Queries :: Using Criteria Stored In A Table Field

Mar 13, 2013

I have a table with a list of different government programs that products can take advantage of. Each of these programs has criteria such as "must use less than 1000W" or "lasts for 100 hours". Rather than have a column for each possible condition, I've created 3 fields that will accept any type of condition; Var1Condition (example: watts) , Var1Requirement (example: >=), and Var1Value (example: 50). I figured this would be the more efficient database design than to add 15-20 columns.

I then built a form that would where I could enter product attributes and would hopefully query my database and only return the programs for which the product would qualify. So I would have a field named "Watts" in which I would put the wattage of the product and then I would see which programs it would fall in.

In theory, it should be simple. I figured I could just find a way to combine my 3 criteria fields into one string "Forms!Search!watts >= 50" and then use that as a query filter, but I can't find a way to do it.

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Queries :: Update Date Field Stored In Table - Query Not Working

Dec 23, 2013

Why is this update query not working, I'm trying to update a date field stored in a table.

The new date is passed from a txtbox on a form to the update query!!!

SQL code

UPDATE TblDietPlantemp SET TblDietPlantemp.MealDate = [Forms]![FrmSwitchBoard]![txtCusDate];

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Queries :: Field Cannot Be Stored In Query

Apr 13, 2014

I am using a predefined query to define the sql statement that will serve as recordsource to a form. Syntax is fine. The predefined query does not have the primary key of the table. The selection in the recordsource is done using this key. So I add this field to the design of the query. I save the query. It says the query is saved. But it is never saved. Run the query again it is not changed.

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Queries :: Calculate Cumulative Values Stored In Field

Oct 7, 2013

I have several projects with different tasks for each. I have 3 fields [fkProjectsID], [TaskOrder] and [Duration] in a table for project tracking with that structure:

[fkProjectsID] [TaskOrder] [Duration]
1 /1 /5
1 /2 /8
1 /3 /15
1 /4 /6
2 /1 /8
2 /2 /30
2 /3 /25

I want to calculate cumulative values stored in [Duration] field (represent a number of days). I'm using the field [TaskOrder] to order different tasks within each project. With some testing, I was able to calculate cumulative [Duration] with 1 project using the DSum fucntion as following:

CumulDuration: DSum("[Duration]", "[tblProjectTracking]", "[TaskOrder]<=" & [TaskOrder])

I was having the sequence: 5, 13, 28, 34 for respectively Task 1,2,3,4. However, when I add a second project (and then a third...), I need to be able to filter based on [fkProjectsID] as well (i.e. a specific DSum by ProjectsID). I add this criteria but I get the sum of [Duration] on each row instead of the cumulative:

CumulDuration: DSum("[Duration]","[tblProjectTracking]","[TaskOrder]<=" & [TaskOrder] And "[fkProjectsID]=" & [fkProjectsID])

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Queries :: Compare Data Stored Within Same Table

Jun 13, 2013

I am running into an issue when trying to compare data stored within the same table.

tblParcels - holds data relating to an individual parcel of land; unique identifier is ParcelID. No repeating data.

tblValues - holds data relating to the value(s) of each parcel; new values entered annually; unique identifier is TaxID; has field to link to tblParcels. One parcel can have multiple entries for each year tracked.

I have two unbound text boxes on frmMainForm where users can enter Tax Years to compare (txtYear1 and txtYear2). Theory being that users will be able to select any two tax years and compare the parcel values.The report (rptMaster) is built using three queries and is used to show the change in value between txtYear1 and txtYear2:

qryYear1 - pulls all values from tblValues where the TaxYear equals the year typed in txtYear1.

qryYear2 - pulls all values from tblValues where the TaxYear equals the year typed in txtYear2.

qryCompare - joins the results from qryYear1 and qryYear2, along with other common fields, and populates rptMaster.

My problem lies when a parcel does not have any values for one or both of the years entered into the text boxes. I completely understand why, qryCompare can't show any records if there are no results coming from either qryYear1 or qryYear2. What I am not getting is how to work around this issue.I would like for the report to show "$0.00" for the value if there is not a value for that Parcel in tblValues for the year entered.

tblValues example data:
TaxID ParcelID TaxYear Value
1 5 2011 100,000
2 5 2012 200,000
3 6 2012 75,000

In the example above, when comparing 2012 values to 2011 values, my report shows the values for ParcelID 5 but not for ParcelID 6 as it does not have a 2011 value (and won't since information about that parcel didn't exist in 2011).

