Queries :: Weekly Query That Update Reports

May 16, 2014

I have made a query that was supposed to update my reports every week with new inquiries that we get.

I thought i had solved this but when i opened the report this morning, it's just showing last week's.

I have this as the criteria:Between (Date()-7-Weekday(Date(),2)+1) And (Date()-Weekday(Date(),2)+1)

It's probably wrong.

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Queries :: Create A Query That Can Run On Weekly Basis And Save Results To Excel Spreadsheet

Feb 18, 2014

I have a database of around 15,000 users and I'd like to create a query that I can run on a weekly basis and save the results to an Excel spreadsheet. The results need to be logical and understandable by my coworkers.

Unfortunately, the actual results of the query are not (in their raw form) logical or easy to interpret.

Let's say I have a table called "users" and within that I have:


FieldA has a value of either NULL or a 12-digit number
FieldB has the values are "ENABLED", "DISABLED" and "N/A"
FieldC contains a value of either "1" or NULL

This means nothing to my coworkers who want each user to be sorted into a "category". As I'm running this on a weekly basis, I'd like this query to do the work for me, so I don't have to manually assign everyone to a category in Excel. Plus, of course, there is no chance of human error if the query does this for me.

Sooo... I'd like my query to categorise for me as follows:

Category1 = FieldA IS NOT NULL and FieldB="ENABLED"
Category2 = FieldA IS NOT NULL and FieldB="N/A"
Category3 = FieldA IS NULL and FieldB="ENABLED"
Category4 = FieldA IS NULL and FieldB="N/A"
Category5 = FieldA IS NOT NULL and FieldC = 1
... etc.

I'd like the final column in the query results to simply list the category name, so I can simply copy and paste the data into an Excel spreadsheet and be done with it, safe in the knowledge that it makes sense to all.

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Queries :: Create Parameter Query To Select Which Column To Calculate Weekly License Info

Mar 2, 2014

Basically, I have a database table that is maintained every week. It is about e-mail account licenses for Office 365.

Each column represents a week of license data for every mailbox account which is about 10 000 plus users with the date as the field headers( something like "License information as of 06122013").

Basically, I have created 52 queries based on the license type I require to be calculated & I have a form created to control it. However, right now it is all output only as I have yet to create any user parameter to specify on any of the queries about the date I want

As I am currently unsure how to specify all the queries to use one field date header which I want the user to specify via drop down list in order to calculate all the licenses on this specific date.

For example, if I want to see the license information for 06/11/2013, I would choose "License as of 06112013" & it would then run all the queries based on the header specified earlier & output that information on the form.

Right now the queries are all configured as the "Select" type.

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Reports :: Making Report Monthly / Yearly And Weekly

Mar 10, 2015

how to create the report monthly,year and weekly using access 2007?

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Reports :: How To Build Weekly Report Even When No Data Exist For A Week

Jun 11, 2013

how to build a weekly report to count the number of computers that have entered a defined process. I have four processes and I need the report to show counts for each process even if it's zero. The report is supposed to show the history of each process and not just the current week. Is this possible to do in a single query? Or do I have to make multiple queries?

I have a table that holds the history of each workstation including the workstationName, date of the record, the phase of the workstation, and the status of the phase. Another table holds the phase codes and phase statuses for lookup purposes.

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Queries :: Save Weekly Changes To A Table

Nov 18, 2013

We import data to a table on a weekly basis. We delete the table and replace the data. Most of the data is the same. It's date's, group names, ...

Now we would like to save the weekly table and add a saved date. Then we would like a query that puts all the saved tables together and that we could filter.

For example. A team is planned to do a work on 01/01/13. The next week it has changed to 07/01/13. So the data in the table it updated but we can't track the changed date. If we had the different tables we could filter that team and so that the work was originaly planned on date x to be done on the 01/01/13, on date y it was 07/01/13....

