Queries :: Using Datevalue As Parameter From A Form

Apr 23, 2013

In my QBE, I have a field call [startDate]

In my criteria, I am passing a parameter from a form.

Currently, I am using: DateValue([forms]![myForm]![txtStartDate])

From myFORM, the value of the text box is 3/1/2013

When I run the query, it runs as expected and returns all records with the 3/1/2013 dates.

But now I want to make it where if the parameter is null.

How do I change that criteria if that parameter I am passing is null from my form's textbox? I want it to return all records that have a null entry in the [startDate].

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Queries :: Using DateValue Function With Query

Aug 1, 2014

How do I use the DateValue function with a query that pulls data between dates? Here is my code below. I'm getting an error that my expression is too complex or incorrect.

SELECT IIf([tblAUCodes].[BusinessLine] Like '*CMES*',"CMES",IIf([tblAUCodes].[BusinessLine] Like '*HOUS*',"CMES",IIf([tblAUCodes].[BusinessLine] Like 'CTO',"CTO",IIf([tblAUCodes].[BusinessLine] Like 'Shareowner*',"WFSS","SPS")))) AS LOB, Count(tblPACSTemplate.temID) AS CountOftemID, tblPACSTemplate.Type, DateValue([ApprovedDate]) AS ApproveDate

[Code] ....

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Jul 24, 2007

In Excel there is a function called Datevalue() that will return the dates computer serial number. See below example:
Formula Description (Result)
=DATEVALUE("8/22/2008") Serial number of the text date, using the 1900 date system (39682)
=DATEVALUE("22-AUG-2008") Serial number of the text date, using the 1900 date system (39682)
=DATEVALUE("2008/02/23") Serial number of the text date, using the 1900 date system (39501)
=DATEVALUE("5-JUL") Serial number of the text date, using the 1900 date system, and assuming the computer's built-in clock is set to 2008 (39634)

Is there a function in Access that will do the same thing?

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Queries :: One Parameter Form For Several Query

Jul 9, 2014

I have always used parameter forms for inputing query/report criteria. However, they have always been for one query or report. However, all searches I have done for trying to use one form for several queries all I find is a simple response of "Create a form and then direct all the queries to grab the parameter from the form.". Sounds simple enough but I can never get it to work.

I have created a macro that runs 12 Append queries. I have also created a parameter form that has an unbound combo box. The combo box is fed by a query that gathers all the Data Dates for the user to select from. So if there are 24 different data dates then the combo box displays them all.

I tried creating a macro that first opens the form then opens the query, however, it runs the query before I can finish entering the criteria in the form. Then I just get a pop up of "You are about to append 0 records..."I have found several walk-throughs for having a query use a form to grab parameter, but have not been able to find one that shows you how to set up one form to run several queries.

I keep trying to find an answer, then give up and continue manually entering 12 dates for 12 queries when they pop up after running the macro. Now I need to create a macro that runs 24 queries and I don't want to have to go through 24 parameter pop-ups.

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Modules & VBA :: QDF Not Getting Parameter From Referenced Queries / Form

Jan 15, 2015

I'm creating an amortization schedule database using Access 2010.

I designed it such that I'll input actual principal and interest amounts in tbl_LoanActivity when I get statements in. I'd like to be able to press a button to update forecasted principal and interest amounts, then later I'll add code to make a report pop-up.

I initially designed this with only one loan to see if I could make the thing work, and it did. I've since added another loan and made adjustments, and this is where I'm having an issue.

tbl_LoanActivity references tbl_Loans, which has interest rates and monthly payment amounts. Needless to say tbl_Loans is the RecordSource for frm_Loans, and as such has a field LoanID. I have two queries that need to reference [Forms]![frm_Loans]![LoanID]:

1) qry_LoanActivity_MaxDate,
2) qry_LoanActivity_withPrincipalBalance

I can run these 2 queries (individually) with a reference to frm_Loans.LoanID just fine. (Without that reference, forecasted principal and interest numbers are highly inaccurate.) I have a qdf append query (vba) to calculate forecasted principal and interest amounts based on the most recent principal balance (referencing queries above), and relevant data in tbl_Loans (InterestRate, and RecurringAmount).