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Queries :: How To Use Table Field As Query Criteria Access 2010

Dec 17, 2013

I have a table that has one field and I want to use this field as a query criteria . when i click on CRITERIA & BUILD, Access lets me select the table field and shows [tblBillRun]![Bill_Run] for the criteria but when I click RUN, it prompts me to ENTER PARAMETER VALUE. What am i doing wrong?

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Queries :: SQL Stored Procedure - INSERT Statement On Single Table

Jan 6, 2014

SQL stored procedure which is simple INSERT statement on a single table 'tblSOF'

-- ================================================
-- Template generated from Template Explorer using:
-- Create Procedure (New Menu).SQL
-- Use the Specify Values for Template Parameters
-- command (Ctrl-Shift-M) to fill in the parameter values below.

[Code] ....

I am stumped with the following error.

Error: Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure InsertINTO_tblSOF_sp, Line 80 Incorrect syntax near ')'.

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Passing Criteria To A Stored Procedure

Feb 22, 2005

Not sure which forum this was under, but I figure Access might be it

I have a stored procedure already written which works fine, if I supply the criteria to it before or at manual execution. I want it to use a field on a form in an Access Data Project as it's criteria (as a form is built off the results of the procedure). I can't find any documentation on how to pass criteria to a stored procedure for use in SELECT WHERE statements.

Can somebody point me in the right direction? Here is my stored procedure:


Code:CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.[spGetContact](@parHomePhone numeric)AS SELECT dbo.tblContactAddress.AddressLine1, dbo.tblContactAddress.AddressLine2, dbo.tblContactAddress.City, dbo.tblContactAddress.Zip, dbo.tblContactAddress.State, dbo.tblContactEmail.PrimaryEmail, dbo.tblContactEmail.SecondaryEmail, dbo.tblContactPhone.HomePhone, dbo.tblContactPhone.BusPhone, dbo.tblContactPhone.CellPhone, dbo.tblContact.ContactID, dbo.tblContact.FirstName, dbo.tblContact.LastName FROM dbo.tblContact INNER JOINdbo.tblContactAddress ON dbo.tblContact.ContactID = dbo.tblContactAddress.ContactID INNER JOINdbo.tblContactEmail ON dbo.tblContact.ContactID = dbo.tblContactEmail.ContactID INNER JOINdbo.tblContactPhone ON dbo.tblContact.ContactID = dbo.tblContactPhone.ContactIDWHERE (dbo.tblContactPhone.HomePhone = @parHomePhone)GO

When i execute this manually I get the dialog prompt to enter the value for @parHomePhone, which is what I want to automatically pull from txtPhone on the frmSearch form.

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Queries :: Update In Table From Same Table Based On Criteria Column In Same Table

Sep 29, 2013

How can I update (some columns) in a table from the same table based on a Criteria column in the same table.

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Tables :: Autopopulation Of Field From Another Table Based On Another Field Criteria

Dec 5, 2012

I have a main table which is autonumbered on unitid, I have another table which is linked via the unitid which holds items purchased for the main table, so the second table is a subform of the suppliers and will have multiple entries of the same unitid. What I would like to do is when an item is entered into the second table, check the main table to see if it exists, if it does populate the unitid field with the unitid from the main table, and if not exist create a new record in the main table with the next unitid number.

This in essence is what I want, bearing in mind that the tblinvoices is a subform and the tblmain is not open.

If ([tblinvoices]![Unit] = [tblmain]![Unit]) Then
[tblinvoices]![UnitID] = [tblinvoices]![UnitID]
End If

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Queries :: Using New Field In Query As Criteria In Different Field?

May 11, 2013

I have a query where I prompt for a Report_Date to create a new field; Report_Date:[ Enter date for report]

Is it possible to use the result from this prompt as a criteria in a different field?

for example, Order_Date based on the criteria of <=[Report_Date]

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Queries :: Possible To Set A Criteria On A Field?

Aug 23, 2013

In an Access 2010 query is it possible to set a criteria on a field (Results), that If it is "Negative" then another field (Variants) has the text "None Detected". Or is it easier to do that in the Variants field?

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Queries :: Multiple Criteria For Same Field

Jul 3, 2014

I am trying to build a query where the result is one line per ID with all results for W(eek)E(nding) on the same line.

ID ---- UOM ---- WEJUN20 ---- WEJUN27 --- WEJUL4
6 ---- Hours --- ---250 -- --- --- - -- 278 -- -- --- --- 242

The result I am getting is in the format below:

ID --- UOM --- WEJUN20 --- WEJUN27 --- WEJUL4
6 --- Hours --- ---250
6 --- Hours --- --- --- --- ---- --- --278
6 --- Hours -- --- -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---- -- 242

This is the trimmed down part of the query that is causing the result.

