Queries :: Update Query With Form Field

Mar 27, 2014

i have two tables one is "empdata" and other is "consolidate data".In consolidate data ,i have all personal and salary data for one year of each employee but i update some employee data in empdata now i want to update each employee updated data to update in consolidate data. i want to do it with update query which run with form,is form i want create 2 combo box, 1st is employee name and 2nd is field name(which to be updated i.e. Date of birth)now i have one text box (in which i enter the value for update in employee data i.e.04/05/1976(date of birth)).how can i link this form to my update query as

1st combo box value is equal to creteria,
2nd combo box is equal to field in consolidate

and text box is value for updation...

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Queries :: Update Query On Multivalue Field

Dec 16, 2013

I have a multivalue field containing values of A,B,C and D with primary IDs of 1,2,3 and 4 in that order.

If I was to run:

Set Table.Multivalue.Value = 1
WHERE Field 1 = "True" AND Field 2 = "True";

Then run

Set Table.Multivalue.Value = 2
WHERE Field 1 = "True" AND Field 2 = "True";

Will I have a Multivalue field as A,B or just B? I would like it to be A,B but I have my doubts as to whether this would work.

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Queries :: Query Or Function To Update Another Field Value

Nov 21, 2013

Would I use an update query or function to complete my task?

Task: Automatically update [Status] based on DateDiff calculation of [RequestDate] and [DueDate]

Issue: [Status] can be one of 6 values, the user can manually select Review or Completed.

[Status] values: Review; Completed; Due in 24; Due in 24-48; Beyond 48; Over Due

Query: Below is the query I just started to ignore the calculation if either Review or Completed exist.

Expr1: IIf([Status]="Review",[Status],IIf([Status]="Completed",[Status],DateDiff('d',[RequestDate],[DueDate])))If the value from above DateDiff equals to the below, I want to update the [Status] field to the [Status] value.

Due in 24 = (0-1)
Due in 24-48 = (2-3)
Beyond 48 = (greater than or equal to 4)
Over Due= (-1)

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Queries :: Update Query On Multivalued Field Not Working

Jun 27, 2014

Why update query isn't working when trying to update an multivalued field. In this table, there are 647 records and only 9 of which already have a value set in the "AssociatedProject" field. More than one AssociatedProject is associated with a vendor, so this field allows for multiple entries. I've looked at all the information on update queries and updating a multivalued field, but it will only update the existing 9 records. It does not recognize the remaining ones (they have no values yet).

Here's the SQL:

UPDATE Tbl_Vendor SET Tbl_Vendor.AssociatedProject.[Value] = 3
WHERE (((Tbl_Vendor.AssociatedProject.Value) Is Null));

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Queries :: Run Append Query And Update A Field At Same Time

Nov 7, 2013

is possible to run an Append Query and update a field at the sametime?

i.e. I would like the MealDate field to be incremented by 1, just not sure how to write the code within the query!!!

This is what I have so far!!! not working

MealDate: ([MealDate](Date()+1))

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Queries :: Update Query Same Field Multiple Criteria?

Apr 21, 2013

I need to update the periodtype field in my table depending on different values in the field Formtype- I am looking to do this without having to use VBA. I have the following fields in a table - I want to update the value of the field Period_type as follows -

When Formtype is 10-Q, update Periodtype to "Quarterly"

When Formtype is 10-K, update Periodtype to "Annual"

The current value of Periodtype for both formtypes is "Semiannual"

Can I do this using only update query?

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Queries :: Update Query To Remove Values In Field

Jul 2, 2015

What I have a a form that my lab supervisor would use. That person selects the records that are to be modified and assigns work, completes work or otherwise updates the status of the records. One of the options is to mark a record as not having a sample here if it has already been marked as having been here. So essentially, I want to modify the record to change the sample arrival date and sample number field (which is a foreign key field) to null or empty. I have created a delete query that deletes the corresponding record just fine.I just am having difficulty updating the two fields mentioned above. When the supervisor selects the record the primary key for that record is also picked up so it is easy to know exactly what record to adjust. The query returns the information to be updated just fine, it just doesn't do that. Here is the sql of the query. As I said, I don't care if the fields are empty or null. Also the fields aren't required.

UPDATE TestRequestTable SET TestRequestTable.SampleLocation = "", TestRequestTable.SampleArrivalDate = ""
WHERE (((TestRequestTable.TestRequestNumber)=[Forms]![LabScheduleForm]![TRNumberCombo]));

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Queries :: Update Query To Replace All Data In Field

Apr 8, 2013

Is it possible for an update query to simply replace all the data in a table's field with the results from a query?

For example, I have Table A with the field Years. This table performs various calculations within based on the field Years.

I would like an update query that simply replaces the Years field data in Table A with a new set of years based on a query's search criteria.

