Queries :: Using Or Statement From Multivalue Listbox In Query
Jul 3, 2013
I would like to have the user select one or more values in a list box, and use those values as criteria in a query. Then the query will be used as a source for list boxes in another form based on the values of the previous selection.
User selects options 1, 3, and 4 from the list box on Form A. The query then sets the criteria to anything related to 1 OR 3 OR 4. Then in another form, Form B, all the data tied to option 1 is in its own list box, all the data tied to option 3 is in its own list box, and all data tied to option 4 is in its own list box.
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Dec 16, 2013
I have a multivalue field containing values of A,B,C and D with primary IDs of 1,2,3 and 4 in that order.
If I was to run:
Set Table.Multivalue.Value = 1
WHERE Field 1 = "True" AND Field 2 = "True";
Then run
Set Table.Multivalue.Value = 2
WHERE Field 1 = "True" AND Field 2 = "True";
Will I have a Multivalue field as A,B or just B? I would like it to be A,B but I have my doubts as to whether this would work.
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Nov 3, 2014
I have two tables "Tab_Issue_1" and "Tab_Issue_2". Tab_Issue_1 has two fields "Issue" and "AssignedTo". Tab_Issue_2 has the same fields. However, the "AssignedTo" is a multi-value field in both tables. I want to append data from Tab_Issue_1 into Tab_Issue_2. I use the following SQL but it pops up this message "An INSERT INTO query can not contain a multi-valued field".
INSERT INTO Tab_Issues_1 ( Title, AssignedTo )
SELECT Tab_Issues_2.Title, Tab_Issues_2.AssignedTo
FROM Tab_Issues_2;
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Sep 20, 2013
I have a form that looks up office names and will automatically populate a field called office number based upon their selection in the combo box. I have a submit button on click event set up to run a query.
Now, here's where I am running into issues: In this query, I need to pull selected columns of information based upon a multivalue lookup field. This multivalue lookup field is joined with the table that the values populate from.
The form will only have one value stored in the txt box field, and I need to be able to search for all records containing that one value.
This is what I have for code:
SELECT FilePlan.FPName, FilePlan.Description, FilePlan.[File Code], FilePlan.GRS, FilePlan.Schedule
FROM Offices INNER JOIN FilePlan ON Offices.[Office Number] = FilePlan.OfficeNumb.Value
WHERE (((FilePlan.OfficeNumb.Value) Like "*" & [Forms]![RetCutOff]![txtOffNumb] & "*"));
Do I need to string multiple queries together to make this work, or is it just not possible?
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Dec 23, 2013
A have a query that selects a multivalue field. The query forms the record source for a subform. The text values in the multivalue field are displayed in the query, but when I save this and view the data in the subform datasheet view the values revert to the primary key values. They are 1,2,3,4 instead of the text values
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Oct 24, 2005
I have a multivalue criteria inside a listbox that I need to use to filter several data out of a table by using a query. The multivalue textfield is the 3rd column of the listbox (eg. John Jonson,Tom Boost,Kim Moore). When I select a row inside the listbox, I want all the adressess of the people that are mentioned in the 3rd column when I click on a button.
How do I make this criteria for a query to get the information I wanted?
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Jan 28, 2013
Here is my current table structure (I have omitted some fields from this example and have given some sample data in italics to make the table structure more clear.
ID (autonumber) 3
EmployeeName John
EmployeePhone 555999555
EmployeeLocation New York
ClientID (autonumber) 1 , 2 , 3
ClientName ABC Company , XYZ Company, PQR Company
LocationID 1 , 2
Location New York , Chicago
tblEmployeeClients (junction table)
fkeyID 3
EmployeeClients (multivalued number) 1,2
The junction table tblEmployeeClients only stores ID of the Employee and in the second column (which is a multi-valued field), the ID of each of the clients the employee Supports.
I am trying to generate a report that lists say, EmployeeName alongside the clients supported by the Employee (listing the client location is not required, however, it would be good to know how to do that as well).
The report (for the example above), should look like this:
Name Clients Supported
John ABC Company, PQR Company
Currently, I am able to get :
John 1, 2 i.e the client ID for the clients that the employee supports instead of the corresponding company names.
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Sep 11, 2014
I have a Form that is used to print a report and the report is based off of a query.I dont like the WHERE statement in the query. I want the user to enter the employer codes and not have to continue to press enter when they are done entering 5 employer codes.