Of course if we would save the complete table every time it would mean a lot of useless data that hasn't changed. So a better solution would be that a query could see which data has changed and it only saved those lines on that date.

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Queries :: Linking Weekly Rota System To A Date

Oct 4, 2013

I have a staff rota system that works on a rolling 4 weekly basis. I am using a table to store the shifts of a person dependent on week. I want to be able to tell access that Monday on week 1 corresponds to a certain date and then get access to figure out the rolling system based on that date.

eg Monday 21/7/13 is week 1 (7 days later it knows it is linked to week 2)

This is so if a staff member is off sick I can say they were off sick on the 24th and it will populate their timesheet with the corresponding shift without me having to input it manually. Doable?

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Queries :: Create Sums Based On Weekly Range?

Jun 26, 2014

I'm creating a query for a someone who wants quantities summed by a weekly range and correspond to a week number. This person wants Access to do something that is a simple function on Excel.

I have no clue how to do this or if Access is even made to do something like this.

This is an example of what I have so far


P/N QTYWork DateWW (Work Week)

....And so on

My code is

SELECT dbo_JBKLG.JKPRT AS P/N, dbo_JOB.JBQOR AS QTY, CDate(Mid([JKDDT],5,2) & "/" & Right([JKDDT],2) & "/" & Left([JKDDT],4)) AS [Work Date], DatePart("ww",[Work Date]) AS [WW]
GROUP BY dbo_JBKLG.JKPRT, dbo_JOB.JBQOR, CDate(Mid([JKDDT],5,2) & "/" & Right([JKDDT],2) & "/" & Left([JKDDT],4))

There are more part numbers and the data from the other parts must be in the same format in the same query.



25COMP 15506/09-06/15WW24
25COMP 22706/16-06/22WW25
25COMP 16006/23-06/29WW26
25COMP 20006/30-07/06WW27

.....And so on

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How To Update A Live System With My Reports & Queries

Mar 22, 2007

I am writing reports and queries for an Access database used by a small business. I have a copy of their data and am making the report and query additions to that. Now how do I get my additions to the 'live' system?


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Queries :: Group And Display Data On Weekly Basis Starting On Sunday

Apr 2, 2013

I'm trying to group and display data on a weekly basis starting on Sunday. I'm using the following in a totals query with "Group By" Week Number: DatePart("ww",[Date])

My problem is that the results are returning some unexpected things.. March seems to have 6 weeks and the query is returning two months containing week number 14.. (as shown below).

2013 March 9
2013 March 10
2013 March 11
2013 March 12
2013 March 13
2013 March 14
2013 April 14

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Queries :: Daily Activities - Group As Weekly Total And Transpose For Reporting

Jun 5, 2013

Query of daily activities spent hours

1) to be group as weekly total
2) then need to transpose it for reporting.

My table fields are Date, SpentHrs and Code (activity code description).

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Weekly Query

Mar 18, 2006


I am creating a booking system and I need to create a query for a report that will show how many bookings are made per week and the total of the bookings. I have managed to make a query that will get the number of bookings and the total, but i have no idea on how to do this for each of the weeks in a month. From this query i hope to then make a report showing 4 weeks at a time.

Any help would be great. :)

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Query Weekly Totals

Aug 15, 2007

On the attached jpg(s) you will see the query I'm working with. It's fairly simple except for a couple of things and those are the items I'm stuck on.

What I'm trying to do is get a representation of the amount of traffic that has come through our salescenters in the last week. Some centers had no traffic and others had multiple prospects. So when I look at the query for week 33 (this week) I would like to see all the centers even if they had zero traffic - the query should show zero.

If you look at Traffic_Query.jpg you'll see how the table is laid out. With the query I'm trying to show all of our centers for the current week even if no traffic was entered.

I may not be explaining it clearly so if you have any questions let me know.