So here's the problem: without the above queries referencing [Forms]![frm_Loans]![LoanID] the qdf runs, yet produces inaccurate numbers. With the above queries referencing [Forms]![frm_Loans]![LoanID], Access gives me a message "Too few parameters. Expected 1." If I take the qdf and put it into a standard query it runs just fine. I need this append query to be a qdf so it will loop until RecordsAffected = 0.

I've sterilized the data and attached the database. I was thinking this adjustment of adding the reference to [Forms]![frm_Loans]![LoanID] in the 2 above queries would work, but it seems like the qdf is not inheriting the parameter.

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Syntax Problem With DateValue() In Query

Apr 24, 2008

I have a select query with a number of expressions and I cannot seem to get the expressions to work. Access keeps giving me syntax error on the following code:

SELECT Run.Test_Case,

Sum(IIf(DateValue([Attempted_Actual]) < DateValue([Attempted_Actual]),[Points],0))/Sum(IIf(Not IsNull([Attempted_Actual]),[Points],0))*100 AS ActualAttempted,
Sum(IIf(DateValue([Completed_Actual]) < DateValue([Completed_Actual]),[Points],0))/Sum(IIf(Not IsNull([Completed_Actual]),[Points],0))*100 AS ActualCompleted,
Sum(IIf(DateValue([Verified_Actual]) < DateValue([Verified_Actual]),[Points],0))/Sum(IIf(Not IsNull([Verified_Actual]),[Points],0))*100 AS ActualClosed,

Sum(IIf(DateValue([Attempted_Planned]) < DateValue(Date()),[Points],0))/Sum(IIf(Not IsNull([Attempted_Planned]),[Points],0))*100 AS PlannedAttempted,
Sum(IIf(DateValue([Completed_Planned]) < DateValue(Date()]),[Points],0))/Sum(IIf(Not IsNull([Completed_Planned]),[Points],0))*100 AS PlannedCompleted,
Sum(IIf(DateValue([Verified_Planned]) < DateValue(Date()),[Points],0))/Sum(IIf(Not IsNull([Verified_Planned]),[Points],0))*100 AS PlannedClosed

FROM Run INNER JOIN Task ON Run.Run=Task.Group
GROUP BY Run.Test_Case;
HAVING (((Run.Test_Case)=IIf(IsNull([Forms]![Status]![ComboStatusTestCase]),[Test_Case],[Forms]![Status]![ComboStatusTestCase])));

I am sort of confused on where the error could because it just says there is a syntax error. My assumption is that I am using DateValue() in the wrong context. If anyone has any pointers or sees my error please let me know.


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Queries :: Parameter Query Using Form To Collect Data

Jun 24, 2015

I have a parameter query using a form to collect the data. I put LIKE and wildcard enclosing the parameter to bypass the criteria if the data box is empty. It works well. I have another parameter of date type that uses between two dates. How can I bypass the criteria if I leave the data boxes blank?

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Queries :: Parameter In Query By Two Separate Form Field

Oct 31, 2013

I want to set parameter in my select query with or function as in detail.i have two form with same field

1-with field A
2-With Field A

now i want to select data for a table .with a parameter select with Field A in form 1 or Field A in Form 2.How can i do it

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Queries :: Query Parameter Input On A Form (combo Box)

Jul 15, 2014

I have a table which holds information on audits that have been carried out on staff member's actions. The 'Supervisor' field is populated via a combo box which is linked to a separate table (tblSupervisors).

I am now trying to build a query to allow me to extract all audits that have been carried out on a specific supervisor - rather than the criteria to be [Enter Supervisor Name] and allowing text entry, I thought it would be better to have form that pops up with a combo box that is used to select the supervisor (from tblSupervisors);

So far:

- Form "Supervisor_Select" is created, and has a combo box that looks up from tblSupervisors

- Macros as specified in the instructions are created (Open Dialog, Close Dialog, OK and Cancel)

- Query is done, all bar the criteria expression on the desired field.