Example: The want to send letters to 3 Employer codes but after they enter the 3rd employer code the query will continue asking for 21 more employer codes. How can I provide the user a way to not be asked for 21 more employer codes? The current code for the query is:
SELECT Format([Enter Letter Date],"mmmm dd"", ""yyyy") AS [Letter Date], dbo_partfile.prt_employer_code, dbo_employer.mis_description, UCase([kn_key_name]) AS UID, Trim([prt_last]) AS [LAST], Trim([prt_first]) AS [First], dbo_partfile.prt_middle, dbo_partfile.prt_addr1, dbo_partfile.prt_addr2, Trim([prt_city]) AS City, dbo_partfile.prt_state, dbo_partfile.prt_zip_code, Format([prt_zip_ext],"0000") AS Zip4, Format([Enter Term Date],"mmmm dd"", ""yyyy") AS [Term Date], IIf([prt_sex]="F","Ms.","Mr.") AS Title, dbo_partfile.prt_status, dbo_partfile.prt_local_nbr
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Nov 11, 2014
The query below is supposed to accept some characters from the user and bring up a list of records satisfying the criteria. TelephoneAAA is a table with many columns. The query does not give any error message receives input from user runs quietly and does not give any result. I know that the table contains sufficient data. Probably I am missing something obvious but what.
RowSourceQy = " SELECT * from [TelephoneAAA] " & _
"WHERE (([TelephoneAAA].[SOYADI]) Like ((' * ')+ [Word] +(' * '))) OR " & _
"(([TelephoneAAA].[ADI]) Like ((' * ')+[Word]+(' * '))) OR " & _
"(([TelephoneAAA].[ADRES]) Like ((' * ')+[Word]+(' * ')))" & _
"ORDER BY [TelephoneAAA].[SOYADI], [TelephoneAAA].[ADI], [TelephoneAAA].[TEL];"
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Jun 5, 2015
I'm trying to use IIf in a query criterion, but not having any luck.
I have a field called 'ayr_code' which has values in the format:2015/6
I want to return all records where in this field:if the current month is November or December, the first four characters of 'ayr_code' are between five years ago and the current year;
If the current month is between January and October, the first four characters of 'ayr_code' are between six years ago and last year;
So, in October 2015, I'd like to see records with an 'ayr_code' of 2014/5, 2013/4, 2012/3, 2011/2, 2010/1 or 2009/0. In November 2015, I'd like to see records with an 'ayr_code' of 2015/6, 2014/5, 2013/4, 2012/3, 2011/2 or 2010/1.
I've tried to do this using solution one below, but this is not working. I've gone for solution two, but I'd like to know why solution one doesn't work and if there is a way to amend it so that it does.
Solution one [preferable; not working]
Create the following field:
Code : Expr1: Left([cam_sas.ayr_code],4)
Add the following criterion:
Code : IIf(Month(Now())>10,>=Year(Now())-5 And <=Year(Now()),>=Year(Now())-6 And <=Year(Now())-1)
So this should get the first four characters of 'ayr_code' then apply one of two criteria on the results based on whether the current month is after October or not.
Solution two [non-preferable; working]
Create the following field:
Code : Expr1: IIf(Month(Now())>10,Left([cam_sas.ayr_code],4),Left([cam_sas.ayr_code],4)+1)
Add the following criterion:
Code : >=Year(Now())-5 And <=Year(Now())
This takes the first four characters of 'ayr_code' then if the current month is not after October it adds one to the result, after which it applies the criterion that the final output must be between this year and five years ago.
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Jun 23, 2015
I have a query based on a table that has a column called Calculated Card Expiration:
IIf([Card Type Issued]="PIV",[Issue Date]+1095,IIf([Card Type Issued]="Non-PIV",[Issue Date]+1095,IIf([Card Type Issued]="Flash",[Issue Date]+365,Null)))
It worked fine when I ran the query the first time, but now when a Card Type Issued and Issue Date is added or changed it doesn't work.
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Apr 10, 2013
I provide a daily report to my warehouse team that pulls information from a data table for the previous day's activities. Since we don't work on the weekends, my statement needs to be manually modified on Mondays to pull the information from Friday and not from Sunday:
WHERE REF_Cal.Date = Date()-1
WHERE REF_Cal.Date = Date()-3
Is there a way that I can write the above statement so that it automatically looks at Friday's numbers [i.e. Date()-3] if today is Monday? In Excel I could write a formula to accomplish this as follows: IF(TEXT(TODAY(),"DDD")="MON",TODAY()-3,TODAY()-1)
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Apr 3, 2013
Where would you put the INSERT INTO statement in a query? Would it go after the select statement but before the From statement or would it go at the end?
