Queries :: Using Field Data On Form As Criteria In Report

Jul 12, 2013

I have a form. On the form I have a button to run a report.The query associated with the report selects all records within a unit (field name (Unit) is used as the selection criteria).Rather than type in the unit name when the report is run, I want to select the unit that is currently shown on the form.

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Queries :: Using Input From A Form As Criteria - Error When Running Report / Query

Aug 18, 2015

I have a query that uses the input from a form as criteria, which is then used in a report. The form input is a drop down based on another table. This is a sales pipeline report, and the list is a list of sales people. The report works perfect for all sales people except one. When I run it for the one, I get the following error:

"This expression is is typed incorrectly, or it is too complex to be evaluated. For example, a numeric expression may contain too many complicated elements. Try simplifying the expression by assigning parts of the expression to variables".

I DO NOT get the same error when running the query by itself - so assuming there is something in the report causing this. I do have some sum formulas in the report.

Again, no other salespersons selected cause this error -- so I am assuming there is something in the dataset for this person that is causing the error.

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Forms :: Using Data From Another Table As Validation Criteria For A Field In Form?

Mar 24, 2015

I've two tables, QA (Quality Assurance) and Instruments. I'm using form to add data to QA.

There's a field in QA, named InstrumentUsed. The criteria is that InstrmentUsed should only accept value when 'status' field in Instruments table shows 'working'. If status is 'faulty' or 'need repair', it should pop up the related error message and cursor stays on the same field.

I've not starting learning VBA yet, so I'm trying to make use of Macro's.

How to use data from another table as a validation criteria for a field in form?

Pops up a MessageBox and stays on the same field, on the form, unless error is resolved?

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Queries :: Query To Run Before Report Based On Criteria Based From Two Combo Boxes On Form

Mar 20, 2013

I have a report that gets its data from a query. I need the query to run before the report based on criteria based from two combo boxes on a form.

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Same Data, Different Criteria, One Report!?

Aug 5, 2005

I am trying to create a tax report for my business and am not very familiar with Access beyong making basic reports from a single table and query.

Here's the problem:
I want to report total costs for my unsold inventory purchased and worked on prior to 2005. From that I want to be able to subtract the total costs of sold inventory purchased and worked on prior to 2005. Yes, all in one report. Is this even possible?

My report contains these columns from a single table-
inventory #, purchase date, cost, sold or unsold (yes or no check box), 3 columns of additional costs and 3 columns of cost dates. Also a couple other confusing columns of costs that were split between myself and co-purchasers. These include a column of negative costs, the date paid, the balance paid to the co-purchaser, and the date of the balance paid.

I have been sorting by purchase date prior to 2005 and unsold.
The problem is I have no idea how to include the values of the sold inventory in with this report of all the unsold inventory costs without creating a massive report with all my inventory from which I can not sum the columns properly.
The other problem is that when I sort by purchase date I get cost dates from after 2005. I can limit the criteria for one of the date columns, but not all.

My questions are:
How do I included both sold and unsold inventory information in a report and sort by inventory # without simply listing all the information together in one column by inventory #? Can I do the calcualtions I want to do in one report?

How can I limit all of the date columns to show only before 2005? If I make each of the date columns with criteria AND >#12/31/2004#, they limit down to only a few records because many of the date fields in my database are empty. If I use the OR criteria it doesn't work.

I actually have many other questions but I suppose those are the biggest ones.

I know that this is a very specific topic, so if anyone has suggestions as to great resources for Access help (ie. books, tutorials, etc.) particularly with creating tax or inventory reports from a single table, that would be extremely helpful.
Anything would be extremely helpful!! I'm sunk.

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Queries :: Textbox In Report As Query Criteria

Jun 3, 2014

I have a simple report which i open from a navigation form, i have a textbox in the report i wish to use as criteria, on start the report will be blank until i enter a name into the textbox and requery. However im not sure how to link this and how to stop access asking for this information before the report is opened?

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Queries :: How To Open Report Of Records Which Meet Certain Criteria

Jun 3, 2014

I have a table called estimates and a field in that report is called RFA and this is a checkbox. How can i open a report i created (called EReport) for all rhe records in this table that have the RFA field checked (therefore true).

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Queries :: IIF Functions - Control Source Of A Field In Form Data

May 8, 2014

I am new to access, after learning basics I am trying to build my first DB.