SELECT [tblP&E].PnE_ID, tblUsage.Measurement AS UOM, IIf([tblUsage]![Week_Ending]=#6/20/2014#,[tblUsage]![Usage],"") AS [June 20], IIf([tblUsage]![Week_Ending]=#6/27/2014#,[tblUsage]![Usage],"") AS [June 27], IIf([tblUsage]![Week_Ending]=#7/4/2014#,[tblUsage]![Usage],"") AS [July 4], IIf([tblUsage]![Week_Ending]=#7/11/2014#,[tblUsage]![Usage],"") AS [July 11]
FROM tblUsage RIGHT JOIN ([tblP&E] LEFT JOIN tblCosts ON [tblP&E].[PnE_ID] = tblCosts.[PnE_ID]) ON tblUsage.PNE_ID = [tblP&E].PnE_ID;

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Queries :: 2 Search Criteria On Same Field

May 14, 2013

I need to be able to print records for certain students showing their best and worst results for each exercise. Must be printed in portrait A4. Each student must be on a new page. I am trying to create a query which will find the results for studentID AA111 and DS1119. For each student:

- Find the best and worst RepsOrTime for each exercise
- Display studentID, StudentSurname, StudentForename, ExerciseID, Description, Best and worst RepsOrTime
- Name best records "best"
- Name worst records "worst"

Please see attached document.

I can find the result for one student id but when i try putting both student ids in it returns no result, also, I do not know how to rename best records best and worst records worst.For this i have two headings shown as RepsOrTime and it shows the max and min value for each exercise.

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Queries :: Using Unbound Field As Query Criteria

Dec 13, 2013

I have a value in an unbound field on a Form, which is 1234 OR 765 OR 356.

In the QBE criteria grid, I used builder to reference this form:


The column this is in is for the ID field, which is a number.

However, it is not filtering the data correctly. If I copy the above text and paste it into the QBE grid, then it will work. But when I reference it, it fails. If I change the value to just a number on my unbound field, it works. So the issue seems to be that its bringing across the text as a string and so perhaps effectively puts quotes around it when referencing it.

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Queries :: Criteria In Query Custom Field

Dec 16, 2014

I have made a function returning True/False values. I used this function in a query and now it return value Error as well...Is there a way to set criteria to values received in that field (0/-1/#Error). I've tried putting Like 0, Like True with or without quotation mark.Also every workaround comes into play as long as it works.

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Queries :: Can Place Criteria In Calculated Field?

Jan 27, 2015

Can I place a criteria in a calculated field?

[SellingWgt]*[SellingPrice] is ok but only
if [SellingUnits] = "lbs" or [tblSellingUnits].[SellingUnitsID] = 1

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Count How Many Lines Stored In A Field.

Jun 26, 2007

Is there any way to count how many lines of text are stored in a particular table field? How about counting how many times was the "enter" key pressed?



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Queries :: Use Another Field With Between Criteria On Another Field

Sep 29, 2014

I have db that tracks vehicle mileage and servicing

I have created query to show which vehicles are due service by the mileage

My issue is some manufacturers set different service intervals

car manufacture A = service intervals every 10,000
car manufacture B = service intervals every 20,000

but i would like to give pre warning so I'm using between criteria

here is what i have much appreciate if there is a better why of doing this

im using Dmax to find the last mileage entered for the vehicle

findLast: DMax("[vehicle mileage]","[vehserviceTbl]","([vehicleidimp]= " & [vehicleid] & ")")

now the criteria

Ifs([make] = "A" , Between 9000 and 10000
ifs ([Make] = "B" , between 19000 and 20000

can't get the red text to work shows blank when query runs

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Queries :: Using Same Field Multiple Times Under Varying Criteria?

Dec 30, 2014

Preamble edit: I'm running Access 2003.

I have two tables, Students and AttendanceRecords.

Students just has studentID and studentName

AttendanceRecords has AttRecID, studentID, presence, thedate

I'm looking to create what looks like an Excel grid, with the last 10 days as columns and the student names as rows. All the cells in middle will be filled with the values of 'presence' for that student/day (e.g., P for present, A for absent).

Here's something I'm currently considering.

-I could make 10 queries, each using LEFT JOIN to connect studentName with presence & thedate on studentID, varying the 10 queries only in that 'thedate' will have a criteria of Date() -1 , Date() -2 , etc.
-If I'm understanding it correctly, I'll then have 10 tables, each containing 3 rows -- student name, presence, and the date (with each table having only 1 date repeated throughout).
-I could then join those 10 queries together on studentName, theoretically resulting in 1 big table with all the student names and the corresponding presence values for the last 10 days

If I do that, I could make a form in Continuous view and have each row show the studentName and 10 text boxes closely bunched up with presence values.