When I run the below query, I get an error saying the query must be updateable- but Im not trying to update the query, rather the Table

I've attached a photo ......

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Update A Form Field By Double Clicking A Query Field

Apr 25, 2013

I have 3 peices of data that I am working with: Group number, plans and benefit elections. On my form I have fields for the group number and plan and 2 queries. When I enter a group number the first query displays a list of plan descriptions for that group. From there I can enter the plan description into the form's plan field and that runs the second query to give me a list of valid elections for that plan. This all works fine but I want to make the plan selection a little less tedious. What I would like is to be able to double click the query field housing the plan description and have it copied to the form's plan field. I could use the ID instead of the plan description but I work in a production environment and very key stroke counts so I would really like to have a simple double click process.

Is this even possible? If so how would I set that up? I tried using the double click on event macro builder but it does not seem to have this kind of option.

My form contains fields for group number and Plan. The same form houses 2 querys, one that pulls plans based on the group number and the other to pull elections based on the plan field (not the plan query). Would like to double click a plan within the plan query and have that description populated into the form's plan field.

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Queries :: Field Is Empty - Query To Update Table But No Result

Feb 26, 2015

I have a created a query which I want to update a table. The field is called DTP. I have the Workingdays2 module in place as well as the Holidays Table. The dates (date only) are called Time in and Transaction date. I want the table to update records only if the entry in Completed is Yes. I have attached screenshot of what I have in query. I am no good whatsoever at VBA so I used the Query design view. It shows how many records will be updated (which is a valid number) and shows me which field will be updated. However when I run the query and then opend the Table the DTP field is empty.

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Queries :: Expression Field - Update User Inputted Date On A Form

Apr 10, 2014

I created a query with one expression field that updates a user inputted date field on a form. The expression adds a certain amount of time to the field (usually six months) so I know when the next inspection should take place. Everything works great except when I put a parameter in the expression field. It will not return the property dates. If I simply remove the expression, and input the date manually, it works just fine. Am I not allowed to use date parameter with an expression? It returns every date within the correct month, but will give me future years as well.

The expression is - NextInspectionDate: DateAdd("m",12/[InspectionFrequency],[LastInspectionDate])

The parameter is - Between [Forms]![Preventative Maintenance Dates]![Sta

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Queries :: Change Time Portion Of Datetime Field In Update Query?

Sep 12, 2013

I have some incorrect time entries in a column that I need to fix with an update query.

So, 04/11/2013 08:00:00 needs to be changed to 04/11/2013 09:00:00

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Queries :: Creating Field Names In A Query That Will Automatically Update Each Month

May 10, 2013

I am hoping to create a field name in a query that will change every month. Right now the filed name is qryTechQuintileMonth-7.am_quintile. this designates that the data is for October 2012. There are 6 other fields named similarly for Nov 2012 through April 2013.

Is there a way to name these fields with the proper month-year (mmm-yy) so they automatically update each month?

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Queries :: Update Date Field Stored In Table - Query Not Working

Dec 23, 2013

Why is this update query not working, I'm trying to update a date field stored in a table.

The new date is passed from a txtbox on a form to the update query!!!

SQL code

UPDATE TblDietPlantemp SET TblDietPlantemp.MealDate = [Forms]![FrmSwitchBoard]![txtCusDate];

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Queries :: Update Table With Values From Field Using Results From Select Query

Sep 23, 2014

Let's say Table (T1) has fields F1 and F2. After a massive update to T1, there are some records with F1 = "" because a Dlookup using F2 as criteria to another Table (T2) resulted in a null. I created a select query to show unique T1F2 values where T1F1 = "". The user can use this query to find out which F2 values need to be added to T2.

How do I create an update query that will update T1F1 with values from T2 using the T1F2 results from the select query to again use the Dlookup to T2 (of course after T2 has been updated to contain the missing F2's)?

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Queries :: Append Query - Automatically Update Tables Depending On Value Of Yes / No Field

Feb 25, 2014

I am giving two tables and I need to create a macro that automatically updates these tables depending on the value of a Yes/No field. If it's No, it's in the 1st table TableOne, if it's Yes it automatically updates to TableTwo.

So, the best way I saw to go about is to set up an append query and then create a macro that runs it

So my tables have the values FirstName, LastName and isValid (more but keeping it short)

So for my append query, I put TableTwo in the pop up I get. Then, where it asks for the field I put it

Criteria:[TableOne].[isValid] = 1

I do this for all (it was autocompleted except the Criteria field). I tried to keep Criteria with data only for isValid but that didn't work. I wrote it for all the field names, still didn't work. Whenever I click run it says it'll append 0 rows.

