that the dlookup function is not what Im looking for and even if the IIF function is suitable, I cannot get the syntax to work for me.
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May 13, 2013
I am a beginner in access and I want to populate a new field (REPUN_1 which corresponds to SEGMT_ID in the other table) in my table and this field is coming from another table. The values of the fields need to correspond to the row of my actual table (JMTable) having the same CO_ID, MOVEPLANCD and TTY_NO as the table I want to extract the values from (DI_Treaty_Crosswalk).
Here is my query:
UPDATE JMTable SET [REPUN_1] = DI_Treaty_Crosswalk.SEGMT_ID WHERE JMTable.TTY_NO = DI_Treaty_Crosswalk.TTY_NO AND JMTable.CO_ID = DI_Treaty_Crosswalk.CO_ID AND JMTable.MOVEPLANCD = DI_Treaty_Crosswalk.MOVE_PLAN_CD
and it doesn't work since access ask me to enter a parameter value.
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Nov 6, 2014
I wrote a database several years ago and recently pulled it out to give to a friend. The problem is, back then (not knowing better) I set the Employee table up with as a single field "NAME". Now, in order to make it effective, I need the Employee's name in four (4) parts (First, Middle, Last, Suffix).
I have several queries based on the "NAME" field and and would like to avoid changing all of them. I have a simple form "frmUpdateEmployees" that populates the Employee table and Name field. I was hoping to change the form and/or add a query that would be easier and more simple.
Table: Employee
Field: Name
Form: frmUpdateEmployees
Queries: 16 that depend on the table and field above.
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Feb 5, 2015
Access 2010 database.
I am trying to get an average from several numbered fields, which some may occasionally be blank.
I get an error message that says "The expression =Nz([JanUS],0)+Nz([FebUs],0)+Nz([MarUS],0) cannot be used in a calculated column. This is a hypothetical expression being used.
The real expression is ...
([GC A1 - 2]+[GC B1 - 2]+[GC C1 - 2]+[GC D1 - 2]+[GC E1 - 2]+[GC A2 - 2]+[GC B2 - 2]+[GC C2 - 2]+[GC D2 - 2]+[GC E2 - 2])/10
This expression works great until a field is left blank, and then the average box is left blank.
The fields I am trying to add are Long Integer. Would that affect it?
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Dec 20, 2014
I have a table that contains Investigator1,Investigator2 and other fields
And another table that contains PID, Rank_Name_Family and other fields
I am making a query in that query i want to get the names of Investigator1 and Investigator2
Investigator1 and Investigator2 is the PID
for example
Investigator1 = 1
Investigator2 = 2
PID = 1 Rank_Name_Family= Roy Jalbout
PID = 2 Rank_Name_Family= Rony Jalbout
i tried this two solutions but the result is error
Solution 1
Name1: DLookUp([Rank_Name_Family];"tbl_Personal_Information";[tbl_Personal_Information].[PID]=[tbl_Driving_Expert].[Investigator1])
Name2: DLookUp([Rank_Name_Family];"tbl_Personal_Information";[tbl_Personal_Information].[PID]=[tbl_Driving_Expert].[Investigator2])
Solution 2
Name1: DLookUp([Rank_Name_Family];"tbl_Personal_Information";[tbl_Personal_Information].[PID]=[Investigator1])
Name2: DLookUp([Rank_Name_Family];"tbl_Personal_Information";[tbl_Personal_Information].[PID]=[Investigator2])
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Aug 19, 2013
The interface being used is a main form with various tabs and a subform on each of these tabs.
There is one field ('max power density') in my database that is calculated using 'Max Rated Power' and 'Cylinder Capacity' however these are in different tables and subforms. The 'max power density' and 'max rated power' are in table and subform 1 but 'cylinder capacity' is in table and subform 2. Is it possible to keep them in separate tables/subforms and still calculate the field?
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Jul 23, 2015
Is there a way of merging 2 fields together to create an additional field
my database consists of 4 main tables (in order of relationships)
*ContainersOnSite *Contracts2015-2016
For example;
Account Reference: TEST
Site Number: 001
and the field i would like to have;
Site Reference: TEST/001
I would also like that when i add a new site to that account i will have TEST/002....
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Jun 15, 2014
I have a notes field in the customer table that is a memo field. An example of one customer's notes field data :
<div>20.3.14 Ordered 2 cartons</div>
<div>4.3.14 Ordered 2 cartons</div>
<div>18.2.14 ordered 1 carton</div>
<div>30.1.14 ordered 3 cartons SCENTED wipes</div>
[Code] ....
I want to extract the date to append to a date field in a "Calls" table and the comment into a text field in the "Calls" table. Is there a way I can do this via query or code?
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Dec 28, 2012
I have a table, at the table I'v got these fields:
ID | num1 | num2 | sum
I want that the user put numbers at 'num1' and 'num2' fields and then the 'sum' field will calculate automatically the operator (sum=num1+num2).
I've tried to put any combination at 'Default value' of the sum field (all the fields are numbers , also tried to change the sum field to text...nothing works).
I'm getting a message that 'num1' field is not recognize at the table
(I tried =[num1]+[num2], without the '=', num1.table+num2.table , ...nothing works)
I also tried to do it with SQL command but it dosn't work.
There is any way to do it, is it possible? Or other way to do it at least at Form or at Report ?
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