- Module is created as described in the instructions, and is called "Supervisor_Select"

I have tried putting the following in the criteria;

[Forms]![Supervisor_Select]![cboSupervisor], however I think I am missing the bit where the query opens the "Supervisor_Select" form?? Will this only work from a button where the on click event runs the 'Open Dialog' macro and then runs the query?

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Queries :: Form Still Prompts For Parameter After Query Deleted?

May 15, 2013

I had created a query that I was attempting to reference a text field in a form that was open when the query is run. It wasn't working and whenever I opened the form it would prompt for the parameter before opening the form.

I ended up deleting the query to try again from scratch. But the form still asks for the parameters whenever I open the form. Why is Access still prompting me for the parameters?

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Queries :: Form To Select Parameter - Causing New Field In Query Design

Jun 16, 2015

I have a query with multiple fields that is being run off of 3 parameters (linked for selection in a form). The problem is, I wanted to enable a select all feature, so I included a "Or ... Is Null" part in my criteria section, so that when nothing is selected, the query/report returns all records.

Okay so the problem is whenever I run the query with nothing selected for the parameter and then return to design view for the query, a new field has been created in the query design, titled with the expression I use to pull the parameter value from the form. This is frustrating because then that is causing errors in another report I run that pulls values from that query.

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How To Handle Multiple Null Values Using Form-based Parameter Queries

Nov 19, 2012

i'm creating a search form giving the end user a range of controls to use when filtering/searching data. See the image.But, i think my range search (using the textbox) to put in a lower and upper limit...is preventing this from working. In fact, when i put data into all the controls, no data pops up in my subform.

My query data source can also be seen...showing you how i've handled teh null entries. (i need to put in a null 'handler' for the two textboxes?)

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Queries :: Crosstab Queries - Export Command Ask To Enter Date Parameter Twice

Feb 24, 2015

I have a crosstab queries which uses the date query parameters. However, when I go to my Export command (code is below), it ask me to enter the date parameters (start date and end date) twice. What do I have to do so that the system will ask me to enter once only?

On Error GoTo Err_cmdTest_Click
'Must 1st set a Reference to the Microsoft Office XX.X Object Library
Dim dlgOpen As FileDialog
Dim strExportPath As String
Const conOBJECT_TO_EXPORT As String = "qryEXPORT"

[Code] .....

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Queries :: Access Multiple Queries Run With Date Parameter

Jun 19, 2015

I have 5 queries that I am running. The first query has the date range parameters set in the field area that I need to run and each additional create table query is based off the results of the previous query.

1. Which is better to use to run all of the queries in one simple step? A macro or a form? I am exporting the final table to excel so that I can make some additional adjustments off of it.

2. How would I setup the date range parameters for the first query if I were to use a macro without going into the query itself and updating the date field? I tried setting up a macro to run the queries by using the OpenQuery action for each of the 5 queries, but I cannot figure out how to do the date range.

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Queries :: Sub-queries With Text Box Based Parameter

Sep 18, 2014

I'm trying to perform a DELETE query at run-time. The criteria for deleting records is somewhat complex due to various one-to-many dependancies between the tables, overlapping of date fields etc., so in order to restrict the DELETE to only those records which qualify, I've set up a load of smaller queries to produce the list of eligible records.There is only one parameter required - a 'CutOff' date which is arbitrarily chosen by the user and is available in a textbox control on an open form when the code is triggered.

Here is the main DELETE query :

FROM [tblComments]
INNER JOIN [qryCommentsToPurge]
ON [tblComments].[CommentID] = [qryCommentsToPurge].[CommentID]
WHERE [tblComments].[CommentID] = [qryCommentsToPurge].[CommentID]

I've put qryCommentsToPurge and all the cascading sub-queries below - have highlighted in red where the parameter value is required (it is used in the queries to identify the records which must be retained, i.e. not deleted)Each of the individual sub-queries works fine and correctly (they return the correct population of records that they were designed to)If I run the sub-queries manually, I am prompted to provide the CutOff date, as you would expect - and the recordset returned in each case is correct for that date.

