Queries :: Update Hyperlink Display Text
Nov 7, 2014
So I have a table with 2 fields.The first field has the addresses to multiple hyperlink paths to folders on my computer.In this field the display text matches the hyperlink paths.In the second field I have the desired display text for field 1.I have tried using an update query to either:
1) Change the display texts of field 1 to match field 2 while preserving the hyperlink path
2) Add the hyperlink path from field 1 to field 2 without altering the display name.
I cannot get either one to work. Upon updating field 1, I lose the path, and upon updating field 2, I lose the name.
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May 29, 2014
i have thousands of data records with hyperlinks that are correct. Each data record shows the actual link (google.com, foxnews.com, espn.com, etc.). However, i want to change all of the records to just say "link" instead of saying espn.com, etc. How can i do this automatically without having to manually right click, edit, and changing the text to display?
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Nov 11, 2007
Given a table field that is a hyperlink type.
I need an Update Query to set all records of that table so that the Displayed Value part of the hyperlink field (not the Address part) is set to a particular value.
Any ideas how?
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Mar 9, 2013
I'm using access 2007. I have a table with 2 fields:
phtolink - hyperlink
phtopath - text
I am loading the table with existing data from a spreadsheet. The hyperlink field imported correctly into phtolink.
Now I need to convert the hyperlink field to a text field that displays the path to the photo referenced by the hyperlink.
I updated the text field with the hyperlink field but it didn't display the hidden part of the hyperlink.
How do I convert a hyperlink to display the path in a text field?
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Sep 8, 2014
In the Access Table, how does one Find and Replace part of the hyperlink if the Text to display is different?
Example of Hyperlink Editor:
Example of Find and Replace
In other words, I'd like to find FAKESERVER and replace it with C:Users in all 1000 records. Is there any possible way to do this if there is Text to display?
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May 7, 2014
I was trying to see if there is a way to convert text to a hyperlink in a query.
Background : I'm pulling information from a lotus notes database using an OBDC connection and storing it into an access database and using that to upload to a sharepoint site. While we are converting over to a sharepoint site, I was trying to make it easy to get back to the original site for each document to check the work.
One of my columns in the query looks like this:
Notes Link: "notes://pncpgha66/852570CE0056FEF3/0BFCC83A5C11D7C3852576CD0072ED3E/" & [NoteUNID]
I don't see a way to convert that whole part to a hyperlink though. Like I could with a date and text. Cdate().
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Mar 9, 2006
i've looked but can't find the answer!! which is unusual as this forum covers everything.
i have a field [photo location] with a hyperlink to a folder within which is a number of images. at the moment i have 2500 folders and its growing daily. the action i want when the 'photo location' field had got focus or when clicked is for the photos within the folder to open [not within the form itself] - either in seperate windows or preferably all together. i am using irfanview to display the images but am easy on this point. i do not want to give each photo its own hyperlink because there are thousands of them. any suggestions as to how i should do this?
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May 12, 2014
I have a table called ComponentIndex with about 3000 entries. Each entry has an ID field and data in a hyperlink field called MSDSlink.
For each entry, I want to copy just the address part of the hyperlink to a new text column, let's call it MSDSAddress. This way, I only have the URL and no displaytext in that new column.
How would I go about doing so?
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May 26, 2005
Hi, Big Jim here:
I am really not sure where to ask this one.....
My boss and I are in a jam. We have been using Access to run a reporting process, but one of our tables will exceed the maximum fields allotted this month. Our thought, dump the table into SQL Server and use the GUI interface provided in Access Projects.
Unfortunately, the query designer seems to have a few drawbacks. The one that effects us the most is in using UPDATE queries where more than one table is used to determine records to be updated. In attempting it, we get the message: "The designer does not graphically support the Optional FROM clause SQL construct".
Now I know we can manually create Update Queries, but we often need 1,000+ in a short period of time. Manually punching in all the fields involved and other code just isn't timely.
Question: Is there some alternative, service pack or anything else that would allow us to graphically create these Update Queries using Access Projects or even SQL Server 7.0? I would hate to have to scrap all the work we did over something that seems so minor.
Thanks in advance!