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Feb 12, 2014
I have the following Select Statement:
SELECTTenant.ID, Tenant.[First Name], Tenant.[Last Name], Tenant.Address, Tenant.City, Tenant.State, Tenant.Zip, Tenant.[Home Phone], Tenant.[Cell Phone], Tenant.[Work Phone], Tenant.[Rented Unit],
Tenant.[Security Deposit], Tenant.[Move In], Tenant.[Move Out], Tenant.TenantID, Tenant.UnitID, Tenant.PropertyID, Tenant.OwnerID, Owner.Company, Owner.ID AS Expr1, Property.[Property Address],
Now, I know that something in the UPDATE statement does not match my select statement.What should my Update Statement be, in order to update all the columns in the joined tables?
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May 23, 2014
I have the following code
Gap: IIf([Q1]=2,"GAP",IIf([Q2]=2,"GAP",IIf([Q3]=2,"GAP",IIf([Q4]=2,"GAP",IIf([Q5]=2,"GAP",IIf([Q6]=2,"GAP",
I need to add Q15 and Q16 but there appears to be a limit on how many IIf statements I can embed and I get an error that my formula is too complex.
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Nov 19, 2013
I can create a select query with a combo box in it by changing the property of one of the fields - making the display control to combo box and adding the values. No problem there.
What I want to do is to be able to create a query dynamically from vba using a CreateQueryDef statement.
The problem is that you can only pass an SQL string to CreateQueryDef, and the combo box values are not part of the SQL code, but are saved with the query (presumably the same way column layout gets saved).
Is there a way to create a query with VBA and include non-SQL layout criteria so I can have combo boxes?
I'm using Access 2002.
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Apr 27, 2014
I'm trying to make a nested if then statement in a query field, and I can't figure out why I can't get my formula to work:
Volume: IIf([MethodCode]="K",[total]*12.54*0.026873,IIf([MethodCode]="S",([length]*[width]*[depth])/2,IIf([MethodCode]="M" And [Location]="SH",[total]*5.08*0.026873,IIf([MethodCode]="M" And [Location]="C",[total]*18.58*0.026873," "))))
I keep getting the "data type mismatch in criteria expression" error. If I separate out all the individual if then statements individually, they work. But if I connect them all as a nested if then it doesn't work.
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Oct 1, 2013
I have a Union Query (that works perfectly fine) with the following code:
SELECT * FROM sbqryUseBattery
SELECT * FROM sbqryUseBeltsDeck;
SELECT * FROM sbqryUseBeltsHydro;
SELECT * FROM sbqryUseBeltsPTO;
SELECT * FROM sbqryUseFiltersAir
SELECT * FROM sbqryUseFiltersFuel
UNION SELECT * FROM sbqryUseFiltersOil;
I am using this information on a Report.
The problem is that the Report shows the data in random order. Is there a way to filter either the Union Query or the Report?
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Jun 15, 2015
I'm trying to build a query with an iif statement to calculate expiration dates within a query. For some reason what i'm trying to do is not working as expected.
Here's the situation. Every employees with an exception of two employees in the company has an expiration 2 years after the class took place. The two exceptions are the certified instructors who's training certification is good for three years.
I've created a query with the employeeid, training subject, and maxoftraining date.
I'm trying to write an if statement to give me the expiration date based on the above information. Here's what I have so far; however its not calculating based on the criteria.
Expiration: IIf([tblemployee]![EmpID]=1 Or 2,DateAdd("yyyy",3,[maxoftrainingdate]),DateAdd("yyyy",2,[maxoftrainingdate]))
At this point in time, all "expiration" dates are showing + 3 years rather than just the Employee ID's 1 and 2 and the rest +2 years.