That seems very inefficient? Making 10 queries separately and then manually merging them seems redundant.

Also, now that I think about it, will the final product end up being read-only, or if the user changes one of the presence cells will it update the corresponding record in AttendanceRecord?

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Queries :: User Defined Criteria On Percent Field?

May 7, 2013

I have a a table that stores various financial information such as sales receipt totals and variance totals (if actual cash in drawer did not match receipts, etc...) that I use to track cashier performance and identify possible problems. Part of this process includes a query that I pull reports against.

One such query, simplified to illustrate the concept, lists the dollar total that their receipts indicate they made, and the dollar amount that their actual drawer was off (either short or over what they should have taken in.) In this query I added fields that total Netsales (calculated from the first two fields) and another that calculates the percentage the variance is compared to their NetSales. The SQL behind the query is as follows:


SELECT tbl_OSRImport.Receipts, tbl_OSRImport.OverShort, [Receipts]-[OverShort] AS NetSales, [OverShort]/[NetSales] AS VarPerc
FROM tbl_OSRImport
WHERE (((tbl_OSRImport.OverShort)<>0) AND (([Receipts]-[OverShort])<>0));

This query works just fine. The calculated fields correctly display their results. The issue presents itself when I try to build a method for a user to run a report to see all the cashiers whose Varience Percentage (VarPerc) is equal to or within a range they specify. This allows the user to see all the cashiers who, for example, are more that 5% over or short. I have tried a number of criteria expressions in the query, with no success. I have gotten everything from a prompt asking me for paremeters to an error stating "Stack Overflow." I believe the problem has something to do with the fact that the numerical value that is calculated is a long string of numbers ending in letters and characters, which the Query displays as a neat and tidy Percentage. Below is an example of the data that I hope will explain this:

In the Query, the expression is: VarPerc: [OverShort]/[NetSales]

When the Query runs, the full numerical result is: -4.27103159497526E-02

Which visually is output as: -4.72%

Mathmatically (on a calculator using the same values) the equation is as follows:

-11.22 / 262.70 = -0.04271032

I think my attempts are failing becaue the query is trying to compare the user's input of (for example) 5, .5, .05, etc.... against the numerical value in the query result that includes the E-02 (above example.) So, rightfully it comes back with no results or an error.

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Queries :: User Defined Criteria For Number Field

May 28, 2015

Query that I have built to create a subform on one of my forms. It's my goal to make the subform easily navigable/query-able for the users, and that is where I've hit a roadblock. The subform contains a field - Balance - which I would like users to be able to search based on numeric/mathematic expressions (i.e. >0 and <40). In testing I have created a text box on the main form (BalanceCriteria), and linked it to the subform's balance field through the query in the Criteria field (forms!MainForm!BalanceCriteria).

This works fine with exact numbers - entering 19 will return client's with a balance of 19 - but returns an error - "Expression is typed incorrectly or is too complex to be evaluated" when tested with a numeric equation (>0).

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Queries :: Field Criteria - Cannot Get Blank (Not Null) Records

May 15, 2013

All. Using access 2010. I have a query that returns 92 records. When I put in the criteria for one field to leave out records with “approved” which totals to 9 records, the query only returns 10 records. It is not returning the records that are blank(not null) for that field. I want those records. Why is this happening and how can I get the blanks for this query?

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Queries :: How To Insert Multiple Conditions / Criteria For A Field

Jul 24, 2013

I am trying to make a query that outputs the minimum "Need Year" AND ALSO if the need year was equal to 9999 it shows "NO DATA".

This is what I have so far for checking the minimum value:

field: Need Year: MinofList(PMS_output!pqi_ny,PMS_output!iri_ny,PMS_ output!sdi_ny,pms_output!sai_ny)

I am not sure if I should be putting it in the criteria to check whether this minimum value (need year) equals to 9999 or not and if it does, it says "NO DATA" instead of 9999.

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Queries :: Update Query Same Field Multiple Criteria?

Apr 21, 2013

I need to update the periodtype field in my table depending on different values in the field Formtype- I am looking to do this without having to use VBA. I have the following fields in a table - I want to update the value of the field Period_type as follows -

When Formtype is 10-Q, update Periodtype to "Quarterly"

When Formtype is 10-K, update Periodtype to "Annual"

The current value of Periodtype for both formtypes is "Semiannual"

Can I do this using only update query?

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Queries :: Using Field Data On Form As Criteria In Report

Jul 12, 2013

I have a form. On the form I have a button to run a report.The query associated with the report selects all records within a unit (field name (Unit) is used as the selection criteria).Rather than type in the unit name when the report is run, I want to select the unit that is currently shown on the form.

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