Having some troubles with the IIF syntax. I am placing the formula

=IIf([Total]<=(200),[Total]*(0.7)) & IIf([Total]>(201)&[Total]<=(500),[Total]-(200)*(1)+(140)) & IIf([Total]>(501),[Total]-(500)*(1.2)+(300)+(140))

In the form data control source of a field. The first 2 statement seems to work, but the last statement results in some crazzy figures.

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Queries :: Using New Field In Query As Criteria In Different Field?

May 11, 2013

I have a query where I prompt for a Report_Date to create a new field; Report_Date:[ Enter date for report]

Is it possible to use the result from this prompt as a criteria in a different field?

for example, Order_Date based on the criteria of <=[Report_Date]

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Using Query Data As Another Queries Criteria

Sep 14, 2007

Cannot seem to find an answer to this, but please point me in the correct way if you know of one!

Quite simple i think, but blank mind at moment!

How would i use the values in a table/query as the criteria for another query? I believed i could type in [qryOne]![classification] in the criteria box, but this does not seem to work.

Thanks in advance,


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Queries :: Possible To Set A Criteria On A Field?

Aug 23, 2013

In an Access 2010 query is it possible to set a criteria on a field (Results), that If it is "Negative" then another field (Variants) has the text "None Detected". Or is it easier to do that in the Variants field?

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Queries :: Loosing Data When Put Criteria In Query

Nov 5, 2014

I have a data base with 6 tables


i have created a query to do the calculation of how much stock came in went out and is still on hand .the problem im having is that it shows me the 0 total for product with no stock in it when i put my criteria as >0 in my goods on hand field it show me no data in the query.

my calculation fields is as follows GoodsOnHand:[GoodsIn]-[GoodsOut]
Goods in gets calculated as follows GoodsIn:Nz([SumOfGoodsIn],0)
Goods out get calculated same way as goods in.

The Reason i have a sum of goods in is because i have to calculate the quantity in another query because it is spread over lots of locations.

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Queries :: Multiple Criteria For Same Field

Jul 3, 2014

I am trying to build a query where the result is one line per ID with all results for W(eek)E(nding) on the same line.

ID ---- UOM ---- WEJUN20 ---- WEJUN27 --- WEJUL4
6 ---- Hours --- ---250 -- --- --- - -- 278 -- -- --- --- 242

The result I am getting is in the format below:

ID --- UOM --- WEJUN20 --- WEJUN27 --- WEJUL4
6 --- Hours --- ---250
6 --- Hours --- --- --- --- ---- --- --278
6 --- Hours -- --- -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---- -- 242

This is the trimmed down part of the query that is causing the result.

SELECT [tblP&E].PnE_ID, tblUsage.Measurement AS UOM, IIf([tblUsage]![Week_Ending]=#6/20/2014#,[tblUsage]![Usage],"") AS [June 20], IIf([tblUsage]![Week_Ending]=#6/27/2014#,[tblUsage]![Usage],"") AS [June 27], IIf([tblUsage]![Week_Ending]=#7/4/2014#,[tblUsage]![Usage],"") AS [July 4], IIf([tblUsage]![Week_Ending]=#7/11/2014#,[tblUsage]![Usage],"") AS [July 11]
FROM tblUsage RIGHT JOIN ([tblP&E] LEFT JOIN tblCosts ON [tblP&E].[PnE_ID] = tblCosts.[PnE_ID]) ON tblUsage.PNE_ID = [tblP&E].PnE_ID;

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Queries :: 2 Search Criteria On Same Field

May 14, 2013

I need to be able to print records for certain students showing their best and worst results for each exercise. Must be printed in portrait A4. Each student must be on a new page. I am trying to create a query which will find the results for studentID AA111 and DS1119. For each student:

- Find the best and worst RepsOrTime for each exercise
- Display studentID, StudentSurname, StudentForename, ExerciseID, Description, Best and worst RepsOrTime
- Name best records "best"
- Name worst records "worst"

Please see attached document.

I can find the result for one student id but when i try putting both student ids in it returns no result, also, I do not know how to rename best records best and worst records worst.For this i have two headings shown as RepsOrTime and it shows the max and min value for each exercise.

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Form/Report/Query Aka How To Change Criteria Value

Feb 14, 2006

I have built a database with only my department in mind that tracks three types of documents; Which works fine. Now some of my fellow department heads desire to use what I have built.