If, however, I run the DELETE at run-time (with the form containing that textbox open and containing a valid date value) I get a 3061 error :Suggesting that the queries can't pull the parameter value from the textbox on the form. But I've stuck a watch in the debugger on [Forms]![frmArchive]![txtCutOffDate] and I'm getting the correct date value? The form is open and available at the time.So why can't the query see it? I use these kinds of control references elsewhere in other queries and they work fine. I don't understand why it's a problem here?

SELECT [tblComments].*
FROM [tblComments]
INNER JOIN [qryIssuesToPurge]
ON [tblComments].[IssueID] = [qryIssuesToPurge].[IssueID]
ORDER BY [tblComments].[CommentID];


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Datevalue( ' Thedate') When 'thedate' Is Empty

Feb 2, 2007

Hi guys , i've got a webpage where i'm essentially joining five tables with different data fields in.

I've done this by creating a tempary table putting all the information in fields that are like and then displaying it.

Thing is to insert the dates of various things i've used the datevalue('thedate') in my insert statement , however if the field 'thedate' has nothing in it I get an error message data type missmatch.

I'm pretty sure this is because the datevalue function it trying to do datevalue('') .

Is there anyway I could do a IfIsnull("", Datevalue('thedate'))

within the SQL statement of an ASP page

i'm not too sure of the syntax but basically i want to be able to do datevalue('thedate') if there is a value for 'thedate' but if there isn't do nothing....

hope that makes sense ...

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Parameter Queries Vs Parametrized Queries

Nov 5, 2004

I have been asked to set up a parameterized query using 4 fields (ID Number, Surname, Christian Name and Treating Dr/s). When I search Microsoft On-line under parameterized queries it gives a tutorial which basically set out a simple query with "prompt" parameters in the Criteria field. When I search under the Access Help it gives me a totally different explanation - ie. setting up a cross-tab query first and then defining parameters. Is this a loose use of terminology or is there indeed a difference. Help please!

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Parameter Queries

Jun 29, 2007

Is there a way to label a parameter in a query?

I need to enter a start date for a query - the parameter - and the end date is always six months later.

Currently, I use;

Between [Enter Start date:] And [Enter End date:], but this is not idiot-proofed.

How can I make the second parameter be a calculation based upon the first; i.e., [First Param] + 180 days?

Thanx for any help!

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Parameter Queries

Nov 15, 2007

Hi there.

I am looking to rationalise some of the queries I have in my access application.

Let's say I have two forms that query the same table based on a value they have in a combo box.

Currently I would have a separate query for each form and set the criteria to the name of the control on the respective form.

My question is whether I can use just 1 parameter query and use this for both forms, passing the necessary criteria - similar to how you would with an SQL Server stored procedure.

I have done this in the past programatically but wondered whether it is possible to do this within the GUI?

One solution is to not have any criteria in my query and then define an SQL statement in the rowsource of my form/control that queries my original query i.e.:
"SELECT FirstName, LastName from Qry_Customers WHERE QryCustomers.CustomerID = ????"

This works but it not as easy to maintain as having separate queries (same reason why I prefer to use stored procedures rather than definining my SQL statements within my code)

Also are there any negative performance impacts in defining the rowsource in this way (opposed to just setting to an existing Table/Query)?


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Parameter Queries

Nov 22, 2004

I have a query field with the criteria: [enter state]. I would like to be able to enter multiple states (ie: IL or WA or AZ) but the query only functions when one individual state code is entered. Any ideas how to fix this? Thank you.

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Need Help On Parameter Queries

Dec 18, 2006

I'm new to this forum and am looking for help in the following:
I'm trying to create a parameter query (using Access 2003) and would like to display just the data that are not null. I tried to insert "and Is Not Null" after the [parameter name] under "Criteria", but it still list null data. Any help will be greatly appreciated (please note that I am a basic Access user and do not do visual basics or anything other than the quick command buttons or the wizard.