Big Jim
Set Up:
Windows XP
Office XP
SQL Server 7.0
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Jan 20, 2015
I have a query which is a concatenated field of text and then a field from a table that has a hyperlink.
i.e 15mm predesigned mould Drw: [L:10527-123-A.pdf#L:10527-123-A.pdf#]
I want it to display in the query field as just the hyperlink
15mm predesigned mould Drw: [L:10527-123-A.pdf]
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May 16, 2014
I'm trying to use ghudson's browse button in a form on MS Access. It works well, but I'm running into a tiny bug after implementing it into my database.
[URL] ....
I am able to browse, I am able to select a file, and am also able to have it display into the hyperlink textbox.
However, when I try to click on the hyperlink in the textbox, it does not take me to the file.
To fix the bug, and to get the hyperlink working again, I have to modify the hyperlink within the textbox, then bring it back as it was. (generally, I hit backspace, and replace the letter I removed.)
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Feb 27, 2014
I'm trying to change a 1,2,3 in a table to display NA, Yes, No on a form.
I have an Infopath form with a n/a,yes,no drop down that is dumped into Access. Infopath requires a value be tied to them so it is 1,2,3. So in Access, my table shows the numbers and not the text. I would like to know how to get my access forms to show the text instead. Not sure if I should be setting the field criteria in my query to say if this field is a 1 make it Yes, if 2 make it NO, if 3, make it NA. Or if there is something completely different to do.
I found a workaround by going into the query and using Find and Replace but I need this to update itself automatically.
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Nov 21, 2014
I have a form with multiple textboxes and comboboxes that allow for user entry, and a subform displaying a table, where the entries from the form are saved and can be retrieved. It's basically a way of creating new task entries and editing existing ones from a single interface.
One of the fields is an "issue number" of sorts, which is a 5-digit code that identifies the task. We have a website where details of each task are stored, and the URL format is akin to this: [URL] ....
The functionality that I'm hoping for is that when the user saves the record, it will be saved as the full link address, by concatenating the static first portion of the address and the code entered by the user. However, I need the table to still only display the code, not the whole link address, and will follow the full address when clicked in the subform table.
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Apr 6, 2006
Is there any way to edit the hyperlink field in my table, I'm thinking along the lines of an update query?
The database has thousands of records and the user has not typed any text into the 'Display Text' part of the hyperlink. This means that the stored hyperlink is double size because if no text is entered into the display text part then access uses the hyperlink string. This is a problem for me later on in the design.
I have tried a simple update query and this updates the display text as required but also loses the hyperlink itself, which I want to remain unchanged.
Any ideas?
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Apr 15, 2014
I've made a simple form to Login/Logout with radio buttons but the buttons only allow me to push a number as a value, in my case 1 or 2 for Login or Logout.
How would I make an update query to change those numbers to the equivalent text? Or is that not possible in the same field because that is 2 different data types?
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Nov 28, 2014
I have one field called FULL_ADDRESS. From that field I am going to populate two other fields. One called ADD_1 and the other, ADD_2.
In the FULL_ADDRESS field I have the following text :
I want ADD_1 updated to:
and ADD_2 updated to:
"T4T 1L7"
While I understand how to do an update if I was using a space as a reference, i.e.
Trim(Left([FULL_ADDRESS],Instrrev([FULL_ADDRESS]," ")-1))
Trim(Mid([FULL_ADDRESS],Instrrev([A]," ")+1))
I can't figure out how to skip the first space from the right, and reference to the second occurring space, so that I get "T4T 1L7" to populate the ADD_2 field, and everything to the left of "T4T 1L7" placed in the ADD_1 field.
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Oct 11, 2004
Hi All,
I have a table with person's name, clubname, cluburl.
In a report I can show the clubname,but when I export to HTML, can this clubname
become a hyperlink to the clubURL ? (While showing the clubname..)
Anybody ideas ?
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Mar 3, 2007
I have a table with one field set as a hyperlink. I have to generate the hyperlink according to what else is going on in the record, I do this by assembling a text string which I can write to a text field in the same record. I have no problem doing this but when I try to copy that string into the Hyperlink field I get type mismatch. Incidentally if I put two text boxes on a form and bind one to the text and one to the hyperlink field the I can 'cut and paste' it OK so how come I can't do it with Access basic?