This is not a problem as their data structure is the same. The difficulty lies in changing the 30 queries. In the queries I hard coded my department number in the receiver (department field) criteria.

Additionally, my HQ is requesting me to perform some analysis on the other department's data. So other than manually changing the department number each time; Can I use a form or report to modify these 30 queries? I attempted to use a combo box but it would not hold the value when I closed the form.

I saw this thread today, http://www.access-programmers.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=102036 , but am not sure it will do what I want.

Suggestions welcomed.

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Reports :: Report To Show Data Details Selectively For Each Field / Qualitative Data

Apr 16, 2014

I have data from a survey with qualitative responses. For a single qualitative question, I moved the ID & responses into a new table and categorized the response according to a bucket/theme, where each column is a new bucket. I now have 10 columns. Each response is represented in 1 or more columns. I used an excel formula to copy the response data into the column itself.


A1 // B1// C1 // D1// E1//... L1
ID // Response // Cats // Dogs // Elephants //.... Column 10
1 // I like cats // I like cats //(null)//(null)// ... (null)//
2 // I like cats and dogs // I like cats and dogs // I like cats and dogs //(null)//..//
3 // etc.

However, now I'm realizing that Access always wants to show data for all records, or at most I can limit using a WHERE clause in my query.I want to use Access to generate this report:

1. Section 1: Show all responses from the Cats bucket where there is data
2. Section 2: Show all responses from the Dogs bucket where there is data
3. and so on

I know how to do summary values, and I know how to do filtering that apply across the whole report, but this seems like more advanced filtering, where I want to see selective details differently for each field.

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Queries :: Mark Disappear Field Data Based On Field Data Last

Oct 15, 2014

How Mark disappear field data based on field data last.

Example:I have a field type in the name and on behalf of another field No.

In the case of the Type-B data is deleted Number field, which is before the character.

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Queries :: Using Criteria To Pull Data From Specific Table

Sep 16, 2013

Is it possible to have a query that uses criteria to pull data from a specific table?

For example: IIf([Result]'"Negative",(tblNegative goes here),IIf([Result]="Positive",(tblPositive goes here].

The tables are just text, but the query would be too long if it was used.

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Queries :: Data Type Mismatch In Criteria Error

Aug 8, 2013

I am getting this error in a query. The field generating the error is a calculated field using a custom function.The function is:


Public Function DecimalTime(dblEvalTime As Double) As Double
DecimalTime = Hour(dblEvalTime)
DecimalTime = DecimalTime + (Minute(dblEvalTime) / 60)
DecimalTime = DecimalTime + ((Second(dblEvalTime) / 60) / 60)
DecimalTime = Round(DecimalTime, 2)
End Function

The dbalEvalTime parameter is passed in to the function as (DateIn+TimeIn)-(DateOut+TimeOut).

So the data type passed in is Double and the Function result is Double. The criteria i am applying in the query is simply <0.01. I have formatted the query field as #.00, 0.00 and General Number but it makes no difference.

I have also tried creating a second query using the first as its data source and applying the criteria in that query but still get the same error. Without the criteria the query runs fine.

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Queries :: Data Type Mismatch In Criteria Expression?

Apr 29, 2014

I have a query which runs fine until I set a criteria (of True) in the field

chase_it: prevwd([practice_bacs_submission_date])<Date()

So without the criteria, I have

SELECT prevwd([practice_bacs_submission_date])<Date() AS chase_it, practice_bacs.practice_bacs_submission_date
FROM practice_bacs
WHERE (((practice_bacs.practice_bacs_submission_date)>#1/31/2013#));

and in the query results I see 0 and -1 as expected for the 'chase_it' expression BUT When I add True (or -1, or 0) as a criteria for 'chase_it', I get the "Data type mismatch in criteria expression" error.So the sql that fails is

SELECT prevwd([practice_bacs_submission_date])<Date() AS chase_it, practice_bacs.practice_bacs_submission_date
FROM practice_bacs
WHERE (((prevwd([practice_bacs_submission_date])<Date())=True) AND ((practice_bacs.practice_bacs_submission_date)>#1/31/2013#));

In case it's relevant, my function prevwd is:

Function prevwd(dt As Date) As Date
10 On Error GoTo prevwd_Error
20 dt = dt - 1
30 While Weekday([dt]) = 1 Or Weekday([dt]) = 7 Or IsBankHoliday(dt)


and this function is used extensively and always works perfectly. I have tried using DateAdd instead of dt = dt - 1, but that made no difference.