Many thanks in advance

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Date Parameter Queries

Jan 9, 2006

Hi everybody,

I have a report that is based on an underlying query.At the query level,I
want to define parameters of date data type so that records to be displayed
should fall between DateA and DateB. ie Between[Enter Date A:] And [Enter Date B:].
I want the DAteA and DateB to be only days and Months of a year.

Say my DateA = 01 Jan 06 and my DateB = 31 Dec. 06

But I want only the Parameter to be Between[Enter day and Month A:] And [Enter day and Month B:].

How can I write a query with the two parameter values?

Thank you


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Multiply Parameter Queries!

Apr 13, 2007

i have a Query where i have Criteria for two fields as the following:

Field :Date of Incident
Crirteria: [Forms]![frmSearchStudent&Date]![cboStartDate] And [Forms]![frmSearchStudent&Date]![cboEndDate]

Field: StudentSurname
Criteria: [Forms]![frmSearchStudent&Date]![Combo0]

Occasionally, staff may just want all incidents (records) to be shown for the selected StudentSurname and so, just select the surname and leave the date fields blank.

i tried the following:
Field :Date of Incident
Crirteria: [Forms]![frmSearchStudent&Date]![cboStartDate] And [Forms]![frmSearchStudent&Date]![cboEndDate]
Or: [Forms]![frmSearchStudent&Date]![cboStartDate] Is Null And [Forms]![frmSearchStudent&Date]![cboEndDate] Is Null

Field: StudentSurname
Criteria: [Forms]![frmSearchStudent&Date]![Combo0]

then when i tested this by leaving the date fields blank and selecting a valid student surname it simply returned all incidents (records) for ALL students not the selected one.

is it possible to achieve this? if so, could someone please help!

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Parameter Queries Using Multiple Between....And

May 24, 2007

I have created a query so that two fields have a range in them i.e.

One Field called "Price"
There are two text boxes on the seach form called "price1" and "price2"
The query reads

Between [price1] And [price2]

A second field called "Date Ordered"
There are two text boxes on the search form called "date1" and "date2"
Field called "Date Ordered"
Between [date1] And date2]

I have used the AND operator to join the first and second range. The user will fill in the criteria from a form with text boxes. This form is unbound but as soon as they click on the Search button, it will open up the query with the parameters in as above.

However, if the user were to type in a price but not a date the query shows no results. Results are only shown if a price and a date are inputted.

The OR operator will work but it is not what we need. We need to show results if a price is entered but not a date and vice versa. The fields are coming from one table.

Please can anyone advise? The database is a library management system so the price and date are the price of any books and the date that the book was ordered.

Thank you in advance for any help or advise.


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Queries :: Don't Want Parameter In Query

Apr 25, 2013

I have a table that has a date column. I am assigning one group of students a test date of 4/29 and another group 4/30. I don't want access to change the column or ask for a parameter during the query, but no matter what I do, it keeps asking me for a parameter. I just want it to use the data that is already in the column.

I tried changing the column name in Excel to DOT from Date. That didn't work.I also tried changing the column to text, so that it wouldn't be a "date." That didn't work.

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Queries :: Parameter Value Against A If Statement

May 15, 2013

This statement returns a "date" each time the event occurs. I want to have a parameter between [Start Date] and [End Date] so I can pull events for a specified date range. I have tried this "Expr [EventDate]" Between [start date] And [end date] but it returns "null" results. I am using access 2010

EventDate: IIf([tblEventException].[EventID] Is Null,IIf(([qryEventCartesian].[PeriodTypeID] Is Null) Or ([qryEventCartesian].[PeriodFreq] Is Null) Or ([qryEventCartesian].[InstanceID] Is Null),[qryEventCartesian].[EventStart],DateAdd([qryEventCartesian].[PeriodTypeID],[qryEventCartesian].[InstanceID]*[qryEventCartesian].[PeriodFreq],[qryEventCartesian].[EventStart])),IIf([tblEventException].[IsCanned],Null,[tblEventException].[InstanceDate]))

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