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Queries :: DSum - Update A Field In Specific Table With Info Form Another Table

Aug 5, 2014

I have a table products with a field "id_product" and "total" (Total items in stock)

I have a query with the fields "id_product" and also the field "total in stock"

I want an update query to update the field 'total' in table 'products' with infos from that query

For each id-product in table products, replace the field total with the field 'total in stock' from the query

So I want to update a filed in a specific table with infos form another table.

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Queries :: Using A Form Selection As A Query Field

Oct 24, 2013

I've inherited a database that has a table with a large number of Yes/No fields. Apart from normalizing the database, I was wondering if the following was possible:

ContractTable has Yes/No Fields for rights granted for each order (television, dvd, internet etc).

Using a form, the user selects the specific right they'd like to run a report on - selecting this right from a drop-down menu, this is labelled "RightsCombo21" on the form.

When the button is clicked, the right selected is now the "Field" section of the query.

The SQL query right now looks like this (shows all rights sold for the territory):

WHERE ((([Contract Table].[Contract Cancelled])=False) AND (([Contract Table].[Contract End Date])>Now()) AND (([Contract Table].[Contract Type])="License Agreement") AND ((ContractIDAndCountry.CountryName)=[Forms]![TerritorySpecificRightsChooser]![TerritoryCombo7]));

I'd like to add something to this WHERE statement:

AND (([Contract Table].RightsCombo21)=True)

Not sure if it's a syntax issue, or I'm attempting something that isn't possible.

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Form Event (Before And After Update) Copy Form/Field Value To Another Table/Field

Aug 17, 2006


I thank you in advance for considering this inquiry.

From within a Form.field (based on a master table query), I desire to trigger two events; one before update and one after update.

This function will serve to document specific form.field value changes to a "log" table for review prior to being committed back to the master table.

What I'm looking for are functions, which I can use in a Macro or VBA code to facilitate a field read and copy before change and a read and copy after change triggering.

I'm sure this is absurdly simple.

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Queries :: Change Query Field Based On A Form

Oct 29, 2013

I need a query's field to change to what is selected in a combo box.


I select product 1 in the combo box on a continuous form, after the update there is a requery. The form now displays the data from product 1.

I have tried putting [forms]![form1]![combo1] into the field box of the query. But this only makes the form display "product 1" in every row, it does not take any data from the table.

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Queries :: Parameter In Query By Two Separate Form Field

Oct 31, 2013

I want to set parameter in my select query with or function as in detail.i have two form with same field

1-with field A
2-With Field A

now i want to select data for a table .with a parameter select with Field A in form 1 or Field A in Form 2.How can i do it

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Queries :: Query In Subform / How To Use A Field From Main Form

Apr 5, 2013

I have a query in my subform:

SELECT ContainsTracks.albums, ContainsTracks.tracks
FROM ContainsTracks

As you can see in the brackets, I would like to use the value in textbox1 on my main form in this query (so I can select only the tracks from the album that is typed in textbox1, disregarding the others).

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Queries :: Query Based On A Form Which Had Field Names And Some Values

Feb 26, 2014

I have a table listing about 20 elements as field names eg FE, CR, NI, TI and so on.

I have built a form which has a combo box listing these elements by selecting "fields" in the property settings of the combo box & next to this combo box i have 2 text box's where the user can input Min & Max values to pass on to the query.

E.g., FE (chosen from the combo box) value between (Text box1) and Text box 2.

I can run the query to give me values between the 2 text box's by using the following formula in the criteria (Between textbox1 and textbox 2).

The issue i have is to be able to select the element from the listbox, input the min & max values identified and be able to pass this to a query so the query can filter based on the field and values passed?

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Queries :: Update Field With Random Value?

Jun 21, 2013

Have a table (tblDailyResults) with 4 fields (ID,TestName,Result,TestDate). It contains a snapshot of about 1,000 records. All fields have data except "Result", which is null. I also have a table (tblResults) with 3 fields (ID,TestName,Result), it contains about 100,000 Records of historical results. What I need to do is Update the "Result" field in "tblDailyResults" with a randomly select value from tblResults where the two testname match.

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Queries :: Update Date Using Value Of Another Field

Apr 14, 2014

I have the following fields

[safetycheckdue] is a date field
[safetycheckfreq] is a numeric field

i need an update query to update the field [safetycheckdue] with the value in [safetycheckfreq]

when i run the query, it just shows the existing value with adding the numbers of days to the safetycheckdue date.

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Queries :: Pass Through SQL To Update SQL Field

Aug 26, 2014

I have an SQL table that uses bigint on the primary key field. When I lilnk this table into Access 2010, this table is not even visible because bigint isn't recognized by Access.I have a field on this SQL table that I need to update and I was looking at using a Pass Through query in Access. I have a query in Access that creates a list of records that I need to update.

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