Chester Campbell
Joseph Freed and Associates

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Use A Query To Do A Running Total & Comparison With Weekly Data Points

Apr 13, 2006

I am a newbie, so please forgive me for such an easy question, but I am stumped. I attached a text file that shows the data I am working with. What I need to do is take each product (labeled Prod) and do a weekly sum on the quantities and compare against a set number to see if the quantity is lower or higher. For instance, I need to take column 12, regardless of value and compare it against set number. If the quantity is less, then I need to add the value of column 12 to column 13 and compare the summed value against set number. Again, if the sum is less than set number, I then need to take the value of column 14 and add it to the summed value of the previous step (sum of 12 & 13), then compare this new sum to set number. This process keeps taking place until I reach a summed value that is greater than set number. Once that happens I need to identify the column that sent me over the set value and hold that data. For instance, if column 33's (out of 52) summed value takes me over the set number, I want to know that it was column 33, so I can run further calculations against that value. The column header's are week numbers and I need to identify order points based on lead times and when I will run out of material. Is this beyond queries? I think so, but if it is, I don't know how to exactly begin the code in VBA either. I think I would use an If then Else stucture with a counter switch set from 1 to 52, unless comparison exits function, but not certain. HELP?????:confused:

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Queries :: Update A Query Based On Results From Another Query Using Count Function

Apr 2, 2013

I run a physical therapy office and patients come in for treatment either 3, 4 or 5 times per week. My database is used to track these frequencies (among other things).

I have 3 queries which count how many patients come in 5, 4 and 3 times/week.

In my main table I have fields called "how many 5's", "how many 4's" and "how many 3's".

I have tried to design an update query which will update those fileds in my main table to reflect the counts in the 3 queries mentioned above.

(I'm not using SQL view, I'm using the query design view)

In the "update to:" row, I use the Build function and locate the count I'm looking for.

Problem: when I run the query I get the error: Operation must use an updateable query.

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Queries :: How To Use Update Query

Aug 16, 2014

I am facing problem regarding updating of certain field of table. For example i would like to take data from a column of Table1 and would like insert that data into particular column in Table2.

Suppose Table One has data:

Table 1
ID Name amount
1 a 0
34 b 0
3 ab 0

ID Name amount
34 a 400
1 b 900
3 ab 4500

There are about 2000 records in each table.I would like to update column "Amount" of Table1 by taking data from Table2 "Amount" Field. how can i update the amount column by keeping the ID field?

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Queries :: Update Query To Add One To Current Value?

Dec 18, 2014

im working on an update query (written in VB coding) for one of my tables, for now im just setting the value to 1 (as currently all the data is set to 0, so for now it works), however id like to improve upon the query and get it to add 1 every time instead of setting it to 1 (i can work with it the way it is, but changing it would give me more info)

currently its at
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE tblBatches SET tblBatches.batchCarryover = 1;"

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Queries :: Update Query From One Table To Another

Jul 2, 2014

I have 2 tables that hold similar data. In one table tblMultiSchedule I have a few blank columns. I want to update each column(ActualCost*) with the correct data which is stored in tblOrdersItems. the corresponding fields in each tbl are


I've been trying all day to have an update query to input the actual cost data into the tblMultiSchedule.

I know the rules regarding duplicate data but this is the only way i can do this.

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Queries :: Only A Certain Amounts Of Row With Update Query

Feb 14, 2014

possible to have an update query to only update 20 rows with a new data in the fields? And, how do I pass the information that I want to update only data from a certain date.If I have the word Cat and want to update it to Dog, but only with the dates 12-01-2014, where do I need to put the date part (also possible to do this for dates that are greater than 12-01-2014).

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Queries :: Update Query From 3 Tables

Oct 14, 2014

one of my tables.




Now I have huge data from tbl_bill which contains mix PONumber depends on type. If bill_type is type1 then it will get data from tbl_type1 table and vise versa. the problem is tbl_type1 and tbl_type2 is changing, when someone update this table then the data in tbl_bill will not match to 2 tables.

Now, i need an update query where I can update all records of tbl_bill to match with tbl_type1 and tbl_type2 PONumber.

