Queries :: Updating Lines In A Query

Sep 26, 2013

I have created a query which is based on 2 tables.I now want to use the query to update content as needed in one of the tablesWhen I try to do this it says, Operation must use an updateable query..I used the update feature but it still says must be created in updateable query.

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Queries :: Date Range Query - Return Lines Where Field Is Blank In Table

Aug 15, 2013

I have a single table with customer information, one of the fields is a date field "LastContacted".

I'm creating a search form with 2 date fields (txtDate1 & txtDate2) to search a date range of the LastContacted field, and I need to write this into the query that the search form uses.

I have written this using Nz so that it can still return results if the search boxes are left blank:

Between Nz([Forms]![frm_AdvancedSearch]![txtDate1],#01/01/1989#) And Nz([Forms]![frm_AdvancedSearch]![txtDate2],#01/01/2999#)

This seems to work and it returns lines from the table where there is a date entered. However some of the fields in the table have no entry in the LastContacted field. How to code this query so that it also returns lines where the LastContacted field is blank in the table?

I have tried:

like "*" & (Between Nz([Forms]![frm_AdvancedSearch]![txtDate1],#01/01/1989#) And Nz([Forms]![frm_AdvancedSearch]![txtDate2],#01/01/2999#)) & "*"

but this returns errors when I try to run it.

I'm using Access 2010.

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Queries :: Updating Table From A Query?

Jan 6, 2014

I have a table and a query both of which have the same [Resource ID], [Resource Name] fields.

I am trying to update the [CBL_1_Date], and the [CBL_1_kW] fields in the table with the [CBL_x_Date] and [CBL_x_kW] fields of the query. The problem is that when I try to run the query I keep getting "Operation Must Use and Updateable Query" error.

here is the SQL Code

UPDATE tCBLAggregation
INNER JOIN qBestof4CBLs_avg
ON (tCBLAggregation.[Event Date] = qBestof4CBLs_avg.[Event Start Date]) AND (tCBLAggregation.[Resource ID] = qBestof4CBLs_avg.[Resource ID])
SET tCBLAggregation.CBL_1_Date = [qBestof4CBLs_avg].[CBL_x_Date], tCBLAggregation.CBL_1_kW = [qBestof4CBLs_avg].[AvgOfCBL_x_kW];

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Queries :: If Statement Not Updating In Query

Jun 23, 2015

I have a query based on a table that has a column called Calculated Card Expiration:

IIf([Card Type Issued]="PIV",[Issue Date]+1095,IIf([Card Type Issued]="Non-PIV",[Issue Date]+1095,IIf([Card Type Issued]="Flash",[Issue Date]+365,Null)))

It worked fine when I ran the query the first time, but now when a Card Type Issued and Issue Date is added or changed it doesn't work.

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Queries :: Updating Table Through Query

Aug 9, 2014

I'm working on a project management database for my fathers small business. Data Entry goes as follows: Users enter a Work Order, and all the parts that must be created for that work order. The parts have different processes (tasks) done to them to be created. The database runs a simple system like this as we want it to work. I am now attempting to allow handling of more advanced work orders. Specifically, some parts require the completion of multiple other parts before they can be created.

Here is how the database should handle these events:

1) User clicks button named "requires other parts" when entering a new part.
2) On click a subform is opened that allows the user to enter which other parts need to be completed first.
3) Once all of the parts are completed the next part can begin.

This is my current solution:

1) A query calculates if a part is complete
2) Some form of logic looks up to see if all the required parts are completed. If the answer is yes, a field named ready changes to "Yes" and if the answer is no, a field named ready changes to "no"

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Queries :: Comparison Of Dates Between Lines

Oct 22, 2013

I am having some "fun" at the moment trying to work out how to compare two times on different rows. The current setup I have is:

StartDTM EndDTM VisitID
09:00:00 10:00:00 1
11:00:00 12:00:00 2
12:15:00 13:00:00 3

etc etc...

I have found a SQL Query I have tried to use, however I am having no joy. The query is such:

WITH rows AS
SELECT DATEDIFF("n", mc.EndDTM, mp.StartDTM)
FROM rows mc
JOIN rows mp
ON mc.rn = mp.rn - 1

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Queries :: Multiple Lines In A Field?

Jan 8, 2014

I've exported some data which has 3-4 address line within the same field which is very odd.

The row has all the usual data, but when I look at the data in datasheet view the adresss line 1 shows only but when I click into the field and press down, more address info comes up. Is there any way to have this on one row within the field rather than multiple.

A bit like in Excel when you Alt+Tab in a cell it drops down but is the same cell, well this exactly like that in Access 2003.

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Queries :: Updating Dates - Query Turned Read Only

Mar 28, 2014

I have a query that i use to update dates relating to jobs and at what stage of development they are in. It worked fine until I started to pull in some data (Prism) to update the user when the project is planned in to sample and when mass production starts (the field this is displayed in is not enabled). when I've incorporated this it I have no longer been able to update any field and my query has turned read only.