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Jun 19, 2014
I have a form with a check box. A query is run that looks at that check box and decides what the criteria are based on that. So, if the check box is checked, it should pull in all data in the field that is a Y. If it is not checked, i want it to pull all data (Y's and N's and blanks).
here is my criteria:
This does not seem to work. I have also tried:
IIf([Forms]![frm_Query_Form]![CheckBox]<>0,"Y",Like "*")
IIf([Forms]![frm_Query_Form]![CheckBox]<>0,"Y","like "*"")
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Nov 25, 2013
I'm preparing a query as the control source for an unbound listbox. The following code gives the desired results:
SELECT DISTINCT tblCameras.CameraNum, QrySbfShotList.CamerasFK
FROM QrySbfShotList INNER JOIN tblCameras ON QrySbfShotList.CamerasFK = tblCameras.CamerasID
WHERE (((QrySbfShotList.shootsFK)=[my].[control]))
ORDER BY QrySbfShotList.CamerasFK
(My.control will be a control on the form. For the time being, I let the query prompt me for a value.)
It produces two columns like so:
CameraNum Camera ID
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 5
5 6
6 7
8 9
11 12
CameraNum is text; CameraID is numeric.
Now, I'm trying to use a trick I read about that should add a single textual entry to the top of the list like so:
SELECT DISTINCT tblCameras.CameraNum, QrySbfShotList.CamerasFK
FROM QrySbfShotList INNER JOIN tblCameras ON QrySbfShotList.CamerasFK = tblCameras.CamerasID
WHERE (((QrySbfShotList.shootsFK)=[my].[control]))
ORDER BY QrySbfShotList.CamerasFK
SELECT "(ALL)", "Dummy"
FROM QrySbfShotList INNER JOIN tblCameras ON QrySbfShotList.CamerasFK = tblCameras.CamerasID
WHERE (((QrySbfShotList.shootsFK)=[my].[control]));
This produces
CameraNum Camera ID
ALL Dummy
1 2
11 12
2 3
3 4
4 5
5 6
6 7
8 9
The second (numeric) column is now out of order. This is reproducible for other values of my.control. If there are double digit entries they get inserted at the third row.
Why? What am I not understanding about how UNION works?
(BTW, I know I could put the "ALL" entry into tblCameras, thereby avoiding the need for a union, but I'd still like to know why the unexpected result.)
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Sep 19, 2013
I have two tables each with an ID field (autonumber/PK/No Dup etc).
I want to append two fields from one table to the other table. I have set up an Append Query to do this but it won't work - I get the following error - "The INSERT INTO statement contains the following unknown field: 'FiID'...."
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Feb 24, 2015
I'm trying to have a single or multiple query criteria based on what the user checks on a form.
I can't get the True condition to work at all, I get no records. Here is what I'm using
IIf([Forms]![FrmAttendanceLogsRpt]![BlkFilter]=-1,[TempVars]![EID] Or 86,[TempVars]![EID])
If I just put
[TempVars]![EID] Or 86
in the Criteria it works just fine.
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Aug 4, 2015
I'm trying to run a very basic iif statement to correct hourly data for sorting. Basically, a trading day runs from 8am - 8am, so I need to adjust the hours to ensure that 1am on the 15th trading day (really the 16th on the calendar), comes after 9am on the 15th trading day (which will actually be the 15th on the calendar).
Here's what I've used. It's driving me bananas, because it keeps telling me that there's a syntax error (comma) in the query expression, but I can't understand why?
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Mar 24, 2015
I'm trying to construct an SQL crosstab query that will output data like the picture I've attached in the .zip file.
The four variables from the data table would be [Client Accounting].[Marketer] (the left vertical column), [Client Accounting].[Closing Date] (the higher level horizontal column grouped by month), [Client Accounting].[Write Off] and [Client Accounting].[Refund] (the lower level horizontal columns as sums)
The totals column at the bottom and the two vertical columns at the right would be made in the report and wouldn't need to be in the query.
This is what I have so far but I don't know how to add a second TRANSFORM statement to be included and grouped by month!
TRANSFORM Sum([Client Accounting].[Refund]) AS SumOfRefund
SELECT [Client Accounting].[Marketer]
FROM [Client Accounting]
GROUP BY [Client Accounting].[Marketer]
PIVOT Format([Closing Date],"mmm") In ("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec");
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May 6, 2013
I would like to have a table update query populate cells in a field, based on an IIf statement (below), but states that the IIf statement arguments still need to be enclosed in parentheses. I don't understand what the problem is, I have two sets of opening / closing parentheses.
IIf IsNull (=Mid( [CONTRACTOR_TASK]![TASK_NAME] ,6,6))
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