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Queries :: Cannot Update A Table Via A Query

Aug 14, 2014

I have created the tables I need for my Access Web App.I would like to create queries.I cannot update fields that show in the query (fields have a grey frame and cannot be edited) . I have even created a completely new app with only 1 table (no relationships whatsoever in case this may influence). It is still not possible to edit any field in a query (that would update the underlying table). Are there any general settings in Access I need to enable? Is there a setting in Sharepoint I need to enable?

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Queries :: Update Query Using 3 Tables?

Sep 1, 2014

Can't figure the SQL to UPDATE a table (tblAccomResv) with columns: AccomID and DtBooked. It will be an empty table.

I need to populate it with one record for each record in tblAccomodations (ID) by each record in tblEventDts (EventDts).

Room1 Dt 1
Room1 Dt 2
Room2 Dt 1
Room2 Dt 2

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Queries :: Can't Get Query To Even ALLOW To Update Record

Jul 1, 2015

I can do this in like 5 seconds in SQL Server but I can't get the query to even ALLOW me to update records.

Table1 - Columns
Query1 - ColumnDesc

SELECT Cols.Column, Count(Cols.DataType)
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT Columns.Column, Columns.DataType FROM Columns) Cols
WHERE Cols.DataType = 'char' OR Cols.DataType = 'varchar'
GROUP BY Cols.Column
HAVING Count(Cols.DataType) > 1
) C2 ON C.Column = C2.Column;

Simple, straight forward query, that grabs all the rows from table Columns where there are more than one DataType per Column [name], and either one of those datatype strings are 'char' or 'varchar'.Now I want to UPDATE table Columns to set all of the columns whose "column" value is in the above query, and set all those DataType values to 'VarChar'. Thus I run that UPDATE query, and the above query should come back empty afterwords in SQL Server I would simply write:

UPDATE Columns
SET DataType = 'varchar'
SELECT 1 FROM ColumnDesc INNER JOIN Columns ON ColumnDesc.COlumn = Columns.Column

And this would already have been done.But Access doesn't like that syntax. using the designer it created sql like this:

UPDATE Columns INNER JOIN ColumnDesc ON Columns.Column = ColumnDesc.Column
SET Columns.DataType = 'varchar'

But that wasn't an "Updateable" query.I have to run this on several patterns and right now I'm completely screwed if I can't get this to work.

My end goal is to have:
SELECT DISTINCT Columns.Column FROM Columns
return the same # of rows as
SELECT DISTINCT Columns.Column, Columns.DataType FROM Columns

for each duplication I will have to do different algorithm, but I can't even get one update query to work so I'm currently frustrated (and ready to reaffirm my belief that Access should have been discontinued 5 versions ago).

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Queries :: Update Query Using Previous Query

Dec 1, 2013

Is it possible to create an update query where the Update To field is set to the results of a previous query? I've been playing around with the Design View but I haven't figured out how to do this yet.

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Queries :: Linking Query To Reports

Apr 19, 2015

When I make a search using a search form, I get a table with the results that match.Can I make a link from this table to a report to display the details of the matching product?One of the reasons I need to do this is because one search may bring up more than one product.

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Update Query Based On Another Queries Result

May 14, 2007

I currently have the sql below...
UPDATE tbl_Node_List INNER JOIN qryUpdate_P1 ON tbl_Node_List.Zip = qryUpdate_P1.[Zip Code] SET tbl_Node_List.[Date Sent] = (SELECT [MinOfAudit Date] FROM qryUpdate_P1), tbl_Node_List.[Date Recv'd] = (SELECT [MaxOfAudit Date] FROM qryUpdate_P1)
WHERE (((tbl_Node_List.Zip)="35243"));

but I get an err.msg stating the operation must use an updateable query.

What I am trying to do is update my dates in 'tableA' with the max and min values stored in 'tableB'. I have read some of the posts but still can't quite get it. As always all help is appreciated.

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