SELECT dbo_NPD_Container.PENumber, dbo_NPD_Container.JobNumber, dbo_NPD_Container.ProjectTitle, dbo_NPD_Container.Status, dbo_NPD_Sales.InitialQuery, dbo_NPD_Sales.InitialQueryDate, dbo_NPD_Sales.SpecificationIssued, dbo_NPD_Sales.ApprovalRecived, dbo_NPD_Sales.TuDrawIssued, dbo_NPD_Sales.TuDeliveryDate, dbo_NPD_Sales.TrialRequestIssued, dbo_NPD_Sales.SampleDate,

[Code] .....

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Queries :: Possible To Split One Table Into Multiple Lines?

Oct 27, 2014

My boss made a satisfaction database that tracks satisfaction in 2 ways, so we have:



I'd like to make a query that would split these into two lines, one for A, one for B and then export it to excel.

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Queries :: Sums Up All Previous Lines In A Field

Feb 9, 2014

I have a query that displays the difference between the number of scanned and processed invoices for each date (invoices scanned minus processed). Now I would like to make a query that for each date based on this shows the total backlog accumulated.

Example table:

The first column contains the date, and the second number of invoices scanned minus invoices processed.

2014-01-02 53
2014-01-03 -15
2014-01-04 24

Would it be possible somehow to make a query that for each lines shows the complete sum of all previous lines?

Based on the above data the result should be:

2014-01-02 53
2014-01-03 38
2014-01-04 62

Or would I have to write some VBA code to create some kind of temp table?

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Queries :: How To Write A Query Which Selects Multiple Records From A Table At Once For Updating

Aug 14, 2013

I have a list box whose data is inserted in a table named as "test0" ,now in a macro of vba i want to select all the items in the list box and create there pdf files in a folder at my desired location. So far i have managed to create a pdf file of single item ,but i want to select multiple items at once ,

SELECT test0.ID, test0.item FROM test0 WHERE (((test0.item)=[ItemNumber]));

So, in this query itemNumber are multiple and i want to create there pdf files at once ..just on a click of one button ?

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Queries :: Can Copy And Paste Lines From Email And Display Properly

Mar 20, 2014

This may not be the proper forum, but I don't know where else to put the question. Table1 is a mysql table with a memo field which is set up in a form as a rich text field. I can copy and paste lines from an email and they display properly. Viewing that field in the underlying table they have <br />, etc.

Table2 is another mysql table, containing a memo field in plain text. I need to append the records in table2 to table1. The memo field gets appended as one long run-on sentence with no LF/Cr or <br />. How can I programatically convert the plain text to rich text either before, during or after the append?

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Queries :: Counting Records Returning Load Of Lines Of Repeated Data?

Oct 11, 2014

I have created a query that is designed to return a count of how many records there are in various tables. There are 10 expressions in all, so when it is run I am expecting to see one row of data with each field populated with the number of records.

It does do this, but the data is repeated over line after line (see the attached picture)

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Count Of Query Lines

Mar 12, 2007

In a query, how do I do a count of the number of lines that appear in the query? Not the number of records, because the query itself is grouped. The results are in order, highest to lowest, and I want to see just the top 50.

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Numbering Lines In A Query

Mar 13, 2007

How do I number the lines in a query? I have a 'Top 50' query, and I want to number the lines 1 through 50.

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Extra Lines Appearing In Query Builder!

Jul 1, 2006

Can anyone help please?I have a search form that passes 4 parameterers to a query. In the query builder it reads:Like [FORMS].[frmCourseSearch].[txtCourse] & "*" >=[FORMS].[frmCourseSearch].[txtStartDate]<=[FORMS].[frmCourseSearch].[txtEndDate][FORMS].[frmCourseSearch].[txtCourseID]This works fine. But I also want it to search on only 1 or 2 parameters and set the rest to Null so I have used this statement for each one. Like [FORMS].[frmCourseSearch].[txtCourse] & "*" OR Like [FORMS].[frmCourseSearch].[txtCourse] & "*" Is Null This again works ok and I can search on any parameter. However, every time I enter data into the search form and run the query it repeats the query string in the query builder. i.eLike [FORMS].[frmCourseSearch].[txtCourse] & "*"Like [FORMS].[frmCourseSearch].[txtCourse] & "*"Like [FORMS].[frmCourseSearch].[txtCourse] & "*"etc...It does this with all 4 parameters and it's starting to look very messy. The SQL view is the same with a new repeated line added each time I run the query.How do I stop this happening? Thanks in advance.

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Help With Select Query To Get Single Line Instead Of Multiple Lines

Dec 21, 2007


I have a query that selects values from a table and I'm further creating a letter based on this query. The problem i'm having is that if the query pulls 3 rows as result then it creates 3 separate letters. Basically this is how the output of query looks:

(refer attachment)

Is there any way to write this query so that I can get output as below:

Col1 Col2 Col3
10 20 10

Please advise.