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Queries :: Using Unbound Field As Query Criteria

Dec 13, 2013

I have a value in an unbound field on a Form, which is 1234 OR 765 OR 356.

In the QBE criteria grid, I used builder to reference this form:


The column this is in is for the ID field, which is a number.

However, it is not filtering the data correctly. If I copy the above text and paste it into the QBE grid, then it will work. But when I reference it, it fails. If I change the value to just a number on my unbound field, it works. So the issue seems to be that its bringing across the text as a string and so perhaps effectively puts quotes around it when referencing it.

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Queries :: Criteria In Query Custom Field

Dec 16, 2014

I have made a function returning True/False values. I used this function in a query and now it return value Error as well...Is there a way to set criteria to values received in that field (0/-1/#Error). I've tried putting Like 0, Like True with or without quotation mark.Also every workaround comes into play as long as it works.

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Queries :: Can Place Criteria In Calculated Field?

Jan 27, 2015

Can I place a criteria in a calculated field?

[SellingWgt]*[SellingPrice] is ok but only
if [SellingUnits] = "lbs" or [tblSellingUnits].[SellingUnitsID] = 1

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Queries :: Using Criteria Stored In A Table Field

Mar 13, 2013

I have a table with a list of different government programs that products can take advantage of. Each of these programs has criteria such as "must use less than 1000W" or "lasts for 100 hours". Rather than have a column for each possible condition, I've created 3 fields that will accept any type of condition; Var1Condition (example: watts) , Var1Requirement (example: >=), and Var1Value (example: 50). I figured this would be the more efficient database design than to add 15-20 columns.

I then built a form that would where I could enter product attributes and would hopefully query my database and only return the programs for which the product would qualify. So I would have a field named "Watts" in which I would put the wattage of the product and then I would see which programs it would fall in.

In theory, it should be simple. I figured I could just find a way to combine my 3 criteria fields into one string "Forms!Search!watts >= 50" and then use that as a query filter, but I can't find a way to do it.

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Print Report From Form Based On Multiple Criteria?

Nov 17, 2006


I have the following code which i found on another thread on this forum (thanks to original author) which is attached to the On Click of a button which prints the report corresponding to the details displayed in the form.

Dim strCriterion As String
Dim strMsg As String, strTitle As String
Dim intStyle As Integer

If IsNull(Me![ReferenceNumber]) Then

strMsg = "You cannot print a Blank Form!!."
strTitle = "Print Error"
intStyle = vbOKOnly
MsgBox strMsg, intStyle, strTitle

Exit Sub
End If

If Me.Dirty Then
Me.Dirty = False
End If

strCriterion = "[ReferenceNumber]=" & Me![ReferenceNumber]
DoCmd.OpenReport "DoC Certificate", acViewNormal, , strCriterion

This works fine, however, i need to be able to select the report based on more than 1 criteria. For example, the Reference Number can be repeated but is distinguishable from each other by an Issue Number i.e. ReferenceNumber = 93, Issue 1 or 2 etc. At present when i run the above it prints all versions of, in this case, reference number 93, which given that each report is only a single page isn't a show-stopper but it would be nice to have it working as i would like.

I have tried adding to the strCriterion line such as strCriterion = "[ReferenceNumber]=" & Me![ReferenceNumber] and "[IssueNumber]=" & Me![IssueNumber] but no joy. I have tried bracketing the whole line and variations thereof, again no joy.

Can anybody tell if what i am attempting to do is possible and if so how do i go about it?

I have tried the above coding using MasterID which is the Autonumber PK but it produces an "Enter Parameter Value" box for MasterID. Obvioulsy if i can get it to work for the Autonumber then my problem goes away but i can't seem to figure out why it works for Reference Number (Number) and not MasterId (Autonumber)?



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Modules & VBA :: Filtering Form / Report - QueryDef Criteria Using OR

May 7, 2015

I have a form with 3 combo boxes that filter another form/report. The first combo (cboByCategory) contains options from 2 different fields within the same table. Before I added this add'l piece of code, all 3 combos worked fine. I am not getting error messages, it just does not filter on the other 2 combo boxes - cboDiv and cboGender.

Private Sub cmdModifyRecords_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdModifyRecords_Click
Dim stDocName As String
Dim strFilter As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
stDocName = "Modify_OpenItems"

[Code] .....

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