Dim stGunlib As String
Dim stGunlib2 As String
stGunlib2 = [Stock number]
stGunlib = "www.shooting.uk.com/Gunlibrary/" + stGunlib2 + ".jpg"
[Link] = stGunlib
[Picture] = stGunlib ([Picture] is a hyperlink field) it goes wrong here
I am using Access 2002
Thanks Dennis
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Jul 26, 2014
Since my old DB had hyperlink (web pages) either starting with http:// or not, and the users were complaining that they couldn't easily edit the field, I converted all the fields to text. Then I tried the following code on doubleclick:
Dim WebLink As String
If Me.WebPage2 <> "http//" & "*" Then
WebLink = "Http://" & Me.WebPage2
WebLink = Me.WebPage2
End If
Debug.Print WebLink
Application.FollowHyperlink WebLink, , True
The above works fine if there is no http:// but if there is one already in the text, then I get run time error 5 that it cannot locate the page. On checking what is happening, the code is adding http:// again even if it already there.
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Mar 15, 2013
I need to get an email address from a field and place it onto another form.. HOWEVER I dont want it as a hyperlink, nor do I want the mailto blah blah coming over.. I just want the email address as TEXT.In the application the user opens the email form by clicking an icon on an invoice screen, this will allow them to automatically email to the client.. Once they open the email screen they naturally see an arrangement of other boxes where they can enter subject, email description etc..
At the same time there are two boxes, the "To" box and the"From" box... I want these boxes to be auto updated with the email address (to save time). When the user clicks the icon on the invoice screen it automatically copies and displays the email address of the client in the "To" box on the invoice.. The problem I am having is that it is displaying as useless information which is associated with the hyperlink.The email address comes from a field that has already previously been associated as a hyperlink, and it HAS to come from this field, I have no way around it.... All of this information is coming from an address book section from a field that is a hyperlink field.. If it was a txt field then I would not be having this problem.
As I already have various forms open displaying information I am able to used simple code to fill in various bits of info to save time... Because of this I am using simply code to copy the email address from one form to another:
Forms![Email]![To] = Forms![AddressBook]![Email]
Obviously the above code is simple and works for 90% of this type of approach, however there must be some other code that I need to use to first translate the email address to text...
In the end I don't care what I have to do as long as it works.. Remember though that the original field is a hyperlink field and must remain so, I cannot simply convert that to txt..
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Apr 25, 2013
I have a report where I need to display a box with the following:
="text text text " & url &" text text text"
I need the URL to be bolded, but not underlined or blue. The URL is a variable, so I'm building the text using a string. It looks like the only way to set part of the field to bold is to make it rich text and add html bolding instructions, but that converts the url to a hyperlink. I don't want it to be a hyperlink, just text.
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Apr 11, 2015
I want to create an app that works like Wikipedia. for example any word that have an explain and that's explain available in my database that word become hyperlink text with different color and so if operator click on that word open a new form and show the explain.
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Dec 3, 2014
I am generating a report that needs to have a hyperlink in part of one of the fields. Prior to saving the field to the database I do a bit of VBA coding on it and add some HTML. The result is this in the field:
"There are two ways to book with your preferred rate: <br>
1. <b><a href="http://hamptoninn.hilton.com/en/hp/reservations/index.jhtml?hotel=ABGVA&corporateCode=12345">Click Here</a></b>! <br>
2. Call us directly or at 1-800-Hampton and use your Corporate ID 12345."
It works beautifully if you paste it into a web page but in the Access report, Access applies the Bold but just ignores the hyperlink.
This is Access 2013 with MS SQL Server 2008 backend. Everything I have read suggests that this should work and is supported. Is there some trick I'm missing?
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Oct 15, 2013
I have a field in a Table (tblMainFile) named "File Location" which contains a hyperlink for each of the files.I have a continuous form (from a query) which displays information from the tblMainFile table.the form shows a text box (with the hyperlink) which is clickable to take them to the link location.I would like to have a button which says (GET FILE) or a different text box which simply says "Get File" as opposed to the entire hyperlink.
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Jan 6, 2014
My database has Main form and a Sub form. On main form i place one unbound text box named investigations. In subform of which datasheet there is a column named TestCode. I want unbound text box (Investigations) to display row values which selected in a column (TestCode) of subform.for example:Investigation field should display "CBC,HB,ALP".
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Apr 15, 2014
I'm trying to pull a date from a table into a text box on a form tab control using DLookup and I just can't figure out what is wrong with my DLookup expression:
=DLookUp("DateOrdered","tDateOrdered","PrNumber=" & [PrNumber]) ----- (DateOrdered is short date, PrNumber is text, db is split Access 2013)
Whats missing in this expression? I've tried every criteria variant I could find but to no avail.
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