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Forms :: Duplicate Lines In Multiple Form And Query

Jul 8, 2015

The purpose of my database is to keep a record of training activities undertaken by staff. There is therefore a multiple form which displays, for a specified worker, the list of all the required activities. Each line has a button which opens another form to allow an activity to be started (together with start date and other info). The main tables are Worker, Activities, and a junction table Worker2Activities. On closing the second form and refreshing the first one, the started activity is correctly recorded, but on as many lines as there are staff on the course. To make matters worse, these also appear when i then select another worker (and if i create another worker, the number of lines goes up by one for all of them). The Worker2Activities table correctly show one new record created

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General :: Export Table / Query - Two Lines Per Record With Different Specs?

Nov 11, 2014

I have two tables that need to be exported on one .txt file.

One table has the header record. And the 2nd table has the detail record.

My issue is as follows:
1. Need to create one .txt file
2. The header record has one set of export specs and the detail record has a different set of export specs.
3. The first line is the header record, and 2nd line is the detail record.

Example below:
H Abraham Armenta January Cake 00123
D Father Saturday 02536 00123

Both tables have a common control number - in this case represented by the 00123. I just cannot figure out how to accomplish this..

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Queries :: Update Query (table To Table) Not Updating All Records

Nov 26, 2013

I'm using an UPDATE query to update records in one table (tblMain) from another table (tblTemp)

Here is my SQL :


UPDATE [tblMain]
INNER JOIN [tblTemp] ON [tblMain].[MainField1] = [tblTemp].[TempField1]
SET [tblMain].[MainField2] = [tblTemp].[TempField2];

I only want to update the records in tblMain which have a corresponding record in tblTemp (linked by MainField1 / TempField1)

If any record doesn't appear in tblTemp, I want tblMain to retain the existing value for that record.

However, it appears that in such situations, the record in tblMain has it's MainField2 value set to null / ZLS.

I've tried using LEFT JOIN and RIGHT JOIN and also tried WHERE clauses but the result is the same every time.

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Updating A Mulitple Queries

Nov 10, 2005

Hello I am new to Access and slowly finding my way round.

I have built 30 queries which eventually build two Union Queries of which each query as a slight different criteria.

In all 30 queries there is an indentical Field name called Arrived. What i want the user to be able to do is change the criteria in the Arrived figure throught a message box. So far the criteria is in the field is:


This will show me everything 3 days ago. What i want to do is to let the user check what happened 5 days ago 10 days ago. I know i can create the following to solve the message box:

>=date()-3-[Enter in the days less than today]

Is there away to update all 30 queries at once with the same code?

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Updating Queries Dynamically

May 23, 2006

Hi Guys

my database is essentially a questionnaire of around 200 questions. I'm trying to add a 'light' version to it.

I've added a 'include in light verion' tick-box to all the questions and a 'light analysis' tick box on the registration page.

The questions are all genertated via queries pulling out the appropriate ones as required. What I'm tying to do is add to these queries so that if the 'perfomr light analysis' tick box is ticked only those questions that have been indicated as light are included, and if it's not all teh questions are included.

I can do either-or but not both dynamically

Can anybody help?


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Updating Data In Queries

Jan 31, 2005

Each month I get 20 new tables to query data from. The field layout for my query is the same each time, with about 40 fields in total. Because this is the same query each time (and only the data in each table changes), how can I best set this up. I.E. each time I run the query, I have to go back in to the design view and select the new table for each field (in this case, update all 40 fields with the new table name). Surely there is a quicker way to do this.


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Updating Reports And Queries

Sep 27, 2006

I am updating an existing distributed access database.
I have made changes to an existing report (from my workstation - I have admin rights on the DB). The changes show up on the database. However when a client generates a report, the changes do not show up. What can I do??

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Queries :: Updating A Large Table?

Mar 1, 2015

This really isn't a large table by Access standards, as it has only about 1 million records, but nevertheless it's taking a long time to run the update query. Here's the query:

UPDATE [Db] INNER JOIN [Small Table] ON [Large Table].text1=[Small Table].[text1] SET [Large Table].[text2] = [Small Table].[text2];

[Large Table] has about 1 million records and [Small Table] has 10 records.

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Queries :: Updating Table With A Count Or Sum

Aug 15, 2015

i am trying top create a stock take form. the form is now set up so each time an item is scanned a new record is created in the tblStockUpdate. i ow need to create an update query that updates tblItems with the correct quantities.

the relational data will be the barcode and is unique to each record in tblItems. because each time an item is scanned a new record is created i need to count records grouped by barcode or sum as each new record has a 1 as default in the qty column.i have created a qry that sums the records by group(Barcode) but now i need to update the tblItems quantities. update queries have always troubled me and this one is beating me at present.

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